View Full Version : CDC Pressured to Delete Defensive Gun Use Stats...

12-24-22, 02:34

Seems the TRUTH is not very useful to them and their friends.

References to a study citing defensive gun use statistics were removed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) after gun control advocates complained the information would make passing new restrictions more difficult, The Reload reported.

Citing emails it obtained, The Reload noted the lobbying culminated with a private meeting between the gun control advocates and CDC officials. It said introductions from the White House and the office of Sen.. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., helped lead the way for the advocates to reach the CDC officials to begin with.

Sparking the advocates' complaints was the CDC's description of its review of studies that estimated defensive gun uses [DGU] occur between 60,000 and 2.5 million times per year in the U.S.

The Reload said Mark Bryant, who heads the Gun Violence Archive, wrote: "[T]hat 2.5 million number needs to be killed, buried, dug up, killed again and buried again," Mark Bryant, one of the attendees, had written to CDC officials after their meeting. "It is highly misleading, is used out of context and I honestly believe it has zero value – even as an outlier point in honest DGU discussions.

"And while that very small study by [criminologist] Gary Kleck has been debunked repeatedly by everyone from all sides of this issue [even Kleck] it still remains canon by gun rights folks and their supporting politicians and is used as a blunt instrument against gun safety regulations every time there is a state or federal level hearing," he wrote in the same email.

"Put simply, in the time that study has been published as 'a CDC Study' gun violence prevention policy has ground to a halt, in no small part because of the misinformation that small study provided."

The CDC initially stood behind the description in the defensive gun use section of its "fast fact" website on gun violence, but backtracked after a previously undisclosed virtual meeting with the advocates on Sept. 15, 2021, according to The Reload.

12-24-22, 04:12
If integrity in gov were a thing, DC would see an epidemic of seppuku that would make Feudal Japan blanch.

12-24-22, 11:18
No surprise. We exist in a New Dark Ages, dominated by lies of new cults, pseudo-science, and furtherance of the kings' agendas.

12-24-22, 15:25
As I mentioned in another thread, after the last two years I would not believe the CDC if they told me the sky is blue and the grass is green.

12-24-22, 19:22

Center for Disinformation Control.

12-24-22, 19:28
A fair percentage of the various scientific communities are much closer to being cults than operating in a manner consistent with what they advertise.

12-24-22, 21:59
A fair percentage of the various scientific communities are much closer to being cults than operating in a manner consistent with what they advertise.

Sadly. Science was once the refuge of "the known quantity" and if they didn't know for sure, they would tell you so.

12-25-22, 10:04
It's a damned shame that the CDC is now a political propaganda tool instead of doing their job.

12-25-22, 10:10
It's a damned shame that the CDC is now a political propaganda tool instead of doing their job.

I could tolerate mere propaganda, but based on what we saw with COVID and Tuskegee and God knows how many other sordid little unethical human experiments they've run that we HAVEN'T heard about, they seem to be actively part of firing up the mass-extermination machinery and eradicating "Undesirables."

12-25-22, 11:47
A fair percentage of the various scientific communities are much closer to being cults than operating in a manner consistent with what they advertise.

Absolutely. Just one of many aspects of the New Dark Ages in which we currently dwell.

12-25-22, 13:12
Data tells the truth, unless it lies.

12-25-22, 14:07
It's a damned shame that the CDC is now a political propaganda tool instead of doing their job.

They have always sucked, they started out sucking as shown by their continuing the syphilis experiment.


12-25-22, 14:37
They have always sucked, they started out sucking as shown by their continuing the syphilis experiment.


Not just continued, the fact that they have actively Obstructed Justice sheltering the perps.

12-25-22, 16:28
Not just continued, the fact that they have actively Obstructed Justice sheltering the perps.

Including now.


12-25-22, 17:06
Including now.


Everyone wants to believe groups like the CIA, NSA and FBI have secret programs that target the black community, but when the CDC actually defends one that actually existed so few people are willing to call them out. This was a legitimate government conspiracy that targeted a group by race and the CDC seems unable to even acknowledge they were wrong in doing it.

The CDC is one of the few groups that should potentially be required to pay reparations to their victims because most of the people involved are still alive. Well maybe not the victims of the study.

12-25-22, 18:16
Everyone wants to believe groups like the CIA, NSA and FBI have secret programs that target the black community, but when the CDC actually defends one that actually existed so few people are willing to call them out. This was a legitimate government conspiracy that targeted a group by race and the CDC seems unable to even acknowledge they were wrong in doing it.

The CDC is one of the few groups that should potentially be required to pay reparations to their victims because most of the people involved are still alive. Well maybe not the victims of the study.

Similar concept to:

- "environmentalists" being ok with their own flying around on private jets

- cotton state slavery "opponents" not having a bad word to say about black on black slavery in Africa from pre history to the present day to include North America free blacks owning other blacks up until Appomattox Court House.

12-25-22, 19:50
Similar concept to:

- "environmentalists" being ok with their own flying around on private jets

- cotton state slavery "opponents" not having a bad word to say about black on black slavery in Africa from pre history to the present day to include North America free blacks owning other blacks up until Appomattox Court House.

Lets not forget that nearly ALL of the slaves in the US were enslaved by other Africans and then TRADED to slavers. It's not like it was a mass kidnapping that went on for 400 years and there is a reason zulu warriors didn't meet slavers on the beach.