View Full Version : B-21 unveiling today (2 Dec 22)

12-02-22, 11:44
The USAF is supposed to unveil it's new B-21 bomber today, although I'm not sure how much will actually be revealed. Per Northrop Grumman's CEO, the price, figuring in inflation, is now approaching $700 million per airplane.

And I'm sure we'll need the next ten years to work all the bugs out.

12-02-22, 13:12
It's not even scheduled to fly for the first time until "sometime in 2023."

12-02-22, 16:28
I wonder if they built in bunks, I know the B-2 crews used to set up cots and take turns sleeping, their missions were so long because they all started and ended in the US and it's not a fast plane.

12-02-22, 16:56
One of the early concepts for the B-21 (which should be "B-3") was that it be "optionally manned". Don't know if that the final cut or not.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-02-22, 17:18
Hey, we have another thread on this topic with a link to the live feed. https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?238636-View-the-Unveiling-of-the-B-21-Raider-Live-at-Link!