View Full Version : Returning To Space (Review)

01-13-23, 11:58
A documentary on Space X and Musk from NF. I'm science/space nerd to my core (see my visit to NASA posted in comments section...) and this was right up my ally. However, I suspect anyone will get something from this documentary, and it may help put space travel in people's mind as to how important it is to humanity in general. The documentary also shows just how much Space X has impacted the "space race" and costs of going into space, and the long list of set backs they experienced. This one starts off a bit slow and a tad dry, but once it gets going, I was on the edge of my seat and totally engrossed in the launching of two humans into space to reach the space station. It reminded me of the movie Apollo 13, so well done that even though you knew how it ended, it didn't matter; it still had suspense that pulled you in. The interviews and footage of Musk is also very interesting and his passion for making humans a space fairing species is obvious and unwavering. That aspect was a added plus for me. Finally, watching on a high def TV with decent audio (I currently use wireless headphones for that) adds a layer of enjoyment as some of the visuals are stunning and beautiful to behold. Personally I'd like to have gotten more tech info vs the focus on human feelz and such, but I understand that was intended to pull in the more general audience. A-


My visit to NASA: https://brinkzone.com/brinkzone-goes-to-nasa/