View Full Version : Americans Have More Guns Than Anywhere Else in the World

11-24-22, 10:36

US has 120.5 firearms per 100 residents, report finds Only country with more civilian-owned firearms than people.

US gun owners possess 393.3 million weapons, according to a 2018 report by the Small Arms Survey, a Geneva-based organization, which is higher than the country’s population now of about 330 million. India, which has almost 1.4 billion people, had the second most civilian-owned firearms with 71.1 million.


11-24-22, 11:16
We also own more autos per capita than any other country over 10,000,000 people, more televisions per capita, more sq ft of living space, more many things.

Besides, 120 per 100 persons is very conservative.


3 AE
11-24-22, 12:16
As long as the numbers keep growing for the rest of my life, I'll be content!

11-24-22, 12:38
Well, the wife and I own a little over 40 so just round it off at 20:1. Maybe 8 or so see regular use plus the 3 carry guns so let's just call it say 4 or 5:1 for actual "need".

Seems like a whole lot of the US is slacking. We got work to do.


11-24-22, 13:06
I am Thankful for this!!!

11-24-22, 16:25
I'm doing my part.

11-24-22, 17:15
'Murica, we don't have everything but we have most of it!

11-24-22, 17:27
If a did own any firearms, I’m sure it would a lot.

11-24-22, 19:57
Honestly, I'm good with those numbers.

50% of this country are people who have no business owning anything that requires more than a 4th grade level of responsibility and that includes firearms. I think most of the right people have guns and it's a small percentage of the wrong people who lawfully own firearms.

I just wish more of the right people had a little more training.

brushy bill
11-24-22, 20:13
I hope to save up for a gun someday...non-threatening one of course.

11-24-22, 23:30
I won't mention any names, but I think there might be a couple Pikers out there holding us back from true greatness.
We should have twice as many guns as everyone else in the world combined.
Buy, Buy, Buy !

11-25-22, 00:22
I won't mention any names, but I think there might be a couple Pikers out there holding us back from true greatness.
We should have twice as many guns as everyone else in the world combined.
Buy, Buy, Buy !

Pretty sure I'm taking up the slack for 50 "ordinary" gun owners.

11-25-22, 04:46
The greatness of America.

If you don't think this is the greatest country in the history of the world, then you are probably a marxist democrat.

11-25-22, 07:51
It's almost time to start "using" them.

11-25-22, 10:25
I like the look on anti-gun people’s faces when I tell them that if guns were the problem, we’d all be dead…

Let’s just say that they passed an AWB, and even more incredibly, EVERYONE turned EVERY GUN in. I don’t think that they realize that t would have almost no effect on ‘gun deaths’. Suicides don’t need an AW. Most gangbangers use handguns. The ones that have migrated to ARs would move back to handguns. So you have the ‘mass shooters’ with ARs, and we know this is small percentage of ‘gun deaths’ and that they would probably just move to handguns and shotguns.

Frankly, I think the best thing for us would be for the Dems to pass an AWB and mag limit. Let’s get this BS over with now. If it is a Federal Law, it will get to SCOTUS faster and will have to be heard. Plus, this “My state doesn’t have an AWB” is BS. THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU, and you are all one election away from 10 rounders and bullet buttons.

A gun behind every blade of grass…. We need to plant more grass…

11-25-22, 12:08
A gun behind every blade of grass…. We need to plant more grass…

We need to plant something and I am not sure it is grass.

When my daughter went on the March of the living she was shocked to find the natives doing picnics outside the death camps. She finally found a family that spoke English and she asked them how can they have a picnic in the place of such horror.

They answered because the grass is so green and lush here.

11-25-22, 16:16
The thing I don't understand is the number they have been using 393 million , they have been using that number for years.

So I think their numbers are way off.
Last few years sales number been off the charts.

Probably closer at least 450 million

Sent from my SM-G991U1 using Tapatalk

11-25-22, 18:23
The thing I don't understand is the number they have been using 393 million , they have been using that number for years.

So I think their numbers are way off.
Last few years sales number been off the charts.

Probably closer at least 450 million

Sent from my SM-G991U1 using Tapatalk

450 million is a believable number. Guns are not obsolete and discarded every 10 years. We will never know.

I am curious how many AR-15s there are in private hands. 10 million? 40 million?


11-25-22, 18:42
Think about all the WW2 and surplus military hidden away...

11-25-22, 18:46
450 million is a believable number. Guns are not obsolete and discarded every 10 years. We will never know.

ATF publishes Commerce reports each year.

About 200M firearms entered commerce since 2000.

11-25-22, 19:20
The real number is much higher than 400 Million. Over a billion is completely reasonable if you actually run some numbers and think it through logically.

11-25-22, 19:34
The real number is much higher than 400 Million. Over a billion is completely reasonable if you actually run some numbers and think it through logically.

How'd you come to your guesstimation? Show your work.

I'll throw mine in.

Population 330mil.

Ignorant assumption that 1/2 of those own guns. 165mil, minimum.

Second ignorant assumption that 1/2 of those own more than 5.

I get like 577mil with my retard guess.

1B sounds highish, but who knows?

Ah shit...forgot you had to be 18 to buy a gun (up until recently)...ok, my math's way off.

11-25-22, 20:52
How'd you come to your guesstimation? Show your work.

I throw mine in.

Population 330mil.

Ignorant assumption that 1/2 of those own guns. 165mil, minimum.

Second ignorant assumption that 1/2 of those own more than 5.

I get like 577mil with my retard guess.

1B sounds highish, but who knows?

Ah shit...forgot you had to be 18 to buy a gun (up until recently)...ok, my math's way off.

I know 47 people just like me so that gets us back to at least 500 million.

11-25-22, 22:50
We are the richest country as well. Connection?

11-26-22, 00:02
And, overall, we had the lowest levels of COVID restrictions…. While they rounded up people in Australia and welded them into buildings in China…