View Full Version : The Reverse Great Migration Does Not Bode Well for Blue States

01-06-23, 20:40
"But it’s not just deep blue California that is shedding residents faster than VP Kamala Harris sheds staffers. New York, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Illinois, along with California, scraped the bottom of the barrel for the places where growth is not occurring. What do these places have in common, you ask? Over-the-top progressive governance, out-of-control crime, high taxation, and lack of economic and cultural freedom."


Coal Dragger
01-06-23, 20:59
The problem is the fleeing rats bring their bad ideas to their new state of residence and continue voting the same as before.

01-06-23, 21:04
The problem is the fleeing rats bring their bad ideas to their new state of residence and continue voting the same as before.

Exactly....because they are that stupid to realize it

01-06-23, 21:30
Degeneracy having been mainstreamed, legalized, and normalized over the last 30 years and then force-fed to children via social media, television/film, and the so-called public "education" system is a bigger menace than Blue Staters fleeing, IMHO. Many of the people fleeing are like us here on M4C, but older. Children nationwide who have been raised and indoctrinated to hate America, to hate our history, to hate our forefathers, to hate God, etc. are a far larger concern.

Put another way, I have seen LGBTQ events throughout Idaho.

01-06-23, 21:45
The problem is the fleeing rats bring their bad ideas to their new state of residence and continue voting the same as before.

Not necessarily. I live in a blue state and most leftists I know have a huge amount of contempt for red states and have no intention of moving to one. Even if they piss and moan about things here, they foam at the mouth over how racist, homophobic, and unintelligent they think the Southern and Midwestern people are, and how boring and ugly they think those states are. Almost every person I know who talks about moving to a red state is already conservative, and they want to move there to be with more like minded people.

Straight Shooter
01-06-23, 22:07
I too, have been extremely worried that we here in TN are going to be overwhelmed by damn Yankees coming here with their leftist, Godless crap.
But, in the past couple months..Ive met several people from California who've moved here and every one of them are conservative leaning if not outright right wing. How greatly surprised I was. Maybe the majority of those moving arent libtards.. maybe most of them are the "good ones" we've long heard about that are finally making that bold move TF outta Dodge. I hope so.
Im not saying all are of course...but if most are, that'd suit me fine.

01-06-23, 23:29
They actually have little to fear, they way they subsidize children people can't afford to have under normal circumstances, the idiots will breed at a geometric rate.

01-07-23, 03:07
The reason people move here is because they came here once on vacation and liked it, and now their retirements go further here. So they come here from NY, NJ and OH in droves like ****ing locusts and drive up our cost of living and overwhelm the infrastructure and public services, and change the voting metrics. Twenty something of them a day, just to one county.

I wish they’d just move to ****ing Thailand instead.

01-07-23, 05:31
The reason people move here is because they came here once on vacation and liked it, and now their retirements go further here. So they come here from NY, NJ and OH in droves like ****ing locusts and drive up our cost of living and overwhelm the infrastructure and public services, and change the voting metrics. Twenty something of them a day.

I wish they’d just move to ****ing Thailand instead.

Y'all ain't stopping even 1% that are headed to Florida.

I got tired of meeting people who said "Hi, I'm [insert meaningless name], I'm from [NY, NJ, MA, etc) and I'm in recovery."

The influx of "in treatment" drug addicts who are being treated in one of the drug capitols of the world was astonishing. And they'd all be at the same half way house and once a month somebody would FU and take half the recovery house down with them.

Meantime their treatment qualified them for fee gym memberships and apparently free starbucks because that is all I ever saw any of them do.

01-07-23, 07:19
I disagree with true title of the OP.

It bodes less well for the red states (as others have said. It’s the blues that run away once they cause problems. But in *some of* the blue states, that means that conservatives who have always lived there for family, business, whatever May regain some clout and turn some things around.

01-07-23, 07:41
How long until a war starts. Seems like we’re heading in the the direction of a world war or a civil war. If we don’t unite around an external enemy or threat then the internal divisions will soon become too great to remain together. The ideological differences are already irreconcilable.

Coal Dragger
01-07-23, 11:55
Not necessarily. I live in a blue state and most leftists I know have a huge amount of contempt for red states and have no intention of moving to one. Even if they piss and moan about things here, they foam at the mouth over how racist, homophobic, and unintelligent they think the Southern and Midwestern people are, and how boring and ugly they think those states are. Almost every person I know who talks about moving to a red state is already conservative, and they want to move there to be with more like minded people.

That hasn’t been my experience with too many of them.

01-07-23, 12:23
I too, have been extremely worried that we here in TN are going to be overwhelmed by damn Yankees coming here with their leftist, Godless crap.
But, in the past couple months..Ive met several people from California who've moved here and every one of them are conservative leaning if not outright right wing. How greatly surprised I was. Maybe the majority of those moving arent libtards.. maybe most of them are the "good ones" we've long heard about that are finally making that bold move TF outta Dodge. I hope so.
Im not saying all are of course...but if most are, that'd suit me fine.
Look what happened to Florida. More non-natives than Florida born.

01-07-23, 14:04
Look what happened to Florida. More non-natives than Florida born.

Looking at the math and statistics, it is only a matter of time until North Carolina has more immigrants from out of state then native born. That's just the way the numbers go.

We are also in the top two, three for population growth and economic growth, and most of the population growth is coming from Blue States. Every election the margin gets narrower and narrower and probably just a matter of time until we are consistently a Democrat state.

01-07-23, 14:15
All I can say is that if you're not a CONSERVATIVE, GUN-LOVING, PATRIOTIC, GOD-FEARING, LAW-ABIDING actual US CITIZEN (or at least well on your LEGAL way to becoming such), then stay the FO of the great state of Florida, as we already have our hands full dealing with more than our fair share of Libertarded, Socialist, Government-Teet-Suckling, Woke-A** "MIGRANTS" (legal or otherwise & native or otherwise) as it is.

Sorry/Not-Sorry for that short, but sharp little rant.

01-07-23, 16:52
Looking at the math and statistics, it is only a matter of time until North Carolina has more immigrants from out of state then native born. That's just the way the numbers go.

We are also in the top two, three for population growth and economic growth, and most of the population growth is coming from Blue States. Every election the margin gets narrower and narrower and probably just a matter of time until we are consistently a Democrat state.

Also contributing, if I am not missing something, is an influx of tech type positions, which anecdotally (as someone with some recruiting involvement) has a high volume of people without either a) heritage of individual freedoms or b) personal will to physically exert dominance in a fearful situation. That’s not unique to NC, but I know my company is hiring plenty of IT.

01-07-23, 17:52
Also contributing, if I am not missing something, is an influx of tech type positions, which anecdotally (as someone with some recruiting involvement) has a high volume of people without either a) heritage of individual freedoms or b) personal will to physically exert dominance in a fearful situation. That’s not unique to NC, but I know my company is hiring plenty of IT.

Absolutely. Google and Apple are building multi-million dollar campuses with 20 minutes of me, and Oracle continues to expand. IT is huge here and luring people from out of state. I would agree with your assessment of many of those people.

01-07-23, 20:22
How many more will leave California and New York before there is such a loss of revenue that they simply have to stop the BS and tighten their purse strings?

01-07-23, 23:21
I too, have been extremely worried that we here in TN are going to be overwhelmed by damn Yankees coming here with their leftist, Godless crap.

NC shoulda built a border wall with VA 40 years ago!!!

01-07-23, 23:42
How long until a war starts. Seems like we’re heading in the the direction of a world war or a civil war. If we don’t unite around an external enemy or threat then the internal divisions will soon become too great to remain together. The ideological differences are already irreconcilable.

Totally agree! I see it so more often now then ever before. Sad really. The America I grew up is gone for ever. :sad:

01-08-23, 02:52
IT positions are increasingly filled with foreign imports via H1b/H2b visas given out like candy by the US Congress at the request of the Billionaire/Oligarch class. Legal migration is destroying the US far faster than illegal, but good luck trying to tell the average "conservative." They'll never figure it out until it's far too late.

01-08-23, 02:53
The America I grew up is gone forever. :sad:

It is indeed, gone forever.

01-08-23, 03:44
IT positions are increasingly filled with foreign imports via H1b/H2b visas given out like candy by the US Congress at the request of the Billionaire/Oligarch class. Legal migration is destroying the US far faster than illegal, but good luck trying to tell the average "conservative." They'll never figure it out until it's far too late.

We're being replaced by the migrants. The border and the legal migration is not an accident. The gov has been subverted by the WEF. They're trying to kill us off with fake vaccines and taking over the food production. Control the food and you control the people.

01-08-23, 06:39
Wow, got to vaccines fast on a thread that started about internal migration.

01-08-23, 06:45
Wow, got to vaccines fast on a thread that started about internal migration.

It's just a wacko conspiracy theory to most people.

Straight Shooter
01-08-23, 07:16
It's just a wacko conspiracy theory to most people.

I dont think there are ANY conspiracy theories anymore- theyve all turned out to be true.
The U.S. Government DID kill Kennedy....they DID know about Pearl Harbor in advance....Hollywood & the Government ARE full of homosexuals AND commies...the letter agencies ARE actively working against Americans and the Constitution...we ARE being purposely invaded in order to obtain votes for a political party...there ARE elites/organizations & cabals trying to establish a One World/New World Order...the President of the United States IS NOT running the show..the American media ARE outright unashamed lying, manipulative, unapologetic commie rats...our elections are about as valid as a Third World countries anymore...whats left that could be considered "unbelievable" anymore?
If I looked out the window and saw F-in DINOSAURS I dont know that Id bat an eye at this point.

01-08-23, 07:24
I dont think there are ANY conspiracy theories anymore- theyve all turned out to be true.
The U.S. Government DID kill Kennedy....they DID know about Pearl Harbor in advance....Hollywood & the Government ARE full of homosexuals AND commies...the letter agencies ARE actively working against Americans and the Constitution...we ARE being purposely invaded in order to obtain votes for a political party...there ARE elites/organizations & cabals trying to establish a One World/New World Order...the President of the United States IS NOT running the show..the American media ARE outright unashamed lying, manipulative, unapologetic commie rats...our elections are about as valid as a Third World countries anymore...whats left that could be considered "unbelievable" anymore?
If I looked out the window and saw F-in DINOSAURS I dont know that Id bat an eye at this point.

Now thats some straight shootin.

01-08-23, 07:34
Now thats some straight shootin.Darn tootin!

Sent from my BE2028 using Tapatalk

01-08-23, 07:49
How many more will leave California and New York before there is such a loss of revenue that they simply have to stop the BS and tighten their purse strings?

See Detroit for your answer.

New York recognizes the loss of income “‘This is the flip side. Tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. The rich leave, and now what do you do?" (Andrew Cuomo). New York's answer is to blame Trump's tax changes and aggressively audit high earners who claim to leave the state.

California has plenty of revenue driven by the shipment of raw materials to and goods from Asia, as does Oregon and Washington.


01-08-23, 07:51
Look at the Dynamics at hand here.
In your 20's through early 50's you're likely raising kids and building a career, but oh when that last kid Graduates, the money pours in. So your three kids now live and work in Texas and Tennesse.
You sell your Million plus dollar home you bought in the 80's for 200,000 and you leave.
That's happening a lot and people in their 50's are the ones with money. Wash and Rinse and how many times a day is this happening in California?
It wont take very long and you no longer have a tax base capable of supporting the many folks collecting State Social Services.
You've just ran out of Bread and Circus.

01-08-23, 08:03
They won’t, they’ll just continue to raise taxes on those who remain, the pols are incapable of learning

01-08-23, 08:05
How many more will leave California and New York before there is such a loss of revenue that they simply have to stop the BS and tighten their purse strings?

They won’t, they’ll just continue to raise taxes on those who remain, the pols are incapable of learning

01-08-23, 08:14
The problem is the fleeing rats bring their bad ideas to their new state of residence and continue voting the same as before.

Came in to say that. Two kinds of people: those who move to get away from a thing, and those who ruin a place, then movie to start over and ruin that place too. I'm in the former when I moved MA -> FL.

Many moving to FL from the NE wanting to make it NYC with palm trees. Most of the blue states movers are now ruining the places they moved to.

01-08-23, 09:00
The 2 sides are incompatible. Eventually they will be unable to tolerate the differences. Some on the the left are already very intolerant while others attempt and unfortunately succeed at making changes that force, limit or strip the rights or freedoms of others through regulations and laws.

01-08-23, 09:24
They won’t, they’ll just continue to raise taxes on those who remain, the pols are incapable of learning

Eventually you've milked the tits off of that old cow and there's not another in the pasture.
Those who will remain will be crushed by the weight of unfullfillable tax payer funded promises made by Politicans.

01-08-23, 10:05
I’m becoming less tolerant than most leftists.

I’m fed up with the lies, the infringements and the so called laws.

We don’t do very well at activism and we better start upping our game.

Even simple things like calling out the authors of ignorant articles like: “How far will the Supreme Court expand the Second Amendment.”

I just wrote a scathing response to the obvious ignorance of the diversity hire who wrote that article and told her exactly why she occupied that position.

I’m done playing nice. We need to call these flaming idiots out at every turn. Instead our tendency is to simply piss and moan in our own echo chamber. (Here)

Hell, I’m considering running for Congress.

01-08-23, 10:35
The right doesn't have any representation period. Politicians are all swamp. The corruption is too widespread to defeat with truth, facts, or policy changes. The corruption involves big money, defense, pharma, the entire national security apparatus, the justice department, the federal reserve, and on and on...

01-08-23, 11:42
I’m becoming less tolerant than most leftists.

I’m fed up with the lies, the infringements and the so called laws.

We don’t do very well at activism and we better start upping our game.

Even simple things like calling out the authors of ignorant articles like: “How far will the Supreme Court expand the Second Amendment.”

I just wrote a scathing response to the obvious ignorance of the diversity hire who wrote that article and told her exactly why she occupied that position.

I’m done playing nice. We need to call these flaming idiots out at every turn. Instead our tendency is to simply piss and moan in our own echo chamber. (Here)

Hell, I’m considering running for Congress.

God bless you, friend. Seriously.

Straight Shooter
01-08-23, 19:26
The right doesn't have any representation period. Politicians are all swamp. The corruption is too widespread to defeat with truth, facts, or policy changes. The corruption involves big money, defense, pharma, the entire national security apparatus, the justice department, the federal reserve, and on and on...

I agree 100%. Im sick of the lot of them.
As Ive said here & am currently telling family & friends...America is DONE. Over.
Circle your wagons, load up, stock up, pray up & get right with God & PREPARE for whats coming. Put NO hope or trust in anything but Almighty God. Im done politicking. Read a superb article the other day, I cannot remember where...it said dont tell ME I cant bitch or complain if I dont vote...YOU are the ones electing these schmucks that have ruined the country..not me. YOU have no right to complain, you put them in, not me.
Thats exactly where Im at now.
Im gettin MINE, making sure fam & friends get THEIRS...and am now only concerned with local & State matters, and keeping the South RED as match head.

01-09-23, 00:17
I agree 100%. Im sick of the lot of them.
As Ive said here & am currently telling family & friends...America is DONE. Over.
Circle your wagons, load up, stock up, pray up & get right with God & PREPARE for whats coming. Put NO hope or trust in anything but Almighty God. Im done politicking. Read a superb article the other day, I cannot remember where...it said dont tell ME I cant bitch or complain if I dont vote...YOU are the ones electing these schmucks that have ruined the country..not me. YOU have no right to complain, you put them in, not me.
Thats exactly where Im at now.
Im gettin MINE, making sure fam & friends get THEIRS...and am now only concerned with local & State matters, and keeping the South RED as match head.

Amen ^

01-09-23, 12:21
They actually have little to fear, they way they subsidize children people can't afford to have under normal circumstances, the idiots will breed at a geometric rate.

Polyandry would help but that hasn't become a popular subject quite yet.

01-09-23, 20:32
Leftists are invading the entire southeast in search of better weather and cheaper cost of living. These locusts will ruin their adopted states just like they did their home states.

01-09-23, 21:03
Leftists are invading the entire southeast in search of better weather and cheaper cost of living. These locusts will ruin their adopted states just like they did their home states.

Carpetbaggers re-contextualized.

01-09-23, 23:28
The problem is the fleeing rats bring their bad ideas to their new state of residence and continue voting the same as before.

This happened here in Vermont.

01-10-23, 13:35
"But it’s not just deep blue California that is shedding residents faster than VP Kamala Harris sheds staffers. New York, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Illinois, along with California, scraped the bottom of the barrel for the places where growth is not occurring. What do these places have in common, you ask? Over-the-top progressive governance, out-of-control crime, high taxation, and lack of economic and cultural freedom."


California was once a Conservative Powerhouse. During the Great Depression, you had law enforcement on the border with Arizona literally doing a "bum patrol" keeping people out of CA.

The flood of "Okies" looking for work, along with the WWII and Post-War migration is what flipped CA to being a Democrat state.

01-10-23, 13:52
California was once a Conservative Powerhouse. During the Great Depression, you had law enforcement on the border with Arizona literally doing a "bum patrol" keeping people out of CA.

The flood of "Okies" looking for work, along with the WWII and Post-War migration is what flipped CA to being a Democrat state.

It was not that long ago, either. Reagan's California was very conservative. The late 70s saw it change over.