View Full Version : Andor (Review)

12-09-22, 09:23
Andor is to the Star Wars series via Disney Plus what Rogue One was to the movie franchise: proof if they can still produce quality stuff in the Star Wars universe if they want to. It should come as no surprise then that many of the same people who made Rogue One are involved in Andor, Andor is a prequel to the Rogue One story line. Like Rogue One, Andor reminds us how good the Star Wars universe can be when it's well done. Andor has great actors, solid dialogue, excellent sets and CGI, and not woke garbage as with the other series put out by Disney but is more inclusive, and it works. When ever I'm about to totally give up on Star Wars, they give me a life line to hang on, and Andor almost makes up for the garbage that was all prior series in the Star Wars universe. My criticisms are all minor, and none make Andor anything but a surprisingly good series. A-


12-09-22, 09:32
I have generally liked the Star Wars series on Disney+. But Andor is a class above, well directed, well acted, well written, well filmed. My only criticism is how slow it started. It really didn't start to gel until about the third or fourth episode (to me).

12-09-22, 09:42
I have generally liked the Star Wars series on Disney+. But Andor is a class above, well directed, well acted, well written, well filmed. My only criticism is how slow it started. It really didn't start to gel until about the third or fourth episode (to me).

Personally, it ranged from bad to terrible for me, and I'd cancelled my subscription after that POS that was Obi-Wan. That was the final straw for me. But, various people insisted Andor was different and I should watch it, so I got a month of Dysney Plus and binge watched Andor. I watched the last three last night. Totally worth it.

Andor was like other great series, bit of a slow burn but once it gets good, around E4, it's really good. I was floored by just how good some scenes are, and that's due to the top quality actors and dialogue.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-09-22, 20:10
Superb show. Among the best Star Wars ever

12-09-22, 21:27
I hated Rogue One, they baited me with the old school tie fighter and light saber sound effects, but the film itself was horrible.

I made it 20 minutes into Andor and realized I didn't care about anything, the characters, the story so far...any of it.

By CONTRAST, Star Wars (1977) had me right from the story line scroll, when the Imperial cruiser overtook Leia's ship I was all in. Within the first 15 minutes they established an interesting story line and presented key characters.

Like Lucas, Disney made promises and broke them. They are like a bad ex girlfriend. I'm not gonna keep driving past her house because of what existed a LONG time ago.

12-10-22, 14:43
I hated Rogue One, they baited me with the old school tie fighter and light saber sound effects, but the film itself was horrible.

I made it 20 minutes into Andor and realized I didn't care about anything, the characters, the story so far...any of it.

By CONTRAST, Star Wars (1977) had me right from the story line scroll, when the Imperial cruiser overtook Leia's ship I was all in. Within the first 15 minutes they established an interesting story line and presented key characters.

Like Lucas, Disney made promises and broke them. They are like a bad ex girlfriend. I'm not gonna keep driving past her house because of what existed a LONG time ago.

Andor, you have to give it three, four, episodes. Star Wars was a movie, it had to move fast. Andor not so much.

12-10-22, 15:11
I think it is great, appears to be following a formula, two episodes of world building and charterer development and then a episode with action then repeat. Very gritty, realistic and unwoke and really fleshes out the non flashy parts of the Star Wars universe. Things like the prison planet show how truly evil the Empire is, if Disney takes two years to release season two that will piss me off.