View Full Version : Will M4C and the GOP finally Dump Trump after his call to terminate the Constitution?

12-03-22, 19:23
Certainly you all have seen his Truth post. The vast majority of users here have sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Trump has literally called for the "termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution." He is asking to be named president, despite the protections put in place by our constitution, making him dictator. This is absolutely against everything you/we have sworn to protect.

Is Trump a traitor, by definition? In your eyes?

This certainly validates The Lincoln Project and any other republican Never-Trumpers. Even though I posted this as a question, I am making the statement that I hope you all will realize that Trump has been in this for himself since the beginning. He was a loser of a New York Democrat, that supported the AWB, who finally realized he could use his business and tax desires to appeal to the right if he added a couple of talking points: abortion and guns. He lied to Christians, which was obvious because he knew nothing about the Bible, and then he lied to gun owners promising to use executive powers to force CCW reciprocity. Instead he used executive power to ban bump stocks.

I hope you will all think critically about what he is calling for…


12-03-22, 19:25
Trump is a Russian spy. Lol

After reading his tweat i must say he has a good point. Op i think Trump is being sarcastic and asking the question.

12-03-22, 19:38
I was a never Trumper before he officially became a candidate. I have buddies in New Jersey that lost jobs to this parasite's shenanigans.

12-03-22, 19:46
So I can't stand Never Trumpers, but at the same time...you don't run a guy who LOST last time.

Lots of presidents have been sure they actually won, Nixon for example. Even with massive voter fraud, Kennedy won by 0.17% of the popular vote. But you follow the example of Nixon, Al Gore was the first to not act presidential.

But Trump kind of has a point, I will let Thomas Jefferson say it better than anyone ever could.

“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government...”

But that is the right of the "people", not Trump, and the "people" ain't gonna do it just because Trump thinks he got robbed.

If you are still so pro Trump that you WANT him to win the next election you really need to take a second look.
If you are still so anti Trump that you WORRY about him winning the next election you really need to take a second look.

Everyone needs to be far more concerned with the GOP nominating a better candidate than Trump, because if they don't, we aren't gonna win anyway.

12-03-22, 19:48
I was a never Trumper before he officially became a candidate. I have buddies in New Jersey that lost jobs to this parasite's shenanigans.

The job losses werent a result of local and state politicians?

12-03-22, 19:50
So I can't stand Never Trumpers, but at the same time...you don't run a guy who LOST last time.

Lots of presidents have been sure they actually won, Nixon for example. Even with massive voter fraud, Kennedy won by 0.17% of the popular vote. But you follow the example of Nixon, Al Gore was the first to not act presidential.

But Trump kind of has a point, I will let Thomas Jefferson say it better than anyone ever could.

“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government...”

But that is the right of the "people", not Trump, and the "people" ain't gonna do it just because Trump thinks he got robbed.

If you are still so pro Trump that you WANT him to win the next election you really need to take a second look.
If you are still so anti Trump that you WORRY about him winning the next election you really need to take a second look.

Everyone needs to be far more concerned with the GOP nominating a better candidate than Trump, because if they don't, we aren't gonna win anyway.

Damn, well said!

12-03-22, 19:53
Not according to them. it was Trump org not paying the agreed-upon contracts and taking them to court and simply waiting them out until they settled for less... I have been watching this guy for awhile ...since he first hinted at running for public office back in the late (90's, early 2k) (when he was a raving Clintonite

12-03-22, 19:57
Not according to them. it was Trump org not paying the agreed-upon contracts and taking them to court and simply waiting them out until they settled for less... I have been watching this guy for awhile ...since he first hinted at running for public office back in the late (90's, early 2k) (when he was a raving Clintonite

I worked for a construction supply house for years. Most large contractors are hell to do buisness with.

12-03-22, 20:01
Trump is a Russian spy. Lol

After reading his tweat i must say he has a good point. Op i think Trump is being sarcastic and asking the question.

I don’t get the sarcastic vibe, and honestly he is rarely sarcastic. I don’t think he has a good enough grasp of the English language to be sarcastic - not saying he’s not smart in other realms, but I’ve actually wondered if he has a writing/reading disorder in the past.

12-03-22, 20:01
So I can't stand Never Trumpers, but at the same time...you don't run a guy who LOST last time.

Lots of presidents have been sure they actually won, Nixon for example. Even with massive voter fraud, Kennedy won by 0.17% of the popular vote. But you follow the example of Nixon, Al Gore was the first to not act presidential.

But Trump kind of has a point, I will let Thomas Jefferson say it better than anyone ever could.

“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government...”

But that is the right of the "people", not Trump, and the "people" ain't gonna do it just because Trump thinks he got robbed.

If you are still so pro Trump that you WANT him to win the next election you really need to take a second look.
If you are still so anti Trump that you WORRY about him winning the next election you really need to take a second look.

Everyone needs to be far more concerned with the GOP nominating a better candidate than Trump, because if they don't, we aren't gonna win anyway.

I dont worry about Trump winning again, the alternative is usually just as bad, as recent history has shown. I was ( and still am) a "never-trumper" long before the term was coined. My decision was never based on what he did as President ( although my suspicions werent far off). My decisions were based on what he was before he was President and somewhat on the campaign he ran the first time...where he bold-faced declared he knew the system was rigged...because he helped rig it and exploited it. To be frank...I am just as much a "never Clintoner", "never Bidener" with the same conviction...for basically the same reasons

12-03-22, 20:06
I worked for a construction supply house for years. Most large contractors are hell to do business with.

Yep, but he paid...settled because in the end he knew he would have to anyway and it was cheaper to settle than continue to pay the court costs. This isolated anecdote isnt the only reason i cant stand him...this just put him on my radar and his news coverage decades ago centered on the Epstein\Clinton stuff...all his other financial lawsuits ...his shmoozing with Clintons. i dont label a guy a goat-****er just because somebody told me they saw him ****ing a goat...i wait around for some proof.. or supporting context

12-03-22, 21:49
Trump won 2020 by a freak'n landslide & your Desantis / Jesus (insert whatever your dream team 100% sure fire winner ticket is) won't win 2024...the fix is in.

Trump would slaughter it again if we had legit elections in 24 as would a shaved baboon...it's not about who's on the ticket. Fighting the wrong battle.

12-03-22, 21:57
Its funny to me that the left leaners are the only ones on the board who read Trump's posts, but they still feel driven to take the conservative members to task over what he says.


12-03-22, 22:02
Trump won 2020 by a freak'n landslide & your Desantis / Jesus (insert whatever your dream team 100% sure fire winner ticket is) won't win 2024...the fix is in.

Trump would slaughter it again if we had legit elections in 24 as would a shaved baboon...it's not about who's on the ticket. Fighting the wrong battle.

This exactly.

12-03-22, 22:43
I dont worry about Trump winning again, the alternative is usually just as bad, as recent history has shown. I was ( and still am) a "never-trumper" long before the term was coined. My decision was never based on what he did as President ( although my suspicions werent far off). My decisions were based on what he was before he was President and somewhat on the campaign he ran the first time...where he bold-faced declared he knew the system was rigged...because he helped rig it and exploited it. To be frank...I am just as much a "never Clintoner", "never Bidener" with the same conviction...for basically the same reasons

So besides sparing us from the Hillary presidency, we got a couple decent supreme court nominations and quite honestly that satisfied ALL of my expectations from a real estate developer / reality tv show host who wanted to be president because Obama snubbed him at some DC "look at me" dinner.

The "Never Trump" people I hate the most are the ones who closed ranks to stand on his dick in order to protect their own place at the money trough. Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the same Rinos who co opted the Tea Party did everything they could to prevent any real change. The thought of an outsider terrified them and that is why most of us voted for him. Let's keep in mind these are the same useless f'ers who ran Romney...TWICE.

The reality is he drowned in the swamp, navigating government isn't the same as being a CEO and getting everything you want. Once the guys in the GOP started burning him, THEY became the enemy. That meant he had no friends anywhere and that also meant he was done. He also seems to take defeat of any kind really personally and he lashes out. It's what gave him the drive to win the presidency and in the end it's what cost him the presidency.

Trump was probably a valuable course correction, but we need to move on. Hopefully to something better. Also this crap is damn premature, the primaries won't be until Feb of 2024.

12-04-22, 00:45
Trump is a Russian spy. Lol

After reading his tweat i must say he has a good point. Op i think Trump is being sarcastic and asking the question.

I don’t get the sarcastic vibe, and honestly he is rarely sarcastic. I don’t think he has a good enough grasp of the English language to be sarcastic - not saying he’s not smart in other realms, but I’ve actually wondered if he has a writing/reading disorder in the past.

He is often sarcastic, and his opponents don’t see it. Trying to make as criminal case out of his “Russia, if you have Hillary’s emails….”. But sarcasm only works if there is a kernel of truth in it.

The problem with Trump is he jumps to stage W when he has only set the table for A, B, and C. He does this all the time with stuff. He just goes to the end point he wants because he is to impatient to build a case. He has enough followers that will support anything he says, and he gets that into a feedback loop. So he goes with the most simplistic message, with out any kind of plan to get from A to Z, and he crashes and burns under any kind of scrutiny.

So his ‘Stolen election’ based on a simplistic message about votes means that he can’t communicate the more complex story of a rigged election through the media and elites.

Democracy? Trump needs to start talking about the ‘Sham-ocracy’ where our intel services, law enforcement, media and embedded govt collude to keep themselves in power.

He did a good job with the embedded govt with “the swamp”, he needs to do the same with the other two and then tie it together. He had plenty of opportunity to do this, but he keeps pushing too simple of a narrative that can be easily dismissed.

So a ‘sham-ocracy’ or a “cancer in our country” that must be dealt with.

The problem is that you can’t move to the more complex and relevant story with Trump flooding the zone with stupid stuff like this.

12-04-22, 01:06
"Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else."

- Hans-Hermann Hoppe

12-04-22, 01:28
Don’t agree with that simplistic statement. The reality is that democracy is not a way to run a govt and make decisions, it is a safety valve to ensure that the people in govt respect our rights and competently manage govt affairs.

This is just the latest example of Trump’s impulsiveness and lack of self-control. The second in a week? This isn’t gaining him any votes, only losing them. Reminds me of after Bill Clinton and the Monica crap, there was the “No one left to lie to”. Trump is entering that kind of death spiral.

ETA: So, we finally get a glimpse at the Biden laptop and the machinations that social media, the DNC, and the govt went to to suppress it and make Biden president- A HUGE story with significant implications—- but because of Trump’s lack of self control and his narcissism, it is all about him and this stupid line about the constitution.

Look, can can make the same impact by saying that the dems are so devious, that they found a way to cheat in a manner that even the founders couldn’t address in the constitution.

But no, Trump has to basically set up a one-man circular firing squad- a true political gift if you ask me.

So not only does Trump divert attention from the real story, he reinforces the ‘insurrection’ narrative. A real two-fer screw up.

It could come out that Trump has a micro-penis, and Trump would be thrilled that everyone is talking about his junk.

12-04-22, 01:51
This certainly validates The Lincoln Project...

Trump says something outrageous on social media and... You have so much principals you are supporting GROOMERS because they hate orange hitler too.

12-04-22, 03:15
Anyone supporting the Lincoln Project is my political enemy. :mad:

12-04-22, 09:05
EL OH EL, Opie

12-04-22, 09:52
Most all the trump supporters won't ever admit this clown has been all over the political party map in his life, from democrat and independent all the way to the Ross Perot reform party... he's not a republican, never has been never will be. He simply saw a group of easily manipulated people who he said the right things too and bingo he's president.

Also helped he was running against the most hated democrat in the history of the known universe...

12-04-22, 10:05
The issue with Trump is that Trump acts like the ideas of America First are his and his alone through MAGA. He doesn't acknowledge that the movement existed before him. They existed before Reagan and throughout the decades have evolved and matured. In the 90s, you had the Constitutionalist Movement and Anti-Tax Movement, which evolved to the TEA Party Movement, which became hr MAGA movement, and is now Post Trump, referred as the America First movement.

He acts like he created it all and the movement should be loyal to him.

The thing is, the Establishment in the Republican Party has been battling this for decades too. Look at how the GOP co-opted and destroyed the TEA Party Movement from within. It did the same thing in the 90s with leaders like Newt Gingrich and his "Contract With America". The political victory gained in the 90s was squandered on going after Clinton for having an affair, instead of better efforts to reduce the size and scope of government.

That culminated with Bush 43 being elected and the lack of progress with him led to eight years of Obama. The movement shifted from working with the government and the political establishment to working to oust it.

It didn't happen just with Republicans either. Democrats were targeted too. Americans for over a decade of Bush and Obama wanted change within heir parties.

Trump rode that wave as an outsider. The Democrats, using a different set of rules as a party, simply silenced outsiders as a whole. But you see them winning in local, more focused races like the House of Representatives with AOC beating a long term established incumbent.

The movement is in transition again for both sides and a lot of folks want something different.

12-04-22, 10:16
Certainly you all have seen his Truth post. The vast majority of users here have sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Trump has literally called for the "termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution." He is asking to be named president, despite the protections put in place by our constitution, making him dictator. This is absolutely against everything you/we have sworn to protect.

Is Trump a traitor, by definition? In your eyes?

This certainly validates The Lincoln Project and any other republican Never-Trumpers. Even though I posted this as a question, I am making the statement that I hope you all will realize that Trump has been in this for himself since the beginning. He was a loser of a New York Democrat, that supported the AWB, who finally realized he could use his business and tax desires to appeal to the right if he added a couple of talking points: abortion and guns. He lied to Christians, which was obvious because he knew nothing about the Bible, and then he lied to gun owners promising to use executive powers to force CCW reciprocity. Instead he used executive power to ban bump stocks.

I hope you will all think critically about what he is calling for…

Uh, I posted a thread with poll on here months ago asking Trump or DeSantis. It was 3 to 1 DeSantis > Trump. Obviously most feel---and have felt---that it is time to move on. Didn't need a Trump Tweet to push people in that direction.

12-04-22, 10:43
Certainly you all have seen his Truth post. The vast majority of users here have sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

I wish you would take your liberal troll, anti Trump shit to a different site...

12-04-22, 11:04
So besides sparing us from the Hillary presidency, we got a couple decent supreme court nominations and quite honestly that satisfied ALL of my expectations from a real estate developer / reality tv show host who wanted to be president because Obama snubbed him at some DC "look at me" dinner.

The "Never Trump" people I hate the most are the ones who closed ranks to stand on his dick in order to protect their own place at the money trough. Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the same Rinos who co opted the Tea Party did everything they could to prevent any real change. The thought of an outsider terrified them and that is why most of us voted for him. Let's keep in mind these are the same useless f'ers who ran Romney...TWICE.

The reality is he drowned in the swamp, navigating government isn't the same as being a CEO and getting everything you want. Once the guys in the GOP started burning him, THEY became the enemy. That meant he had no friends anywhere and that also meant he was done. He also seems to take defeat of any kind really personally and he lashes out. It's what gave him the drive to win the presidency and in the end it's what cost him the presidency.

Trump was probably a valuable course correction, but we need to move on. Hopefully to something better. Also this crap is damn premature, the primaries won't be until Feb of 2024.

Excellent post!!!

12-04-22, 11:07
…He simply saw a group of easily manipulated people who he said the right things too and bingo he's president.

I love it when hating Trump so much brings out the accidental honesty of how the establishment really views the conservative base.

12-04-22, 11:07
The issue with Trump is that Trump acts like the ideas of America First are his and his alone through MAGA. He doesn't acknowledge that the movement existed before him. They existed before Reagan and throughout the decades have evolved and matured. In the 90s, you had the Constitutionalist Movement and Anti-Tax Movement, which evolved to the TEA Party Movement, which became hr MAGA movement, and is now Post Trump, referred as the America First movement.

He acts like he created it all and the movement should be loyal to him.

The thing is, the Establishment in the Republican Party has been battling this for decades too. Look at how the GOP co-opted and destroyed the TEA Party Movement from within. It did the same thing in the 90s with leaders like Newt Gingrich and his "Contract With America". The political victory gained in the 90s was squandered on going after Clinton for having an affair, instead of better efforts to reduce the size and scope of government.

That culminated with Bush 43 being elected and the lack of progress with him led to eight years of Obama. The movement shifted from working with the government and the political establishment to working to oust it.

It didn't happen just with Republicans either. Democrats were targeted too. Americans for over a decade of Bush and Obama wanted change within heir parties.

Trump rode that wave as an outsider. The Democrats, using a different set of rules as a party, simply silenced outsiders as a whole. But you see them winning in local, more focused races like the House of Representatives with AOC beating a long term established incumbent.

The movement is in transition again for both sides and a lot of folks want something different.

Excellent post!

12-04-22, 11:08
Anyone supporting the Lincoln Project is my political enemy. :mad:

Definitely concur.

12-04-22, 11:17
I wish you would take your liberal troll, anti Trump shit to a different site...

I wish you were smart enough to see that I’m a true conservative, not a mouth breather that moans every time Trump cries about being attacked. But as they say, you can wish in one hand and shit in the other… so I guess we are stuck with each other. To pass time you could research how many times Trump supported anti-gun legislation.

12-04-22, 11:20
Anyone supporting the Lincoln Project is my political enemy. :mad:

Interesting. That’s the OG conservative base from when the GOP was mostly businessmen, doctors, and highly educated and successful people. What’s not to like? You’d rather support the free-shit for votes left, or the radical right that comes right out of Idiocracy?

12-04-22, 11:24
I suppose I should recognize that this post is unlikely to change the minds of anybody. I would really hope, though, that a bunch of strong believers in freedom, the Constitution, and democracy would see Trump’s true colors, finally. He *literally* does not believe in the Constitution nor our founding fathers’ ideas of a government *for* the people not *of* the people. I hope all of you will give this some thought. This group of people on this forum are some of the most important people for this country’s future.

12-04-22, 11:34
The constitution was attacked on Nov 4 2020 at 3AM...this was the real insurrection & not the Jan 6 crap the msm preaches to the sheep.

It's mind boggling to me anyone would be more upset over something someone states than what ACTUALLY happened to our elections / country via the swamp...we are a snowball heading towards Venezuela / Brazil & yet Trump statements continue to cause more butt hurt than our eroding republic??

12-04-22, 12:03
The Republicans are either too stupid, or too naive to win an election no matter who they run.

2016 the Marxiast were just too cocky, so they didn't put the fix in. 2020 and 2022 they kept it from being a Republican total victory.

Nobody can tell me Fetterman in PA, was a legit win. We see AZ. has issues, and I am sure others.

Republicans remind me of Sean Connery speech in Untouchables, they don't know how to street fight.

12-04-22, 12:09
I suppose I should recognize that this post is unlikely to change the minds of anybody. I would really hope, though, that a bunch of strong believers in freedom, the Constitution, and democracy would see Trump’s true colors, finally. He *literally* does not believe in the Constitution nor our founding fathers’ ideas of a government *for* the people not *of* the people. I hope all of you will give this some thought. This group of people on this forum are some of the most important people for this country’s future.

The founders didn't like the idea of a democracy.

"The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government,"

12-04-22, 12:10
To pass time you could research how many times Trump supported anti-gun legislation.

The Trump win and presidency brought about and was the literal 'salad days' for firearms and ammunition purchasing for many of us. We stockpiled the guns we wanted and ammo (and ammo making supplies) for dirt cheap and availability (of pretty much everything) was plentiful to say the least.

12-04-22, 12:15
..when the GOP was mostly businessmen, doctors, and highly educated and successful people.
And it slips again.

Don’t worry too much, every day more and more of us regular working class conservatives hate the GOP back for being so worthless and weak.

I have to say it one more time: Trump is the result, not the cause. The result of a functional uniparty of elites. Now because you have no idea what time it is I’ll warn you, the next one will be worse.

12-04-22, 12:43
It is so evident that politics is an emotional issue for many, maybe the majority.

It's like a big domestic dispute.

I'm glad to have really stepped back and can just observe with only the slightest amusement.

12-04-22, 12:46
The constitution was attacked on Nov 4 2020 at 3AM...this was the real insurrection & not the Jan 6 crap the msm preaches to the sheep.

It's mind boggling to me anyone would be more upset over something someone states than what ACTUALLY happened to our elections / country via the swamp...we are a snowball heading towards Venezuela / Brazil & yet Trump statements continue to cause more butt hurt than our eroding republic??

No, that isn’t it. Both things can be true. The election can be corrupt, and Trump can be a complete train-wreck in dealing with it.

Trump can be a political opportunist and also had significant conservative victories- even if the justices were more from his outsourcing work than ideology .

12-04-22, 12:52
Trump won 2020 by a freak'n landslide & your Desantis / Jesus (insert whatever your dream team 100% sure fire winner ticket is) won't win 2024...the fix is in.

Trump would slaughter it again if we had legit elections in 24 as would a shaved baboon...it's not about who's on the ticket. Fighting the wrong battle.

DeSantis won Palm Beach County, a Democrat stronghold since the 1980s. Mar-A-Lago is in Palm Beach and Trump couldn't win the very county where his home is located. DeSantis did.

12-04-22, 13:02
I wish you were smart enough to see that I’m a true conservative, not a mouth breather that moans every time Trump cries about being attacked. But as they say, you can wish in one hand and shit in the other… so I guess we are stuck with each other. To pass time you could research how many times Trump supported anti-gun legislation.

I belive that you believe you are a "true conservative" problem is you talk like and parrot the same crap and lies that the MSM has been feeding their puppets since 2018. Obviously Trump is not the father of conservstism but please name one president that has been more effective in promoting America and individual rights.

12-04-22, 13:42
Ignore Trump. Pivot back to the facts that the social media companies, law enforcement, and the DNC colluded to lie to us. Spread disinformation and misinformation and change the results of an election. If this passes this week and it is still about TRump, it is a major loss for the return to reality that we need. Unfortunately, Trump is more than happy for this new cycle to go away and it all be about him, not that there was a conspriacy against him.

12-04-22, 13:49
I'm not a trumper, wish he would just fade away. But I'm also recognize that he did good things for the country in his first term.

But even the first post in this thread is playing into the mainstream story that he wants to terminate the Constitution. If you read what he said and understand the context he is talking about some of the crazy rules regarding voting and certification.

That's still very controversial, but it is not trying to abolish the Constitution.

CNN and similar are trying to make it that DJT wants to abolish the Constitution entirely with their headlines.

12-04-22, 13:54
There is nothing in the constitution that addresses a stolen election. Especially what to do 2 years into one with the thief in the WH.

12-04-22, 14:20
There is nothing in the constitution that addresses a stolen election. Especially what to do 2 years into one with the thief in the WH.

The Constitution states what .gov may do and promoting or maintaining a bogus election isn't listed as a function of government.

12-04-22, 14:21
There is nothing in the constitution that addresses a stolen election. Especially what to do 2 years into one with the thief in the WH.Agreed on any process to deal with the stolen election.

He's referring to the arcane stuff in Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, the Electoral College is the formal body which elects the President and Vice President of the United State.

12-04-22, 14:25
or the radical right that comes right out of Idiocracy?

That’s where they’re dragging the party and they can’t even see it.

12-04-22, 15:02
The only positive to come from Trump’s post is the statement the White House issued:

“The American Constitution is a sacrosanct document that for over 200 years has guaranteed that freedom and the rule of law prevail in our great country. The Constitution brings the American people together – regardless of party – and elected leaders swear to uphold it.
It’s the ultimate monument to all of the Americans who have given their lives to defeat self-serving despots that abused their power and trampled on fundamental rights. Attacking the Constitution and all it stands for is anathema to the soul of our nation, and should be universally condemned. You cannot only love America when you win.”

For all the times the left has wiped their collective asses with the Constitution, they’re forced to actually defend it as sacrosanct.


12-04-22, 15:11
Interesting. That’s the OG conservative base from when the GOP was mostly businessmen, doctors, and highly educated and successful people. What’s not to like? You’d rather support the free-shit for votes left, or the radical right that comes right out of Idiocracy?

Bullshit. That’s the OG GOPe RINO cuckservative base that loves snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. That’s the Boehner, Ryan, McConnell, McCarthy Chamber Republican base that dgaf about gun rights and has never moved a single piece of pro-gun legislation forward. Yes we have a crazy wing of the Republican party, but we also have a strong middle ground segment that’s all about freedom and reigning in the overzealous federal overreach of the Dems and GOPe cucks. That is the segment McConnell just defunded in the election and instead chose minority status over constitutionalists in his own party. That’s the segment McCarthy took millions in stolen crypto money to fight against, rather than actually fight Hakeem Jeffries Democrats.

The people YOU support just threw an entire election cycle away, just to keep the feedbags coming for themselves and their rich pals. The Lincoln Project endorses Democrats over Actual conservative Republicans. They would rather have Democrats control the power of the purse, so as to keep funneling taxpayer money into their pockets. They’re pure evil and I stand by my position that if you’re in their camp, then you’re my political enemy. :mad:

There is nothing in the constitution that addresses a stolen election. Especially what to do 2 years into one with the thief in the WH.

Yes there is. Steyr posted it in Post #4.

12-04-22, 15:33
The only positive to come from Trump’s post is the statement the White House issued:

“The American Constitution is a sacrosanct document that for over 200 years has guaranteed that freedom and the rule of law prevail in our great country. The Constitution brings the American people together – regardless of party – and elected leaders swear to uphold it.
It’s the ultimate monument to all of the Americans who have given their lives to defeat self-serving despots that abused their power and trampled on fundamental rights. Attacking the Constitution and all it stands for is anathema to the soul of our nation, and should be universally condemned. You cannot only love America when you win.”

For all the times the left has wiped their collective asses with the Constitution, they’re forced to actually defend it as sacrosanct.


The totalitarians usually say things like that, then follow it up with "but", redefine the meaning of words, and other shenanigans.

12-04-22, 15:42
So I can't stand Never Trumpers, but at the same time...you don't run a guy who LOST last time.

Lots of presidents have been sure they actually won, Nixon for example. Even with massive voter fraud, Kennedy won by 0.17% of the popular vote. But you follow the example of Nixon, Al Gore was the first to not act presidential.

But Trump kind of has a point, I will let Thomas Jefferson say it better than anyone ever could.

“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government...”

But that is the right of the "people", not Trump, and the "people" ain't gonna do it just because Trump thinks he got robbed.

If you are still so pro Trump that you WANT him to win the next election you really need to take a second look.
If you are still so anti Trump that you WORRY about him winning the next election you really need to take a second look.

Everyone needs to be far more concerned with the GOP nominating a better candidate than Trump, because if they don't, we aren't gonna win anyway.

Well said, my step dad as inept as he is once told me that he supports Republican policy but never Republican candidates and I think this rings true, especially considering the last midterms

12-04-22, 16:46
Its funny to me that the left leaners are the only ones on the board who read Trump's posts, but they still feel driven to take the conservative members to task over what he says.


Rent free

12-04-22, 18:39
There is nothing in the constitution that addresses a stolen election. Especially what to do 2 years into one with the thief in the WH.

Yeah just wait till the average low information voter finds out about article II Section 1 of the constitution...

Historically, there has been an even more dizzying variety in the systems developed in each state. In the first presidential election, five state legislatures—in Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, New Jersey, and South Carolina—themselves simply designated presidential Electors without having any popular election at all.

All of these variations are allowable under the constitutional design.


12-04-22, 22:23
The only positive to come from Trump’s post is the statement the White House issued:

“The American Constitution is a sacrosanct document that for over 200 years has guaranteed that freedom and the rule of law prevail in our great country. The Constitution brings the American people together – regardless of party – and elected leaders swear to uphold it.
It’s the ultimate monument to all of the Americans who have given their lives to defeat self-serving despots that abused their power and trampled on fundamental rights. Attacking the Constitution and all it stands for is anathema to the soul of our nation, and should be universally condemned. You cannot only love America when you win.”

For all the times the left has wiped their collective asses with the Constitution, they’re forced to actually defend it as sacrosanct.


Trump also said take the guns first, due process later.

He treats the Constitution like a stage prop for thr play called government. No different than many other politicians.

12-04-22, 23:26
Trump also said take the guns first, due process later.

He treats the Constitution like a stage prop for thr play called government. No different than many other politicians.

Trump did say that after it came out that a school shooter had been visited by LE several times before the shooting. But you know this.
Damn it man.

12-04-22, 23:26
Trump also said take the guns first, due process later.

He treats the Constitution like a stage prop for thr play called government. No different than many other politicians.

And he said this "No limits on guns; they save lives". (Jan 2016), unlike MOST politicians. But honestly he's been all over the map. He's pro gun, he's anti gun and now he's pro gun again. In fact he was recently at a NRA convention this year and he took some flak for attending because it was in Texas after Uvalder, the same crap Daniel Defense was demonized for NOT doing, Trump did.


So he's kind one of those pro gun people who "supports the second amendment BUT..." which makes him no different, worse or better than a LOT of people posting here.

If anyone is interested in his actual stated positions over time.


Remove weapons from dangerous individuals, not all Americans. (Mar 2018)
Arm public school employees to prevent school shootings. (Mar 2018)
Opposes arming school teachers against school shootings. (Mar 2018)
Teachers with gun training should be allowed to carry. (Feb 2018)
End gun-free zones in schools & military bases. (Jan 2017)
Opposes restrictions on right to bear arms. (Nov 2016)
We need Supreme Court to stand up for the 2nd Amendment. (Oct 2016)
Appoint Supreme Court judges who respect 2nd amendment. (Oct 2016)
No guns for people on terrorist watch-list. (Sep 2016)
Buying lots of ammunition & body armor should be a red flag. (Jun 2016)
Mass shootings are due to a huge mental health problem. (Jan 2016)
No limits on guns; they save lives. (Jan 2016)
Keep enemies of the state away from guns. (Nov 2015)
Make concealed-carry permits valid across all states. (Nov 2015)
Gun-free zones are target practice for sickos. (Oct 2015)
1998: Against gun laws; only bad guys would have guns. (Oct 2015)
Gun ownership makes US safer, not more dangerous. (Oct 2015)
Mental health more important than gun control. (Oct 2015)
Laws are ineffective in preventing gun violence. (Oct 2015)
Gun violence is inevitable; regulations won't help. (Oct 2015)
Protect the Second Amendment, but address mental health. (Sep 2015)
Take guns from good people & bad people have target practice. (Jul 2015)
A very strong person on the Second Amendment. (Jun 2015)
I am against gun control. (Feb 2011)
Dems and Reps are both wrong on guns. (Jul 2000)
For assault weapon ban, waiting period, & background check. (Jul 2000)

12-04-22, 23:46
And again, we are beating a dead horse. Majority of Republicans on the board do not support a third run by Donald Trump.

Ignoring that, I would rather have someone like the Don who waffled on guns that any Democrat. The Dems don't waffle - they have been quite transparent in their desire for another AWB along with any other way they can restrict the 2nd Amendment.


12-05-22, 00:15
And again, we are beating a dead horse. Majority of Republicans on the board do not support a third run by Donald Trump.

Ignoring that, I would rather have someone like the Don who waffled on guns that any Democrat. The Dems don't waffle - they have been quite transparent in their desire for another AWB along with any other way they can restrict the 2nd Amendment.


That is true but I do support a third run. Desantis should wait for a 2028 run running against Trump will not be good for his political future.

12-05-22, 06:58
I wish you were smart enough to see that I’m a true conservative, not a mouth breather that moans every time Trump cries about being attacked. But as they say, you can wish in one hand and shit in the other… so I guess we are stuck with each other. To pass time you could research how many times Trump supported anti-gun legislation.

I am smart enough to see you say you are a conservative while you push the false narrative that the DNC influencing Twitter is not a 1st Amendment issue because "the DNC is not the government" when the FBI testified in court that they met regularly with Twitter to push the same narrative as the DNC.

With conservatives like you, who needs liberals?


12-05-22, 07:08
Trump should stick with being the “King maker”, and forget about another Presidential run.

12-05-22, 08:22
So now it turns out that the Arizona Secretary of State colluded with Twitter to have posts removed from voices critical of her and from political opponents.

It is very clear to me that Twitter actively colluded with Democrat operatives to influence elections and also with government officials for similar.

Both are illegal, and the ones from government entities are first amendment issues.

If this was playing out regarding TV commercials it would be violations of federal law due to fcc code.

That was put in place because TV networks were effective monopolies. The same is true of social media, just the code has not caught up with the technology.

12-05-22, 08:48
I wish you were smart enough to see that I’m a true conservative, not a mouth breather that moans every time Trump cries about being attacked. But as they say, you can wish in one hand and shit in the other… so I guess we are stuck with each other. To pass time you could research how many times Trump supported anti-gun legislation.

..but you think the Lincoln Project has our best interests in mind?

The logic that you hate someone and won't vote for them because they had a couple anti gun moments (not saying I am good with it) and becoming part of the problem that a person who has every intention of banning whatever they can was elected is so bizarro world logic. How do you not put the simple addition equation together?

12-05-22, 08:55
So now it turns out that the Arizona Secretary of State colluded with Twitter to have posts removed from voices critical of her and from political opponents.

It is very clear to me that Twitter actively colluded with Democrat operatives to influence elections and also with government officials for similar.

Both are illegal, and the ones from government entities are first amendment issues.

If this was playing out regarding TV commercials it would be violations of federal law due to fcc code.

That was put in place because TV networks were effective monopolies. The same is true of social media, just the code has not caught up with the technology.

If the evidence that has been released is real, and I believe 100% it is. Absolutely government officials and tax paid persons have colluded with Twitter, Facebook and multiple outlets to influence elections.

Now can anyone tell me what will be done about this? :help:

12-05-22, 09:54
The issue with Trump is that Trump acts like the ideas of America First are his and his alone through MAGA. He doesn't acknowledge that the movement existed before him. They existed before Reagan and throughout the decades have evolved and matured. In the 90s, you had the Constitutionalist Movement and Anti-Tax Movement, which evolved to the TEA Party Movement, which became hr MAGA movement, and is now Post Trump, referred as the America First movement.

He acts like he created it all and the movement should be loyal to him.

The thing is, the Establishment in the Republican Party has been battling this for decades too. Look at how the GOP co-opted and destroyed the TEA Party Movement from within. It did the same thing in the 90s with leaders like Newt Gingrich and his "Contract With America". The political victory gained in the 90s was squandered on going after Clinton for having an affair, instead of better efforts to reduce the size and scope of government.

That culminated with Bush 43 being elected and the lack of progress with him led to eight years of Obama. The movement shifted from working with the government and the political establishment to working to oust it.

It didn't happen just with Republicans either. Democrats were targeted too. Americans for over a decade of Bush and Obama wanted change within heir parties.

Trump rode that wave as an outsider. The Democrats, using a different set of rules as a party, simply silenced outsiders as a whole. But you see them winning in local, more focused races like the House of Representatives with AOC beating a long term established incumbent.

The movement is in transition again for both sides and a lot of folks want something different.

It literally says "again" in the name.

12-05-22, 09:54
Now can anyone tell me what will be done about this? :help:

Call everyone who believes this conspiracy theory a racist???

(The Effed Up thing in all of this is that the population is so fukking brainless that Twitter could influence there mush head beliefs)

12-05-22, 10:18
Certainly you all have seen his Truth post. The vast majority of users here have sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Trump has literally called for the "termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution." He is asking to be named president, despite the protections put in place by our constitution, making him dictator. This is absolutely against everything you/we have sworn to protect.

Is Trump a traitor, by definition? In your eyes?

This certainly validates The Lincoln Project and any other republican Never-Trumpers. Even though I posted this as a question, I am making the statement that I hope you all will realize that Trump has been in this for himself since the beginning. He was a loser of a New York Democrat, that supported the AWB, who finally realized he could use his business and tax desires to appeal to the right if he added a couple of talking points: abortion and guns. He lied to Christians, which was obvious because he knew nothing about the Bible, and then he lied to gun owners promising to use executive powers to force CCW reciprocity. Instead he used executive power to ban bump stocks.

I hope you will all think critically about what he is calling for…


Does he normally write like this? It made my head hurt trying to read it.

12-05-22, 11:17
The Babylon Bee nails it again.


12-05-22, 11:28
I am smart enough to see you say you are a conservative while you push the false narrative that the DNC influencing Twitter is not a 1st Amendment issue because "the DNC is not the government" when the FBI testified in court that they met regularly with Twitter to push the same narrative as the DNC.

With conservatives like you, who needs liberals?


Ding. Ding. Ding.

Chamber Republicans are just the worst. They'll tell you they support you while they're actively sliding a knife in between your ribs.

So now it turns out that the Arizona Secretary of State colluded with Twitter to have posts removed from voices critical of her and from political opponents.

It is very clear to me that Twitter actively colluded with Democrat operatives to influence elections and also with government officials for similar.

Both are illegal, and the ones from government entities are first amendment issues.

If this was playing out regarding TV commercials it would be violations of federal law due to fcc code.

That was put in place because TV networks were effective monopolies. The same is true of social media, just the code has not caught up with the technology.

This is where it becomes actively unconstitutional. Hobbs cannot act as a DNC candidate AND the AZ SoS. She must recuse herself, her office and her campaign from 1st Amendment conflicts while holding office. If she has a legitimate problem with what's being posted, then civil court is her appropriate venue for redress. Anything else is over the line. :mad:

12-05-22, 11:40
Let me ask, because I think we can all agree that the 2020 elction was rigged.
At what point should the GOP have stepped in and asked "WTF Over"? There were obvious irregularities and the Party said Zip.
Mitch McConnel is probobly very happy that Trump isn't in power and holding him accoutable. So why rock the boat?

No here's the thing, I don't care if you're a never Trumper or not, what that guy accomplished with the Supreme Court alone was amazing.
The other thing is nobody likes Trump anymore, I think that's kind of harsh, we could have got another Bush afterall.

12-05-22, 11:54
Hobbs is already set to certify her own election steal.



Trump on Truth about all this...the replies are great. Amazing how people read the same statement & see 100% polar on it's intention / meaning.


12-05-22, 13:12
Imagine ANY democrat talking about suspending the Constitution, M4C would hold a call to arms. Trump does it....meh...it's just Trump being Trump.

12-05-22, 13:32
It depends on how you read his statement...I saw it when it first came out & didn't take it the way the msm is stating that he now has grounds for said termination of laws.

"A massive fraud so serious that it ALLOWS for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution."

I read the obvious election fraud / steal has allowed all our rules / laws to be pissed away & even still now totally disregarded with this new twatter proof collusion. Hell, one state's SCOTUS changed election laws before they started which is unconstitutional being the legislative's responsibility.

The dems have been trying to destroy the constitution forever...ya know, a living breathing doc where the 2nd no longer applies since it was written when we had muskets.

12-05-22, 13:40
Imagine ANY democrat talking about suspending the Constitution, M4C would hold a call to arms. Trump does it....meh...it's just Trump being Trump.

Imagine states ignoring election laws and doing whatever they want, then the GOP, DNC and SCOTUS go meh... it's just politicians being politicians. :rolleyes:

The United States has devolved to the point there's really only one law: Do what you want if you can get away with it. :mad:

12-05-22, 13:58
Nobody stepped up to protect or defend the constitution after it's been trampled by both sides for the last 40+ years, what makes you think they'd step up now?

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12-05-22, 14:58
Trump falsely claims he never called to ‘terminate’ US constitution despite having said exactly that


Former president Donald Trump claimed on Monday that he never advocated for an end to America’s constitution despite having called for its’ “termination” just days ago.


12-05-22, 15:04
Trump falsely claims he never called to ‘terminate’ US constitution despite having said exactly that



I gotta side with Trump on this one. I honestly believe he doesn't understand 67% of the shit he posts on Twitter.

12-05-22, 15:23
I love how Twitter starts releasing the goods and this is the thread we have here.

The point is exactly the opposite. Yet the more evidence that is provided this is what we get.

Absolutely and utterly ridiculous. Some of you need to pull your heads out.

12-05-22, 15:27
I love how Twitter starts releasing the goods and this is the thread we have here.

The point is exactly the opposite. Yet the more evidence that is provided this is what we get.

Absolutely and utterly ridiculous. Some of you need to pull your heads out.

Is it any wonder that a guy who had the rug pulled out from underneath him in a National Election is pissed?
Again I ask, who stood up and started asking some pointed questions about the way the election was handled and how this whole absentee voter fraud suddenly became the norm?
The Republican Rino's were so happy that Trump lost and did nothing to fix what was going down.

12-05-22, 15:40
Imagine ANY democrat talking about suspending the Constitution, M4C would hold a call to arms. Trump does it....meh...it's just Trump being Trump.

As ARTOS says, they do it in a more sophisticated way- a skill that Trump just doesn’t possess. So instead of talking about the collusion between Twitter, the DNC, and the govt, we are talking about a Tweet that even Trump is trying to walk back.

And of course, all before the GA Senate race. So instead of a bunch of conservatives lit up over proof of what we have been alleging for years, we are talking about Trump and his temper tantrum.

12-05-22, 15:43
The fact people genuinely believe trump wants to actually eliminate the constitution based on that statement tells me their TDS is in overdrive making them delusional...not surprised seeing the msm twisting it up for the sheep, but to see it here salivating over it is disturbing.

That independent link is a total propaganda hack piece.

12-05-22, 16:02
The fact people genuinely believe trump wants to actually eliminate the constitution based on that statement tells me their TDS is in overdrive making them delusional...not surprised seeing the msm twisting it up for the sheep, but to see it here salivating over it is disturbing.

I wouldn’t exactly say that. If he didn’t say it explicitly, he came pretty close- a lot closer than the usual twist that the press does on his statements- it didn’t take much for the MSM to get what they anted. I would say that if Biden said the same thing, that they would be saying that he didn’t say it. Biden recently said that he wanted to bad all semi-auto guns. He said it clearly, with out any caveats or carve outs, and the press and the White say that he didn’t actually say it….

12-05-22, 17:14
Let's just hang all the libtards - whoever remains, wins the country!

12-05-22, 17:15
More proof that just because other people own guns, doesn't make us all part of the same tribe, and more than 50% of the population is functionally retarded.

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12-05-22, 17:18
Trump knows he is unelectable so he will continue to say stupid stuff thinking it will keep him relevant.

I lost any use for him after his temper tantrum when he lost and then decided to be a obnoxious POS ever since.

12-05-22, 17:32
The fact people genuinely believe trump wants to actually eliminate the constitution based on that statement tells me their TDS is in overdrive making them delusional...not surprised seeing the msm twisting it up for the sheep, but to see it here salivating over it is disturbing.

That independent link is a total propaganda hack piece.

TDS is pernicious and persistent. It’s resistant to all known forms of treatment. Once it sets in, it’s forever. :bad:

12-05-22, 17:44
Trump knows he is unelectable so he will continue to say stupid stuff thinking it will keep him relevant.

I lost any use for him after his temper tantrum when he lost and then decided to be a obnoxious POS ever since.

And maybe....IF we are lucky...the GOP will think they really need to get their shit together and have some decent nominees and back somebody who knows what they are doing so a bunch of people who still feel alienated aren't motivated to nominate Trump.

12-05-22, 18:53

12-05-22, 20:16
US elections are a sham.

Most people are just too emotional to accept that fact.

12-05-22, 20:31
US elections are a sham.

Most people are just too emotional to accept that fact.

They really are, but I still vote just incase.

I knew TOS was filled with liberals guess i shouldnt be surprised M4C has their share as well.

12-05-22, 20:35
US elections are a sham.

Most people are just too emotional to accept that fact.

Nah...we just need better candidates. You know, like Oz & Lake being pathetic choices over the most excellent Fester & Hobbs which the Dems / DNC never complained about.

Like stated before, a shaved baboon could win 2024, but a Trump primary win would give biden in this idiotic clown show (imagine what it will look like in two years) another easy 'victory'...folks are fighting the wrong battle. It's not about who's running any longer.

81mm votes my shaved ass!!

12-05-22, 21:46
It literally says "again" in the name.

Which Reagan used originally. He used MAGA.

12-06-22, 00:32
M4C: you don’t like Trump?! Yer a liberal! TDS!

12-06-22, 00:54
M4C: you don’t like Trump?! Yer a liberal! TDS!

Not really. Just dont parrot the liberal talking point.

12-06-22, 01:52
And maybe....IF we are lucky...the GOP will think they really need to get their shit together and have some decent nominees and back somebody who knows what they are doing so a bunch of people who still feel alienated aren't motivated to nominate Trump.

LOL, and then rainbow unicorns will fly out of our butts! :(

M4C: you don’t like Trump?! Yer a liberal! TDS!

One of these declarations is true, but I don’t believe some of you are affliction free enough to discern the difference. :rolleyes:

12-06-22, 06:03
LOL, and then rainbow unicorns will fly out of our butts! :(

Politics is a terrible world, it attracts terrible people, so naturally both sides can’t produce a good career politician candidate.

Temp and Reagan’s biggest pluses were being outsiders.

The liberal news media beat me. I’m not ready for the onslaught another term would produce. I’d rather some one like desantis who does a much better job keeping his mouth shut.

12-06-22, 06:06
Not really. Just dont parrot the liberal talking point.

Points, but yes, this.


12-06-22, 09:38
Politics is a terrible world, it attracts terrible people, so naturally both sides can’t produce a good career politician candidate.

Temp and Reagan’s biggest pluses were being outsiders.

The liberal news media beat me. I’m not ready for the onslaught another term would produce. I’d rather some one like desantis who does a much better job keeping his mouth shut.

This is exactly why DeSantis is the best choice. Unlike every other top level GOPe RINO or Trump, DeSantis would rather accomplish goals and while the left is throwing a hissy fit, go out and accomplish more instead of joining in the white noise festival. I see DeSantis as a "hide and watch" type, and that's exactly what we need. I'm sure he's not perfect or a saint by any means, but what else are we gonna do, run Mittens or JEB! again? :rolleyes:

12-06-22, 14:24
And maybe....IF we are lucky...the GOP will think they really need to get their shit together and have some decent nominees and back somebody who knows what they are doing so a bunch of people who still feel alienated aren't motivated to nominate Trump.Agreed.

12-06-22, 15:39
M4C: you don’t like Trump?! Yer a liberal! TDS!

Paint with a broad brush much?

12-06-22, 21:00
Which Reagan used originally. He used MAGA.

I dont recall Reagan using MAGA as a campaign slogan.

12-06-22, 22:06
Nah...we just need better candidates. You know, like Oz & Lake being pathetic choices over the most excellent Fester & Hobbs which the Dems / DNC never complained about.

Like stated before, a shaved baboon could win 2024, but a Trump primary win would give biden in this idiotic clown show (imagine what it will look like in two years) another easy 'victory'...folks are fighting the wrong battle. It's not about who's running any longer.

81mm votes my shaved ass!!

Unless we get some decent candidates I'm just gonna take my cue from the politicians themselves. I'm in it for the money. My political affiliation is for rent. It may make for some disjointed threads with me switching views all the time but...

PM for daily, weekly, and monthly rates. Actual election votes will be decided by sealed bids.

Oh yeah. Artos I wanna see pics of that shaved ass. You know, for science. ;)

12-06-22, 22:14
I dont recall Reagan using MAGA as a campaign slogan.


12-06-22, 23:43
Unless we get some decent candidates I'm just gonna take my cue from the politicians themselves. I'm in it for the money. My political affiliation is for rent. It may make for some disjointed threads with me switching views all the time but...

PM for daily, weekly, and monthly rates. Actual election votes will be decided by sealed bids.

Oh yeah. Artos I wanna see pics of that shaved ass. You know, for science. ;)

I'll go one further, if you ain't gonna represent me, you don't get my vote.

When the dems ran an actual socialist who put his campaign together at the home of an actual terrorist who co founded the Weather Underground who did they run? McCain the Manchurian Candidate. When Obama ran for reelection and AFTER Obamacare was forced on us (becoming the first government service that was REQUIRED for purchase by US citizens), who did they run? F'ing Romney?

I was DONE with them after that. I voted for Trump because he didn't recognize the GOP in power. And honestly with all of his faults he satisfied my minimum requirements (and they were low) and he was still better than McCain or Romney.

And if they put up some useless (might as well be a dem) in 2024, I will write in Christy Canyon.

12-06-22, 23:47
Maga vid

No worse than Obama plagiarizing an Eddie Murphy parody of politics.


12-07-22, 04:06
I'll go one further, if you ain't gonna represent me, you don't get my vote.

When the dems ran an actual socialist who put his campaign together at the home of an actual terrorist who co founded the Weather Underground who did they run? McCain the Manchurian Candidate. When Obama ran for reelection and AFTER Obamacare was forced on us (becoming the first government service that was REQUIRED for purchase by US citizens), who did they run? F'ing Romney?

I was DONE with them after that. I voted for Trump because he didn't recognize the GOP in power. And honestly with all of his faults he satisfied my minimum requirements (and they were low) and he was still better than McCain or Romney.

And if they put up some useless (might as well be a dem) in 2024, I will write in Christy Canyon.

I had to google Christy Canyon, but other than that I agree with you.

Years ago I got invited to an event with President Reagan, I was sitting at a kosher food table and this old guy was sitting next to me. I started talking to him about why he was a Republican and he said he is a business owner of a major interstate trucking firm. He gives equal money to both parties, because he knows he has to feed the pimps and whore no matter if the are R or D. His only politics was providing for his family and making a successful company.

12-13-22, 23:22
It’s funny that anyone thinks we will ever have a fair election again. He won bigger than Regan did in 84. As Stalin said, it doesn’t matter who votes, just who counts the votes.

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12-14-22, 00:51
I had to google Christy Canyon, but other than that I agree with you.

Hoping you googled "Christy Canyon 1985". She's been retired for a bit.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-14-22, 18:09
Ron DeSantis Holds Early Lead Over Donald Trump Among GOP Primary Voters, WSJ Poll Shows
The former president’s standing among Republican voters has fallen after candidates he promoted lost in midterm elections


Thankfully it looks like people might finally be shaking off the spell. I feel like DeSantis is our best shot and finally getting out of this rut. I have noticed this among a lot of my "trump train" friends. Most seem to think he did a good job but that he is damaged goods beyond salvaging at this point.