View Full Version : Peterson Talks With a De-Transitioner

01-13-23, 08:54
Another reason he's being attacked by the loons, taking on this topic. Heart breaking stuff really. Her parents and every adult around her, failed her. I support any adult that decides to transition whether I understand it or not, a parent that allows a child to do that, much less encourages it, are complete failures as a parent, and adult, and a human being.


01-13-23, 09:59
I agree with your thinking. If someone is an adult and wants to transition that is their choice. However, i do not think insurance should cover stuff like this

Parents that encourage this type of stuff and allow kids to transition should be put in jail. The parents push this just for their own attention seeking in a lot of cases I believe. Joe Rogan had a guest on, I believe Blair White, and she said something like 80% of people that transition before 18 regret it. The mind isn't even fully formed to make such a life changing decision

01-13-23, 10:30
I recall years ago reading a sociologist who claimed that gender dysphoria is a common mental disorder in societies in collapse. I don't know that for a fact, but I'd not doubt it.

01-13-23, 10:39
I recall years ago reading a sociologist who claimed that gender dysphoria is a common mental disorder in societies in collapse. I don't know that for a fact, but I'd not doubt it.

Douglas Murry talks about that. He says that historically great societies became obsessed with gender near the end before their collapse. It’s pretty sad that medical health professionals decided the best course for treating a dysphoria is to remove body parts.

01-13-23, 10:48
They're violating their Hippocratic Oath for the sake of profit, nothing more.

I don't support anyone's mental illness. I also don't care what adults do, as long as they harm no one, don't use taxpayer money for these things, and don't insist that everyone around them participate in their fantasy.

I think adults and doctors that support and encourage this mental illness in children are guilty of child abuse and should be punished accordingly. Doctors that mutilate children for profit should face dire consequences.

But we live un clown world.

01-13-23, 10:50
I agree with your thinking. If someone is an adult and wants to transition that is their choice. However, i do not think insurance should cover stuff like this

Parents that encourage this type of stuff and allow kids to transition should be put in jail. The parents push this just for their own attention seeking in a lot of cases I believe. Joe Rogan had a guest on, I believe Blair White, and she said something like 80% of people that transition before 18 regret it. The mind isn't even fully formed to make such a life changing decision

And any medical doc involved charged with medical negligence if not criminal negligence and loss of license a minimum. That's as immoral and unethical as it gets from a medical POV and ignores the Hippocratic Oath they took. It's their job to refuse unnecessary treatments regardless of what some nutty parent may want. The are supposed to be the last line of defense for a child based on medical necessity. There are people who for what ever reason decide they want a limb removed. One guy tried to find docs for years to remove his leg. They all refused. He finally killed the leg by freezing it, and then a doc had to remove it: https://nypost.com/2015/09/06/this-strange-condition-makes-people-want-to-hack-off-a-healthy-limb/

01-13-23, 12:04
I remember going trough puberty and thinking girls were so lucky because they had tits to play with. So glad i didnt tell anyone else about my perv thoughts