View Full Version : Kanye West announces 2024 presidential bid

11-25-22, 13:27

Rapper Kanye West has said he intends to run for US president in 2024, despite facing several scandals over his recent behaviour.
The star, who has legally changed his name to Ye, posted a video of his campaign logo to social media, alongside the caption Ye 24.
He also claimed to have asked Donald Trump to be his running mate.

West previously ran for president in 2020, but that campaign flopped, attracting a meagre 70,000 votes.

its gonna be a fun two years!

11-25-22, 14:07

its gonna be a fun two years!

I'm more astounded there was 70k people that f-ing stupid.

11-25-22, 15:53
I’m certain a person with untreated bipolar disorder would make a fine president. This is just his delusion of grandeur manifesting.

11-25-22, 16:08
Could he do any worse then the current Sh!t-stain?

11-25-22, 16:11
Could he do any worse then the current Sh!t-stain?

I was getting ready to post the same question. We are only a short hop from Idiocracy, so why not Kanye?

11-25-22, 17:00
Could he do any worse then the current Sh!t-stain?

No. I don't think anyone could cause more damage to the country than the current shit-stain is doing if they tried.

11-25-22, 17:36
I was getting ready to post the same question. We are only a short hop from Idiocracy, so why not Kanye?

Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho would make a way better president than Kanye!

11-25-22, 17:37
I've got the campaign slogan. "Ye Haw."

11-25-22, 18:17
Could he do any worse then the current Sh!t-stain?

Nope and if you listen to him. Being interviewed, he’s got a large dose of common sense.

11-25-22, 19:15
I would Vite for kanye over the current moron in office, or one of the loser candidates.

Libertarians just celebrated 50 years in business, now kanye running once or twice vs the shit bag libertarian that is guaranteed to lose every 4 years.

11-25-22, 19:23
Nope and if you listen to him. Being interviewed, he’s got a large dose of common sense.

He'll never get the nomination as an (R), and if he did they'd cancel the sh*t out of him. I'd vote for him; how much worse could it get? But I'm a dumb millennial, so what do I know?

I was wrenching for Lamborghini when this came out, lol. We'd blast it in the shop.


11-25-22, 22:51
Id vote for him

11-26-22, 00:11
Turns out that Kayne West and Nick Fuentes just recently had dinner with Trump. The dinner was about Kayne West's campaign.

Donald Trump dined with white nationalist, Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes (https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/25/trump-white-nationalist-nick-fuentes-kanye-00070825)

Former President Donald Trump hosted white nationalist and antisemite Nick Fuentes at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach on Tuesday night, according to multiple people familiar with the event.

Fuentes, who frequently posts racist content in addition to Holocaust revisionism, was brought as a guest of rapper Kanye West, who now goes by Ye.

In a post to his social media site, Trump confirmed the gathering.

"This past week, Kanye West called me to have dinner at Mar-a-Lago," he wrote. "Shortly thereafter, he unexpectedly showed up with three of his friends, whom I knew nothing about. We had dinner on Tuesday evening with many members present on the back patio. The dinner was quick and uneventful. They then left for the airport."

Indeed, after POLITICO first reported the sighting of Fuentes at Trump's club, people in Trump's orbit denied the former president met with Fuentes at all. Only later was it revealed that he not only met with Fuentes but dined with him.

Karen Giorno, a former Trump strategist who is also now working for West's 2024 campaign, confirmed to POLITICO that she was also at the dinner with Trump, West and Fuentes.

In a separate statement, Trump denied knowing who Fuentes was, stating that the "dinner meeting was intended to be Kanye and me only, but he arrived with a guest whom I had never met and knew nothing about." Both that statement and the Truth Social post did not include a denunciation of West's or Fuentes' recent comments.

West discussed the dinner in a video titled "Mar-a-lago debrief," which he posted to Twitter. In it, he said that Trump was "impressed by Fuentes" because "unlike so many of the lawyers and so many people that he was left with on his 2020 campaign, he's actually a loyalist."

West went on to say he told Trump, "Why when you had the chance, did you not free the January sixers? And I came to him as someone who loves Trump. And I said, 'Go and get Corey [Lewandowski] back, go and get these people that the media tried to cancel and told you to step away from.'" The video includes photos of former advisers including Giorno and Roger Stone, and also conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Describing the event to Milo Yiannopoulos, a far-right provocateur who he hired to help with his campaign, West said that he also asked Trump to be his running mate in 2024, and said that Trump was "screaming" at him during the dinner, and that the former president called his ex-wife profanities.

"When Trump started basically screaming at me at the table, telling me I was going to lose. I mean, has that ever worked for anyone in history? I'm like, whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on Trump, you're talking to Ye," West said.

11-26-22, 00:22
Turns out that Kayne West and Nick Fuentes just recently had dinner with Trump. The dinner was about Kayne West's campaign.

Donald Trump dined with white nationalist, Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes (https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/25/trump-white-nationalist-nick-fuentes-kanye-00070825)

So the cynic in me suspects Kanye brought Nick Fuentes to the dinner in order to sabotage Trump. I actually think Kanye played them both, which is actually surprising and shows Kanye has more intelligence then I gave him credit for.

But it is just one more reason why Trump shouldn't run, he can't see past his own blind spots. I don't know how ANYONE gets to sit down at a table with a former president without being vetted.

11-26-22, 17:44
Trump got played big time. He should have turned them both away if they even got that close. But he sat down and had dinner with them.

In the Sheriff;s Dept., we had a saying 1 ah sh!t, wipes out 10 atta boys. I am not saying this wipes out all the good Trump did in his first term, but it probably will cost him enough support to prevent a second term. I have had multiple people on the day Trump gave his speech say they were happy he is running , these were blacks and Jews. Now most of them are like, oh never mind we will find someone else to vote for

11-26-22, 18:50
El Oh El, All a part of the experiment.

11-27-22, 02:55
So.... a Ye and Fuentes ticket for 2024?
Hellz yeah. I can dig it.
The lefties would have literally no idea what to do with that. You can't wrong-foot one guy who thinks he's a god (and has racial plot armor to boot) and another who gives literally no f***s about the media. haha Hell, hire Milo for press secretary too; that fruit is hilarious, and definitely would be way more fun than the current cardboard cutouts that can't answer a question without a script.
This is even better than a possible Desantis run.

I mean, we're all going to be bug-eating assets of the WEF by 2030 anyway, why not shit in the carefully crafted pie along the way....

I was wrenching for Lamborghini when this came out, lol. We'd blast it in the shop.

I hate you so much right now. lol Been a Lambo guy since I was like, 10 and had a matchbox Countach.

11-27-22, 03:48
I hate you so much right now. lol Been a Lambo guy since I was like, 10 and had a matchbox Countach.

As cool as it was, the dealer group management was absolutely terrible to the techs. I only worked there two years, but took a lot of knowledge with me. Now I do all exotics and high end euro trash.

Lambo circa 2012ish

The shop I'm at now isn't nearly as pretty, but I have a hell of a good time, work with awesome people, and flag twice as many hours.




(Sorry, got way off topic)

11-27-22, 08:09
So the cynic in me suspects Kanye brought Nick Fuentes to the dinner in order to sabotage Trump. I actually think Kanye played them both, which is actually surprising and shows Kanye has more intelligence then I gave him credit for.

But it is just one more reason why Trump shouldn't run, he can't see past his own blind spots. I don't know how ANYONE gets to sit down at a table with a former president without being vetted.

Steve Bannon basically called out Trump/Trump's Staff for allowing the dinner to even happen.


11-27-22, 08:18
I don't really follow extremists of any ilk and certainly don't trust SPLC, ADL, and Salon to provide facts. Who is this Fuentes guy?


11-27-22, 08:21
I would Vite for kanye over the current moron in office, or one of the loser candidates.

Libertarians just celebrated 50 years in business, now kanye running once or twice vs the shit bag libertarian that is guaranteed to lose every 4 years.

Why is a libertarian a shit bag exactly?

We have a track record of 1 of the 2 biggest shitbags in the race getting elected back in to the early 19th century so I never have understood the animosity towards a person who hasn't proven themselves to be as big of a shitbag as the 2 favored(relatively few times has there been an equivalent 3rd shitbag) and biggest shitbags.

11-27-22, 08:44
I don't really follow extremists of any ilk and certainly don't trust SPLC, ADL, and Salon to provide facts. Who is this Fuentes guy?


A self professed INCEL, White Supremacist, Autocratic Authoritarianist, Pro-Putin Mouth Piece, and Holocaust Denier. He ran a podcast and was part of Right Side Broadcasting Network for a bit. RSBN booted him because he's cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

He admits he's never been with a woman.


But he rants about how women should behave and is into "catboys".


11-27-22, 12:18
Jesus Christ...What a shit show. Seriously, we might as well just inaugurate Gavin Newsom right now.

Trump got played big time. He should have turned them both away if they even got that close. But he sat down and had dinner with them.

Yeah, of course he did. A ****ing blind man could have seen that coming, but ol' Don just bumble****ed right into it. What a ****ing idiot. He should just die already and let everyone move on. Seriously. The best possible thing for the United States would be for an asteroid to land right in the ****ing middle of Mar a Lago.

11-27-22, 12:54
Why is a libertarian a shit bag exactly?

We have a track record of 1 of the 2 biggest shitbags in the race getting elected back in to the early 19th century so I never have understood the animosity towards a person who hasn't proven themselves to be as big of a shitbag as the 2 favored(relatively few times has there been an equivalent 3rd shitbag) and biggest shitbags.The flipping vice president candidate said illegal aliens should have guns.

Yes, automatic shit bag for wanting illegal aliens in the damn country to begin with.

ETA: Everything I've read says that group was formed in 1971, so I'm not sure what you referencing multi centuries ago.

11-27-22, 13:06
As cool as it was, the dealer group management was absolutely terrible to the techs. I only worked there two years, but took a lot of knowledge with me. Now I do all exotics and high end euro trash.

Lambo circa 2012ish

The shop I'm at now isn't nearly as pretty, but I have a hell of a good time, work with awesome people, and flag twice as many hours.




(Sorry, got way off topic)

Even in South Florida where most Ferrari's are pedestrian and Porsche and Benz don't even get a second look, Lambo's still turn heads.

Cool skill set.

11-27-22, 13:51
The flipping vice president candidate said illegal aliens should have guns.

Yes, automatic shit bag for wanting illegal aliens in the damn country to begin with.

ETA: Everything I've read says that group was formed in 1971, so I'm not sure what you referencing multi centuries ago.

Considering the democratic and republican parties have been running things for quite some time it is rather easy to assign blame for the illegal alien problem and(per your standard) makes head honchos in both parties shit bags. While I oppose open borders, the libertarian approach on that is the lesser of 2 evils versus the unipartisan(D&R) open border then using the resulting crimes featuring victims to "justify" victimless crime laws such as firearms possession.

We have been having elections since the inception of the country and I was giving the benefit of the doubt to some of the very early favorite candidates on not being total shitbags. Rarely has a legitimate 3rd party(versus someone from the 2 biggies running incognito) gotten much support with the most recent example being H. Ross who was very similar to Clinton and Bush.

11-27-22, 14:09
Indeed. In 2020, they didn’t even get enough of the popular vote to qualify for taxpayer campaign funding going forward. Which….thats wild.

11-27-22, 19:50
Kanye has more balls than most on this forum.

11-27-22, 23:12
Kanye has more balls than most on this forum.

By that metric, so do Trump and Hillary. So I'm not sure I agree. I think it's more correct to say Kanye has more access and opportunity than most on this forum.

11-28-22, 03:43
Kanye has more balls than most on this forum.

I would say he is more mentally unstable and has real issues. 100% of really mentally ill people I have ever had contact with, did things that most of us here would never do or say. That is not balls, it is quite frankly insane. His mental problem have cut his net worth in half.

How these 2 nut jobs got into a dinner with Trump shows a complete failure of Trumps staff and Secret Service.

11-28-22, 13:08
Kanye has more balls than most on this forum.

El Oh El


He is simply a half a box short of a full magazine. Kayne West is cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

11-28-22, 13:41
Kanye has more balls than most on this forum.

Oh Hell. I've done way dumber shit than Kanye and more of it. I'm just not famous, talented, wealthy, or connected to the Kardashians so nobody knows or cares.

11-28-22, 13:46
Could he do any worse then the current Sh!t-stain?

This is the first thing that came to my mind. At least he isn't a puppet dragged out by his strings. Maybe Dennis Rodman will be his VP choice.

11-28-22, 17:26
But it is just one more reason why Trump shouldn't run, he can't see past his own blind spots. I don't know how ANYONE gets to sit down at a table with a former president without being vetted.

DJT has a history of surrounding himself with idiots and/or saboteurs that plagued him his entire term so I guess the trend continues.