View Full Version : Schadenfreude for Friday, December 23rd, 2022

12-22-22, 22:46
*Full disclosure: I am not a good person. I confess to a tremendous joy at seeing Google employees suffering, and hope it will get much, much worse for all of them. Google is the Devil.

"The support check-in process is confusing, increasingly becoming a cause of stress and anxiety in Googlers, especially given the current economic situation and rumors around layoffs,” said another top-rated employee question."



12-23-22, 00:00
If schadenfreude is the metric of "not a good person" then I must be a straight up evil bastard because I love seeing companies like Kroger, Target, Disney, Google and all the rest eat the shit they have sowed.

12-23-22, 00:46
This is why I've always been a philosophical buddhist / karma kind of guy.

This is just balance, and it's a good thing.

12-23-22, 07:41
*Full disclosure: I am not a good person. I confess to a tremendous joy at seeing Google employees suffering, and hope it will get much, much worse for all of them.

I TOTALLY agree. I have no sympathy for shitty people who lose a cush job at a shitty employer.

Same goes for these house flipping fukkaloids. Watching these trolls suck hind tit is the upside to a real estate dive.

12-23-22, 09:44
When you build a machine that destroys people and then in some sort of industrial accident your pants cuff get caught in the jaws and your slowly, painfully eaten alive an inch at a time, well, that's all of that negative energy coming back at you.
I don't understand where our culture and especially our ability to judge right and wrong went.
Clearly there is evil and clearly this is it.

I don't take joy in the suffering of others, but I do like to watch whats going around coming around back again.