View Full Version : Why can't Arizona get their voting sh*+ together?

11-11-22, 10:48
This has been going on now for three and a half days.
We hadn't had these issues when I lived their in the 70's and 80's. What happened?

11-11-22, 10:57
Turns out that...

Almost all of Arizona's vote happens by mail.


11-11-22, 11:19
Simple. A George Soros funded piece of shit got elected to Secretary of State in the election prior to Biden's fraud win. So now you have elections run by a fraud who is in office fraudulently via provisional ballots that got counted at the last minute to bring the pig from behind to miracle victory.

The liberals who run the elections have constantly appeared on the news to claim there's no fraud evidence and Maricopa county elections are GREAT! Then you have this election where they're stalling to get just enough votes to, once again, miraculously pull out democrat victories.

11-11-22, 11:24
Turns out that...

Almost all of Arizona's vote happens by mail.

That's another problem. Mail in ballots get to be opened behind closed doors, and no telling which ones actually or accurately get fed into the machines. Additionally, there are thousands of mongos dropping off mail in ballots the day of election which further gives Katie Hobb's gay friends time to pick and chose which ballots they like.

11-11-22, 11:37
Our mail in votes can be turned in on election day at the polls. These go through the same verification process as ones that arrive in the mail or turned in early. Apparently there was something like 290k mail in ballots dropped off at polls on Tuesday.

11-11-22, 11:50
The upside to voting in person is the VOTER gets to feed the machine himself. However, they even fukked with that process too this election with the mysterious ballots that wouldn't work on election day.

11-11-22, 12:03
Just to get things on track, why not eliminate mail in voting, that would seem to take the pressure off of all this.
Walk in, show ID, vote and leave. Honestly, if it was up to me you would show ID and a ulitility bill to vote.

11-11-22, 12:33
Just to get things on track, why not eliminate mail in voting, that would seem to take the pressure off of all this.
Walk in, show ID, vote and leave. Honestly, if it was up to me you would show ID and a ulitility bill to vote.

AMEN! The fukking libs will NEVER stand for this though.

They spin everything to the exact opposite of what it is. It would be called "voter suppression" when in fact it would be "fraud suppression".

11-11-22, 12:58
Just to get things on track, why not eliminate mail in voting, that would seem to take the pressure off of all this.
Walk in, show ID, vote and leave. Honestly, if it was up to me you would show ID and a ulitility bill to vote.

The domestic enemy at every level will fight this tooth and nail, because as we've seen for several years, it is an excellent fraud mechanism.

The rat finks here in WA have been pulling the shit for 20 years. When Gregwhore stole the gubernatorial election from Rossi, that was it.

Massive forceful change of some sort will have to happen in order for us to get back out of across the board mail-in voting.

11-11-22, 13:02
Before computers millions of ballots were cast & we knew the winner in 24 hours.

52% of fettermans votes were mail in...total bs.

11-11-22, 13:12
The domestic enemy at every level will fight this tooth and nail, because as we've seen for several years, it is an excellent fraud mechanism.

Absolutely. The early ballots slant significantly to the left which should be statistically not possible. Mail ballots shouldn't be disproportionate to either party.

11-11-22, 13:49
AMEN! The fukking libs will NEVER stand for this though.

They spin everything to the exact opposite of what it is. It would be called "voter suppression" when in fact it would be "fraud suppression".

Hey watch it, a certain someone will be along shortly to tell you it's figment of your imagination.

11-11-22, 14:00
Hey watch it, a certain someone will be along shortly to tell you it's figment of your imagination.

I can't imagine denying this fraud.

Helen Kellar could see this situation is horse shit.

11-11-22, 14:27
The problem is that the Left is in control of the authoritahs not only on a national level but in the state of AZ too. That is why there will be no investigation, no arrests, no nothing. There are a couple people on this very site who can't grasp that fact. The potential power to push back against shenanigans is skewed. Is some state senator from AZ gonna get the FBLie or DoJ to launch a major investigation? Hell no. They will simply say "Nothing to see here." Then some people will say "See, no proof."

You've got to look at the big picture when asking about "proof". Who controls what or how (or even if) that "proof" ever surfaces is the key. The Left has it locked up pretty tight.

11-11-22, 14:52
The kick in the nuts is that they spin it as though people who question the obvious fraud as "conspiracy theory" quacks. They've set up the Sec of State with another corrupt piece of shit in this election too. The Republican candidate was completely wise to the crap that happened last election, and the political ads portrayed him as some evil nut. So the whole goat rope will perpetuate for who knows how long.

11-11-22, 15:01
The kick in the nuts is that they spin it as though people who question the obvious fraud as "conspiracy theory" quacks. They've set up the Sec of State with another corrupt piece of shit in this election too. The Republican candidate was completely wise to the crap that happened last election, and the political ads portrayed him as some evil nut. So the whole goat rope will perpetuate for who knows how long.

I honestly think we are now caught in a never-ending bad dream......the Left controls the true power and the authoritahs, so they will continue to pull this shit in perpetuity and with impunity. They will also, with the backing of their lackeys in the MSM, frame the debate and control the narrative. Like you said, question it and you will be labeled a freak, a traitor, a domestic terrorist. They might even get ballsy enough to someday prosecute people for such thoughts. I don't put anything past them. I fear our future holds violence, because half the nation will not stand for being shut out, shut off, and locked up. It may take a while, but it'll happen.

11-11-22, 15:13
The comical thing is that Both parties campaigned conservatively in the bombardment of political ads. I.E. AZ is not a blue state, yet somehow, miraculously the liberal candidate manages to just edge out the republican in any race that's somewhat close.

11-11-22, 15:59
The comical thing is that Both parties campaigned conservatively in the bombardment of political ads. I.E. AZ is not a blue state, yet somehow, miraculously the liberal candidate manages to just edge out the republican in any race that's somewhat close.

It's hard to comprehend the staggering amount of people, not just in AZ, but in the country.... that hate our country.

Most of us here, like myself...for all intents and purposes, really live in the echo chamber; here, other "conservative" webpages, the news we choose to watch, etc, but if you step out of that bubble, you realize that it might be possible that we, and our ideologies are outnumbered.

People are getting lazier, increasingly angry, and dumber as time goes on.

11-11-22, 17:57

Is this an Az ballot...the vid is blowing up on SM.


11-11-22, 20:13
Linky no worky.

On the other hand, AZ election officials said they'll finish counting the last 300,000 or so votes by next week.



11-12-22, 09:18
This is inept and full of potential for corruption.
They are hoping they will be done by next week.

11-12-22, 10:30
At this point it’s obvious that they did not fix it precisely because they don’t want it fixed.

Remember when Florida was a laughingstock of hanging chads? They fixed their elections and now are an example, year after year, that it is entirely possible to have consistently well run elections.

The part of loosely run mail in elections most of us focus on is fraud. The part that really adds up, election after election, is how many more lazy dumb people vote.

11-12-22, 21:11
Corruption and incompetence are out of control in AZ. It's a big part of why we left.

11-13-22, 02:15
"These Vantage machines cost $1.06 million each, Detroit just purchased one in early 2022. Maricopa could purchase two of these machines and process roughly 90,000 ballots an hour in-house. But Maricopa continues to re-sign contracts with Runbeck, which prevents them from bringing all this in-house.

This is a travesty."


11-13-22, 21:02
Sunday, 2100 hrs and they are still counting.
Arizona needs some serious changes...

11-13-22, 21:10
At this point it’s obvious that they did not fix it precisely because they don’t want it fixed.

Remember when Florida was a laughingstock of hanging chads? They fixed their elections and now are an example, year after year, that it is entirely possible to have consistently well run elections.

The part of loosely run mail in elections most of us focus on is fraud. The part that really adds up, election after election, is how many more lazy dumb people vote.

Importantly, in the time elapsed since fixing that system, suddenly it's also become a reliably red state. Wild to think that those would be somehow merely correlated things

11-14-22, 06:26
Do you want to know what the problem is?

Most Conservative thinkers consider themselves as 'Moderates'. And Moderates never win because they always try to be 'reasonable' and 'work across the aisle".

During the French Revolution, the Girondists faction, the moderates, worked with the Montagnards (the radical left) to remove the Monarchy, but when they tried to moderate the Montangnards reign of Terror, found themselves fed to the guillotine. Another example are the Mensheviks and the Constitutional Socialists in the Russian Revolution.

Moderates are naïve enough to believe that extremist can be reasoned with, they can't. They also fail to realize that when an extremists appears to be "working with you", it is only for one of two ends, 1) it is furthering something the extremist want, or 2) they are setting you up for the guillotine.

11-14-22, 22:00
Do you want to know what the problem is?

Most Conservative thinkers consider themselves as 'Moderates'. And Moderates never win because they always try to be 'reasonable' and 'work across the aisle".

During the French Revolution, the Girondists faction, the moderates, worked with the Montagnards (the radical left) to remove the Monarchy, but when they tried to moderate the Montangnards reign of Terror, found themselves fed to the guillotine. Another example are the Mensheviks and the Constitutional Socialists in the Russian Revolution.

Moderates are naïve enough to believe that extremist can be reasoned with, they can't. They also fail to realize that when an extremists appears to be "working with you", it is only for one of two ends, 1) it is furthering something the extremist want, or 2) they are setting you up for the guillotine.


If only mainstream conservatives could grasp it ...

11-14-22, 22:03
msm calling it for the hobo...let the games begin.

11-15-22, 10:28
Do you want to know what the problem is?

Most Conservative thinkers consider themselves as 'Moderates'. And Moderates never win because they always try to be 'reasonable' and 'work across the aisle".

During the French Revolution, the Girondists faction, the moderates, worked with the Montagnards (the radical left) to remove the Monarchy, but when they tried to moderate the Montangnards reign of Terror, found themselves fed to the guillotine. Another example are the Mensheviks and the Constitutional Socialists in the Russian Revolution.

Moderates are naïve enough to believe that extremist can be reasoned with, they can't. They also fail to realize that when an extremists appears to be "working with you", it is only for one of two ends, 1) it is furthering something the extremist want, or 2) they are setting you up for the guillotine.

Damn. Well said, man. I wish people would get this.

11-15-22, 22:36
The answer to that should be painfully obvious by now !

11-17-22, 18:19
Just to get things on track, why not eliminate mail in voting, that would seem to take the pressure off of all this.
Walk in, show ID, vote and leave. Honestly, if it was up to me you would show ID and a ulitility bill to vote.All the truck drivers that deliver everything you own, who only get home every two to three weeks will strongly disagree with you.

11-17-22, 18:56
You know, UT is primarily vote by mail. Seems to work here, and I like it to be honest. Methinks it might have a bit more to do with who is running the program and how.

ETA: hell I'm down with issuing secure PIV card ID and letting legally registered voters vote by computer.

11-17-22, 20:17
Seems to work here, and I like it to be honest. Methinks it might have a bit more to do with who is running the program and how.

Completely. Hobbs was a plant here in AZ. She didn't win her last election but is slipped by because who really pays close attention to Sec of State?

Now of course the have her replacement in the Sec of State office who is another piece of shit. And the election fraud will continue.

11-18-22, 02:00
"In Arizona the Democrats fixed it so that the voting machines did not work in Republican precincts. If a Republican got to vote at all, it was after a 7 hour wait. The Democrats whine about the disenfranchisement of blacks and immigrant-invaders, but themselves disenfranchise Republicans. In Maricopa County, Arizona, where 60% of the Arizona population reside the control of Elections and vote counting is in the hands of Democrats."
