View Full Version : Why you don't elect people with dementia.

12-28-22, 13:48
President Biden doesn’t trust some of the Secret Service agents around him and doesn’t believe certain details of the biting incident with his dog Major, according to a new book about the administration.
Chris Whipple’s “The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White House” says Biden has trust issues with some agents, due in part to the fact that some agents are strong supporters of former President Trump.
“A bigger problem was Biden’s discomfort with his Secret Service detail; some of them were MAGA sympathizers. He didn’t trust them,” Whipple wrote, according to a copy of the book obtained by The Hill.
Biden’s detail as president is much larger than it was when he was vice president, and now many agents are “MAGA sympathizers” and “the Secret Service is full of white ex-cops from the South who tend to be deeply conservative,” Whipple wrote.
The Secret Service response to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol after Trump tried to politicize the agency and made Tony Ornato deputy White House chief of staff for operations added to the president’s concerns.
“Surrounded by a new phalanx of strangers, Biden couldn’t help but wonder, Do these people really want me here?” Whipple wrote.

He's lost it.

12-28-22, 14:19
I was wondering the other day...is a president allowed to not have pet or is this some required Whitehouse knee bending?

Biden's next dog will be some dude on all fours with a leather mask and a lite coat of oil ...you watch! That'll check the boxes off.

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12-28-22, 14:55
Hard to believe Biden has any thoughts of his own.

12-28-22, 16:25
Hard to believe Biden has any thoughts of his own.

You know the pattern here seems to me to be that the Democrats always accuse Conservatives of doing exactly what the Democrats have done, or they've tipped their hand.
So what does that say about the Secret Service? Biden stated he doesn't trust them.
If I was a White House detailed Secret Service Agent I would throw such a fit that they would have me checking twenty dollar bills at a Conoco station in Des Moines before they would every detail me to work with that shitheel again.
He's nuts, this is just publicly admiting it, yeah, they lied about your doggy, poor doggy.

12-28-22, 16:36
You know the pattern here seems to me to be that the Democrats always accuse Conservatives of doing exactly what the Democrats have done, or they've tipped their hand.
So what does that say about the Secret Service? Biden stated he doesn't trust them.
If I was a White House detailed Secret Service Agent I would throw such a fit that they would have me checking twenty dollar bills at a Conoco station in Des Moines before they would every detail me to work with that shitheel again.
He's nuts, this is just publicly admiting it, yeah, they lied about your doggy, poor doggy.

Or, just do things to ramp up his paranoia and make him think he's losing his mind even more rapidly than he already is. :)

12-28-22, 17:13
Someone needs to get a baby monitor reciever and fit it in a dog collar so we could get Joes dog to talk to him.

12-28-22, 19:35
Does Dogshit Pedo Joe realize just how serious a slap in the face that is to those who've sworn to trade their lives for his?

(Spoiler: No, he wouldn't even realize the difference between diarrhea and chocolate pudding.)

Psalms 43:1 and 109:8, indeed...

12-28-22, 19:36
Well, for the record, Shitstain is only in the White House because they CHEATED. He is there FRAUDULENTLY. I do not care one damn bit what happens to him or his ilk.

Sure I rustled some jimmies with that and don't GAF!

12-28-22, 20:20
Pro Tip for Pedo Joe: Questioning loyalty is no way to foster and encourage it.

12-28-22, 20:44
The real problem with FJB’s obvious mental decline is that it will absolve all the failures of communist/progressive policies unless he actually starts WW3.

12-28-22, 23:35
Didn't Obama pretty thoroughly purge the Secret Service and replace many of them with "his peoples?"

I'm a bit stunned BidenCo retained anyone who worked under Trump.

12-29-22, 09:51
Didn't Obama pretty thoroughly purge the Secret Service and replace many of them with "his peoples?"

I'm a bit stunned BidenCo retained anyone who worked under Trump.

I know a guy that was on his detail. Solid dude, but hasn’t mentioned any kind of purge and I am pretty sure he favored his previous client a lot more.