View Full Version : Get out and shoot, ladies and gentlemen!

01-15-23, 17:00
I’ve got my son out with me right now at his first competition shoot. He’s 12, been shooting since 4.

Get out there and shoot, make yourself a better shooter.

Get some training and get some med training.

01-18-23, 17:59
I have one son that loves guns but I have not been able to get him to a competition. Hell I can't Mark to one so I am weak on selling comps. But it is a joy to get my boys out. Marks' son comes out with us accassionally too. Gotta pass it down.


01-21-23, 11:16
Make a dad/son day. Go to a local diner for breakfast and then on to the range. He doesn’t even need to shoot, let him watch and give him the phone so he can do some pics and video.

I think Mark is just scared to go because he carries and shoots the most horrible gun ever made; the Glock 22 in .40 short and weak! ;)

I have one son that loves guns but I have not been able to get him to a competition. Hell I can't Mark to one so I am weak on selling comps. But it is a joy to get my boys out. Marks' son comes out with us accassionally too. Gotta pass it down.


01-21-23, 11:18
If I shoot ladies and gentlemen, they'll put me in jail... ;-)

But yeah, seriously, I haven't been to the range in over a year. I definitely need to go.

01-21-23, 11:28
What if the deserve it? :confused: (sarcasm)

I attempt to get to the range biweekly (work schedule sucks). My first comp was 2 years ago and that was after an 8(ish) year break of no comps (local IDPA). I was surprised when the score came back and I took second place after that long of a time period of no comps. I run everything from concealment, so I’m guessing my range time hasn’t been in vain.

I need to work on my FAST drill though. Wasn’t proud of that score at 7.04 seconds.

If I shoot ladies and gentlemen, they'll put me in jail... ;-)

But yeah, seriously, I haven't been to the range in over a year. I definitely need to go.

01-21-23, 12:55
If I shoot ladies and gentlemen, they'll put me in jail... ;-)

But yeah, seriously, I haven't been to the range in over a year. I definitely need to go.

And the comma lifts its head with its shoulders back and chest out.

"Don't forget to eat Grandma." Vs. "Don't forget to eat, Grandma."

01-21-23, 14:17
I have friends and then I have “gun” friends. I try to get them both to to mix at occasions and get togethers. The one thing that is a HUGE ice breaker and converts many a “fence sitter” to a champion of 2A causes is a range day. The gun friends will let the non shooters try anything they bring for as long as they want. Fun times all around afterwards also which usually bonds folks to hang out in smaller groups.

01-21-23, 15:15
Listen here you grammar nazi!

In my defense, I failed English many many times.


And the comma lifts its head with its shoulders back and chest out.

"Don't forget to eat Grandma." Vs. "Don't forget to eat, Grandma."

01-21-23, 15:18
Absolutely agree with this!

In regards to kids, I know everyone is different, but all of my kids started shooting at 4 years old. It was something I decided to do before having kids. I didn’t start shooting until about 9 and even then, there was no education on gun safety/handling etc. it was more or less “don’t shoot me, shoot the things we’re hunting.”

I have friends and then I have “gun” friends. I try to get them both to to mix at occasions and get togethers. The one thing that is a HUGE ice breaker and converts many a “fence sitter” to a champion of 2A causes is a range day. The gun friends will let the non shooters try anything they bring for as long as they want. Fun times all around afterwards also which usually bonds folks to hang out in smaller groups.

01-29-23, 20:01
I got out and shot yesterday morning for the first time in several months. Its been very cold and snowy here the last few months and unfortunately have also been fighting depression for about a year now. Anyway, it's amazing how poorly I shot with handgun. It was rather discouraging to be honest especially given I have been a very decent pistol shot. Granted, I had barely shot this Beretta APX before, but I didn't do much better with my trusty VP9 either. Not sure if it was due to my lack of practice lately or my current mental health status or a combination of both. I ran some drills with my rifle as well and my times were good although not quite up to par to my usual self. I am going to try to get out there more consistently now (I used to be a high round count shooter) and start competing in 2-gun again with a local club I used to run with. We'll see.

I'm not giving up on this Beretta APX though since I like the ergonomics of it very much. The stock sights leave much to be desired, however, that's not an excuse as I flat out just sucked yesterday.


02-01-23, 04:35
Slight thread drift……

I don’t know you from nothin, however if you ever need someone to talk to, please PM me here and I’ll do the best I can.

I wish you the best of luck, don’t let the depression beat you, never give up that fight!

I got out and shot yesterday morning for the first time in several months. Its been very cold and snowy here the last few months and unfortunately have also been fighting depression for about a year now. Anyway, it's amazing how poorly I shot with handgun. It was rather discouraging to be honest especially given I have been a very decent pistol shot. Granted, I had barely shot this Beretta APX before, but I didn't do much better with my trusty VP9 either. Not sure if it was due to my lack of practice lately or my current mental health status or a combination of both. I ran some drills with my rifle as well and my times were good although not quite up to par to my usual self. I am going to try to get out there more consistently now (I used to be a high round count shooter) and start competing in 2-gun again with a local club I used to run with. We'll see.

I'm not giving up on this Beretta APX though since I like the ergonomics of it very much. The stock sights leave much to be desired, however, that's not an excuse as I flat out just sucked yesterday.


02-02-23, 23:03
Jonnyt16, good on ya for getting out there.

As you can see, pistol skills are more perishable, as they're inherently more difficult to shoot well than rifles....which you already knew!

Dryfire the hell out of that APX, do your draws/presentations, reloads, malf clearing, draw and dryfire on a timer.....you'll be amazed. You probably know though!

I try to dryfire fairly regularly, but I think I'd do some pretty intensive dryfire before going live, if I had to wait that long to shoot.

Train, focus, let it drive you, get back into it.....and get back to working out as well, both those will help to drive depression away, methinks.

Good on ya for gettin' back on the horse!

02-03-23, 07:21
@jonnyt16 I appreciated the transparency in your post about your shooting, most of all. Good reflection and reminder for me to get out more.
On the other side of things, I’d be happy to go shoot some womp rats with you (if you get that, cool, if not…it’s a T16 Skyhopper reference). Otherwise shoot a message any time.

02-03-23, 08:16
I'd add the repetitive reminder; Dry Fire is your Friend- particularly when you don't/can't get to range as you'd prefer.
I have a "Dot Torture" Drill sheet taped to my wall in office. EVERY morning I clear carry gun and run through entire Drill twice. Great for practicing Basics/Fundamentals.

02-03-23, 18:26
I practice draws and dry fire on timers. It has helped greatly.

I'd add the repetitive reminder; Dry Fire is your Friend- particularly when you don't/can't get to range as you'd prefer.
I have a "Dot Torture" Drill sheet taped to my wall in office. EVERY morning I clear carry gun and run through entire Drill twice. Great for practicing Basics/Fundamentals.

02-03-23, 18:27
Now I need to get my 12 yo a setup for his next cam shoot.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.

02-04-23, 20:10
I have to say thank you to davidjinks, ViniVidivici, and JediGuy.

Ironically, a few days after my previous post I received some excellent news that I was hoping and praying to hear for over a year. All I can say is...God is good.

02-05-23, 04:45
All the time.

Glad to hear that!

02-05-23, 14:03

I have to say thank you to davidjinks, ViniVidivici, and JediGuy.

Ironically, a few days after my previous post I received some excellent news that I was hoping and praying to hear for over a year. All I can say is...God is good.