View Full Version : Foreign Nationals Can Now Police American Citizens

01-19-23, 03:03
*Inb4: "well, that's only in California." Rigged elections were a feature of California going back 30 years or more; now, they are national. This trend will also go nationwide and already has, in some states. These things are precedents.

"'Many non-citizens have not grown up here and, therefore, do not completely understand the Constitution, how the judicial system works or how the American government works.'

Even if cultural immersion and assimilation does not present as a factor, some are concerned that this law is tantamount to a drop in police recruitment standards ... Fox News contributor Leo Terrell said it would ultimately 'devalue citizenship.'

The admission of foreign nationals to positions within law enforcement might also aid hostile foreign powers with their infiltration efforts in the U.S."


01-19-23, 09:57
"'Many non-citizens have not grown up here and, therefore, do not completely understand the Constitution, how the judicial system works or how the American government works.'


Most natural born Americans have zero clue about such things as well. Foreign born naturalized citizens probably have a greater understanding of the constitution, judicial, and gov't, than your average American natural born citizen.

01-19-23, 10:32
Gee, it's not like nothing bad has ever happened!



Most natural born Americans have zero clue about such things as well. Foreign born naturalized citizens probably have a greater understanding of the constitution, judicial, and gov't, than your average American natural born citizen.

Some might, others won't. We're long past the era of the only immigrant being the hard-working serious good person. They still exist, but are surrounded by the Gimme-Gimme crowd. Who could not care less about the founding principles and the Constitution.

01-19-23, 11:33
CA.gov has probably heard the rumors of Chinese police in the US and is wanting to use the resource.

01-19-23, 18:08
God please let a Russian cop do something, please God, Please.........

01-19-23, 18:36
Gee, it's not like nothing bad has ever happened!



Some might, others won't. We're long past the era of the only immigrant being the hard-working serious good person. They still exist, but are surrounded by the Gimme-Gimme crowd. Who could not care less about the founding principles and the Constitution.

To pass your citizenship test you will learn more about the stuff than the average American high school student. Sad.

01-19-23, 19:10
God please let a Russian cop do something, please God, Please.........

Russian cops almost sound like the solution to Chicago.

01-20-23, 04:23
CA.gov has probably heard the rumors of Chinese police in the US and is wanting to use the resource.

"TheBlaze previously reported on the revelations last year that clandestine police operations are being conducted by agents of the Chinese communist regime in the United States and in allied nations. One illegal Chinese police station was found to be running in Los Angeles, another in New York City.

Safeguard Defenders, a European, pan-Asian human rights NGO, indicated that these police stations, while purportedly created to combat fraud, are a means to extend the genocidal communist regime's influence and powers of 'transnational repression.'"

01-20-23, 06:59
Russian cops almost sound like the solution to Chicago.

No, to fix Chicago, we need Operation Linebacker III............ Heavy B-52 Bombing.

01-20-23, 08:22
It's almost like the campaign to crap out existing cops is an intentional plan to create a shortage of candidates that can only be filled by foreign shit bags.

john armond
01-20-23, 08:42
It's almost like the campaign to crap out existing cops is an intentional plan to create a shortage of candidates that can only be filled by foreign shit bags.

A bunch of the new hires we have gotten lately are gone before their first year because of how crappy they are and people at work are clamoring to lower the already low standards even more just because we are so short of bodies. Several PDs around me are in the same boat.. I keep telling people we are going to end up with “Miami in the 80s” if this crap keeps going like it is.

The smaller departments around where I used to work don’t appear to have the same issues yet

01-20-23, 16:24
*Inb4: "well, that's only in California." Rigged elections were a feature of California going back 30 years or more; now, they are national. This trend will also go nationwide and already has, in some states. These things are precedents.

"'Many non-citizens have not grown up here and, therefore, do not completely understand the Constitution, how the judicial system works or how the American government works.'

Even if cultural immersion and assimilation does not present as a factor, some are concerned that this law is tantamount to a drop in police recruitment standards ... Fox News contributor Leo Terrell said it would ultimately 'devalue citizenship.'

The admission of foreign nationals to positions within law enforcement might also aid hostile foreign powers with their infiltration efforts in the U.S."


Tennessee has allowed agencies to hire non-citizens to be cops in the past.

Desperate police departments consider recruiting non-citizens. USA Today, 2019 (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2019/02/15/desperate-police-departments-hiring-non-citizens/2818472002/)

01-20-23, 16:44
Given how few people actually want to be an LEO these days, it's not surprising.

01-20-23, 19:28
Given how few people actually want to be an LEO these days, it's not surprising.

Heck, in during Trump's Administration you had agencies looking to hire non-citizens as cops. Why? Shitty pay and crap benefits. With all the bullshit that goes on with police work, why do it for bad pay?

01-20-23, 21:11
It's not new, so I guess the question is, why is it news? LE agencies can hire whomever they want.

Now as to whether it's "right" or "wrong", now that's a whole 'nother question.

01-20-23, 21:18
It's not new, so I guess the question is, why is it news? LE agencies can hire whomever they want.

Now as to whether it's "right" or "wrong", now that's a whole 'nother question.

California recently changed their laws to allow it.

01-20-23, 23:11
It's not new, so I guess the question is, why is it news? LE agencies can hire whomever they want.

Now as to whether it's "right" or "wrong", now that's a whole 'nother question.

I remember when agencies in South Florida modified their hiring practices in the 1980s to allow people with certain arrest histories that would have previously made them unemployable to be candidates for hire. Then by 1985 Miami River, and a few other departments, had "in house" drug operations where cops who had formerly served together as juvenile gang members were ripping off drug users with info from investigators and then providing the "seized" drugs to other dealers they worked with and protected.

This was also at a time when being a LEO was a "low pay / high risk" venture when you didn't know who you could trust or who was paid off.

Straight Shooter
01-20-23, 23:22
No, to fix Chicago, we need Operation Linebacker III............ Heavy B-52 Bombing.

Im hoping Beetlejuice wins re-election in a month or so. ts good enough for them.

01-21-23, 06:19
California recently changed their laws to allow it.

California followed Tennessee

01-21-23, 06:27
I remember when agencies in South Florida modified their hiring practices in the 1980s to allow people with certain arrest histories that would have previously made them unemployable to be candidates for hire. Then by 1985 Miami River, and a few other departments, had "in house" drug operations where cops who had formerly served together as juvenile gang members were ripping off drug users with info from investigators and then providing the "seized" drugs to other dealers they worked with and protected.

This was also at a time when being a LEO was a "low pay / high risk" venture when you didn't know who you could trust or who was paid off.

Miami River Cops happened after the corruption of places like Key West West PD. All of South FL was screwed up. My old man worked it and busted the Miami River Cops.

Again, as for hiring non-citizens. This isn't new.... going all the way back to 2015, there were news stories out of Tennessee, Vermont, Ohio, and other hiring them. (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/03/21/immigrant-police-officers/70236828/)

Nashville Police Department spokesman Don Aaron said they want immigrants who have been honorably discharged from the military to be eligible for service.

"Persons who have given of themselves in the service to this country potentially have much to offer Tennesseans," he said. "We feel that ... would benefit both the country and this city."

Some, like the Chicago and Hawaii police departments, allow any immigrant with a work authorization from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to become an officer. That means people in the country on temporary visas or are applying for green cards can join.

Colorado State Patrol Sgt. Justin Mullins said the department usually struggles to fill trooper positions in less populous corners of the state, including patrol sectors high up in the mountains. He said immigrants from Canada, the Bahamas, the United Kingdom, Mexico and Central America who are willing to live in those remote places have helped the agency fill those vacancies.

"People that want to live there and build a family there and work there is a little more difficult to find," Mullins said. "People moving from out of state, or out of the country, if they're willing to work in these areas, then that's great for us."

Other agencies, like the Cincinnati Police Department and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, require that officers at least have a pending citizenship application on file with the federal government. And others, like the Burlington, Vt., and Boulder, Colo., police departments, require that officers be legal permanent residents, or green-card holders.

01-21-23, 07:34
California recently changed their laws to allow it.

California followed Tennessee

I read up on this, and I guess this is where I was confused (kinda my norm these days): The law had been US citizen or permanent resident could be in LE. I had known non-US citizens to be cops (one from South Africa, one from.... somewhere Hispanic), I guess they had their paperwork as permanent residents, so me and my presumptions....

It looks like the same laws for non-citizens to join the military, but again, I might be confused on that.

01-21-23, 07:44
California followed Tennessee

Tennessee hired full on felons off and on too. There was a media outlet that would actually do investigative journalism and figure out who got hired and where every few years.

Been awhile since I have seen it pop up so either the news company broke them of the habit or they got better at hiding it.

01-21-23, 09:12
It looks like the same laws for non-citizens to join the military, but again, I might be confused on that.

Several years ago Tennessee made noncitizens who were honorably discharged veterans of the US military eligible to be hired as law enforcement.

01-21-23, 16:22
Several years ago Tennessee made noncitizens who were honorably discharged veterans of the US military eligible to be hired as law enforcement.

Tennessee did that. Ohio and Vermont just hired foreigners that were legal in the US.