View Full Version : So they voted to release Trump’s tax returns. . .

El Vaquero
12-20-22, 21:57
No big news there. But I hope I’m not the only one hoping there’s some good dirt in there that will keep him from running for president and dividing the Republican Party. But it also kind of has this feeling of Al Capone’s Vault. A bunch of hype and then maybe nothing. They could be so heavily redacted there won’t be much left.

12-20-22, 22:10
I've always wondered why they are so obsessed with the tax returns. It's not like he sits down and does it on Turbo Tax. Dude uses a huge tax firm to do it. Do the Dems really think they will find anything?

12-20-22, 22:29
I doubt they will find anything, the dems/swamp just want to embarrass Trump.
I think he's either not as rich as he wants everyone to think, or he uses every loophole in the tax code to pay less than most working class people.

12-20-22, 22:53
I don't think I can put into words how much I don't care about Trump or his taxes.

Do they really think they are gonna find a "fund to murder Hillary Clinton" deduction?

He has a lot of money. He paid a lot of money to become president. He made even more money as a result of having been a president. It's why most people want to become the president.

Don't kid yourself, Trump is gonna be a nominee in the GOP primary. And LOTS of people are gonna vote for him. That is why the Republicans need to back somebody who is a better candidate, unlike LAST time.

12-21-22, 00:07
Biden needs to be next, fair is fair and the American people deserve to know whether he paid taxes on millions he and his family have received from China, Russia, Ukraine and God knows who else.

12-21-22, 00:39
Why do we get to see his tax returns? I now why people WANT to see them, but legally why do we get to see them?

Like the IRS is overlooking financial crimes? What I expect out of it is a lot of conjecture about what this or that entry means- and only if we had more documents we could finally get him.

The House 'indictments' are already de-trending even in CNN...

12-21-22, 01:12
My prediction is that they'll find nothing of substance. Nothing burger, no cheese, jalapenos or onions. Not even a wilted lettuce leaf.

12-21-22, 01:56
Why do we get to see his tax returns? I now why people WANT to see them, but legally why do we get to see them?

Like the IRS is overlooking financial crimes? What I expect out of it is a lot of conjecture about what this or that entry means- and only if we had more documents we could finally get him.

The House 'indictments' are already de-trending even in CNN...

Makes no sense. No legal grounds.

12-21-22, 04:32
Makes no sense. No legal grounds.

Honestly, I think they should publish the tax returns of EVERY president while "in office" just as a matter of policy.

12-21-22, 07:27
Biden needs to be next, fair is fair and the American people deserve to know whether he paid taxes on millions he and his family have received from China, Russia, Ukraine and God knows who else.


12-21-22, 07:46
Honestly, I think they should publish the tax returns of EVERY president while "in office" just as a matter of policy.

Every member of Congress. Also...no pensions for elected officials. Just a generous 401k contribution. The money is to be invested in the US stock market.

12-21-22, 07:59
Every member of Congress. Also...no pensions for elected officials. Just a generous 401k contribution. The money is to be invested in the US stock market.

Agree with the modifier - invested through the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).

There is no question that releasing his tax records was the end game when they first demanded them.


12-21-22, 08:02
Biden needs to be next, fair is fair and the American people deserve to know whether he paid taxes on millions he and his family have received from China, Russia, Ukraine and God knows who else.

He has released his and Jill's tax returns.


12-21-22, 08:30
Biden needs to be next, fair is fair and the American people deserve to know whether he paid taxes on millions he and his family have received from China, Russia, Ukraine and God knows who else.

Other than Trump, past POTUS have released their tax returns far as I know. While not technically required, it's been the norm forever, hence why they had such a hard on for Trump refusing to do it. I always assumed it would show he did what all other rich people do, which may not play well to Joe/Jane American. Two, I figured it would also show he's not as rich as he wants people to believe, at least at the time they were pushing for the returns. Would be interesting to see if his $ went up or down post POTUS job.


12-21-22, 09:13
Other than Trump, past POTUS have released their tax returns far as I know. While not technically required, it's been the norm forever, hence why they had such a hard on for Trump refusing to do it. I always assumed it would show he did what all other rich people do, which may not play well to Joe/Jane American. Two, I figured it would also show he's not as rich as he wants people to believe, at least at the time they were pushing for the returns. Would be interesting to see if his $ went up or down post POTUS job.


I wonder what we are going to see? For instance, my personal tax return only shows a small view of what I actually have going on. I benefit greatly from being a business owner and that is not always reflected in my personal returns. It's not uncommon to have several LLC's and corporations providing you with benefits that aren't taxed on your personal side.

12-21-22, 09:21

12-21-22, 09:39
Given that Trump has been audited by the IRS every year for decades, if there was any fire beneath the smoke they'd have found it long ago. Harassment, plain and simple.

McCarthy needs to subpoena Pelosi's, give the old hag a taste of her own medicine.

12-21-22, 09:40
I wonder what we are going to see? For instance, my personal tax return only shows a small view of what I actually have going on. I benefit greatly from being a business owner and that is not always reflected in my personal returns. It's not uncommon to have several LLC's and corporations providing you with benefits that aren't taxed on your personal side.

Per usual, what ever they want to see. I suspect usual tax returns of very wealthy person with an army of accountants and attorneys finding ways to avoid paying taxes we mere plebs don't enjoy.

12-21-22, 10:21
At this point, the most patriotic thing we can do is deprive this rotten, corrupt government of tax revenue. Any means legal or illegal is fair game. We should ALL strive to pay as little, or none, as possible.

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12-21-22, 10:25
At this point, the most patriotic thing we can do is deprive the government of tax revenue. Any means legal or illegal is fair game. We should ALL strive to pay as little, or none, as possible.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

The irony is I'm in a position where IRS employees have told me that it costs more to process my tax filings and payments than they get out of me making them. Never thought I'd see the day where a situation of "tax payment as act of protest" could arise... LOL

But yeah for the most part, by all LEGAL means minimize your exposure. Remember, Tax Evasion was what they popped Capone on when nothing else would stick.

12-21-22, 11:22
I've always wondered why they are so obsessed with the tax returns. It's not like he sits down and does it on Turbo Tax. Dude uses a huge tax firm to do it. Do the Dems really think they will find anything?
Using all the loop holes and tax dodges they all use. Non-story, but drama for the morons.

12-21-22, 12:44
Anyone remember Rachel Maddow’s blockbuster story of the century of Trump’s tax records?

No doubt anti-Trump mouth-breathing droolers will be just as giddy with anticipation.

12-21-22, 13:02
So he paid $750 AMT for two of the years examined, $133K one year, $641K another and nearly a million on another year. This is exactly what Trump said he did during the debates, so it's a giant nothing-burger. Now the Dems are mad they didn't get more previous years. :rolleyes:

Of course the real prize was the precedent. Individual tax records aren't public records, but they just invalidated that. If they can do it to a former POTUS, they can do it to anyone.

12-21-22, 13:22
I doubt they will find anything, the dems/swamp just want to embarrass Trump.
I think he's either not as rich as he wants everyone to think, or he uses every loophole in the tax code to pay less than most working class people.

It's the latter. But so do all big buisnesses/super rich people. That's why the tax rules are the way that they are. The rich takes care of the rich. They won't find anything illegal. The rich don't have to pay taxes because of tax loopholes that are written into the tax code. Nothing illegal about it. Trump said as much during his debate with Clinton.


12-21-22, 13:37
Of course the real prize was the precedent. Individual tax records aren't public records, but they just invalidated that. If they can do it to a former POTUS, they can do it to anyone.
This, there was simply no reason to go after his tax records, they just simply wanted to prove they could do it.
The thing about tax records isn't the numbers per se. It's the lists of people who you did business with and now they have a bright shiny new list of people to screw.

12-21-22, 15:32
I always make sure every skeleton and evil deed is fully disclosed on my tax returns and sent to the Feds.

Doesn't everybody?

12-21-22, 15:42
He has released his and Jill's tax returns.


Other than Trump, past POTUS have released their tax returns far as I know. While not technically required, it's been the norm forever, hence why they had such a hard on for Trump refusing to do it. I always assumed it would show he did what all other rich people do, which may not play well to Joe/Jane American. Two, I figured it would also show he's not as rich as he wants people to believe, at least at the time they were pushing for the returns. Would be interesting to see if his $ went up or down post POTUS job.


Now tie it to the real numbers from all the pay-to-play deals he has made, that is my point.

12-21-22, 15:53
And here we go:


12-21-22, 17:29
It's the latter. But so do all big buisnesses/super rich people. That's why the tax rules are the way that they are. The rich takes care of the rich. They won't find anything illegal. The rich don't have to pay taxes because of tax loopholes that are written into the tax code. Nothing illegal about it. Trump said as much during his debate with Clinton.


It's not just the rich. Any small business that hires a competent accountant takes advantage of the tax code as much as they can. The real advantage the connected have is insider trading and manipulating government regulation to benefit them. That's the real crime. The loopholes in taxes is just a diversion to keep us from paying attention to the real crimes going on.

12-21-22, 17:41
It's not just the rich. Any small business that hires a competent accountant takes advantage of the tax code as much as they can. The real advantage the connected have is insider trading and manipulating government regulation to benefit them. That's the real crime. The loopholes in taxes is just a diversion to keep us from paying attention to the real crimes going on.Exactly. Every "smart" person uses every LEGAL way to pay as few taxes as possible. I think the tax code is a disaster.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

12-21-22, 20:17
I really don't understand why they are called loopholes. So called 'loopholes' are part of the tax code. Part and parcel of it. Who here would call using lethal force to defend your life a loophole?

12-22-22, 04:34
Congress is the problem, not Trump or other rich people.

Congress passes laws that they hope Joe Average will never hear about or if they do hear about it, that they will not understand it.

My company spends a lot of money to SME's that tell us what to do to lower our tax liabilities.

I am 100% against income tax, as I view it as legal slavery. It should be replaced with use taxes. This tax should apply to both corporations and individuals. But if we stick to income tax, I would favor a sliding scale that would involve the number of employees verse the income made by the corporation. The more people you employee would lead to lower income tax, even getting to zero for the cororation. The income if we are going to tax income would be taxed when it comes out of the company.

The problem with the whole Trump thing, is the Marxist are willing to throw everything out the window to defeat Trump, which really means those that support the ideas Trump say he represents.

If the Special Council can't stop him, will they go to the next step of murder?

12-22-22, 10:46
If the Special Council can't stop him, will they go to the next step of murder?
Wouldn't be the first time, depending on what you believe... :(

12-22-22, 10:54
If the Special Council can't stop him, will they go to the next step of murder?

Wasn't that the point of going in to his place in Florida and ransacking his documents?
We can and will do anything we please, ex president or not.

12-22-22, 13:06
Congress is the problem, not Trump or other rich people.

Congress passes laws that they hope Joe Average will never hear about or if they do hear about it, that they will not understand it.

My company spends a lot of money to SME's that tell us what to do to lower our tax liabilities.

I am 100% against income tax, as I view it as legal slavery. It should be replaced with use taxes. This tax should apply to both corporations and individuals. But if we stick to income tax, I would favor a sliding scale that would involve the number of employees verse the income made by the corporation. The more people you employee would lead to lower income tax, even getting to zero for the cororation. The income if we are going to tax income would be taxed when it comes out of the company.

The problem with the whole Trump thing, is the Marxist are willing to throw everything out the window to defeat Trump, which really means those that support the ideas Trump say he represents.

If the Special Council can't stop him, will they go to the next step of murder?

I get the sentiment, and the only thing worse than an income tax is property taxes- you are always leasing your land in reality. The problem with your plan is that we need MORE small companies, not less to make the economy work. A small number of large companies just leads to even more defacto monopolies and less chance for change. Big Business LOVES Big Govt and regulations. They just pass those costs on down the line to the consumer. Sure, the ‘operator’ level of companies don’t like them, but senior management and capital know that they can use regulatory capture- possible only with large companies- to keep out foreign competitors, restrict new competitors from entering their space, and mitigate overall risk.

Everytime I go to DC and pay big buck for hotels, and realize that the highest paid zip codes are around DC now I get pissed off. Everywhere you drive in DC there are marble building for every sort of trade group and lobbyist. I meet with them in their nice offices and then I get back on my plane, sit in coach, and travel back to my cinder-block office and actually do stuff so we can feed them money.

12-22-22, 13:19
Cannot come up with any legal reason his or anyone else's tax returns should be made public by a House Committee. I

only hope Republicans have the balls to do the same to the Biden family like Hunter, brother, sister, etc.

12-22-22, 13:28
Cannot come up with any legal reason his or anyone else's tax returns should be made public by a House Committee. I

only hope Republicans have the balls to do the same to the Biden family like Hunter, brother, sister, etc.

Republicans and balls, don't belong in the same paragraph much less the same sentence.

12-22-22, 14:31
Other than Trump, past POTUS have released their tax returns far as I know. While not technically required, it's been the norm forever, hence why they had such a hard on for Trump refusing to do it. I always assumed it would show he did what all other rich people do, which may not play well to Joe/Jane American. Two, I figured it would also show he's not as rich as he wants people to believe, at least at the time they were pushing for the returns. Would be interesting to see if his $ went up or down post POTUS job.

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/joe-biden-kamala-harris-2021-tax-returns-white-houseThis falls under the "if your friend jumps off a bridge, should you follow".
I couldn't care anyless about his tax returns, that is the IRS's responsibly to make sure he paid taxes, not ours.
People are too busy minding other peoples business (not directed at you Will, only quoted to comment on first line).

12-22-22, 16:06
Trump was different in that HE IS the company the way it is structured, from what I understand. So its not like looking at an individuals tax returns, but looking at the returns for the companies that they invest in. Did we look at all of Jackie O's and JFKs family businesses? At all the accounts of Hillary's law firm? That's the difference.

And it totally over looks that the IRS and above all the FBI has a raging hard on for Trump. You think there is anything close to really being illegal and they haven't pounced on it yet?

12-22-22, 16:22
I am 100% against income tax, as I view it as legal slavery. It should be replaced with use taxes. This tax should apply to both corporations and individuals. But if we stick to income tax, I would favor a sliding scale that would involve the number of employees verse the income made by the corporation. The more people you employee would lead to lower income tax, even getting to zero for the corporation. The income if we are going to tax income would be taxed when it comes out of the company.

You basically can already do this. Wages are expenses. If a company can accurately predict it's tax liability and pay out wages to offset that, the corporation would pay no income tax. The American public gets all bent out of shape when a billion dollar company doesn't pay income tax, but they fail to realize that to avoid paying taxes that company invested in equipment, expenses and people to avoid that tax. Those investments keep the economy rolling in theory.

12-22-22, 17:21
This falls under the "if your friend jumps off a bridge, should you follow".
I couldn't care anyless about his tax returns, that is the IRS's responsibly to make sure he paid taxes, not ours.
People are too busy minding other peoples business (not directed at you Will, only quoted to comment on first line).

And doing so as it applies to an agenda and very one sided, that's what bothers me most. It's the double standard and hypocrisy that's my issue. I'm far more concerned the Brandon and progeny biz dealings and connections to Ukraine as far as national security is concerned, and fully expect Trump took every possible tax breaks, loopholes, and tricks to pay less taxes.

If they can legit show he broke any laws, then there's at least a conversation to be had, but all I see is more TDS throwing chit against the wall to prevent him from running again. And I really don't want him to run again.

12-23-22, 00:07
Republicans and balls, don't belong in the same paragraph much less the same sentence.

They proved that once again to the tune of $1.7 trillion of bullshit.

12-23-22, 18:11
And doing so as it applies to an agenda and very one sided, that's what bothers me most. It's the double standard and hypocrisy that's my issue. I'm far more concerned the Brandon and progeny biz dealings and connections to Ukraine as far as national security is concerned, and fully expect Trump took every possible tax breaks, loopholes, and tricks to pay less taxes.

If they can legit show he broke any laws, then there's at least a conversation to be had, but all I see is more TDS throwing chit against the wall to prevent him from running again. And I really don't want him to run again.I agree.