View Full Version : Dave Chappelle might be the smartest Comedian ever and here's why !

11-15-22, 08:21
This dude walk a tight-rope as he manages to make fun of everyone. I don't think people appreciate how he really takes some career chances here.

11-15-22, 10:14
I do love Dave, he's honest to a fault, but damn that is refreshing

11-15-22, 12:28
Chappelle is awesome, his take on "Juicy Smooyay" was pure gold.

11-15-22, 16:31
Seeing the entire monologue puts it all into perspective. The ADL needs to STFU about Chapelle. It just makes them look petty and humorless.

Straight Shooter
11-15-22, 17:01
Seeing the entire monologue puts it all into perspective. The ADL needs to STFU about Chapelle. It just makes them look petty and humorless.

NEVER been an anti-semite...SCREW THAT. But "The Jews" in America have the thinnest skin Ive ever seen. And how or why they are SO DAMN LIBERAL I have never understood.
To me..every Jewish man & woman should demand to be armed to the tooth and be at least close to middle of the road, if not center-right.

11-15-22, 17:22
Buckshot vs birdshot was when I knew he was a genius.


11-15-22, 19:04
Hes a funny guy with common sense.

11-16-22, 03:47
EFF 65-70% of the so called Jews in the USA.

EFF the ADL.

Does that make me antisemitic?

These lost souls are so damn dumb about life, they are also anti Israel and willing to put my family at risk. So to hell with them.

I know a black American who converted to Judaism, he came out of a very strong martial arts background. This week he asked me why Ashkenazim Jews were so bent out of shape by the whole West rants and that Jews of color meaning those of us that came from Arabs countries don't pay it no mind.

My answer was to quote Ric Pardo who wrote Black Ops, he tells of his grandfather and father in Cuba pre revolution taught him that he must fight back when a fight
was unavoidable, That if he didn't fight back it would kill a small part of his soul. These European Jews have for centuries not fought back, a high percent of them are afraid of their shadow. If you are afraid of everything you wrap yourself in liberal BS, and hope it and the system will protect you. I told my black friend the reason we Jews of color, don't sweat words, but if the threat is real we will kick your ass or shoot you in the face.

American Jews have left Judaism, as a result I predict a very bad future for them. Also in one generation, they will go the way of the dinosaurs.

In 100 years my family will still be strongly Jews, and I pray they will still be willing to kick some ass and shoot someone in the face.

11-16-22, 08:12
Thank you say that yoni.
American Jews are the one minority group you simply can't joke about, it's simply forbidden.
Yes, you can laugh at everyone else's foibles, After all we all have our odd little quirks, but damn, those folks are sensitive about humor directed at them.
A lot of Jewish comedians and they still don't "get" humor.

11-16-22, 08:45
Thank you say that yoni.
American Jews are the one minority group you simply can't joke about, it's simply forbidden.
Yes, you can laugh at everyone else's foibles, After all we all have our odd little quirks, but damn, those folks are sensitive about humor directed at them.
A lot of Jewish comedians and they still don't "get" humor.

Not true. You can't joke about anyone but white men who are all racist, misogynistic, homophobic monsters. That's the woke narrative currently. Everyone else is off limits.

11-16-22, 08:48
EFF 65-70% of the so called Jews in the USA.

EFF the ADL.

Does that make me antisemitic?

These lost souls are so damn dumb about life, they are also anti Israel and willing to put my family at risk. So to hell with them.

I know a black American who converted to Judaism, he came out of a very strong martial arts background. This week he asked me why Ashkenazim Jews were so bent out of shape by the whole West rants and that Jews of color meaning those of us that came from Arabs countries don't pay it no mind.

My answer was to quote Ric Pardo who wrote Black Ops, he tells of his grandfather and father in Cuba pre revolution taught him that he must fight back when a fight
was unavoidable, That if he didn't fight back it would kill a small part of his soul. These European Jews have for centuries not fought back, a high percent of them are afraid of their shadow. If you are afraid of everything you wrap yourself in liberal BS, and hope it and the system will protect you. I told my black friend the reason we Jews of color, don't sweat words, but if the threat is real we will kick your ass or shoot you in the face.

American Jews have left Judaism, as a result I predict a very bad future for them. Also in one generation, they will go the way of the dinosaurs.

In 100 years my family will still be strongly Jews, and I pray they will still be willing to kick some ass and shoot someone in the face.

It's my understanding many (most?) Israeli Jews don't have a high opinion of Jews in the US but tolerate them for the $ and support.

11-16-22, 10:45
I wonder at what point they had to pipe in canned laughter for his comments?