View Full Version : Bullet Train (review)

12-22-22, 11:09
Bullet Train is a train wreck of a movie, pun intended. It fails on just about every level a movie can fail, but for the acting. Dark humor of that nature, via movies such as Snatch (another movie Brad Pitt was in), Fargo, Raising Arizona, are difficult to pull off well. When they work, per the aforementioned movies, they work well. When they don't, such as Very Bad Things, Throw Mama From The Train, and Bullet Train, they don't work at all. If anything, dark humor is the most difficult to pull off well, and Bullet Train fails spectacularly. It's not funny, the action is cartoonish nonsense, the dialogue ranges from occasionally funny, to idiotic, and the violence more gratuitous than part of the story. When dark humor of this genre fails it usually does so because it's trying too hard to be dark humor, and this movie screams "this is dark humor viewers!" and it's not. There's very little to like about this film, and It gets a D- vs an F due to the solid acting from actors who did the best they could with what they were given. D-


Crow Hunter
12-22-22, 15:44
Bullet Train is a train wreck of a movie, pun intended. It fails on just about every level a movie can fail, but for the acting. Dark humor of that nature, via movies such as Snatch (another movie Brad Pitt was in), Fargo, Raising Arizona, are difficult to pull off well. When they work, per the aforementioned movies, they work well. When they don't, such as Very Bad Things, Throw Mama From The Train, and Bullet Train, they don't work at all. If anything, dark humor is the most difficult to pull off well, and Bullet Train fails spectacularly. It's not funny, the action is cartoonish nonsense, the dialogue ranges from occasionally funny, to idiotic, and the violence more gratuitous than part of the story. When dark humor of this genre fails it usually does so because it's trying to hard to be dark humor, and this movie screams "this is dark humor viewers!" and it's not. There's very little to like about this film, and It gets a D- vs an F due to the solid acting from actors who did the best they could with what they were given. D-


I didn't hate it. Didn't care for the ADHD filming filming/pacing but I have seen much, much worse recently.

You are a Diesel.

12-22-22, 15:48
I didn't hate it. Didn't care for the ADHD filming filming/pacing but I have seen much, much worse recently.

You are a Diesel.

What did you see recently you thought was much worse? That's the worst movie I can recall in a long time.

12-22-22, 16:54
I was buzzed. I enjoyed it. I laughed.

12-22-22, 17:06
I was buzzed. I enjoyed it. I laughed.

I can only suspend my disbelief so far before I lose all interest and it just goes into stupid land.

Crow Hunter
12-22-22, 19:14
What did you see recently you thought was much worse? That's the worst movie I can recall in a long time.

The Lighthouse, Spell, Thor Ragnarok, any of the latest Star Wars movies except Rogue One. That is just off the top of my head.

It was not a high quality movie and like I said the ADHD film style is aggravating, but I did laugh at several parts and I was interested enough that I was actually disappointed when a character I liked died.

You are still a Diesel. 😁

12-22-22, 21:16
We must not have watched the same movie. I liked Bullet Train, it was funny.

I bet you're one of those who watched NOPE and claim that it has some hidden metaphor in it. Now that was a jacked up movie.

12-22-22, 21:41
The Lighthouse, Spell, Thor Ragnarok, any of the latest Star Wars movies except Rogue One. That is just off the top of my head.

It was not a high quality movie and like I said the ADHD film style is aggravating, but I did laugh at several parts and I was interested enough that I was actually disappointed when a character I liked died.

You are still a Diesel. ��

I agree but for Thor Ragnarok, which I enjoyed more than the other Thor movies. They all sucked but I don't think any of those sucked more than that movie. As there was zero character development, didn't care if/when any of them snuffed out.

12-22-22, 21:45
We must not have watched the same movie. I liked Bullet Train, it was funny.

I bet you're one of those who watched NOPE and claim that it has some hidden metaphor in it. Now that was a jacked up movie.

BT was not funny, not heard of Nope.

12-22-22, 21:53
BT was not funny, not heard of Nope.


12-23-22, 08:35
Damn, I laughed my ass off :sad: …

Boy Scout
12-23-22, 15:45
Just watched it last night. I thought it was a good flick. Creative story, properly interpolated action, witty one-liners, good comedic timing, and a good amount of creative irony. What I enjoyed most about it is that it was completely different than anything else as of late. You gotta have some scenery chewing every once in a while.

Do I care if it wins an Oscar? No. Do I care if it entertained me for a couple hours? Yeah.

Sorry you didn’t like it Will.

12-23-22, 21:53
Saw BT the other evening, amusing and entertaining; really not that bad.

12-23-22, 22:30
I've come to learn if Will can't take a movie, I'm definitely gonna hate the shit out of it.

I think I also found the main problem while reading a review.

"It was originally intended to be a serious action thriller in the vein of Die Hard (1988), but the project turned into a light-hearted action comedy during the development process."

And that shit never works. That's a serious lane change. And if you aren't even sure what kind of film you are making when you make it, I can pretty much tell you what kind of film you are gonna end up with.

12-24-22, 00:05
I've come to learn if Will can't take a movie, I'm definitely gonna hate the shit out of it.

I think I also found the main problem while reading a review.

"It was originally intended to be a serious action thriller in the vein of Die Hard (1988), but the project turned into a light-hearted action comedy during the development process."

And that shit never works. That's a serious lane change. And if you aren't even sure what kind of film you are making when you make it, I can pretty much tell you what kind of film you are gonna end up with.

but..but.. SteyrAUG is has Japanese people with swords in it :D

12-24-22, 01:22
but..but.. SteyrAUG is has Japanese people with swords in it :D

So did Kill Bill and I hate that movie as much as I hate any film. Chock full of some of my favorite actors (not counting Carradine) and it was still terrible. That film and Pulp Fiction actually made me hate Uma and I used to love her.

Tarantino "gets" black film and can do it brilliantly.

He is a fan of martial arts films, but can't do it at all.

12-26-22, 18:35
So did Kill Bill and I hate that movie as much as I hate any film. Chock full of some of my favorite actors (not counting Carradine) and it was still terrible. That film and Pulp Fiction actually made me hate Uma and I used to love her.
Same. I have weird tastes but talk about some of the most overrated, masturbatory filming in the last three decades. I’ll also throw in Hateful Eight as garbage too.

12-26-22, 21:42
So did Kill Bill and I hate that movie as much as I hate any film. Chock full of some of my favorite actors (not counting Carradine) and it was still terrible. That film and Pulp Fiction actually made me hate Uma and I used to love her.

Tarantino "gets" black film and can do it brilliantly.

He is a fan of martial arts films, but can't do it at all.

I thought KB #1 was meh, I thought #2 was much better and actually enjoyed it. Kill Bill was a masterpiece of film making compared to the POS that is Bullet Train.

12-27-22, 14:41
I agree but for Thor Ragnarok, which I enjoyed more than the other Thor movies. They all sucked but I don't think any of those sucked more than that movie. As there was zero character development, didn't care if/when any of them snuffed out.

I think you have to have been a kid in the 1970s to really appreciate Ragnorock. The vibe and tone.

12-27-22, 14:54
I think you have to have been a kid in the 1970s to really appreciate Ragnorock. The vibe and tone.

I thought as super hero movies go, it was a lot of fun. I don't ask much from them, so when they don't suck, the visuals are good, some good one liners, don't beat me over the head with woke BS, I'm happy. I'm one of the rare people who actually liked Batman vs Superman. I was already to hate it as so many panned it, and found it better than many super hero movies. I thought there was no way they could do a believe job as to how Batman with no powers is not killed in a second by Super Man, yet they made it work, and I was able to suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy it.

It was actually a study in the differences if their core personalities and values, and that's why it actually made sense and worked.

12-27-22, 17:50
I liked it, saw it at the theater and the snake antivenom and orange truck still make me laugh, need to watch it again.