View Full Version : Jack Ryan Season 3

01-08-23, 11:18
Just finished S3. I enjoyed it far more than S2, S1, still best of the 3 seasons. The plot is good, solid actors, good dialogue with some hokey dialogue, pacing does pull you in and keeps you wanting to know how it plays out and is compelling. I did enjoy the use of different sets and locations, which was a visual plus. That's the strong point of S3. The main issue I had with S3 is it's lack of consistency, and a solid scene is often followed by an over the top eye rolling action sequence that really challenged my suspension of disbelief to enjoy it. People using car doors as cover from AK rnd (which will go through a car door like it's not even there...) and so forth. I think improved realism in some of those scenes - via technical advisors - would have made S3 one of the better action/thriller series offered in a long time, but that's mostly because what exists for action/thriller series currently is so bad. B-


01-08-23, 12:16
The little things killed me. Case officers do not go on SOG missions, unsuppressed weapons on recce mission, suppressed weapons other times, taking out multiple men who have long guns with a Glock 17.

All of that aside, it was an enjoyable series, with good character development.

01-08-23, 12:20
I didn't like it as much as the first 2 seasons. Ryan seems to just use his cell to call for help. Not enough ass kicking. For some reason the CIA can track everyone else's phone...but not his

01-08-23, 12:25
The little things killed me. Case officers do not go on SOG missions, unsuppressed weapons on recce mission, suppressed weapons other times, taking out multiple men who have long guns with a Glock 17.

All of that aside, it was an enjoyable series, with good character development.

They do accumulate to the point it really degrades what could have been a solid season. B- is my minimum grade to recommend watching something. I think it squeaks by with that grade, but I can see a C+ too.

Another thing that annoyed me: Either speak Russian with subtitles or use no Russian at all. Mixing it up totally broke the continuity for me.

01-08-23, 14:27
I thought it was decent, definitely not as called in as season 2. There was a Jack Carr podcast that mentioned that his Terminal List did make Amazon go back and look at re-investing in the genre and I think this sort of benefited from that success with better development of the plot. Having said that the way the plot changed at the end meant it look like they were only going to 6 episodes but had to stretch it out to 8.

01-08-23, 14:31
They do accumulate to the point it really degrades what could have been a solid season. B- is my minimum grade to recommend watching something. I think it squeaks by with that grade, but I can see a C+ too.

Another thing that annoyed me: Either speak Russian with subtitles or use no Russian at all. Mixing it up totally broke the continuity for me.


Same issue for me in Netflix's The Recruit. Why would you speak Russian-accented English, in another country, with someone who speaks Russian? Just speal Russian and do the subtitles. I prefer the native language with subtitles, it adds authenticity.

I did dig the throwback scenes and the editing process in the series. I thought they added value in the 'who did it?' aspect, added a depth.

01-08-23, 18:15
Good summary of S1/S2 for those interested:


01-09-23, 07:46
My wife and I have watched the first couple of episodes. I agree that so far the little things are the downfall of this season. If you didn't have interests or knowledge of said little things, the season would probably be a lot more enjoyable.

Alex V
01-09-23, 08:24
We watched it last weekend or the weekend before. Personally I still like S1 more but my wife likes S3 the most. Seems we both agree S2 was the "worst"

I know others have mentioned some small things but I have come to expect that from TV/Movies. They won't get gun play 100% right and you have to be able to look past it. It is a show after all.

What did get me is when Jack is being perused by the GRU agent and the guy just opens fire in a crowded market. Really? So much for being clandestine. Then the tin foil hat came out: how many active shooters/mass shootings are really a cover for one secret agent trying to kill another one! oooooooooooooooooo!

The English/Russian thing did annoy me a bit as well, but I am a special case and can't expect Amazon to cater to it. I don't know what it worse for me, a Scotsman speaking broken Russian or speaking with a crappy Russian accent? Both hit the Russian speaking ear really wrong.

Either way, I thought the season was good.

01-09-23, 09:02
It was alright, although the one thing hard for me to look past is that a CIA analyst is now going on missions with operators. No way...no how. Clancy is rolling in his grave right now over what they did to his character.

It is what it is I guess, once Hollywood gets a hold of something.

02-03-23, 21:47
Lady on phone “general so and so…”. Cuts to guy in Navy uniform.

Characters take off in a prop plane with jet engine sounds and then deplane from a jet.

It’s like they didn’t even try. I think I’m done.

02-04-23, 09:59
Jim is still trolling Dwight.