View Full Version : Elon releases info on Hunter and Joe Biden.

12-02-22, 21:35

This validates everything wrong with our current political system.

12-02-22, 22:03

It's looking worse and worse.

12-02-22, 23:45
We all knew it was bad. What are we going to do about it is the question?

12-03-22, 04:24
Is it TwitterGate yet?

By the way, once again the actual actions at Watergate, ie the attempt to install listening devices in the DNC HQ, pales in comparison to a giant of social media colluding with a political party to directly manipulate a presidential election.

When people thought Russia was doing it, they lost their minds. But hey Twitter, well that's fine.

Once upon a time everyone had a tv and both parties had more or less equal access. By contrast your phone is designed to run certain apps, and those apps have chosen a side. By using those apps, you have voted for a side.

12-03-22, 05:02
And people wonder why this was a stolen election....if you are a true American this should really piss you off..

Straight Shooter
12-03-22, 05:41
Im sooo YAAAAAWN over HB.
Its very very hard to accept that there ARE people, in America, who ARE above the law. And thats just a fact.
Bill Clinton & that goblin wife of his will go to their graves NEVER having been punished for shit they did all the way back to Arkansas,Waco, Riby Ridge,and 1000's more.
Pelosi will never ever have a word said for the millions of dollars made from insider info while in Congress.
Fauci will never see justice on this side of heaven.
I mean, I could sit here for the rest of the day providing proof...F it. The demonrat party for the most part is immune to prosecution..IF you are a big enough dog on the porch.
NOTHING will come of Hunter and his father.

12-03-22, 05:43
And people wonder why this was a stolen election....if you are a true American this should really piss you off..

Ultimately, Americans are stupid enough to get their political information from twitter and believe it is some kind of impartial media source. That is the real problem so too few Americans will be intelligent enough to be angry.

Straight Shooter
12-03-22, 05:57
Ultimately, Americans are stupid enough to get their political information from twitter and believe it is some kind of impartial media source. That is the real problem so too few Americans will be intelligent enough to be angry.

I agree brother- but HOW LONG can someone be pissed off on a daily basis, over OBVIOUS, KNOWN, criminal activity by the Bidens and YEARS go by with nothing done...with some media barely..just now...starting to semi- acknowledge their MIGHT be...sooomething....that could be seen as "wrong"..if you tilt your head and close one eye to look at it.
This shit has dominated headlines daily for what...4 years or more now? They pulled it off. They won. F it, move on and TRY to save whats left of America.

12-03-22, 08:02
Im sooo YAAAAAWN over HB.
Its very very hard to accept that there ARE people, in America, who ARE above the law. And thats just a fact.
Bill Clinton & that goblin wife of his will go to their graves NEVER having been punished for shit they did all the way back to Arkansas,Waco, Riby Ridge,and 1000's more.

The head perpetrator of Ruby Ridge escaped earthly punishment on November 30, 2018.

12-03-22, 08:34
Ultimately, Americans are stupid enough to get their political information from twitter and believe it is some kind of impartial media source. That is the real problem so too few Americans will be intelligent enough to be angry.With the death of traditional investigative journalism Twitter was the feed that mainstream media (including Fox News somewhat) used for most of its stories.

I've been watching Twitter for the last 2 to 3 months and it's very clear how mainstream media uses it as initial sources.

So by censoring the Twitter feed even mainstream media was getting a censored view of current events. And if not censored, biased.

12-03-22, 08:44
Im sooo YAAAAAWN over HB.
Its very very hard to accept that there ARE people, in America, who ARE above the law. And thats just a fact.
Bill Clinton & that goblin wife of his will go to their graves NEVER having been punished for shit they did all the way back to Arkansas,Waco, Riby Ridge,and 1000's more.
Pelosi will never ever have a word said for the millions of dollars made from insider info while in Congress.
Fauci will never see justice on this side of heaven.
I mean, I could sit here for the rest of the day providing proof...F it. The demonrat party for the most part is immune to prosecution..IF you are a big enough dog on the porch.
NOTHING will come of Hunter and his father.

I’ve accepted the fact that there is no true justice in this world. We are all going to stand before God and give account of our lives where true judgement takes place. Would I like to see those mentioned above tried for their crimes and duly punished here and now? Absolutely, but it is highly unlikely.

Straight Shooter
12-03-22, 09:03
I’ve accepted the fact that there is no true justice in this world. We are all going to stand before God and give account of our lives where true judgement takes place. Would I like to see those mentioned above tried for their crimes and duly punished here and now? Absolutely, but it is highly unlikely.

But, as you noted brother- THEY GONNA GET THEIRS. And thats really why I dont go just apeshit crazy about it anymore.

12-03-22, 09:31
There's nothing wrong with getting Intel or news from Twitter, you just have to know and trust the source. Even Drudge broke stories. But as with every source, buyer beware.

12-03-22, 10:06
Well every media outlet should really be looking closely at this because this probobly started out as a good thing. It was perhaps thought of as necassary to avoid Twitter becoming a sewer of trash information.
Where they went wrong was allowing very like minded people to take the helm. Those people were easily corruptable by the DNC and the Biden Team. Then you start seeing guys like "The Real James Woods" suddenly blacklisted by Twitter.
They created an echo chamber for the Democrats, not a single revelation about Hunter Biudens corruption was allowed. No ties to Joe via Hunters corruption were allowed. No evidence no matter how it was obtained was allowed to be presented.
Now they're caught and at a time when they are most vulnerable.

12-03-22, 10:13
Im sooo YAAAAAWN over HB.
It’s very very hard to accept that there ARE people, in America, who ARE above the law.

This is a serious First Amendment story, it’s not about HB getting charged or not.

12-03-22, 10:45
Those who control the media, control the sheepeople.

12-03-22, 10:56
This is a serious First Amendment story, it’s not about HB getting charged or not.

Exactly, you witnessed a media conglomorate become the Propaganda Minister for the DNC and the Biden's. On order from the DNC they buried stories anti Biden and promoted anti Trump stories. Hell, they banned Trump from Twitter.
They became the mouthpiece for lies and propaganda.

12-03-22, 11:28
There's nothing wrong with getting Intel or news from Twitter, you just have to know and trust the source. Even Drudge broke stories. But as with every source, buyer beware.It becomes extremely problematic when you stop looking for and using other sources, combined with Twitter essentially banning conservative voices and certainly anything negative on the Democratic candidate.

It's a huge problem.

Gutfield shared some analysis that showed that for many mainstream news outlets, a very very high percentage (90 some odd plus) was coming from Twitter trending articles.

And there was virtually no investigative journalism like the conservative outlets were doing.

Just intentionally blinding themselves to only pro DNC viewpoints.

No opposing views allowed for most things.

12-03-22, 12:14
And so... another 'conspiracy theory' comes true.
What a shock...

12-03-22, 14:12
Im sooo YAAAAAWN over HB.
Its very very hard to accept that there ARE people, in America, who ARE above the law. And thats just a fact.
Bill Clinton & that goblin wife of his will go to their graves NEVER having been punished for shit they did all the way back to Arkansas,Waco, Riby Ridge,and 1000's more.
Pelosi will never ever have a word said for the millions of dollars made from insider info while in Congress.
Fauci will never see justice on this side of heaven.
I mean, I could sit here for the rest of the day providing proof...F it. The demonrat party for the most part is immune to prosecution..IF you are a big enough dog on the porch.
NOTHING will come of Hunter and his father.Well, when the ballot box and the jury box fail....

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

12-03-22, 15:33
I’ve accepted the fact that there is no true justice in this world. We are all going to stand before God and give account of our lives where true judgement takes place. Would I like to see those mentioned above tried for their crimes and duly punished here and now? Absolutely, but it is highly unlikely.

Yes sir. There NEVER has been true justice in this world as there is only one source of true justice, and He will have His day.

I can only pray I am present when these cretins are judged by Him.

12-03-22, 16:02
The Fourth Estate IS the Fifth Column. Far too few people even know what that means anymore. :(

Straight Shooter
12-03-22, 16:23
This is a serious First Amendment story, it’s not about HB getting charged or not.

Didnt the MEDIA TELL YOU this?

12-03-22, 16:55
Has deep faketards factholes denied it yet?

12-03-22, 17:55
Im sooo YAAAAAWN over HB.
Its very very hard to accept that there ARE people, in America, who ARE above the law. And thats just a fact.
Bill Clinton & that goblin wife of his will go to their graves NEVER having been punished for shit they did all the way back to Arkansas,Waco, Riby Ridge,and 1000's more.
Pelosi will never ever have a word said for the millions of dollars made from insider info while in Congress.
Fauci will never see justice on this side of heaven.
I mean, I could sit here for the rest of the day providing proof...F it. The demonrat party for the most part is immune to prosecution..IF you are a big enough dog on the porch.
NOTHING will come of Hunter and his father.

Ruby Ridge was Bush 41, but otherwise you are good to go.

12-03-22, 17:57
The Fourth Estate IS the Fifth Column. Far too few people even know what that means anymore. :(

5 by 5.

Straight Shooter
12-03-22, 18:05
Ruby Ridge was Bush 41, but otherwise you are good to go.

Correctomundo. I keep thinking they happened real close together for some reason. Thank you for the correction.
ANOTHER example- A GOVERNMENT SNIPER....shoots an unarmed woman..holding a BABY....nothing. From what I heard that POS went on to teach & lecture.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-03-22, 18:16
Well, it turns out that Twitter was biased in favor of the Democrats. Shocked I tell yah.

12-03-22, 18:50
We all knew it was bad. What are we going to do about it is the question? If the status-quo from the last 60 odd years is maintained...We will elect another entertaining huckster with a fair for the dramatic and the instincts work the red button issues that nobody ever does anything about...really gets the rabble to voting boxes and buries any logic in feelzgood auto stimulation

12-03-22, 18:59
5 by 5.


12-03-22, 19:01
Ruby Ridge was Bush 41, but otherwise you are good to go.


12-03-22, 19:02
I’m saddened that Tucker doesn’t understand that the first amendment applies to *the government* suppressing freedom of speech. The DNC is not the government. And it should come as no surprise that Twitter leans left, even if Jack Dorsey is fiercely Libertarian.

My question: now that Trump has called for the termination of the Constitution, are you Trumpers going to keep supporting the New York democrat that switched parties and lied to us gun owners and believers in the Constitution? Trump has literally admitted that he is a traitor and will not defend the Constitution. Will you dump Trump now?

12-03-22, 19:05
Im sooo YAAAAAWN over HB.
Its very very hard to accept that there ARE people, in America, who ARE above the law. And thats just a fact.
Bill Clinton & that goblin wife of his will go to their graves NEVER having been punished for shit they did all the way back to Arkansas,Waco, Riby Ridge,and 1000's more.
Pelosi will never ever have a word said for the millions of dollars made from insider info while in Congress.
Fauci will never see justice on this side of heaven.
I mean, I could sit here for the rest of the day providing proof...F it. The demonrat party for the most part is immune to prosecution..IF you are a big enough dog on the porch.
NOTHING will come of Hunter and his father.

Slippery slope ...Let one go and the precedent is created...now both sides of the aisle flagrantly trample the law knowing they have the system rigged so that worst that can happen to them is they dont get re-elected

12-03-22, 19:10
I’m saddened that Tucker doesn’t understand that the first amendment applies to *the government* suppressing freedom of speech. The DNC is not the government. And it should come as no surprise that Twitter leans left, even if Jack Dorsey is fiercely Libertarian.

My question: now that Trump has called for the termination of the Constitution, are you Trumpers going to keep supporting the New York democrat that switched parties and lied to us gun owners and believers in the Constitution? Trump has literally admitted that he is a traitor and will not defend the Constitution. Will you dump Trump now?

Nope...not in my experience. I always refer to trump as con-artist, Clinton loving, Newyork spoonfed Trust-fund baby democrat.... saying that in a room full of LEO's really clears out a room

12-03-22, 22:47
Correctomundo. I keep thinking they happened real close together for some reason. Thank you for the correction.
ANOTHER example- A GOVERNMENT SNIPER....shoots an unarmed woman..holding a BABY....nothing. From what I heard that POS went on to teach & lecture.

And works for Troy.

12-03-22, 22:49
I’m saddened that Tucker doesn’t understand that the first amendment applies to *the government* suppressing freedom of speech. The DNC is not the government. And it should come as no surprise that Twitter leans left, even if Jack Dorsey is fiercely Libertarian.

My question: now that Trump has called for the termination of the Constitution, are you Trumpers going to keep supporting the New York democrat that switched parties and lied to us gun owners and believers in the Constitution? Trump has literally admitted that he is a traitor and will not defend the Constitution. Will you dump Trump now?

LOL how a post about Biden becomes another Never Trump opportunity.

We need to dig up and impeach Thomas Jefferson, he said THIS:

“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government...”

12-04-22, 04:30
LOL how a post about Biden becomes another Never Trump opportunity.

We need to dig up and impeach Thomas Jefferson, he said THIS:

“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government...”

Tommy J my favorite President, I think he was probably the smartest President ever.

But if I could bring President Jefferson back to life, give him some time to catch up on what is going on.
I would then ask him, how we can follow his advice in 2022.

Straight Shooter
12-04-22, 10:10
And works for Troy.

I had to calm myself a bit after reading this. HOW the F could anyone in the 2A business hire this ghoulish piece of SHIT.
Thank you for that heads up...I have bought from them in the past- they can eat shit from now on.

12-04-22, 14:32
I had to calm myself a bit after reading this. HOW the F could anyone in the 2A business hire this ghoulish piece of SHIT.
Thank you for that heads up...I have bought from them in the past- they can eat shit from now on.

That's what everyone was asking around 10 years ago (maybe longer) when they did it.

12-04-22, 16:24
I’m saddened that Tucker doesn’t understand that the first amendment applies to *the government* suppressing freedom of speech. The DNC is not the government. And it should come as no surprise that Twitter leans left, even if Jack Dorsey is fiercely Libertarian.

If Jack Dorsey was the bastion of Libertarianism as you claim, he sure as shit was asleep at the wheel of his own company. He didn’t mind taking the money while letting the government and three letter agencies co-opt it for their benefit. And you don’t see a problem with that?

“Muh private company!” only goes for companies acting totally private and don’t apply when they’re in bed with the government.

Fake libertarians crack me up. [emoji23]

12-04-22, 17:35
I’m saddened that Tucker doesn’t understand that the first amendment applies to *the government* suppressing freedom of speech. The DNC is not the government. And it should come as no surprise that Twitter leans left, even if Jack Dorsey is fiercely Libertarian.

My question: now that Trump has called for the termination of the Constitution, are you Trumpers going to keep supporting the New York democrat that switched parties and lied to us gun owners and believers in the Constitution? Trump has literally admitted that he is a traitor and will not defend the Constitution. Will you dump Trump now?

Ahh sadness.


12-04-22, 17:54
Great interview with James Woods on that and other topics. He's planning to sue to the DNC, etc:


12-04-22, 22:24
I’m saddened that Tucker doesn’t understand that the first amendment applies to *the government* suppressing freedom of speech. The DNC is not the government. And it should come as no surprise that Twitter leans left, even if Jack Dorsey is fiercely Libertarian.

So anything that a Republican has done in the last two years was not performed as a representative of the government, since the Democratic party was in power?


12-04-22, 23:03
And works for Troy.

Wrong guy. Dale Menroe was there, didn't shoot, but said he would have taken the shot in Congressional testimony. Still a bad hire by Troy.

Lon Horiuchi, Vicki Weaver's killer, went on to work for HS Precision.

12-04-22, 23:18
Wrong guy. Dale Menroe was there, didn't shoot, but said he would have taken the shot in Congressional testimony. Still a bad hire by Troy.

Lon Horiuchi, Vicki Weaver's killer, went on to work for HS Precision.

Correction noted, thanks.

12-04-22, 23:30
I’m saddened that Tucker doesn’t understand that the first amendment applies to *the government* suppressing freedom of speech. The DNC is not the government. And it should come as no surprise that Twitter leans left, even if Jack Dorsey is fiercely Libertarian.

My question: now that Trump has called for the termination of the Constitution, are you Trumpers going to keep supporting the New York democrat that switched parties and lied to us gun owners and believers in the Constitution? Trump has literally admitted that he is a traitor and will not defend the Constitution. Will you dump Trump now?

The censorship on social media is coming from the White House. They have already admitted as much, when Jen Psaki was press secretary. They came right out and said they were directing social media companies on who and what to censor. Biden mentioned it in one of his speeches too. This is illegal. It's a blatant violation of the first amendment. The federal government has no right to censor people and when they direct social media companies who and what to censor, then the social media companies are acting as an agent of the government.

Here's Jen Psaki coming right out and saying it, from last year. From a leftist source, just for you.

We now have receipts from Twitter, showing the Biden team and federal government agencies pushing for censorship of stories that would have made Biden look bad during the 2020 campaign. Elon Musk says there is more info to be released.

No I don't care what Trump said, Trump is not in power. I'm far more concerned with the corrupt and tyrannical federal government we currently have that manipulated an election and is actively violating the constitution.

12-04-22, 23:51
From the same idiots that brought you this thing...


12-05-22, 09:00
Those trying to say that the DNC is not the government and so there is no first amendment issue are ignoring the fact that the FBI also directed Twitter multiple times including regarding the hunter Biden laptop.

They had had the hunter Biden laptop for over a year, effectively suppressed that, and knew exactly what was on it and also had access to Giuliani's plow at the time and what they were trying to communicate.

This is hugely problematic as it's 1st amendment issues whether FBI or the president..

12-05-22, 11:41
Those trying to say that the DNC is not the government and so there is no first amendment issue are ignoring the fact that the FBI also directed Twitter multiple times including regarding the hunter Biden laptop.

They had had the hunter Biden laptop for over a year, effectively suppressed that, and knew exactly what was on it and also had access to Giuliani's plow at the time and what they were trying to communicate.

This is hugely problematic as it's 1st amendment issues whether FBI or the president..

Another thing we need to find out, is if Twitter or any other social media platforms have ever been awarded contracts by the federal government, or received direct or indirect funding from the federal government. A positive hit on those things would make them a contractor or indirect representative of the federal government.

12-05-22, 13:57
One lone guy didn't allow them to bury it. Guy was just a computer repair guy who has stood against the attacks on him. That's a solid 'Murican there. Maybe he will have the last laugh yet:
