View Full Version : The Silly Crap Some People Will Always Believe...

12-28-22, 01:03
So I happened to be thinking about the Chelyabinsk meteor of 2013 which might be one of the most documented meteors is history and thinking about how history might be distorted 100 years from now to turn that event into almost anything.

Then I realized nobody has to wait 100 years and tried to think of "what is the most ridiculous idea a severely ignorant person might arrive at" and I was not disappointed.


A survey published today by the fairly staid Moscow daily Noviye Izvestia found that barely half its readers believe the official report that the blast was caused by a meteor.

According to the newspaper, the other half prefer to believe in an assortment of bizarre explanations, including that the blast was a secret US weapon test, an off-course ballistic missile, a message from God, a crashing alien spaceship, or even an extraterrestrial trojan horse carrying a deadly space virus to wipe out the Earth.

Or, even more entertaining, a alien spacecraft shot the meteor down.


So did a UFO shoot down the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite last month?
By The Siberian Times reporter
28 February 2013

The meteorite that crashed to Earth in the Urals was attacked by a UFO causing it to explode and shatter, it was claimed on Thursday.

And before you think it's just crazy russians.


A DEVASTATING meteor which hit Russia was intercepted by a UFO to save the world from an even bigger disaster, conspiracy theorists have claimed.

The 20 metre meteor exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, in 2013, which smashed windows and caused injuries to more than 1,000 people in the area.

Experts had not anticipated the incident, leading to fears Earth could be surprised by a more devastating asteroid strike in the future.

But, conspiracy theorists are now claiming a more intelligent species than humankind had predicted the event, and duly intercepted it to save Russia.

UFO believers studied videos of the incident and state there is an object which can be seen crashing into the rock from outer space.

Just goes to show, no matter how laughably absurd an idea, you can find corroboration on the internet to validate it.

12-28-22, 01:59

Ten percent of people when polled will come up with the CRAZIEST option. It is about the percentage that believe in the flat earth and moon conspiracies. It always seems that no matter what, 10% of people will take a contrarian position. I guess it is linked with stupidity, but I don't think that is it exactly- though Jordan Peterson's discussions of how people with 80 and lower IQs are drags on organizations and societies.

I think the other side is that the press pushes this kind of stuff. It's a story, it's easy. They move on but people get it into their identity.

12-28-22, 03:39

Ten percent of people when polled will come up with the CRAZIEST option. It is about the percentage that believe in the flat earth and moon conspiracies. It always seems that no matter what, 10% of people will take a contrarian position. I guess it is linked with stupidity, but I don't think that is it exactly- though Jordan Peterson's discussions of how people with 80 and lower IQs are drags on organizations and societies.

I think the other side is that the press pushes this kind of stuff. It's a story, it's easy. They move on but people get it into their identity.

Well in Russia it's 50%. And 10% seems conservative for this country.

I personally think it's more willful ignorance than stupidity. When I was younger, I was willing to believe almost anything.

Pop rocks killed Mikey.
We might not have gone to the moon.
UFOs are definitely real.
The nazis really might have invented a flying saucer.
The Philadelphia Experiment might actually have happened.
We've been visited regularly.
Bigfoot and Loch Ness monster are probably real.
Somewhere, someplace on earth dinosaurs could still exist because after all...coelacanth.

It's not that I was stupid, in fact I was pretty well educated at the time for my age. It was two things.

1. I was not yet a critical thinker. I had not learned to closely evaluate information (especially things I wanted to be true) for logical errors.

2. I wanted to believe all that shit. Because if it was true, that meant it was like 50/50 that I'd see an alien space craft one day, a planet other than ours that almost definitely had (or might still) life on it, a bigfoot sighting or just maybe...an actual dinosaur.

It's also fun to believe that shit, it makes you feel MORE intelligent than all the people who are actually far more intelligent than you are. It's a way to turn the tables on them and see them as the morons who believe whatever they are told...but YOU know better. As a result, you are actually one of the more intelligent people alive.

I mean who doesn't want to believe it's possible that an alien space shit shot down a meteor that was about the destroy Russia? Isn't that idea way more fun than the actual data and explanation of the event? The truth is boring. The truth is math and complicated formulas with words like trajectory. And that makes some people feel too stupid to even understand what is being presented as the truth. But UFO interceptors shooting down meteors, man we just KNEW it. We saw it in cartoons growing up and comic books. That we can understand.

By the way the secret location of the UFO base is dark side of the moon and that is why we had to cancel Apollo missions after 17 by joint agreement with the governments of the US, USSR and Project Moon Base (code named: Adamski).

12-28-22, 03:48
The boob tube has created several generations of boobs.

12-28-22, 04:06
The boob tube has created several generations of boobs.

If you believed everything on "In Search of..." same thing. Lots of stupid shit on any medium. Books, tv, radio, internet...nothing is immune.

12-28-22, 11:44
Calling provable conspiracies “conspiracy theories” and controlling the media is how you get more people who automatically dismiss everything official.

Good thing that only happens in Russia…

12-28-22, 12:02
Blurring the Lines with truth and honesty when it comes to "Conspiracy Theories" is how we ended up in Masks for two years.
Then convincing others that by you being unvaxxed, or not wearing a mask harms others is how we ended up with literally millions complying with unnecassary vaccinations for all.
And then of course the FBI running around paying Twitter to alter the narrative and silence those who speak up didn't help.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that, we are all being fed a line of Shi+ we have been for 50 years, that now people accept lies as truth is not a surprise for me.

But not to worry, this is our .gov working "for" us.

12-28-22, 12:27
BOZONE, is an ignorant gas which can be found in dense layers around the heads of many ever-present super-stupids.

Sadly, these BOZONE layers appear to be impervious to even the most common of sense, and are unlikely to ever... break down.

12-28-22, 12:29
... also, aliens ARE REAL... & ILLEGAL

& cross over our borders on a daily basis.

That is all.

12-28-22, 13:24
Hell, some idiots still believe the earth is flat and the moon landing was all a big conspiracy hoax.

12-28-22, 13:40
Hell, some idiots still believe the earth is flat and the moon landing was all a big conspiracy hoax.

Do you have kids?
I ask because I had to reeducate my kid weekly from the BS indoctrination of High School.

12-28-22, 15:02
Hell, some idiots still believe the earth is flat and the moon landing was all a big conspiracy hoax.

Hell spend time reading leftist political websites. Half of the country are idiots.

12-28-22, 15:04
Do you have kids?
I ask because I had to reeducate my kid weekly from the BS indoctrination of High School.

Yep, even got a grandkid. It's probably a real good thing I don't have any school aged children right now. Have been talking to my daughter the BS in public schools these days and that she to look at alternatives for her little one.

12-28-22, 15:05
During a House committee meeting, Rep. Hank Johnson said he feared that stationing 8,000 Marines on Guam would cause the island to "become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize."

12-28-22, 15:10
During a House committee meeting, Rep. Hank Johnson said he feared that stationing 8,000 Marines on Guam would cause the island to "become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize."

I posted that clip just last night on another forum about how big the idiots are in Congress. He is definitely a gold medal winning that event.

12-28-22, 15:51
Just goes to show, no matter how laughably absurd an idea, you can find corroboration on the internet to validate it.

None of it surprises me any more. Combined, the number of people who think the world is flat, the moon landing didn't happen, 9/11 didn't involve any planes and other variations, evolution is not a thing, and on and on it goes, is scary.

The examples you mention are not even that goofy compared to so many others. The more restricted the population out outside/free information, the more prone they are to such things and the easier they are to manipulate. There's a sizeable % of the Chinese population that believes Covid started in the US and sent to China as a bio weapon, a rumor started by the CCP of course.

12-28-22, 16:18
This was already alluded to in post #2 but it bears repeating. The fact is that approximately half of the population has a below average IQ. Back in my days in the Army, I was once asked by a Sergeant how to spell the word 'tree'. I laughed at him not thinking he was actually asking me how to spell such a simple word. I told him, "T. R. E." making a point of making a long vowel sound for the 'E' and another Sergeant that was nearby said to him, "That means two e's dumbass". He got extremely angry and went directly to the 1SGT complaining that I had been insubordinate. Thankfully, our First Sergeant had an above average IQ and was able to understand the reason for my reaction. It didn't do much to improve the relationship between that particular Sergeant and myself but I didn't work directly for him anyway.

12-28-22, 16:58
"The NRA is the 800lb gorilla in the room"

finally got debunked, interestingly enough by mainstream media and the NY AG instead of pro 2A people who got shouted down for decades.

12-28-22, 17:33
This was already alluded to in post #2 but it bears repeating. The fact is that approximately half of the population has a below average IQ. Back in my days in the Army, I was once asked by a Sergeant how to spell the word 'tree'. I laughed at him not thinking he was actually asking me how to spell such a simple word. I told him, "T. R. E." making a point of making a long vowel sound for the 'E' and another Sergeant that was nearby said to him, "That means two e's dumbass". He got extremely angry and went directly to the 1SGT complaining that I had been insubordinate. Thankfully, our First Sergeant had an above average IQ and was able to understand the reason for my reaction. It didn't do much to improve the relationship between that particular Sergeant and myself but I didn't work directly for him anyway.


12-28-22, 21:36
There's a sizeable % of the Chinese population that believes Covid started in the US and sent to China as a bio weapon, a rumor started by the CCP of course.

If you have ever spent much time in China, you will learn that nothing bad ever happens in China other than the occasional natural disaster.
Everything bad happens in the US and its a very, very dangerous place according to their news.

12-28-22, 23:07
We were having a family wake in my Uncles bar and we're sitting there doing the safe thing, talking kids and family stuff.
My cousins Husband starts in with some very loud, very wild 9/11 conspiracy stuff and my Uncle walked down stood in front of him, turned his glass upside down and asked him to leave.
I stuck my nose in my glass and enjoyed my Bushmills until he left and then we all laughed.

12-28-22, 23:37
We were having a family wake in my Uncles bar and we're sitting there doing the safe thing, talking kids and family stuff.
My cousins Husband starts in with some very loud, very wild 9/11 conspiracy stuff and my Uncle walked down stood in front of him, turned his glass upside down and asked him to leave.
I stuck my nose in my glass and enjoyed my Bushmills until he left and then we all laughed.

Good. Who pulls that shit at a family wake.

12-28-22, 23:40
If you have ever spent much time in China, you will learn that nothing bad ever happens in China other than the occasional natural disaster.
Everything bad happens in the US and its a very, very dangerous place according to their news.

In North Korea most people believe Kim Il-sung invented the automobile and has walked on the moon. When the only news people are allowed to watch is state run news, it's amazing what they will believe.

12-29-22, 01:03
The fact is that approximately half of the population has a below average IQ. .

The crazy thing is that you could eliminate all the below average, and half of the remaining would be below average!

12-29-22, 01:11
The crazy thing is that you could eliminate all the below average, and half of the remaining would be below average!

True, but at least the avg IQ would be higher. We really wouldn't need all that many ditchdiggers if a few could be trained to operate the machinery to do it.

12-29-22, 04:40
True, but at least the avg IQ would be higher. We really wouldn't need all that many ditchdiggers if a few could be trained to operate the machinery to do it.

One of the main factors is the consequence of single parents. Not saying anyone should stay in a bad marriage, but getting a divorce used to be a big deal legally and socially. So single parents felt like they had to become the childs "best friend" rather than a parent who teaches them right from wrong. That's not to say you can't have a good time with your kids take them hunting, camping or whatever, but many refused to correct bad behavior the way a parent should.

A couple generations of that and everyone was an incompetent dumbass for the most part who was more worried about feelz than right or wrong.