View Full Version : Easter eggs in infrastructure bill, like kill switches…

12-31-22, 08:23

Big brother wants to watch how you drive and kill your ride if operating in an unapproved manner, while we are at it, let the cops kill it too.

I guess in the big picture, this is just OnStar for everyone.

12-31-22, 14:15
As vehicles become more connected, the risk they can be hacked increases dramatically.

This is being done so there is a fail safe in place in case someone takes control of a vehicle remotely attempting to use it as a weapon or kill the occupants.

There are other protections from safety related systems being attacked, but nothing is perfect.

12-31-22, 14:32
The elites on both side wanted this bill, to protect the elites, like every other bill ever passed in the last 50+ years.

john armond
12-31-22, 14:46
Yeah, no way this will ever be abused.

Wait until .gov declares how many miles are allowed to be driven based on your ESG score. You hit your limit, therefor anything beyond that is considered “errant behavior” and must not be allowed “for the children.”

12-31-22, 17:04
The elites on both side wanted this bill, to protect the elites, like every other bill ever passed in the last 50+ years.


Yeah, no way this will ever be abused.

Wait until .gov declares how many miles are allowed to be driven based on your ESG score. You hit your limit, therefor anything beyond that is considered “errant behavior” and must not be allowed “for the children.”

Inconceivable! The government would never arbitrarily, unilaterally order people not to do something they have a legal right of doing, something they always did before! And the government would definitely not use some flimsy pretext like "climate change" or "kleptovirus" as justification! And no matter what, you would never see 30% of the population acting as militant useful idiots to help the .gov enforce their totalitarian actions!

Plus, you can count on Fortune 100 companies and major tech companies to always do the right thing. None of them would ever abuse their market power or technology, even if it was profitable and super easy for them to do so.

Gotta go, some disheveled guy claiming he's an angel is giving me a tour of two years ago.

12-31-22, 17:51

Big brother wants to watch how you drive and kill your ride if operating in an unapproved manner, while we are at it, let the cops kill it too.

I guess in the big picture, this is just OnStar for everyone.

Since the first time I saw them, I always said computers in a vehicle is a terrible idea.

Criminals will simply bypass that shit, everyone else will pay for the R&D of the "safety car."

12-31-22, 17:53
Thankfully I've got my preban.


12-31-22, 18:15
Won't it be fun when you cannot start your car unless you are vaccinated and it detects you are masked. Or when all cars in a certain area are shut down due a protest threatening democracy.

Looks like I have bought my last new car.


12-31-22, 18:18
Thankfully I've got my preban.



12-31-22, 18:53
I went down the rabbit hole of reading the comments on that article. It has only reinforced my firm belief that if I am ever in a position to decide the fate of our domestic enemies (and there are MANY, damn near half the population and not just politicians) I will have no mercy whatsoever, morality be damned. I may burn in Hell, if there is one, as a result of my decision but this country badly needs a purge.

12-31-22, 19:22
I went down the rabbit hole of reading the comments on that article. It has only reinforced my firm belief that if I am ever in a position to decide the fate of our domestic enemies (and there are MANY, damn near half the population and not just politicians) I will have no mercy whatsoever, morality be damned. I may burn in Hell, if there is one, as a result of my decision but this country badly needs a purge.

I would take out the electric chair and replace it with an electric bench. 5 at a time, everyone hold hands.

For serious Class A offenders (serial killers, pedos, school shooters) I would have a giant carnival super slide into wood chippers. It would be televised, no reason criminal justice can't be entertaining.

For those who represent or enforce the law (judges, lawyers, leo's) there would be mandatory maximum sentences for any serious felony. No more of this "one day served" BS. More than anyone, the lawmakers know the law. F'iking around with the law is like insider trading. If the max possible sentence is 10 years, you are doing 10.

Politicians? You are the vanguard of rights, violate or abuse that position and we will park your ass at Leavenworth with the other F ups who didn't respect the oath.

With positions of great trust or power there would be great consequences for any abuse.

12-31-22, 20:32
I would take out the electric chair and replace it with an electric bench. 5 at a time, everyone hold hands.

For serious Class A offenders (serial killers, pedos, school shooters) I would have a giant carnival super slide into wood chippers. It would be televised, no reason criminal justice can't be entertaining.

For those who represent or enforce the law (judges, lawyers, leo's) there would be mandatory maximum sentences for any serious felony. No more of this "one day served" BS. More than anyone, the lawmakers know the law. F'iking around with the law is like insider trading. If the max possible sentence is 10 years, you are doing 10.

Politicians? You are the vanguard of rights, violate or abuse that position and we will park your ass at Leavenworth with the other F ups who didn't respect the oath.

With positions of great trust or power there would be great consequences for any abuse.

Two thumbs only because that is how many I have.

john armond
12-31-22, 22:02
I would take out the electric chair and replace it with an electric bench. 5 at a time, everyone hold hands.

For serious Class A offenders (serial killers, pedos, school shooters) I would have a giant carnival super slide into wood chippers. It would be televised, no reason criminal justice can't be entertaining.

For those who represent or enforce the law (judges, lawyers, leo's) there would be mandatory maximum sentences for any serious felony. No more of this "one day served" BS. More than anyone, the lawmakers know the law. F'iking around with the law is like insider trading. If the max possible sentence is 10 years, you are doing 10.

Politicians? You are the vanguard of rights, violate or abuse that position and we will park your ass at Leavenworth with the other F ups who didn't respect the oath.

With positions of great trust or power there would be great consequences for any abuse.

Your thinking small. I have oftentimes told people I don’t believe in the electric chair…I want electric BLEACHERS!

12-31-22, 22:16
Your thinking small. I have oftentimes told people I don’t believe in the electric chair…I want electric BLEACHERS!

Gotta go, gotta go. Robin Harris for President.


01-01-23, 01:01
Since the first time I saw them, I always said computers in a vehicle is a terrible idea.

Criminals will simply bypass that shit, everyone else will pay for the R&D of the "safety car."

You’re already paying for it. Car programs take about 5 years from concept to production.

01-01-23, 01:32
You’re already paying for it. Car programs take about 5 years from concept to production.

Not really, my corvette is an '80. My C230 Benz is a 2008 and my Jeep Cherokee is a 2006.

01-01-23, 02:45

01-01-23, 07:01
You’re already paying for it. Car programs take about 5 years from concept to production.

Correct, at least 5 years. I knew about the mid-engine Corvette several years before they were even announced by GM because the company I worked for developed the airbox for it.

These omnibus bills are the death of America- third party unelected staffers writing 4000 page bills with pet projects and woke spending in them that congressman don’t read through. They just check to make sure they are getting their cut before voting yes. Write your congressman and ask if they knew about this kill switch provision in the bill- my guess is the answer will be crickets.

01-01-23, 09:01
Correct, at least 5 years. I knew about the mid-engine Corvette several years before they were even announced by GM because the company I worked for developed the airbox for it.

These omnibus bills are the death of America- third party unelected staffers writing 4000 page bills with pet projects and woke spending in them that congressman don’t read through. They just check to make sure they are getting their cut before voting yes. Write your congressman and ask if they knew about this kill switch provision in the bill- my guess is the answer will be crickets.

This is why I say one of the top agenda items for COS should be a "Single Subject Amendment."

01-01-23, 09:06
This is why I say one of the top agenda items for COS should be a "Single Subject Amendment."

And no exemptions allowed. If anything, yes votes and anyone making it happen on down the road needs the penalty cranked up to 11 for violating it or aiding/abetting the violation.

01-01-23, 09:21
And no exemptions allowed. If anything, yes votes and anyone making it happen on down the road needs the penalty cranked up to 11 for violating it or aiding/abetting the violation.

Personally, I'd want a SCOTUS Review for SSA compliance before it goes to the Resolute Desk. If "fail" go immediately to Penalty Phase for sponsors and committee members who put it on the floor. Treble penalties for committee chairs and chamber leaders.

01-01-23, 09:23
We who work on cars will have that BS bypassed in maybe a week tops.

01-01-23, 10:33
We who work on cars will have that BS bypassed in maybe a week tops.

You'd think you could just toss the telematics module out the window, but I can only assume the gateway of the entire car will be the telematics module, in which case, it would be a pain in the ass to bypass. Oh well. I have a 96 Nissan 4X4 as a spare/desert vehicle I guess I won't be getting rid of any time soon.

01-01-23, 10:40
For serious Class A offenders (serial killers, pedos, school shooters) I would have a giant carnival super slide into wood chippers. It would be televised, no reason criminal justice can't be entertaining.

That made me LOL.


01-01-23, 12:01
The vehicle kill switch is another one from Idiocracy.

Any merger news about Starbucks and a brothel?

01-03-23, 09:39
It would just be a matter of time until they start implementing what they are starting in the UK. You have a zone you live in and you are only allowed to leave that zone a certain number of times in the name of the environment.

john armond
01-03-23, 11:44
It would just be a matter of time until they start implementing what they are starting in the UK. You have a zone you live in and you are only allowed to leave that zone a certain number of times in the name of the environment.



You can drive out of your "15 Minute City" 100 days a year...after that number it's a fine each time you leave. I think you need a permit to leave those 100 times too. Guess you are going to die or go broke if you need special medical treatments that aren't available within 15min of your house. That's ok though. They will probably just implement the Canadian euthanasia plan. Maybe they can do what they did in the Futurama cartoon and have coin operated suicide booths within 15 minutes of all the houses.

01-03-23, 11:49
No doubt it will be a violation of federal law to disable the kill switch., ala tuning programs that override emissions controls.

Gee can't see any unintended consequences here. Like you get stranded cause your kill engine light came on for no reason, or criminals have targeted you for an "intervention", or teenagers having a laugh on the local overpass, ...

john armond
01-03-23, 12:03
No doubt it will be a violation of federal law to disable the kill switch., ala tuning programs that override emissions controls.

Gee can't see any unintended consequences here. Like you get stranded cause your kill engine light came on for no reason, or criminals have targeted you for an "intervention", or teenagers having a laugh on the local overpass, ...

We don't care that there are only four ambulances in your entire county, and they are all on other calls. Your family has already driven your allotted miles this week. They are not allowed to drive you to the hospital. Guess you should have moved into one of our 15-minute cities. That way they could have dragged you behind their electric recumbent bicycle.

01-03-23, 12:13


You can drive out of your "15 Minute City" 100 days a year...after that number it's a fine each time you leave. I think you need a permit to leave those 100 times too. Guess you are going to die or go broke if you need special medical treatments that aren't available within 15min of your house. That's ok though. They will probably just implement the Canadian euthanasia plan. Maybe they can do what they did in the Futurama cartoon and have coin operated suicide booths within 15 minutes of all the houses.

More probably the Logan's Run euthanasia plan which some like eke Emanuel openly advocate--mandatory put-down at a certain age no matter what your sickness/health or even if still productive. "A younger person needs that life allowance and job more than you do, so time to switch you off..."

Then again, they already tried this by deliberately seeding nursing homes with C19 patients.

01-03-23, 19:56
This reminds me of an old saying, "Every measure has a counter measure".