View Full Version : "Will Jordan Peterson Lose His License for Wrongthink?"

01-08-23, 18:06
They are now trying to take his license to practice:

Will Jordan Peterson Lose His License for Wrongthink?

Canada’s most famous public intellectual, Jordan Peterson, brought that meme to real life this week when he announced he’d rather never work again than be forced onto the couch.

I don’t blame him.

The College of Psychologists of Ontario has told Peterson that if he doesn’t go to therapy—sorry, a board-mandated “Coaching Program” with a board-issued therapist—it may revoke his license to practice psychology.

What warranted this ultimatum? A few tweets and a podcast.

According to Peterson, about “a dozen people” from around the world complained to the college about comments he had made on Twitter and on Joe Rogan’s podcast, claiming that those statements had caused “harm.”

Cont: https://www.thefp.com/p/will-jordan-peterson-lose-his-license

01-08-23, 18:09
He's in Canada, there are no rights in socialist utopias.

01-08-23, 18:13
It would only give more credibility to the things he has to say if he does lose his license. I doubt with his speaking engagements and podcasts, that he even sees patients anymore. I see this as a net positive for him.

01-08-23, 18:16
It would only give more credibility to the things he has to say if he does lose his license. I doubt with his speaking engagements and podcasts, that he even sees patients anymore. I see this as a net positive for him.

They are too stupid to realize it will only make him more popular.

01-08-23, 18:23
They are too stupid to realize it will only make him more popular.

Well he seems to be doing alreight finacially without a practise doesn't he?
It's an empty threat then isn't it? What they were hoping for is that he will shut up and walk away.
What he needs to do is give Canada the middle finger and Immigrate to Texas, hell I'll sponser him for his Citizinship.

01-08-23, 18:29
They are too stupid to realize it will only make him more popular.

Exactly. We’ve all known that for a long time. What I’m so confused by is how these dim wit’s still seem to be in the driver’s seat!

01-08-23, 19:06
I’ll be seeing him speak on the 23rd. It’ll be interesting to hear what he has to say on the topic.

01-08-23, 22:02
Well he seems to be doing alreight finacially without a practise doesn't he?
It's an empty threat then isn't it? What they were hoping for is that he will shut up and walk away.
What he needs to do is give Canada the middle finger and Immigrate to Texas, hell I'll sponser him for his Citizinship.
As a psychologist is TX, we need 6 hours of CEUs in multicultural training, most of which is LBQGQ whatever. Tedious to have to sit through the crap. Psychologists love the broken sex people, they endlessly want to talk about themselves and their broken lives. Total attention whores, but good revenue sources.

01-08-23, 22:28
As a psychologist is TX, we need 6 hours of CEUs in multicultural training, most of which is LBQGQ whatever. Tedious to have to sit through the crap. Psychologists love the broken sex people, they endlessly want to talk about themselves and their broken lives. Total attention whores, but good revenue sources.

What’s your position in “we”?

01-08-23, 22:36
Cant imagine JP will agree to go to reeducation camp to get his mind right.

01-08-23, 23:09
He’s already stated very clearly they can go pound sand.

01-08-23, 23:22
Cant imagine JP will agree to go to reeducation camp to get his mind right.

For a time I had a job I loved, everyone knew what the F they were doing and just did their job. We mostly worked off site so supervisors and department directors were nowhere to be found and so long as we did things the right way, we could ignore most of our direct supervisors because we reported to a completely different floor much higher on the food chain.

The only thing I absolutely detested was mandatory "diversity / cultural sensitivity" training that we'd be subjected to at least once a year. I was in south florida so my working group was already as diverse as humanly possible, the only thing we didn't have was a legit eskimo so the classes were offensive to all of us. One year I wore a shirt from a buddhist temple with a swastika on it, the jackass that taught the group started in on me and had to walk a lot of stuff back when I explained what it was.

The last year I worked there (by my choice) I wore an Infidel shirt. Again the diversity instructor tried to give me some shit but it was only a few years after 9-11 so they didn't get much traction. I worked with a couple friends who grew up in Trinidad who were technically muslim (the variety who just doesn't eat pork but otherwise don't do anything different than anyone else) and they just laughed at that shit.

I really thought the PC madness of the 90s was as bad as it could get before they put us in camps. I was of course mistaken.

01-09-23, 07:49
Imagine being the re-educator, and Jordan Peterson works in your office. That is not going to be a fun day. I think it might almost be funny to show up and surreptitiously record it and then play the tapes.

This is the kind of stupidity that made him famous in the first place.

What are you expect when your country is run by one of Castro’s kids?

01-09-23, 09:07
There were many Dr's here that lost their license for thinking they could treat covid patients instead of following the fauci protocol and killing them with Remdesivir and a ventilator.

We have entered a 1984 like reality.

01-09-23, 09:22
There were many Dr's here that lost their license for thinking they could treat covid patients instead of following the fauci protocol and killing them with Remdesivir and a ventilator.

We have entered a 1984 like reality.

Many? Can you list a few? That's also very different then losing professional license over wrong think unrelated to the profession itself. I don't disagree that any opinions not in line with vax for all, lock downs, and the approved meds (some of value, some not...), were suppressed heavily, still not equivalent.

I think not using NAC and others with covid (https://brinkzone.com/life-saving-strategies-for-covid-19-complications/) as SOC amounts medical negligence, but that's another topic for another day.

01-09-23, 10:02
There were many Dr's here that lost their license for thinking they could treat covid patients instead of following the fauci protocol and killing them with Remdesivir and a ventilator.

We have entered a 1984 like reality.

Fauci Protocol?

01-09-23, 10:15

"Doctor loses license, must have psych evaluation for COVID falsehoods, board says"

01-09-23, 10:18
Fauci Protocol?
That’s exactly right.

01-09-23, 10:27
That’s exactly right.

Elaborate and cite your sources, please.

01-09-23, 10:34

"Doctor loses license, must have psych evaluation for COVID falsehoods, board says"

Requires nuance and seeing both sides, but not a temporary suspension due to wrong think, but had complaints against her filed, caught lying, prescribed HCQ/IVM and the person was hospitalized, etc.

I am 100% against the suppression open discussion of those and other modalities for treating Covid and the suppression of anything not what got approved for use was wrong, but guess what, par for the course with all major diseases. For most people, this is their first exposure to how it works, but I and others are 30+ years into that. It was worse then ever with covid, nothing new in terms of how the FDA, pharma, AMA, etc control the narrative of what treatments are discussed, which suppressed. Welcome to my world...

Also, various docs etc that are involved, are nothing but scammers and grifters trying to also drive a narrative, like talking out their a$$, being called on it, and using "the gubment and the man just trying to suppress me" thing. In some cases it's true, some it aint. It's not black/white issue there.

As always, you have to take each person, claim, etc alone, dig into what's supported, reality, factual etc.

01-09-23, 10:35
Elaborate and cite your sources, please.

Where do you think the protocol came from?
It’s all in the book The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr
And the book sites all the sources.

01-09-23, 10:38
Where do you think the protocol came from?

Elaborate and cite your sources, please.

Hint that you didn’t catch the first time: this is a polite way of saying that I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.

About your edit:
Where do you think the protocol came from?
It’s all in the book The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr
And the book sites all the sources.
If you don’t know how to spell “cite”, you’re out of your wheelhouse on medicine.

“Cite your sources” is how nerds challenge each other to nerd-duels. The reaction to that phrase can be used to gauge a person’s background and expertise.

01-09-23, 10:46
Requires nuance and seeing both sides, but not a temporary suspension due to wrong think, but had complaints against her filed, caught lying, prescribed HCQ/IVM and the person was hospitalized, etc.

I am 100% against the suppression open discussion of those and other modalities for treating Covid and the suppression of anything not what got approved for use was wrong, but guess what, par for the course with all major diseases. For most people, this is their first exposure to how it works, but I and others are 30+ years into that. It was worse then ever with covid, nothing new in terms of how the FDA, pharma, AMA, etc control the narrative of what treatments are discussed, which suppressed. Welcome to my world...

Also, various docs etc that are involved, are nothing but scammers and grifters trying to also drive a narrative, like talking out their a$$, being called on it, and using "the gubment and the man just trying to suppress me" thing. In some cases it's true, some it aint. It's not black/white issue there.

As always, you have to take each person, claim, etc alone, dig into what's supported, reality, factual etc.

They demanded a psychological evaluation for her opinions.

The flip side includes covid being assigned the cause of death to motorcycle wrecks, alcohol overdose, and who knows what else and that side doesn't seem to have suffered any sanctions.

01-09-23, 10:55
They demanded a psychological evaluation for her opinions.

Seems far more involved to me. What is odd about that one is it's a psych eval vs being called to defend her approached to the medical board. To be clear, no doubt, docs felt pressure to not discuss or question the approved treatments, some of which were effective, some not so much, many that could have saved lives and or reduce serious complications, overlooked, ignored, or suppressed, as happens with cancer, CVD, etc. Again, so many just being exposed to how it works.

The flip side includes covid being assigned the cause of death to motorcycle wrecks, alcohol overdose, and who knows what else and that side doesn't seem to have suffered any sanctions.

That's a whole different topic that's unrelated to this one. We could discuss a lot of F up stuff regarding covid, but also realize again there's been a narrative on both ends for their own agenda, and per usual, the truth falls some place in the middle, dependent on topics.

01-09-23, 11:03
Seems far more involved to me.

That's a whole different topic that's unrelated to this one. We could discuss a lot of F up stuff regarding covid, but also realize again there's been a narrative on both ends for their own agenda, and per usual, the truth falls some place in the middle, dependent on topics.

Would seem to have a widespread application considering it indicates a broad swath of the medical/scientific community at a minimum isn't opposed to dishonest and unethical actions which flows along with a pattern that has been going on for decades.

01-09-23, 11:11
Seems far more involved to me. What is odd about that one is it's a psych eval vs being called to defend her approached to the medical board. To be clear, no doubt, docs felt pressure to not discuss or question the approved treatments, some of which were effective, some not so much, many that could have saved lives and or reduce serious complications, overlooked, ignored, or suppressed, as happens with cancer, CVD, etc. Again, so many just being exposed to how it works.
I don't know and can't imagine why anyone would subject themselves to such BS.
Pretty much they are asking you to come in so they can justify a prewritten report saying just how crazy you really are and a threat to yourself and others.
Just remember folks oor own .gov was doing this fast and hot inside the United States, so don't get all smug and say "It can't happen here."

01-09-23, 11:16
Elaborate and cite your sources, please.

Hint that you didn’t catch the first time: this is a polite way of saying that I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.

About your edit:
If you don’t know how to spell “cite”, you’re out of your wheelhouse on medicine.

“Cite your sources” is how nerds challenge each other to nerd-duels. The reaction to that phrase can be used to gauge a person’s background and expertise.
You don’t have to be an expert to know the experts have become professional cons.

01-09-23, 11:22
Would seem to have a widespread application considering it indicates a broad swath of the medical/scientific community at a minimum isn't opposed to dishonest and unethical actions which flows along with a pattern that has been going on for decades.

It's more complex and F up than few can get close to appreciating, and in some respects, due to being politicized, weaponized, and polarized, covid exposed it in an acute and ugly fashion. But people also need to remember, there's a full on agenda by some serious grifters making a name for themselves who don't give a damn about what's true either. Education is not related to ethics, honesty, and bias, and people drink their Kool-aid while telling others not to drink the Kool-aid.

01-09-23, 11:28
I don't know and can't imagine why anyone would subject themselves to such BS.
Pretty much they are asking you to come in so they can justify a prewritten report saying just how crazy you really are and a threat to yourself and others.
Just remember folks oor own .gov was doing this fast and hot inside the United States, so don't get all smug and say "It can't happen here."

You wanna keep paying your bills and feeding your family to or not? Very few are in the position Jordon is in and can tell them to F off. I know a few docs who lost their ability to work due to deciding to tell the medical review board they were right and the board did not agree. A few ended up in jail, another bitter and poor.

Some docs deserve to lose their licenses, and more should in fact due to serious F ups, but some do not and do anyway. As always, the system is run by humans, so it's screwed up.

01-09-23, 11:37
You don’t have to be an expert to know the experts have become professional cons.
Yet, you’ve been unable to explain the “Fauci Protocol” for treating COVID, nor provide me any scientific studies on the topic.
As you consider tripling down on this, please understand that I might have a tiny bit of knowledge on protocols and decision matrices for shoving tubes down peoples’ necks.

Have you seriously not yet realized that I’m challenging you on this because such a thing does not exist?

01-09-23, 11:54
It's more complex and F up than few can get close to appreciating, and in some respects, due to being politicized, weaponized, and polarized, covid exposed it in an acute and ugly fashion. But people also need to remember, there's a full on agenda by some serious grifters making a name for themselves who don't give a damn about what's true either. Education is not related to ethics, honesty, and bias, and people drink their Kool-aid while telling others not to drink the Kool-aid.

Any member of the medical/scientific community that makes a statement that includes the caveat that their education, licensing, or professional status isn't related to ethics, honesty, or lack of bias?

Are those that go along with an official false narrative and attack critics grifters too? Or is that beyond petty and small scale?

01-09-23, 12:17
Any member of the medical/scientific community that makes a statement that includes the caveat that their education, licensing, or professional status isn't related to ethics, honesty, or lack of bias?

As an MD, you're expected to act with ethics, honesty, and use data/science as your guide and hopefully be unbiased about it. If you're prescribing pop tarts for brain cancer, charging a million for it, and telling people it cures brain cancer, you're not honest, ethical, moral, or using science to make medical decisions that are life and death, and will likely lose your license. Some times however, it's political BS. I know a doc, brilliant guy, who helped bodybuilder types who trashed their ability to produce T due to anabolic steroid use. He developed a protocol to reboot their system, using existing meds "off label" as it's called. He was helping people get their health back, but because steroids are illegal (also political BS), and other PC nonsense, he lost his license over it. His mistake was not falling on his sword and admitting his "mistake" vs fighting with them and telling them he had the science and clinical documentation to support what he was doing, etc. While a brilliant doc, he did have a big ego and thought he'd argue his position with the very conservative closed minded biased state medical board, and lost everything trying to help athletes and had zero complaints against him. He never prescribed any steroids, but they accused him of that too with no proof at all.

Are those that go along with an official false narrative and attack critics grifters too?

Depends on the topic, whether it's actually false or not or partially accurate, yet taken out of context, what evidence they use to support it, etc, etc. It's the absolutism that's gotten us where we are.

Or is that beyond petty and small scale?

Any time you think they can't get more petty, they find a way it seems. Look at what's happening to Jordon. All this because they don't like some tweets he re posted.

But to be clear, push the machine and the machine will push back and the current machine of wokeness agenda is very dangerous and damaging.

01-09-23, 12:31
As an MD, you're expected to act with ethics, honesty, and use data/science as your guide and hopefully be unbiased about it. If you're prescribing pop tarts for brain cancer, charging a million for it, and telling people it cures brain cancer, you're not honest, ethical, moral, or using science to make medical decisions that are life and death, and will likely lose your license. Some times however, it's political BS. I know a doc, brilliant guy, who helped bodybuilder types who trashed their ability to produce T due to anabolic steroid use. He developed a protocol to reboot their system, using existing meds "off label" as it's called. He was helping people get their health back, but because steroids are illegal (also political BS), and other PC nonsense, he lost his license over it. His mistake was not falling on his sword and admitting his "mistake" vs fighting with them and telling them he had the science and clinical documentation to support what he was doing, etc. While a brilliant doc, he did have a big ego and thought he'd argue his position with the very conservative closed minded biased state medical board, and lost everything trying to help athletes and had zero complaints against him. He never prescribed any steroids, but they accused him of that too with no proof at all.

Depends on the topic, whether it's actually false or not or partially accurate, yet taken out of context, what evidence they use to support it, etc, etc. It's the absolutism that's gotten us where we are.

Any time you think they can't get more petty, they find a way it seems. Look at what's happening to Jordon. All this because they don't like some tweets he re posted.

On the first part, the Tuskegee syphilis experiment is one fairly well documented incident that comes to mind. Very few with knowledge about it opposed it which indicates a wide chasm between expected actions and reality.

I recall reading an article on steroids and treating burn victims and the author claimed certain steroids that were effective on burns with extremely low side effects were effectively verboten in the US.

The deal with Peterson, Tuskeegee, and manipulating covid are far from petty and equate to some serious wealth and power gains for elites.

01-09-23, 12:44
On the first part, the Tuskegee syphilis experiment is one fairly well documented incident that comes to mind. Very few with knowledge about it opposed it which indicates a wide chasm between expected actions and reality.

Under the right circumstances, medical docs have committed some of the worst crimes against humanity the world has ever seen, be it Tuskegee, Nazi experiments, unit 731, and many others. Without oversight and a moral compass, there's no limits to what they have done.

I recall reading an article on steroids and treating burn victims and the author claimed certain steroids that were effective on burns with extremely low side effects were effectively verboten in the US.

Steroids have many medical/clinical uses, with minimal side effects (used correctly) and that's been suppressed/denied by the powers that be to due to stigma and anti steroid hysteria. Things have improved, but doctors using them for all but very limited approved uses, would likely lose their license. Meanwhile, they can prescribe far more toxic meds for the same conditions that are approved by the FDA.

01-09-23, 13:20
Yet, you’ve been unable to explain the “Fauci Protocol” for treating COVID, nor provide me any scientific studies on the topic.
As you consider tripling down on this, please understand that I might have a tiny bit of knowledge on protocols and decision matrices for shoving tubes down peoples’ necks.

Have you seriously not yet realized that I’m challenging you on this because such a thing does not exist?

I think you're taking the phrase "Fauci Protocol" a bit too literally. You can have your head and hands buried deep into the protocols and matrices, but still not see the grand design at work. The US is rapidly bolting down the path of top-down control, which is stifling many aspects of our society. The medical system is not exempt from that phenomenon.

01-09-23, 13:29
Yet, you’ve been unable to explain the “Fauci Protocol” for treating COVID, nor provide me any scientific studies on the topic.
As you consider tripling down on this, please understand that I might have a tiny bit of knowledge on protocols and decision matrices for shoving tubes down peoples’ necks.

Have you seriously not yet realized that I’m challenging you on this because such a thing does not exist?

Challenge all you want my friend. I have read the book cover to cover. I have listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts with Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Martin Kuldorf and Dr Jay Bhattacharya (both from Harvard, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Joseph Campbell, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Joseph Ladapo, and many, many others that have been warning about the complete con job related to covid.

I express my thoughts but have no interest in convincing anyone of anything. This stuff is like religion to folks.

Just because you are aware of some protocols doesn’t mean you know all of them everywhere. My brother in law in his 30’s walked into a hospital in Florida with covid at the beginning of this con and the protocol I described above was in fact the protocol at the time there. He died a few days later.

I’m fixing to board a plane for my next flight.

01-10-23, 20:46
What’s your position in “we”?

I am a soon to be retired psychologist.

01-10-23, 21:52
You don’t have to be an expert to know the experts have become professional cons.

As a con artist you cant con a con artist has always been a favorite line of mine.

01-11-23, 07:15
I am a soon to be retired psychologist. congrats.