View Full Version : How My 2023 Started...Not good.

01-03-23, 13:36
With a f-ing dog attack by Pit Bull that got loose and did that to my beautiful Greyhound while we were walking along. Spent New Years Eve in the ER, and many stitches later, she's resting. That was not the only bite either. She now has an infection in her leg from a bite that hopefully high dose antibiotics will cure. My older dog Lucky was bitten on the ear, but nothing serious. GiGi took most of the damage. I'm angry enough to say some things about the breed that attacked us etc that moment, I best stop here. That's how my 2023 is going so far...


01-03-23, 13:41
Did you shoot the dog dead?

ETA: In before the "it's all how you raise them" crowd comes in.

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01-03-23, 13:43
Having had dogs all my life, my sympathies go out to you and the doggies, Will. I do hope you shot the bastard, although it's the owner who needs it.

01-03-23, 13:49
Your dog has a really neat coat...mom lost a chihuahua last year while the house keeper / assistant was taking her for a walk.

Doberman got loose from the owner & she immediately picked it up & the doberman hit her full speed knocking her down & got to the little gal after the fall...owner was some young gal, got the doberman & ran off. Some people are a total waste of oxygen.

01-03-23, 13:59
Hopefully a quick recovery for your dog and a quick end the pit.

01-03-23, 14:16
Did you shoot the dog dead?

ETA: In before the "it's all how you raise them" crowd comes in.

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Getting damn tired of those people frankly. There's some breeds I'm not a fan of, and only the right choice for a small % of people. Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Chow's and Belgian Malinois I'd put in that group. Not the right choice for most.

Having had dogs all my life, my sympathies go out to you and the doggies, Will. I do hope you shot the bastard, although it's the owner who needs it.

No shots fired as there was no room. It was all a tangle of dogs and humans, blood everywhere, screaming people and dogs, etc. Zero response time. I was able to jump on the dog and start chocking the F out of it, and the owner grabbed him and took him away.

Your dog has a really neat coat...mom lost a chihuahua last year while the house keeper / assistant was taking her for a walk.

Doberman got loose from the owner & she immediately picked it up & the doberman hit her full speed knocking her down & got to the little gal after the fall...owner was some young gal, got the doberman & ran off. Some people are a total waste of oxygen.

Did, until a huge gash was added to her perfect coat.

01-03-23, 14:36
Getting damn tired of those people frankly. There's some breeds I'm not a fan of, and only the right choice for a small % of people. Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Chow's and Belgian Malinois I'd put in that group. Not the right choice for most./QUOTE]

Totally agree, we had a beautiful Bloodhound about 8 years back that had her ear and neck get badly bit while in the kennel by the owners German Shepard/ Belgian Malinois mix. The reason was that they thought my dogs calm relaxed demeanor would do well with their dogs high anxiety, they got the dog but kept it at the kennel they owned because it didn't do well with their kids, which is the first sign something is wrong.

[QUOTE=czgunner;3081714]ETA: In before the "it's all how you raise them" crowd comes in.
Not to prove your point but honestly though, we have so many people who don't know how to raise kids or not wanting to take responsibility for anything and then they get a dog, thinking it will be great only for it to be a puppy and something that they have to put time into, and take responsibility for. It just frustrates me on how little people put into personnel responsibility and how that shows in their kids and their pets and their lives. Rant over

01-03-23, 14:54
Yeah south Florida sucks. I had to stop walking my dogs for exactly the same reason.

I used to carry pepper spray and a gun, but had too many close calls and decided I wasn't gonna risk my dogs anymore.

01-03-23, 15:06
I agree that some people shouldn't have certain breeds. They are too stupid and irresponsible to own almost any breed that could do damage. Those are the same type of people that help create the aggressive dog to begin with because they are not the Alpha and the dog they have has now assumed that role because that is what dogs do and makes the rules and is the "protector" of the pack. Nothing good becomes of that.

Sorry to here the bad news Will. Hope your dog recovers quickly.

01-03-23, 15:11
Totally agree, we had a beautiful Bloodhound about 8 years back that had her ear and neck get badly bit while in the kennel by the owners German Shepard/ Belgian Malinois mix. The reason was that they thought my dogs calm relaxed demeanor would do well with their dogs high anxiety, they got the dog but kept it at the kennel they owned because it didn't do well with their kids, which is the first sign something is wrong.

Were they both males? If they were, and those kennel owners had no clue about same sex aggression, they shouldn't be kennel owners.

01-03-23, 15:12
That sucks. I get not being able to shoot. My dogs will get into an occasional dust up themselves and it's complete chaos. Shooting is hardly realistic for sure.

01-03-23, 15:20
My sympathies - hope your dog makes a quick recovery.

01-03-23, 15:24
[QUOTE=WillBrink;3081721]Getting damn tired of those people frankly. There's some breeds I'm not a fan of, and only the right choice for a small % of people. Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Chow's and Belgian Malinois I'd put in that group. Not the right choice for most./QUOTE]

Not to prove your point but honestly though, we have so many people who don't know how to raise kids or not wanting to take responsibility for anything and then they get a dog, thinking it will be great only for it to be a puppy and something that they have to put time into, and take responsibility for. It just frustrates me on how little people put into personnel responsibility and how that shows in their kids and their pets and their lives. Rant over

Yeah, guilt aside, there still exists a problem. Be it a dog, child, polititician.

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01-03-23, 15:26
Wow. That sucks. My year can only get better too. My in-law’s house burned down Christmas Day, thankfully nobody was injured. Then, on 12/27 my wife had a doctor visit and has a big surgery scheduled for 1/17.

01-03-23, 15:27
That sucks. I get not being able to shoot. My dogs will get into an occasional dust up themselves and it's complete chaos. Shooting is hardly realistic for sure.I agree. Just sheer frustration speaking. My old neighbors dog mauled a friends dog in our front yard. I called animal control and she (neighbor) was pissed at me. We moved shortly thereafter to get away from the idiots.

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Alex V
01-03-23, 16:19
That's very scary! Im hoping for a quick recovery for the fur-babies.

We have a Pom, at 9lbs she is smaller than some dog poops let alone other dogs. I don't know how I would react this something like this happened but I imagine I would want blood retribution.

01-03-23, 17:13
My Mother in Law is in the Hospital getting checked for a stroke.

01-03-23, 17:54
My Mother in Law is in the Hospital getting checked for a stroke.

My sympathies....... my wife had a subarachnoid hemorrhage right after the Covid insanity started. It's been a long road back for us. Wishing her a full recovery.

01-03-23, 18:11
My sympathies....... my wife had a subarachnoid hemorrhage right after the Covid insanity started. It's been a long road back for us. Wishing her a full recovery.

Thank you.
I'm hesitant to relocate to the Philippines and no small part of that is medical care.
She seems to be doing better after two days.

01-03-23, 18:13
Absolutely horrific. When walking my small 15 lb mix breed , I keep him away from other dogs and avoid dog parks. Hope you know who the owner of the attacking dog is and sue him for the vet bills. If you know where they live drop dark chocolate raisinets in their yard.

01-03-23, 18:57
With a f-ing dog attack by Pit Bull that got loose and did that to my beautiful Greyhound while we were walking along. Spent New Years Eve in the ER, and many stitches later, she's resting. That was not the only bite either. She now has an infection in her leg from a bite that hopefully high dose antibiotics will cure. My older dog Lucky was bitten on the ear, but nothing serious. GiGi took most of the damage. I'm angry enough to say some things about the breed that attacked us etc that moment, I best stop here. That's how my 2023 is going so far...


I'll say it. Shitbulls should all be put down. **** 'em

01-03-23, 19:03
I don’t think I ever walk my dogs without pepper spray and a fixed blade, often with the CCW too. Dog fights are usually fast and violent from what I’ve seen but the worst one I witnessed had a few moments where they were stationary enough that you could put a muzzle on the aggressor and pull the trigger.

I know a lot of these tend to be pitts but I’ve never seen anything indicating that it wasn’t ultimately a human that was at fault. That breed gets abused and neglected all the time.

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01-03-23, 19:05
Absolutely horrific. When walking my small 15 lb mix breed , I keep him away from other dogs and avoid dog parks. Hope you know who the owner of the attacking dog is and sue him for the vet bills. If you know where they live drop dark chocolate raisinets in their yard.

Will open you to civil and legal consequences in most places if you’re caught. Also just a ****ing pussy way to do something.

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01-03-23, 19:18
Wow. That sucks. My year can only get better too. My in-law’s house burned down Christmas Day, thankfully nobody was injured. Then, on 12/27 my wife had a doctor visit and has a big surgery scheduled for 1/17.

Oof. Prayers for your wife and her folks, and her surgeons. Have a better one.

01-03-23, 19:20
My uncle was walking his dog and the neighbors Pitt got it and stopped shaking to get a better grip. The Pitt had a Kershaw Leek in its side before it could get the better grip. Train with what you carry…..

The owner was relieved the dog was no longer a threat. She knew he was a time bomb.

01-03-23, 19:50
MAY open you to civil and legal consequences in most places IF you’re caught. Also just a ****ing pussy way to do something.

Subtle revenge actually.

01-03-23, 20:23
With a f-ing dog attack by Pit Bull that got loose and did that to my beautiful Greyhound while we were walking along. Spent New Years Eve in the ER, and many stitches later, she's resting.

Sorry to hear that about your dog brother. Really sorry indeed. Shitty owners ruin it for everyone...

Some advice now -

Looks like your Vet just removed the messed up / damaged hide and stitched the edges down to the meat. That will work but it is going to take a loooong time to heal and cause you a shit ton of work keeping things clean while it all heals over. Going to look like crap when it does eventually heal over as well (not that the dog will give a darn about how anything looks) and that one spot in the middle is unlikely to regrow the hair. The dog will heal eventually.

It would have cost you more money and possibly a trip to a better Vet to do it but... That skin could have easily been pulled back together and stitched closed. That is a tiny piece of missing flesh and actually surprised they did not just go on and pull it back together as a matter of 'routine'.

Dog skin is not like human skin as far as how elastic it is and most dogs have a lot of 'extra' skin so pulling together something like that should have been easy for a half skilled Vet.

Ask me how I know...


That girl jumped through the back window of my SUV after a particularly bad accident and ripped herself to shreds going through the glass as she made her escape hole in it. (glass was not broke until she decided she was getting out RIGHT THEN)

After they removed the part that was too damaged to save she was missing a chunk of hide / skin about the size of my hand (a good bit bigger (4 to 5 times bigger) chunk gone that what you have missing there on your dog).

Vet said - We can clean her up now and send her home like this and it will heal eventually but... Will look like crap, be harder to keep clean, and take longer to heal as the tissue has to regrow from nothing (least expensive option but dog WILL eventually recover and be fine)
or - I can spend a lot more time and pull the good hide she has remaining together like I am zipping up my purse. Wound will be closed then and there will be a lot of stitches but she will heal faster, It will be easier on you to keep clean and her hide will look better when she has fully recovered... She did let me know that there was a substantial difference in cost between the two options...

I have 'after' pictures if you want to see them but can assure you that after about 6 months no person that did not know exactly where to look (and then parted the hair in that exact spot) would have ever known the dog was tore up like she was. Vet stopped counting at 200 stitches but damned if she didn't do exactly as she said and stitch that dog up just like she was zipping a purse shut. Where the hide was 'missing' - she pulled it together and made it connect... Cost me a pile but she did a damn fine job and earned every penny for her work.

Your Vet did not do that. I would imagine you can still go to a better Vet and have a better job done on that if you wanted to and were willing to pay for the services / work.

Other thing - 1/4 strength Dakins Solution. You can buy it pre-made (have them make it for you) at a pharmacy OR you can buy the stuff to make it yourself at home. As gentle as water on your dogs skin / tissue but will make damn sure nothing gets infected. You could bathe her in it 5 times a day for next to nothing in cost... Good for wounds like you have in the picture + puncture type wounds, etc. Do some reading on it if you get time. You don't want to wait for the infection to happen and then treat it will pills - You want to keep things so clean that they can't / don't get infected to begin with... :)

Again, Sorry to hear this about your dog brother. If you want to PM me for a phone number so you can ask any questions about wound care please do not hesitate. More than willing to help in any way possible...

01-03-23, 20:31
Will open you to civil and legal consequences in most places if you’re caught. Also just a ****ing pussy way to do something.

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One reason I freaking LOVE cameras (including the front door / front yard kind). Let me catch a fool trying to bait my yard and their ass is mine.

Shooting an attacking dog is one thing but baiting is a wuss move reserved for bitches.

01-03-23, 20:47
Subtle revenge actually.
That’s how women think.

Will, I’m sorry to hear about your dog; hopefully you have a pretty good outcome.

Averageman, I wish your mom-in-law well in her recovery.

01-03-23, 20:51
Poor girl. I have a std poddle who is timid and just a all around good boy. pitbulls are bred to fight, anyone who believes otherwise is stupid.

01-03-23, 21:10
Std Poodles are surprisingly cool. I’ve got a buddy that has two, and my GSD and them are good buds.

Poor girl. I have a std poddle who is timid and just a all around good boy. pitbulls are bred to fight, anyone who believes otherwise is stupid. Allow me to play the Devil’s Advocate… I have no real interest in that breed myself, but I have, or have had, several friends with them, and they are sweethearts, in my limited experience. I suspect that they have an image/bad owner problem, much like the AR15. Every incident is a Pit Bull, which conveniently, happens to be a poorly defined breed. In my Mil, LE, and EMS related career, I have mostly been bitten by ankle-biters among pets (and working dogs that were working). I was once told by someone who studies animals that there was validity in that anecdote, but I’ve never bothered to try to find those statistics myself. I’m open to being wrong…I’m no expert on the topic.

01-03-23, 21:13
Std Poodles are surprisingly cool. I’ve got a buddy that has two, and my GSD and them are good buds.
Allow me to play the Devil’s Advocate… I have no real interest in that breed myself, but I have, or have had, several friends with them, and they are sweethearts, in my limited experience. I suspect that they have an image/bad owner problem, much like the AR15. Every incident is a Pit Bull, which conveniently, happens to be a poorly defined breed. In my Mil, LE, and EMS related career, I have mostly been bitten by ankle-biters among pets (and working dogs that were working). I was once told by someone who studies animals that there was validity in that anecdote, but I’ve never bothered to try to find those statistics myself. I’m open to being wrong…I’m no expert on the topic.

My brother had a little pitbull, he was pleasant and good natured never bit anyone but damn did he like to kill cats and other dogs. And yeah my wifes chihuwa bites.
I have a friend and old neighbor who has 2 GSD brother and sister. Beautiful dogs and he swaers they are mellow but they stand side by side with their ears up and just make me nervouse.

01-03-23, 21:19
I don’t think I ever walk my dogs without pepper spray and a fixed blade, often with the CCW too. Dog fights are usually fast and violent from what I’ve seen but the worst one I witnessed had a few moments where they were stationary enough that you could put a muzzle on the aggressor and pull the trigger.

I know a lot of these tend to be pitts but I’ve never seen anything indicating that it wasn’t ultimately a human that was at fault. That breed gets abused and neglected all the time.

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Last year I had 5 different occasions where pit bulls got aggressive with me. One chased me into my car. Another one has chased twice me 1/4 mile down my a street. I was working in my yard. Buddy pulled his gun and dog backed off when the gun came out. Anybody ever use bear spray on a pit or other aggressive dog (typically walk to a bar at night and don’t carry when drinking)?

01-03-23, 21:19
My brother had a little pitbull, he was pleasant and good natured never bit anyone but damn did he like to kill cats and other dogs. And yeah my wifes chihuwa bites.
Cats are harder to catch than rabbits….

01-03-23, 21:21
. Anybody ever use bear spray on a pit or other aggressive dog (typically walk to a bar at night and don’t carry when drinking)?

I encounter them while running somewhat frequently. I usually just bow up and charge them and they piss off.

01-03-23, 21:23
Cats are harder to catch than rabbits….

This was years ago but his pit bull ripped a cat in half the next day there was a flyer for the lost cat, name "lucky" i chuckled. I know im going to hell.

01-03-23, 21:39
My uncle was walking his dog and the neighbors Pitt got it and stopped shaking to get a better grip. The Pitt had a Kershaw Leek in its side before it could get the better grip. Train with what you carry…..

The owner was relieved the dog was no longer a threat. She knew he was a time bomb.

Then put it down you stupid bitch. Pitts aren't the problem stupid people and abusive fvcks with pitts are the problem.

01-03-23, 21:52
Then put it down you stupid bitch. Pitts aren't the problem stupid people and abusive fvcks with pitts are the problem.

Yup. Her making that statement is insane and yet, I’m not really surprised.

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01-03-23, 21:59
That’s how women think.

Will, I’m sorry to hear about your dog; hopefully you have a pretty good outcome.

Averageman, I wish your mom-in-law well in her recovery.

Just spoke to my Brother in Law, she has a blood clot on her brain and they are using meds to take care of it.

01-03-23, 22:01
Last year I had 5 different occasions where pit bulls got aggressive with me. One chased me into my car. Another one has chased twice me 1/4 mile down my a street. I was working in my yard. Buddy pulled his gun and dog backed off when the gun came out. Anybody ever use bear spray on a pit or other aggressive dog (typically walk to a bar at night and don’t carry when drinking)?

I've had this happen a few times. I've often wondered if the dogs actually knows what a gun is and it is about to get shot or more on lines of what 1168 says below, they just know I wasn't backing down and they had better. You can't run from a dog, for one thing they can run faster than you and two, they will 100% chase you, that is what they do. Standing your ground stands a better chance of stopping them, it may not 100% prevent it but at least it leaves you in a better position to deal with it.

I encounter them while running somewhat frequently. I usually just bow up and charge them and they piss off.

01-03-23, 22:02
I just got a rescue dog.
I don't walk him much as he is a chiweenie and so far the back yard is enough space for him to do all of his business.
Right now he's attacking a rubber pig at my feet.

01-03-23, 22:04
I've had this happen a few times. I've often wondered if the dogs actually knows what a gun is and it is about to get shot or more on lines of what 1168 says below, they just know I wasn't backing down and they had better. You can't run from a dog, for one thing they can run faster than you and two, they will 100% chase you, that is what they do. Standing your ground stands a better chance of stopping them, it may not 100% prevent it but at least it leaves you in a better position to deal with it.

I think they can read body language.
My Uncle took a bunch of Pits to Alaska in the 40's after the war, he said yes, in a group they will run off a Bear.

01-03-23, 22:15
Std Poodles are surprisingly cool. I’ve got a buddy that has two, and my GSD and them are good buds.
Allow me to play the Devil’s Advocate… I have no real interest in that breed myself, but I have, or have had, several friends with them, and they are sweethearts, in my limited experience...

When the current pair of Doberman girls is gone here...

I already got my line in place for the Standard Poodle replacement dogs.

Actually got a couple of different SP breeders lined up but that is beside the point... :)


Freakin awesome dogs in my opinion.

01-03-23, 22:20
Absolutely horrific. When walking my small 15 lb mix breed , I keep him away from other dogs and avoid dog parks. Hope you know who the owner of the attacking dog is and sue him for the vet bills. If you know where they live drop dark chocolate raisinets in their yard.

Someone else's dog will end up eating them. Shitbags and their shitbag dogs rarely suffer.

Floridian's in particular cannot handle "freedom" in any responsible fashion. For every person who leashes their dog the moment they go off their own property there are 20 who just open the door and let them out. At best they crap in everyone else's yard and tear up every one else's garbage cans looking for food, at worst they attack your dogs and kids.

My wife and I "tried" to do the evening walk after dinner with the dogs. Despite being in the street (because fewer dogs would feel the urge to protect their property) almost once a week (so 1 in 5) we had to deal with some rando dog being aggressive that came from "who know's what property). And this is with us walking two large sheppards to begin with. There were a few dogs that got pepper sprayed, but it's hard to do that one handed without getting your own dog, especially when your own dog is being aggressive and trying to defend you.

I had one really bad one where I had pulled my handgun, I had enough warning to hand my dog off to my wife and told her to keep walking. I had two pitts and I had them both following me as I back peddled while keeping a sight picture. I ran them back a couple blocks and decided I didn't HAVE to shoot them, would have loved the opportunity to have shot their owner.

Caught up with my wife, went home and called the police. We found the house they came from, just looked for the house with the fence gate wide open. The dipshit owner let them run loose because he was mowing the grass. When the police told him I almost shot and killed his dogs, he started to get angry like I came on to his property and tried to hurt him.

No matter which direction we tried to walk, there was a version of that dipshit. You couldn't get more than 6 houses without some dog that came ripping down the driveway in attack mode and I just got sick and tired of pulling my dogs back off of them. Everything from little yap dogs which anyone else would have let their own dogs just kill them to large aggressive dogs that thankfully I never had to shoot but came real close more than a few times.

In the end we just stopped trying to walk through our neighborhood with our dogs at night, eventually we wouldn't have gotten away with it. Just wasn't worth my dogs getting hurt, redneck trailer trash wins again.

Another reason I live in Iowa now. Been walking my dog 2 miles almost every night now for some regular exercise and I've only encountered 1 lose yard dog, some little yappy crap thing and it took some pulling to keep my dog from killing it, but I'm not trying to kill somebodies dog if it doesn't have to happen. Would love to get 5 minutes "real talk" with the owners though.

01-03-23, 22:28
I've had this happen a few times. I've often wondered if the dogs actually knows what a gun is and it is about to get shot or more on lines of what 1168 says below, they just know I wasn't backing down and they had better. You can't run from a dog, for one thing they can run faster than you and two, they will 100% chase you, that is what they do. Standing your ground stands a better chance of stopping them, it may not 100% prevent it but at least it leaves you in a better position to deal with it.

Dogs have a keen sense of "you are afraid of them" and "you are not afraid of them." I've had guns drawn almost a dozen times and ready to shoot, but probably because I wasn't angry the dogs didn't seem to pick up on it. But most seemed to understand when I stopped backing up they needed to stop following me.

01-03-23, 22:47
My wife and I "tried" to do the evening walk after dinner with the dogs. Despite being in the street (because fewer dogs would feel the urge to protect their property) almost once a week (so 1 in 5) we had to deal with some rando dog being aggressive that came from "who know's what property). And this is with us walking two large sheppards to begin with. There were a few dogs that got pepper sprayed, but it's hard to do that one handed without getting your own dog, especially when your own dog is being aggressive and trying to defend you.

And you STILL had to pepper spray the other dog?


01-03-23, 23:02
And you STILL had to pepper spray the other dog?


Different incident. And yeah, I've had dogs come charging out of the yard despite the fact I was walking a pair of sheppards. The few times I did it it was more me creating a pepper spray cloud in the intended path of the dog.

Stupid people that don't understand consideration for other people often have dogs with the same problem.

01-03-23, 23:23
Different incident. And yeah, I've had dogs come charging out of the yard despite the fact I was walking a pair of sheppards. The few times I did it it was more me creating a pepper spray cloud in the intended path of the dog.

Stupid people that don't understand consideration for other people often have dogs with the same problem.

Dogs are pack animals, they base their behavior on the alpha. So there is something to what you say. Aggressive, domineering breeds especially. And if the human ain't the alpha, the dog WILL take the spot.

01-04-23, 01:23
Shooting an attacking dog is one thing but baiting is a wuss move reserved for bitches.

Not my first choice but if that’s how the job gets done, we both know it’s going to go after a kid sooner or later.

01-04-23, 01:37
Not my first choice but if that’s how the job gets done, we both know it’s going to go after a kid sooner or later.

Then be sure you have a 100% no fail way that will only get THAT dog. Because if you end up killing the neighbors dog, then you are the bad guy.

And honestly, you target the owners. They are the responsible party. They deserve the blowback.

01-04-23, 04:49
I don't care for pitbulls or the bully breed...I see too many wannabe thug suburban parents get them, and don't have a lot of control when walking the dogs whether it is a man or woman. Just glad I am armed.

01-04-23, 05:44
I don't care for pitbulls or the bully breed...I see too many wannabe thug suburban parents get them, and don't have a lot of control when walking the dogs whether it is a man or woman. Just glad I am armed.

Not my favorite. But then again, I see a lot of people (suburban and otherwise) with things they have zero control over...usually it's their kids. And like you I'm glad I'm armed.

01-04-23, 06:44
Truth hurts but it's usually some ghetto rat or trailer park trash with these dogs. Hope your pups get well soon.

01-04-23, 08:23
Damn Will, very sorry to hear this. I have no idea what the Florida law is. Dog owner should be charged with violating the leash law and reckless endangerment. And made to pay your vet bill. And the attack dog should be euthanized before it attacks another dog or a person.

01-04-23, 08:45
A neighbor a few houses from me had a dog with a reputation for aggressiveness. He kept it penned during the day but after it got dark he would let it loose. I was headed home from a run and I see the dog laying on the grass across the street from the owners house.
I kept my eyes on him as I went by him, a few steps later I feel a pain in my calf. I had sweat pants on and he got more of the pants than my calf. He didn't puncture the skin but left a red pinch mark and tore the sweat pants . I immediately turned and stepped towards him and he backed off.
I went to the owner house and told him what happened and showed him my calf and torn pants. The next day the dog went for a dirt nap.
We have owned dogs most of our married life but I will not put up with an aggressive dog.

Another neighbor had what I call a rat dog, a small terrier that usually just barked at people walking by but would chase cars and bicycles. One day it chased my wife on the bike nipping at her heels.
I took a can of starting fluid and went for a bike ride. When he ran up to me barking I gave him a snoot full of starting fluid. Never had a problem with him chasing bikes after that, he would just sit in his yard and watch them go by, quick learner he was.

01-04-23, 09:55
I don’t think I ever walk my dogs without pepper spray and a fixed blade, often with the CCW too. Dog fights are usually fast and violent from what I’ve seen but the worst one I witnessed had a few moments where they were stationary enough that you could put a muzzle on the aggressor and pull the trigger.

I know a lot of these tend to be pitts but I’ve never seen anything indicating that it wasn’t ultimately a human that was at fault. That breed gets abused and neglected all the time.

I literally had the spray in my hand as I always do and not close enough time to use. If there's some distance and or the dog shows some pre aggression behaviors for you to get the can up and going, all good. If the dog comes out of nowhere at a dead run, it's useless, as is a gun. The knife of value once they're attacking you or your dogs, and even then, they will do damage before you can use it. I wonder if stun gun baton is the way to go. It gives you stand off distance, makes a lot of noise, will hurt life F when you connect.

Sorry to hear that about your dog brother. Really sorry indeed. Shitty owners ruin it for everyone...

Some advice now -

Looks like your Vet just removed the messed up / damaged hide and stitched the edges down to the meat.

That was pre stitching. Vet did an excellent job on it. Owner comment, that's accurate for sure, but I don't fully support as the only variable:

I know the trainer for the org that trains MPC for NSW. These dogs cost six figures once trained up. So, he's not some rando claiming to a dog trainer is my point. He told me there are some breeds he would never leave his kids alone with, Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Chow's and Belgian Malinois topped his list. NSW uses, what he trains and owns, are Belgian Malinois. Great dogs, a dog he does not recommend to all but a small %. I really dislike Chows. Never met one that was not an A hole of a dog.

Poor girl. I have a std poddle who is timid and just a all around good boy. pitbulls are bred to fight, anyone who believes otherwise is stupid.

That is the reality of it. Yes, owner makes the most difference, that does not change the facts Pits are a poor choice for the vast majority of people who have them.

Truth hurts but it's usually some ghetto rat or trailer park trash with these dogs. Hope your pups get well soon.

100% true, especially in FL. However, not the case in this one. Good people, professionals, responsible (paid the 2.5k vet bill), very upset about it, etc. Had the dog for 8 years without issues (they claim), goes to doggy day care. etc. Pit Bull's, like a few other breeds, are famous for being great dogs, until they are not. The "he was a great dog until he attacked the neighbors kid out of nowhere" comments are very common.

Damn Will, very sorry to hear this. I have no idea what the Florida law is. Dog owner should be charged with violating the leash law and reckless endangerment. And made to pay your vet bill. And the attack dog should be euthanized before it attacks another dog or a person.

FL is actually good on dog laws, and they will do something about an aggressive dog if reported, at least in my area. In my area, they don't mess around with aggressive dogs, 98% of which are Pits of course.

01-04-23, 10:09
When I went to the pound to get my dog probobly 30+% were pits or pit mixes.
So some of these folks are coming to the conclusion that they are more dog than the average guy can handle.
I've got a tiny dog and he is a PITA sometimes, but he's not yet tried to bite me.

01-04-23, 10:49
So some of these folks are coming to the conclusion that they are more dog than the average guy can handle.

This is a common problem with Mal, as well. What I tell people that are thinking about getting one is to imagine that you’ve never ridden a motorcycle before, but you think they’re pretty cool, so you buy a KX500 or an R1. You’ll discover that they require an impractical degree of focus and they might bite you in the ass unless you get trained on how to employ them.

01-04-23, 11:36
I'm sorry this happened, man...I hope your sweet girl heals up quickly! Give her a scratch behind the ears for me.

Demand that the county seize the offending pit and euthanize it, then follow that up with legal action against the owner. It won't fix what happened to your pups, but it might go a ways towards preventing it from happening to someone else.

01-04-23, 12:06
I know the trainer for the org that trains MPC for NSW. These dogs cost six figures once trained up. So, he's not some rando claiming to a dog trainer is my point. He told me there are some breeds he would never leave his kids alone with, Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Chow's and Belgian Malinois topped his list. NSW uses, what he trains and owns, are Belgian Malinois. Great dogs, a dog he does not recommend to all but a small %. I really dislike Chows. Never met one that was not an A hole of a dog.

That is the reality of it. Yes, owner makes the most difference, that does not change the facts Pits are a poor choice for the vast majority of people who have them.

100% true, especially in FL. However, not the case in this one. Good people, professionals, responsible (paid the 2.5k vet bill), very upset about it, etc. Had the dog for 8 years without issues (they claim), goes to doggy day care. etc. Pit Bull's, like a few other breeds, are famous for being great dogs, until they are not. The "he was a great dog until he attacked the neighbors kid out of nowhere" comments are very common.

Leaving a big dog, especially one that has a dominant personality with kids is stupid to begin with. I don't care what breed it is. It's just that the breeds you mention, and there are a few others, tend to be bred to have dominant personalities...so there you go.

Good, professional, and responsible doesn't equal alpha....that was probably the underlying problem.

01-04-23, 12:43
Then be sure you have a 100% no fail way that will only get THAT dog. Because if you end up killing the neighbors dog, then you are the bad guy.

And honestly, you target the owners. They are the responsible party. They deserve the blowback.

Nothing is perfect, but yes make sure to get the right dog.

If the owner and the law don’t take care of it, I’d hate to live with something really bad happening when I knew the dog was a problem.


01-04-23, 15:13
This is a common problem with Mal, as well. What I tell people that are thinking about getting one is to imagine that you’ve never ridden a motorcycle before, but you think they’re pretty cool, so you buy a KX500 or an R1. You’ll discover that they require an impractical degree of focus and they might bite you in the ass unless you get trained on how to employ them.

My Brother has a Mal and he told me it is extreamly time consuming just burning off the energy.
My Brother is an active guy, so that Dog is either at work with him (He's a Fire Chief) five days a week, or on weekends trail riding with the Horses, or both. Add in the Deer and Elk hunts and that Dog is living a better life than most of us.
He say's the dog is disappointed when it's not a workday and get's antsy on the weekends. Goes out and sits by the truck.
Sounds like having an ADD kid.

01-04-23, 18:03
My Brother has a Mal and he told me it is extreamly time consuming just burning off the energy.
My Brother is an active guy, so that Dog is either at work with him (He's a Fire Chief) five days a week, or on weekends trail riding with the Horses, or both. Add in the Deer and Elk hunts and that Dog is living a better life than most of us.
He say's the dog is disappointed when it's not a workday and get's antsy on the weekends. Goes out and sits by the truck.
Sounds like having an ADD kid.
Tell him to make sure he’s consuming mental energy, too.

01-04-23, 18:10
Son of a Bitch. Best wishes to your pup Will.

01-04-23, 19:16
My Brother has a Mal and he told me it is extreamly time consuming just burning off the energy.
My Brother is an active guy, so that Dog is either at work with him (He's a Fire Chief) five days a week, or on weekends trail riding with the Horses, or both. Add in the Deer and Elk hunts and that Dog is living a better life than most of us.
He say's the dog is disappointed when it's not a workday and get's antsy on the weekends. Goes out and sits by the truck.
Sounds like having an ADD kid.

I wanted a Mal. 60hr min work week and kids at home meant the Mal wouldn’t get the time it needed/deserves. Dogs typically match the owner’s personality….. who was I fooling, ain’t no way me and a Mal are compatible. Wish we were, but I am wise enough to know it wouldn’t have worked out. Still admire them and the folks that can handle them.

Best dog I ever had was a wolf hybrid. Smart as can be, very trainable, not as much energy as a Mal. Super pretty dog. You better stay alpha and let him know his place in the family.

I got some stories on him, but that might be another thread.

01-04-23, 19:32
That sucks. I get not being able to shoot. My dogs will get into an occasional dust up themselves and it's complete chaos. Shooting is hardly realistic for sure.

I agree 100%.

I'm sorry to hear about this, and I am hoping you got the contact info for the person with the aggressive dog. I would be contacting animal control if I lived in a city or someplace that wasn't out in the country.

01-04-23, 20:06

I wanted a Mal. 60hr min work week and kids at home meant the Mal wouldn’t get the time it needed/deserves. Dogs typically match the owner’s personality….. who was I fooling, ain’t no way me and a Mal are compatible. Wish we were, but I am wise enough to know it wouldn’t have worked out. Still admire them and the folks that can handle them.

Best dog I ever had was a wolf hybrid. Smart as can be, very trainable, not as much energy as a Mal. Super pretty dog. You better stay alpha and let him know his place in the family.

I got some stories on him, but that might be another thread.

I've just gotta say I love seeing positive comments from owners/former owners of wolf hybrids. They do get some bad press and it all stems from people who think it will be so cool to have a 'wolf' and then put about as much effort into it as keeping a goldfish. There are far too many people that have dogs who just shouldn't. I had one myself. She was a 50/50 F2 (Malamute/wolf mix) and I knew the owners of both her parents. I also consider her the best dog I ever had. She was as lovable as can be and I never had any issue with her at all with guests or kids.

I have a few interesting stories about her as well.

01-04-23, 20:50
Damn Will, very sorry to hear this. I have no idea what the Florida law is. Dog owner should be charged with violating the leash law and reckless endangerment. And made to pay your vet bill. And the attack dog should be euthanized before it attacks another dog or a person.

None of that shit would have happened here.

A dog biting another dog gets zero ****s given from any sort of police. They ain't comin for something like that... They sure as shit are not going to 'require' an owner to put down a dog for something like this.

It is one persons 'property' doing damage to another persons 'property'.

A human gets bit - Yeah, somebody and their dog have a problem but another dog or a cat? Not so much.

01-04-23, 22:10

One reason I freaking LOVE cameras (including the front door / front yard kind). Let me catch a fool trying to bait my yard and their ass is mine.

Shooting an attacking dog is one thing but baiting is a wuss move reserved for bitches.

internet bravado bullshit.....

01-04-23, 22:30
internet bravado bullshit.....
No, just being an adult male human

01-05-23, 00:38
I love dogs and have been a dog owner my entire life.
Here's what I've noticed, you have to invest time and reward behavior you want and also understand it's a dog.
I have a male dachshund, hes a great lap dog and we could sit there and drink whiskey, smoke cigars and play guitars.
Let a Woman in the room and he's going to hump her leg.

Is it okay if I give him a treat when he does that?

01-05-23, 08:43
I love dogs and have been a dog owner my entire life.
Here's what I've noticed, you have to invest time and reward behavior you want and also understand it's a dog.
I have a male dachshund, hes a great lap dog and we could sit there and drink whiskey, smoke cigars and play guitars.
Let a Woman in the room and he's going to hump her leg.

Is it okay if I give him a treat when he does that?

Yup...they are dogs and live by dog rules. So many people try and apply human rules and processes which don't apply whatsoever.

Doxie's are cool. I (my wife) had a few. Great dogs, but like most hounds have a stubborn streak.

01-05-23, 09:17
Were they both males? If they were, and those kennel owners had no clue about same sex aggression, they shouldn't be kennel owners.

I have a male Lab that is the biggest baby in the world. He is afraid of one of my cats and will take a very wide route around it. He's even afraid of shadows, go figure. However, we have to be very wary of other male dogs. There's about a 50/50 chance he will start a fight. He pretty much ignores female dogs.