View Full Version : Biden vows to limit the number of bullets that can be in a cartridge

12-08-22, 15:34
"President Joe Biden spoke at the 10th Annual National Gun Control Vigil Wednesday night and assured attendees he is still pushing to 'limit the number of bullets than can be in a cartridge.'

Biden said this after mentioning the gun control legislation he signed into law in mid-summer 2022.

After Biden mentioned his gun control legislation, he quickly added, “It’s still not enough,” and vigil attendees broke into applause.

He then said, “Our work continues to limit the number of bullets that can be in a cartridge, type of weapons that can be purchased and sold, attempt to ban ‘assault weapons,’ a whole range of things that are just commonsense.”

Biden talked of how a federal “assault weapons” ban was in place once and suggested, “We can do it again.” He then said, “Scripture says, ‘The light shines in darkness and the darkness have not overcome it.”

Biden then told the gun control vigil attendees that they are the light."

12-08-22, 15:43
I'm down to one per cartridge already. I guess no more Shot shells?

12-08-22, 16:08
Which is strange because I thought Biden was a big fan of shotguns?

12-08-22, 16:16
Its bad when even the Puppet Masters can't keep this old codger on track.
I suggest more cocaine.

Coal Dragger
12-08-22, 16:33

More cocaine.

I want to see Joe Biden dressed as, and speaking like Dr. Rockso!

Make it happen, I want to see the clown doing C-C-C-COCAINE!!!

12-08-22, 17:09

More cocaine.

I want to see Joe Biden dressed as, and speaking like Dr. Rockso!

Make it happen, I want to see the clown doing C-C-C-COCAINE!!!

Yeah, that all we need. Uncle Joe all blown out ala Jekyll and Hyde... Together again!

12-08-22, 17:25
I thought he was a shotgun advocate?? :blink:

12-08-22, 17:26

More cocaine.

I want to see Joe Biden dressed as, and speaking like Dr. Rockso!

Make it happen, I want to see the clown doing C-C-C-COCAINE!!!

Oh man, sorry about the Fentanyl.

12-08-22, 17:51

More cocaine.

I want to see Joe Biden dressed as, and speaking like Dr. Rockso!

Make it happen, I want to see the clown doing C-C-C-COCAINE!!!

I'm Joe Biden and I DO COCAINE

12-08-22, 19:23
There is a reason he goes to Delaware a lot....

12-08-22, 19:47

12-08-22, 20:39
"President Joe Biden spoke at the 10th Annual National Gun Control Vigil Wednesday night and assured attendees he is still pushing to 'limit the number of bullets than can be in a cartridge.'

Biden said this after mentioning the gun control legislation he signed into law in mid-summer 2022.

After Biden mentioned his gun control legislation, he quickly added, “It’s still not enough,” and vigil attendees broke into applause.

He then said, “Our work continues to limit the number of bullets that can be in a cartridge, type of weapons that can be purchased and sold, attempt to ban ‘assault weapons,’ a whole range of things that are just commonsense.”

That shit sucks. All my damn SD ammo is going to be illegal now.

(and worth like a hundred bucks per round on the black market!!!) :)



Pro tip: When pulled and reloaded (in proper brass of course) to 460 Rowland velocities - Each one of these can take out multiple enemies and / or lightly armored vehicles pretty much with ease. :)

12-09-22, 00:59
If the GOP talked about female reproduction with the same level of understanding, we'd never hear the end of it.

Everytime they talk about abortion in female only terms, I just give them a confused look and go "Why does this only affect women?" And what ever they respond with I just say 'well, yes, BUT I was a baby at one point. We are talking about the baby, not the woman." Talking in terms of 'women's health' is like talking about drunk driving by focusing on the bear bottles. It's what's inside that I'm interested in, not the packaging.

12-10-22, 01:49
How about limiting the number of fruitcakes in your administration?


12-10-22, 03:32
Personal to Chicom Pedo Joe: Go choke on a rotting dog turd.

12-10-22, 07:00
If the GOP talked about female reproduction with the same level of understanding, we'd never hear the end of it.

To be fair, there have been GOP reps and senators who have done just this. We haven't heard the end of one of the reps (I forget who) who claimed that a woman's uterus closes when she has not consented to sex, and therefore women can't get pregnant from rape.

Of course there was also Hank Johnson who thinks that islands float, and putting too many Marines on Guam would tip it over.

And of course, there are the Democrats who wanted to ban Glocks thirty years ago because they heard the line in Die Hard 2 about them being made entirely of porcelain and designed to not show up on metal detectors, as well as though who wanted to ban "heat seeking bullets".

It's one thing to be ignorant. It's another to refuse to be educated and then double down and insist that laws be made based on your ignorance. But that's what we get with a government made up almost entirely of clinically narcissistic people.

12-10-22, 10:02
...It's one thing to be ignorant. It's another to refuse to be educated and then double down and insist that laws be made based on your ignorance. But that's what we get with a government made up almost entirely of clinically narcissistic people.

Well said, and spot on.

12-10-22, 11:54
The nonsense regarding gun laws, recommendations, requirements, whatever, is now just boring. The possibility of eight round limits, maybe arm braces are legal/illegal, ban 'assault weapons', yada yada yada. Phuck this chit. Forego idiotic mindless compliance, go to range with your weapon of choice, hunt with your weapon of choice, carry your weapon of choice, with as much ammo as your magazine will hold! Enough of this law abiding gun owner horseshit. A statement similar to the old soviet work ethic comment, comes to mind, 'they pretend to pay us, we pretend to work'. The .gov selectively enforces laws, I'll selectively follow them. Phuck ! enough already.

12-11-22, 07:05
To be fair, there have been GOP reps and senators who have done just this. We haven't heard the end of one of the reps (I forget who) who claimed that a woman's uterus closes when she has not consented to sex, and therefore women can't get pregnant from rape.

Of course there was also Hank Johnson who thinks that islands float, and putting too many Marines on Guam would tip it over.

And of course, there are the Democrats who wanted to ban Glocks thirty years ago because they heard the line in Die Hard 2 about them being made entirely of porcelain and designed to not show up on metal detectors, as well as though who wanted to ban "heat seeking bullets".

It's one thing to be ignorant. It's another to refuse to be educated and then double down and insist that laws be made based on your ignorance. But that's what we get with a government made up almost entirely of clinically narcissistic people.

Whats really wild to me is when they propose laws that cover shit thats already been covered for a long time. I mean, if you’ve been practicing law and making or interpreting laws for 20-50 years, how are you not an expert on existing laws? You’ve got interns and shit, and nobody fired off a Google search and clicked the first 3 results?