View Full Version : Republican Joe Biden?

12-27-22, 06:55
George Santos was elected, then admitted he lied about graduating college, employment history, is gay but was married to a woman, is Catholic but claims his grandparents were Jewish and fled the holocaust, etc. He is in the wrong party, could make millions and be president if he switched.



12-27-22, 07:42
Just the thread title alone made me shudder...

12-27-22, 10:57
Election fraud

12-27-22, 11:33
Election fraud

Seems to be SOP these days.

Coal Dragger
12-27-22, 12:34
Politicians lie?

Shocking. Absolutely shocking!

12-27-22, 12:44
From the title alone, Mike Pence was the first to come to mind.

12-27-22, 13:09
Seems to be SOP these days.

Yep. Alaska elected an 11 Republican majority to the our state senate. 8 of those 11 Republicans banded with the 9 Democrats and formed a mixed majority; leaving the 3 staunch Republicans in a minority. It's a shit show up here right now.

12-27-22, 18:50
Slow Joe lies every time he opens his mouth, blatant lies that are easily disproven yet I hear no one on the Left or MSM say a word about it. Just last week, FJB told a group that when he was VP his father asked him to present his Uncle Frank with the Purple Heart he was supposed to get for fighting in the Battle of the Bulge. Problem is FJB’s dad died before he became VP and there is no record of Uncle Frank ever being awarded the PH. But hey, that’s really just a lie among lies for the serial liar. But darn it every Republican better be as honest as old Abe or they must immediately resign their seat and hand it over to the ComDems.

12-27-22, 19:36
Slow Joe lies every time he opens his mouth, blatant lies that are easily disproven yet I hear no one on the Left or MSM say a word about it. Just last week, FJB told a group that when he was VP his father asked him to present his Uncle Frank with the Purple Heart he was supposed to get for fighting in the Battle of the Bulge. Problem is FJB’s dad died before he became VP and there is no record of Uncle Frank ever being awarded the PH. But hey, that’s really just a lie among lies for the serial liar. But darn it every Republican better be as honest as old Abe or they must immediately resign their seat and hand it over to the ComDems.

Maybe he was confusing it with his son that died in Iraq.

12-28-22, 06:45
Slow Joe lies every time he opens his mouth, blatant lies that are easily disproven yet I hear no one on the Left or MSM say a word about it. Just last week, FJB told a group that when he was VP his father asked him to present his Uncle Frank with the Purple Heart he was supposed to get for fighting in the Battle of the Bulge. Problem is FJB’s dad died before he became VP and there is no record of Uncle Frank ever being awarded the PH. But hey, that’s really just a lie among lies for the serial liar. But darn it every Republican better be as honest as old Abe or they must immediately resign their seat and hand it over to the ComDems.

Here's my take.
The Guy saw the game, he sat aside for a while and learned the rules. He learned that if he used a bunch of tag lines to his name people paid way too much attention. He learned that if he painted himself with the colors they were looking for, no one dared ask a serious question.
It worked he won and all while playing their game.
He did it just like Joe Biden did and won!
Good for Him.

12-28-22, 08:48
Here's my take.
The Guy saw the game, he sat aside for a while and learned the rules. He learned that if he used a bunch of tag lines to his name people paid way too much attention. He learned that if he painted himself with the colors they were looking for, no one dared ask a serious question.
It worked he won and all while playing their game.
He did it just like Joe Biden did and won!
Good for Him.

Yep, he beat them at their own game.

12-28-22, 09:03
Yep, he beat them at their own game.

And for that I would buy him a beer.

12-28-22, 09:06
Yep, he beat them at their own game.

I think thats true and predict a full court press from traditional and social media to remove him from office. How dare he play by their rules?


12-28-22, 09:18
I think thats true and predict a full court press from traditional and social media to remove him from office. How dare he play by their rules?


Well, if lying is an Impeachable offense lets start with the endless lies of Joe Biden?
The folks who would like to throw stones all live in glass houses. Do you really think want someone on the Left wants to compare Santos Lies to Biden Lies and weigh the lies told and harm inflicted?

12-28-22, 09:46
This should have been a coordinated republican strategy on a national level.

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12-28-22, 09:58
This should have been a coordinated republican strategy on a national level.

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On some level one wishes it was 4D Chess, in reality its an anomoly an accident of Nature, because no republican could come up with this one.
Oh how they have pure gold dropped in their laps though.
As long as most Republicans act like Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell we're screwed.
Most likely these nincompoops have no idea how to use this.

"Joe Biden has been lying for 40 year."

12-28-22, 10:19
No one has made lying an art they never paid a price for, it's the current POTUS. So, he's proven to all in DC, one can and will become POTUS lying for decades, getting caught, over and over, yet does 2 terms as VP and now POTUS. That's along a long lines of pathological liars, and hypocrites too, on both sides of the isle, and that's why our faith and trust in politicians at an all time low. Note, her guest tries the "what about-ism" using Biden as if that justifies his own pathological lying. The "everyone is doing it" excuse. Santos is a sociopath like many attracted to politics, and smartest thing the GOP could do, is demand his resignation.

12-28-22, 11:22
No one has made lying an art they never paid a price for, it's the current POTUS. So, he's proven to all in DC, one can and will become POTUS lying for decades, getting caught, over and over, yet does 2 terms as VP and now POTUS. That's along a long lines of pathological liars, and hypocrites too, on both sides of the isle, and that's why our faith and trust in politicians at an all time low. Note, her guest tries the "what about-ism" using Biden as if that justifies his own pathological lying. The "everyone is doing it" excuse. Santos is a sociopath like many attracted to politics, and smartest thing the GOP could do, is demand his resignation.

Oh I'm not saying he shouldn't resign, the thing is the "What about them never works for the accused." He must simply fall on his sword and accept his lumps.
Have you noticed that the Left is cautous about how they deal with this? That is because as soon as Santos is ousted, then the comparison with Biden can be made and any actions moved forward.
The whole thing about Biden's dead Father getting with him from beyond the grave in order to give his Uncle a Purple Heart is also total BS. I'm just saying rules is rules and if you demand the truth, you need to point out vigrously that Joe Biden is a complete liar, he lies so often it's now a genuine habit and he no longer understands that he's full of BS and we all know it.

12-28-22, 11:25
No one has made lying an art they never paid a price for, it's the current POTUS. So, he's proven to all in DC, one can and will become POTUS lying for decades, getting caught, over and over, yet does 2 terms as VP and now POTUS. That's along a long lines of pathological liars, and hypocrites too, on both sides of the isle, and that's why our faith and trust in politicians at an all time low. Note, her guest tries the "what about-ism" using Biden as if that justifies his own pathological lying. The "everyone is doing it" excuse. Santos is a sociopath like many attracted to politics, and smartest thing the GOP could do, is demand his resignation.

If he resigns he will be replaced by a democrat appointed by the Governor, correct?


12-28-22, 11:52
No one has made lying an art they never paid a price for, it's the current POTUS. So, he's proven to all in DC, one can and will become POTUS lying for decades, getting caught, over and over, yet does 2 terms as VP and now POTUS. That's along a long lines of pathological liars, and hypocrites too, on both sides of the isle, and that's why our faith and trust in politicians at an all time low. Note, her guest tries the "what about-ism" using Biden as if that justifies his own pathological lying. The "everyone is doing it" excuse. Santos is a sociopath like many attracted to politics, and smartest thing the GOP could do, is demand his resignation.

It's fine for them to "demand" it, but he shouldn't give it to them. This is New York politics. This isn't even very outrageous on the New York politics scale. He beat the house at their own game and deserves the win. If the New York sheep didn't want to be sheared, then they shouldn't be sheep.

Oh I'm not saying he shouldn't resign, the thing is the "What about them never works for the accused." He must simply fall on his sword and accept his lumps.
Have you noticed that the Left is cautous about how they deal with this? That is because as soon as Santos is ousted, then the comparison with Biden can be made and any actions moved forward.
The whole thing about Biden's dead Father getting with him from beyond the grave in order to give his Uncle a Purple Heart is also total BS. I'm just saying rules is rules and if you demand the truth, you need to point out vigrously that Joe Biden is a complete liar, he lies so often it's now a genuine habit and he no longer understands that he's full of BS and we all know it.

No he mustn't. He interviewed for a job, got the job and needs to go do the job. If they don't like it, they can hire someone else 2 years from now. No take backs.

The left is NEVER going to be honest about Biden or any of their other prolific liars, so don't even go there. These are the rules they decided to play by and they need to be forced to play by them. No whataboutism necessary.

If he resigns he will be replaced by a democrat appointed by the Governor, correct?


Either that or special election. I'm not sure of the rules in New York on the matter. Regardless, there's no legal justification to force his resignation. Politicians lie to the electorate every day and it's not illegal. If it were, the Tree of Liberty wouldn't be the dead stump it's been for a very long time.

12-28-22, 13:27
On some level one wishes it was 4D Chess, in reality its an anomoly an accident of Nature, because no republican could come up with this one.
Oh how they have pure gold dropped in their laps though.
As long as most Republicans act like Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell we're screwed.
Most likely these nincompoops have no idea how to use this.

"Joe Biden has been lying for 40 year."

Tulsi tore him a new asshole, bigtime. :haha:

12-28-22, 13:44
Tulsi tore him a new asshole, bigtime. :haha:

But, I have to ask, is he the guy to start with?
I mean if you have big balls lets ask Pelosi about insider trading or Joe about his educational history, it goes on and on...
Most of our Government is built upon them lying to you and taking your money and screwing it up worse and worse yearly.

I think it's hilarious that this guy got elected. It proves the point of just far off the rails we have gone.

12-28-22, 15:02
Tulsi tore him a new asshole, bigtime. :haha:

Just proof that she's definitely still straddling the fence.

12-28-22, 15:08
But, I have to ask, is he the guy to start with?
I mean if you have big balls lets ask Pelosi about insider trading or Joe about his educational history, it goes on and on...
Most of our Government is built upon them lying to you and taking your money and screwing it up worse and worse yearly.

They wouldn't have the balls to be interviewed by her, she ripped apart Cameltoe in about 60 seconds during the debates.