View Full Version : Megyn Kelly On Media Bias

11-29-22, 08:08
Another excellent vid from Stossle via interview with Megyn Kelly On Media Bias


11-29-22, 21:27
Megyn Kelly media bias? That's ironic. She sure went down the tubes when she went from Fox News darling to being run off everywhere.

11-29-22, 22:07
Media bias is so pervasive, to attach it to any one person or to single and news service out is like blaming a single criminal organization for all crime.

I do not think objective news even exists anymore, and if it did, perhaps 4% of the world population would even be interested. The vast majority of people are simply seeking reinforcement and validation of their own personal bias and with the shift from "we tell you the news but with an editorial bias" tv outlets to custom configured "we only tell you what you want to hear" news feeds, which will source blogs and video channels if needed to satisfy that bias, we have arrived at a point where nobody needs to suppress any truth because truth is now irrelevant.

Which of course makes all of those grand conspiracies people believe painfully ironic. The CIA, FSB, FBI and every other organization that operates in the classified arena could do a full documentation release of EVERYTHING and most people would still cherry pick what they wanted to believe or those items that would reinforce their personal belief system and the rest would be ignored or dismissed as propaganda or organized deception.

The real truths of the world are also typically detail orientated, require more than a fourth grade education to comprehend and typically lack any "wow factor" so half the world wouldn't even understand the full reality or it's importance and the ones who could understand it simply wouldn't care. Of that painful minority who could understand it all and the implications of everything, they would also be very aware that they were completely powerless to change any of it because it simply isn't as interesting as Kim Kardashian's ass was 20 years ago.