View Full Version : How the war machine took over the Democrats

12-24-22, 08:12
Kucinich may be a Dem, but he's not wrong on topics covered, points the blame at his own party for the mil industrial complex and the DOD endless spending and wars:


12-24-22, 08:23
Even though it's really not funny, I have to laugh at the Left these days: they are pro-war, as long as it's against Russia or YOU. China? Nope, not a threat.....of course the ChiComs line their pockets, but I digress. But by damned if you are a Russkie or a MAGA-type person (meaning anyone who disagrees with them and their woke agenda) then the crosshairs are on ya.

This is the party now run by former hippies who detested Vietnam, but they are aging and are passing the torch to the next generation of carefully groomed Marxists.

12-24-22, 09:16
The Democrats embraced the Far Left and now the Far Left have taken over.
AOC/Karen types are their typical target audiance now and they are loud and have a huge audiance.
My personal experiance is that they will shout you down when you present "Facts", facts don't matter it pure female emotion. The only way it hits them is when it hits them at home.
And while all of this estorogene is going full tilt, the true villians are emptying the banks.
Rinse and repeat.

12-24-22, 09:29
The Democrats embraced the Far Left and now the Far Left have taken over.
AOC/Karen types are their typical target audiance now and they are loud and have a huge audiance.
My personal experiance is that they will shout you down when you present "Facts", facts don't matter it pure female emotion. The only way it hits them is when it hits them at home.
And while all of this estorogene is going full tilt, the true villians are emptying the banks.
Rinse and repeat.

Agreed, not unlike the GOP embraced the religious right via Reagan, and the "moral majority" etc, who then took over the party. I'm sure that will not be a popular position here, but that aspect of the GOP turns me off as the far left/progressive aspect of the Dems does, hence why I'm a long time independent who leans heavily libertarian who agrees more often with current GOP positions than loony toon Dems.

12-24-22, 12:35
Agreed, not unlike the GOP embraced the religious right via Reagan, and the "moral majority" etc, who then took over the party. I'm sure that will not be a popular position here, but that aspect of the GOP turns me off as the far left/progressive aspect of the Dems does, hence why I'm a long time independent who leans heavily libertarian who agrees more often with current GOP positions than loony toon Dems.

The "Moral Majority" thing went out of style a couple decades ago in the GOP. Now it's RINOs and grifters, with a sprinkling of true conservatives.

12-24-22, 13:14
The Moral Majority came about because parents were getting jailed for putting their kids in non-state, non-state-approved schools. It wasn’t abortion or communism. And whatever negatives came along with them, it allowed and promoted a tendency toward self-responsibility. Though they were certainly right wing, the mentality between “low Christianity” is historically in line with liberty and founding principles, and that absolutely lined up with conservative American values aside for morality.

That is all.

12-24-22, 13:56
The GOP was wandering in the dark during the '70s, and Reagan promised to be a Barry Goldwater acolyte. It was out of that the moral majority was born, before that it wasn't a thing.

Of course, history shows us how Reagan's administration really turned out and he was not the conservative savior/president we all wanted.

12-24-22, 15:11
This is the party now run by former hippies who detested Vietnam, but they are aging and are passing the torch to the next generation of carefully groomed Marxists.

I’ve thought about this often. This is the party of the hippies who protested the Vietnam war and wanted to be free from The Man yet today want endless war, mandated vaccines, big Fed government, thought and speech regulated by the government, increased taxes, etc…

12-24-22, 15:44
I’ve thought about this often. This is the party of the hippies who protested the Vietnam war and wanted to be free from The Man yet today want endless war, mandated vaccines, big Fed government, thought and speech regulated by the government, increased taxes, etc…

They are not anti-war. They are just anti-not-their-war. The wars they like, they love.

12-24-22, 16:03
They are not anti-war. They are just anti-not-their-war. The wars they like, they love.

Just like good communists. They want freedom for themselves but not anyone else.

12-24-22, 17:16
At this point there simply are no political solutions for the madness, the runaway spending, massive debt, massive corruption, open borders, climate hoax, health care incompetence, education disaster, endless wars...

12-24-22, 17:35
The GOP was wandering in the dark during the '70s, and Reagan promised to be a Barry Goldwater acolyte. It was out of that the moral majority was born, before that it wasn't a thing.

Of course, history shows us how Reagan's administration really turned out and he was not the conservative savior/president we all wanted.

Well compared to Carter and Mondale he most certainly was! Hell, I'd surely take him now over FJB. But yeah, I get your point and there is some validity to it.

12-24-22, 17:38
I’ve thought about this often. This is the party of the hippies who protested the Vietnam war and wanted to be free from The Man yet today want endless war, mandated vaccines, big Fed government, thought and speech regulated by the government, increased taxes, etc…

Yep, but only what THEY want shoved down our throats, counter-opinions be damned. How "inclusive" of them. :nono:

12-26-22, 08:02
Agreed, not unlike the GOP embraced the religious right via Reagan, and the "moral majority" etc, who then took over the party. I'm sure that will not be a popular position here, but that aspect of the GOP turns me off as the far left/progressive aspect of the Dems does... Snip

Well isn't that special!

Who could that be there? SATAN??

(Said in the church lady's voice)

12-26-22, 08:55
The Moral Majority came about because parents were getting jailed for putting their kids in non-state, non-state-approved schools. It wasn’t abortion or communism. And whatever negatives came along with them, it allowed and promoted a tendency toward self-responsibility. Though they were certainly right wing, the mentality between “low Christianity” is historically in line with liberty and founding principles, and that absolutely lined up with conservative American values aside for morality.

That is all.

I think the Moral Majority and morality in general spilled over to both sides, both the Dems and Repubs.
I seem to remember Tipper Gore taking issue with song lyrics and yes she made it to Congress with that foolishness.