View Full Version : Dutch supermarket introduces "slow lane" for chatty seniors

01-15-23, 19:31
Not sure how that would work out in this country:

"One of the primary problems that older people face globally is loneliness, especially in urban areas where life is hectic and becoming more and more digital. In order to combat this from a very common front—the grocery store checkout—a Dutch business came up with an idea. A Kletskassa, or "chat checkout," was created by Jumbo, a Dutch grocery chain with over 700 locations, for customers who are not in a rush and would want to converse with the cashier."


01-15-23, 19:42
Dude we have that, it's the checkout isle that sells ciggerettes in WlaMart.

01-16-23, 06:43
Great idea, trick is getting these ignorant folks into it. Yeah, we all get old but the ones who are young and clueless today will be the ones who wander in front of you, stop in the middle of the traffic circle, leave their cart in the middle so no one can pass and clog up the deli counter. In this area, the biggest threat is getting by a Walmart or worse yet if you have to go into the parking lot.

01-16-23, 07:08
Great idea, trick is getting these ignorant folks into it. Yeah, we all get old but the ones who are young and clueless today will be the ones who wander in front of you, stop in the middle of the traffic circle, leave their cart in the middle so no one can pass and clog up the deli counter. In this area, the biggest threat is getting by a Walmart or worse yet if you have to go into the parking lot.

And it will get worse since a fair amount of the "old age behavior" seems to be by choice.

One of my jobs during high school was at a grocery store and a couple I recall was a woman breathing like Darth Vader till she was the only one in an aisle one night. Walked up behind her and no breathing. She turned and looked at me a couple seconds and then back in character.

Another claimed vertigo with a display similar to a Redd Foxx heart attack. Most would try catching her, but I didn't. She "recovered" and stood there looking at me in amazement and from then on only had vertigo attacks near others.

Always amazed at how fast some walmart shoppers can move laterally, but go so slow once they get people stuck behind them.

With the desire to do weird shit for attention now I can only imagine what things will be like down the road.

01-16-23, 07:41
That's hilarious. I agree that they'll still use the fast lane with no clue.

01-16-23, 07:56
Then you have the over 65 crowd that cries when they misbehave and cry foul when they are checked on it and scream, "I'm over 65 and you can't say that to me!" Wait 5 more years f'er and you will be on my misdemeanor list.

01-16-23, 10:59
I love and hate those commercials where the guy is trying to prevent people from becoming their parents. The talking on the elevator, the planning where to park at a sporting event, they all hit a little too close to home, and my kids make fun of me whenever they come on.

01-16-23, 11:05
Great idea, trick is getting these ignorant folks into it. Yeah, we all get old but the ones who are young and clueless today will be the ones who wander in front of you, stop in the middle of the traffic circle, leave their cart in the middle so no one can pass and clog up the deli counter. In this area, the biggest threat is getting by a Walmart or worse yet if you have to go into the parking lot.

I'm 61, all I want to do when I enter a store is to get what I want and get as far away from People as possible as quickly as possible.
When you get my age, you can start to appreciate that "X" didn't become a moron overnight, they've had years to practise before they got in line in front of you.
Have you ever noticed someone on the Highway who's driving a bit erratic? You speed up to get around them and look over and that is the face of "Clueless" and usually they aint old folks.

01-16-23, 19:30
Say it every time I get on the highway, "get your dumb ass off 75 and on 41!"

I'm 61, all I want to do when I enter a store is to get what I want and get as far away from People as possible as quickly as possible.
When you get my age, you can start to appreciate that "X" didn't become a moron overnight, they've had years to practise before they got in line in front of you.
Have you ever noticed someone on the Highway who's driving a bit erratic? You speed up to get around them and look over and that is the face of "Clueless" and usually they aint old folks.