View Full Version : I dislike late people.

12-01-22, 13:17
I really dislike when people are late for a meeting of any kind. I take it personally. I'm always on time, and if I'm not, it's due something serious. Not on time = I'm not a priority that had you plan your day/time. I know very busy wealthy people/friends who are always on time when we meet, and some ding bats who are late for simple stuff, and I have no patience for it. I will wait 15 mins max, then will not answer phone, leave the place, etc if they have not at least pinged me via text etc as to being late. You?

12-01-22, 13:25
Completely hate it. It's funny. Every weekend when we shoot, we set the time which means I'll be there 15 min early, and our other buddy will be there 20-30 min early.

Lateness isn't in my make up.

Coal Dragger
12-01-22, 13:41
I work on call. Being late is a reality sometimes due to circumstances.

Want me to be on time every time? Then give me a set schedule, otherwise **** right off. If my employer clearly doesn’t respect my time, I have little motivation to respect theirs. I have 1.5 hours from my call time to report to work, it’s not my fault they call me too late quite often.

12-01-22, 13:49
I was always told, if your ontime, your late.

I am always at least 15 mins early for anything.

12-01-22, 14:37
Guessing someone stood Will up today.

If you are late it tells me it didn't matter to you. Outside of special circumstance of course, and calling someone in off of their own time being a special circumstance.

I'm not a fan of being "exactly on time" either. Like the guys who arrive "on time" but then need a few extra minutes to prepare or use the can or whatever. I call em "6:59s". As in at 6:59 they are screeching to a halt to make a 7:00 start. If they are in place ready to go at 7 there's nothing I can say, but those folks get less understanding from me when they are late than the folks that are usually comfortably early.

12-01-22, 15:27
I was always told, if your ontime, your late.

I am always at least 15 mins early for anything.No, if you are 15 minutes early you are, wait for it, 15 minutes early.

The imaginary time device you folks use doesn't effect me.
If you say be there at 6:00 then get your panties in a bind if I'm not 15 minutes early, you have issues to deal with.

12-01-22, 15:38
For some it seems like a psychological trait that can't be changed. Pisses me off, but I try to think of them as defective rather than nefarious. It does seem extremely selfish when it's every time.

12-01-22, 15:44
I try never to be late for things I deem important. But I do have a bad habit of Task saturating myself and barely making it to stuff on time, like airports. That said, I loathe the “if you’re not early you’re late” mentality, especially in the military. Showing up at 0600 for an 0700 formation drives me nuts. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder if people who are chronically early for work meetings just don’t have enough going on.

12-01-22, 15:49
especially in the military. Showing up at 0600 for an 0700 formation drives me nuts.

Hurry up and wait?

The other stupid thing that's silly but drives me insane is slobs who leave cook time on the microwave and walk away. Happens at work and at home. Reason #87 I root for the mass shooter.

12-01-22, 15:59
Yea, one guy showed up late for our shoot, wearing crocks then needed to stop for gas. He has asked me 10X’s to shoot again but it’s never a good weekend. Strike 3.


12-01-22, 16:30
My mother told me if you can’t be on time, be early, which I usually am…….

12-01-22, 16:38
If you're going to be late at least have the common courtesy to call and not 15 min before the meet.

12-01-22, 17:05
For anything important, I am on time.

But sometimes life happens, things beyond my control pop op and back up my entire day. But if I know I'm gonna be late and I'm going to inconvenience somebody, they will get a call as soon as it's obvious I'm not gonna pull it off. In most cases this means they haven't even left yet for out meeting and we simply reschedule.

I personally hate being late, it means I'm not in control of my day.

12-01-22, 17:23
Hurry up and wait?

The other stupid thing that's silly but drives me insane is slobs who leave cook time on the microwave and walk away. Happens at work and at home. Reason #87 I root for the mass shooter.

Im not saying i expect the person to be 15 mins early. I was referencing that i am never late. If I set up a meet for 4. I wont get upset if he is 15 mins.

12-01-22, 17:35
I had a guy show up at 4 pm for a 9am meeting.

12-01-22, 19:11
As an employer I can't stand it. Our employee handbook says that you must be at your station and ready to work at your scheduled time. It also says that we will pay up to 15 min. of overtime if you get there early. Some folks care, some folks don't. The folks that care usually make another $1500 a year or more.

Personally, I hate being late and I'm married to a woman that agrees. It makes life super easy.

12-01-22, 19:46
I'm usually on time or early, and always plan ahead. Late people are one of my pet peeves (and my wife's). To me it's disrespectful of my (and others) time, and a sign of poor time management. If someone's late more than once or twice, we refuse to make plans with them again. Years ago, I started beating my boss into work (he's a real early bird), and made it a habit. One of my managers told me years ago that no one cares if you stay later than everyone else at the end of the work day (there's no one there to see you), but everyone notices if you consistently show up late to work in the morning.

Coal Dragger
12-01-22, 20:00
I show up early to scheduled events, or personal engagements.

I just don’t give a rats ass about giving my employer one extra second of my time anymore. Particularly when they have laid off so much staff that they can’t cover the work needing to be done.

A few years ago the stupid shits couldn’t keep enough people available and had to remove something like 13 turns on a pool ahead of me. Then short called me by 1 hour and 15 minutes. Well screw them I was 200 miles away operating on the crazy notion I wasn’t projected to go to work for about 12 hours.

So yeah I was late. In fact I made zero effort at all to be on time. I called the crew caller and dispatcher and told them I was going to be late. They asked how soon I would be there, I told them about 5 hours, if you have someone else you should call them instead. They did not gave anyone, so they had to wait.

Screw them.

12-01-22, 20:03
I had a guy show up at 4 pm for a 9am meeting.

Did he still get hired?

12-01-22, 20:10
I show up early to scheduled events, or personal engagements.

I just don’t give a rats ass about giving my employer one extra second of my time anymore. Particularly when they have laid off so much staff that they can’t cover the work needing to be done.

A few years ago the stupid shits couldn’t keep enough people available and had to remove something like 13 turns on a pool ahead of me. Then short called me by 1 hour and 15 minutes. Well screw them I was 200 miles away operating on the crazy notion I wasn’t projected to go to work for about 12 hours.

So yeah I was late. In fact I made zero effort at all to be on time. I called the crew caller and dispatcher and told them I was going to be late. They asked how soon I would be there, I told them about 5 hours, if you have someone else you should call them instead. They did not gave anyone, so they had to wait.

Screw them.

How long until you're done? If my life was like that I'd find something new, but I get sticking around for retirement. I operate in an entirely different world of management/employee relationships. I wake up every day grateful that the men and women that work for me find it important enough to show up every day and produce. I reciprocate by not being a petty, micromanaging pain in the ass. I can't recall the last time I called someone to cover for an emergency. Shit, they usually notice the problem and work out who's going to cover it long before I get the phone call.

12-01-22, 20:43
No, if you are 15 minutes early you are, wait for it, 15 minutes early.

The imaginary time device you folks use doesn't effect me.
If you say be there at 6:00 then get your panties in a bind if I'm not 15 minutes early, you have issues to deal with.


I probably have some issues…

Good day, sir.

Coal Dragger
12-01-22, 22:01
How long until you're done? If my life was like that I'd find something new, but I get sticking around for retirement. I operate in an entirely different world of management/employee relationships. I wake up every day grateful that the men and women that work for me find it important enough to show up every day and produce. I reciprocate by not being a petty, micromanaging pain in the ass. I can't recall the last time I called someone to cover for an emergency. Shit, they usually notice the problem and work out who's going to cover it long before I get the phone call.

16 more years.

12-01-22, 22:01
When I first joined the Military 15 minutes early was the standard.
Yes you may stand around for 15 minutes waiting for something to happen, but you could also use that time,
To smoke a ciggerette, drink a half a cup of coffee and figure out what's going to happen and how you'll deal with it that day.
If you used that time to game plan things you're usually way ahead of the game.

12-01-22, 22:21
In my world, on time is late.

Dated a girl that was chronically late, we no longer see each other.

12-01-22, 22:49
Arrival time 5-10 minutes before expected meeting to set up laptop/ notes whatever, then meet begins on time, and doors close. Running late ? if you did not call, don't bother showing up. My business, my rules.

12-02-22, 00:08
16 more years.

Dude. I hope it gets better for you. I mean that seriously. I've always enjoyed your posts and viewpoints.

Coal Dragger
12-02-22, 01:47
I love my coworkers, I just have no love at all for our employer anymore.

I didn’t want to end up this way, but damned if the BNSF Railway hasn’t done everything in their power to make every last one of us hate every member of the C suite.

12-02-22, 03:58
Did he still get hired?

It was in Africa, and it was early in my career and I had a lot to learn. I was the first member of the team in country, so I told the rest of us to bring some good cheap watches with them.

When they arrived, I then called a meeting of indig staff. I had them all sign a document that first told them when they need to be at a meeting, it meant within a 15 minute window. If they got caught in traffic they needed to call, 1 stuck in traffic was allowed every 2 weeks. If they were later than 15 the first time was a written reprimand, the second time in a 3 month period it was a week without pay. The document was also an acknowledgement of getting the watch.

NOBODY really read the document, they all were so excited about the watches. A few days later the first write up for being late. The following week the same person was also late. Come payday he cried at losing a week of pay, I mean tears down the face. How will my family eat?

I told him every day during the time he had less cash I would send him home with a little rice. His family had rice and that was it.

NOBODY was ever late again.

murphy j
12-02-22, 06:36
It was in Africa, and it was early in my career and I had a lot to learn. I was the first member of the team in country, so I told the rest of us to bring some good cheap watches with them.

When they arrived, I then called a meeting of indig staff. I had them all sign a document that first told them when they need to be at a meeting, it meant within a 15 minute window. If they got caught in traffic they needed to call, 1 stuck in traffic was allowed every 2 weeks. If they were later than 15 the first time was a written reprimand, the second time in a 3 month period it was a week without pay. The document was also an acknowledgement of getting the watch.

NOBODY really read the document, they all were so excited about the watches. A few days later the first write up for being late. The following week the same person was also late. Come payday he cried at losing a week of pay, I mean tears down the face. How will my family eat?

I told him every day during the time he had less cash I would send him home with a little rice. His family had rice and that was it.

NOBODY was ever late again.

I don't know why, maybe my bent shit can lid personality, but I think this story is one of the best things I have read in quite some time.

I was always taught that if you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late. i.e. use the backward planning principle, add in a little fudge room for unforeseen events, and you'll almost never be late.

12-02-22, 07:56
In my world, on time is late.

Dated a girl that was chronically late, we no longer see each other.

When her period was late, you bailed!!!

12-02-22, 08:26
As an employer I can't stand it. Our employee handbook says that you must be at your station and ready to work at your scheduled time. It also says that we will pay up to 15 min. of overtime if you get there early. Some folks care, some folks don't. The folks that care usually make another $1500 a year or more.

So does ours BUT the time clock is in the main office as is the key locker. Your key card can't open the key locker until you clock in. You cannot clock in earlier than 7 minutes prior to the start of your shift. You see where this is going?

12-02-22, 08:43
I abhor lateness. But sometimes shi* happens; I get it. A flat tire....traffic....whatever. If it happens once, it's a one-off and all is forgiven. Twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern.

Time is valuable. My time. YOUR time. If you have a pattern of being late, it tells me you do not respect me or my time; and in the context of work, it tells me you over value your time.

When I worked shift work (EMS or nursing), I always arrived 15 minutes early, got my coffee, readied my mind, read the applicable notes, and was ready at shift change. God help you if the charge nurse or EMS supe told me "hey, your relief is running late...." After 12 hours (or 24, depending on job) I wanted to go home.

12-02-22, 17:27
Idgaf. In my line of work, we get pulled in 100 different directions constantly.

Plus, too many people make too many meetings to justify their position. Idc if Im late to or miss one of their meetings.

12-02-22, 18:50

I wear that to family gatherings.

With that being said, it pisses me off when people are late for important stuff.

12-02-22, 19:12
So does ours BUT the time clock is in the main office as is the key locker. Your key card can't open the key locker until you clock in. You cannot clock in earlier than 7 minutes prior to the start of your shift. You see where this is going?

I thank god I am self employed. I got to the job today when I felt like it and left when I felt like calling it a day. The only time I did happen to look at the time on my phone today was when I thought it might be about noon as that is about when I like to normally let the dogs out on a piss break. :)

Have not seen a time clock or had to wear a watch in a crap ton of years. No plans to start messing around with any of that garbage in the future either...

A lot of you guys have no idea what freedom really is.

12-03-22, 11:28
Self employed here too. Show up when I can/want. Leave when the job is done. Go to lunch whenever, take as long as I need.

I don’t think I could be 100% effective if I had to schedule things like starting my day in the morning. I usually have standing agreements with clients to be in before noon on a given day. Small retail customers are planned and I try to get to those on time, but if they care about someone 5 minutes late, there’s no one in my area to do what I do as well as I do.

When I feel like working, I do my best work. If I don’t, I wait until I feel like it. And this year has been the largest increase in both skill and revenue by large margins.

12-05-22, 00:13
Small retail customers are planned and I try to get to those on time, but if they care about someone 5 minutes late, there’s no one in my area to do what I do as well as I do.

Some day, some dude almost as good as you is going to show up on time. Just sayin'.