View Full Version : XiDen is Done

01-19-23, 21:31
One of the best Tucker segments I’ve ever seen. We need to fix this shit.


01-19-23, 21:40
If you mishandled a Classified Document, would the FBI and DOJ allow your Attorneys to go in to gather more evidence?
Maybe we should just ask Donald Trump.

01-19-23, 21:56
If you mishandled a Classified Document, would the FBI and DOJ allow your Attorneys to go in to gather more evidence?
Maybe we should just ask Donald Trump.

Nope, you and I would be standing outside at 4 am in our undies on TV.

01-20-23, 00:08
Look, man. I like the '67 Corvette. Leave the car out of it.

On a serious note, I'm not convinced this is conspiracy to push uncle Joe out. He's always been incompetent and goofy, now he's mentally declined on top of that. The simplest and most likely explanation for this mess. Certainly wouldn't put it past the machine, either, though. I just think it's more likely that soft-headed Joe tripped over his own feet. Figuratively speaking, of course.

01-20-23, 00:50
Tonight's entire bit was golden...his take on nixon's shake down & the shenanigans was solid. He's really the only guy in the spotlight willing to poke the bear.

Coal Dragger
01-20-23, 03:15
He will never be charged, he’s going to die of old age wealthy beyond your comprehension in his own bed free as a bird.

Hunter will also never be charged, and will continue to be a rich degenerate crackhead who is above the law.

Tucker Carlson can bitch and moan all he wants, but that will not change reality.

01-20-23, 03:41
Business as usual in politrics.

No one can take on the deep state no matter what crimes they're guilty of.

And everyone is expendable. When you're no longer useful you're done.

Justice and standards don't exist.

Straight Shooter
01-20-23, 04:46
He will never be charged, he’s going to die of old age wealthy beyond your comprehension in his own bed free as a bird.

Hunter will also never be charged, and will continue to be a rich degenerate crackhead who is above the law.

Tucker Carlson can bitch and moan all he wants, but that will not change reality.

As Mark Levin says: "Law & Order only apply to conservatives & Republicans".
I sadly chuckle at people who think ANY of these clowns will ever see justice on THIS side of heaven.

01-20-23, 06:46
Biden will be removed from office. Clueless Kamala (who will do exactly what she is told) will become president, then be elected to office twice for a total of nearly 10 years in power. The fix is in. There will probably be a civil war.


01-20-23, 09:12
Not one of the Attorneys used by Biden to go to his Office, or his home and search can now represent him in any sort of Defence for these actions, all have been compromised.
If those Attorneys don't have Clearence for Classified Documents how is it not a crime for them to touch them?
So, we have Attorneys now not allowed to represent Biden, putting their careers, families and freedom on the line for this?
I really do not care what the DOJ says, the Attorney General compromised his own ability to do his job by sitting on this story for 90 days. The Attorney General also can't pick and choose the Laws he decides to violate either. All Law holds the same value in our Courts.

That they haven't used the 25th Ammendment yet tells me McCarthy isnt much of a Speaker of the House of Representatives is he?

I'm ready for Biden to key up another "Hitler Like" speech where he comes out with a Black, Red and White background and some Marines to tell us how strong, vital and on top of things he really is. I actually wish he could be handcuffed at the podium.

No Regrets !

01-20-23, 11:34
This classified documents bullshit is just another dog and pony charade to distract from the billions of tax dollars being laundered via the ukraine, getting the kackling kunt kamala into the president spot, which now is a meaningless position, an orchestrated puppet show being controlled by _____ (no one rally knows). The whole political system in this nation has turned into (or most likely has always been) a farce of tremendous proportion, providing the unwashed masses the illusion of 'your vote counts'.
Despite the hypocrisy, lies, deceptions, corruption, and plain stupidity of the .gov (be it federal, state, local) most of this country is a reasonable place to live compared to a shithole like mexico, anywhere in central america, and almost all of south america, with one exception, and northern china, I mean, canada. When laws become egregiously stupid and taxation goes out of control, then will explore other countries in which to reside. There are at least five which come to mind.

01-20-23, 11:37
He will never be charged, he’s going to die of old age wealthy beyond your comprehension in his own bed free as a bird.

Hunter will also never be charged, and will continue to be a rich degenerate crackhead who is above the law.

All quite true. Remember kids, nothing is fair and there is no justice.

01-20-23, 11:58
This classified documents bullshit is just another dog and pony charade to distract from the billions of tax dollars being laundered via the ukraine, getting the kackling kunt kamala into the president spot, which now is a meaningless position, an orchestrated puppet show being controlled by _____ (no one rally knows). The whole political system in this nation has turned into (or most likely has always been) a farce of tremendous proportion, providing the unwashed masses the illusion of 'your vote counts'.
Despite the hypocrisy, lies, deceptions, corruption, and plain stupidity of the .gov (be it federal, state, local) most of this country is a reasonable place to live compared to a shithole like mexico, anywhere in central america, and almost all of south america, with one exception, and northern china, I mean, canada. When laws become egregiously stupid and taxation goes out of control, then will explore other countries in which to reside. There are at least five which come to mind.

One of the questions I would like honestly answered is just what was in thgose documents?
If it's intel on Russia, China or Ukraine it's pretty easy to see that this was being used by Hunter via Joe to pad his deals.

01-20-23, 12:19
One of the questions I would like honestly answered is just what was in thgose documents?
If it's intel on Russia, China or Ukraine it's pretty easy to see that this was being used by Hunter via Joe to pad his deals.

That's classified

Alex V
01-20-23, 12:25
He will never be charged, he’s going to die of old age wealthy beyond your comprehension in his own bed free as a bird.

Hunter will also never be charged, and will continue to be a rich degenerate crackhead who is above the law.

Tucker Carlson can bitch and moan all he wants, but that will not change reality.

This. This 1,000 times over.

They know we won’t do anything about any of it. We go to work, we come home and watch TV. We worry about bills and not the republic or the freedoms we lost, let alone the ones our grandchildren will never know of.

Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.

01-20-23, 13:00
Camel Toe needs to give him a little shove at the top of AF1 stairs.

01-21-23, 04:13
Things are too far gone now, just way too far gone. Society is atomized and terrorized, with most folks being one missed paycheck away from the street. Nothing will ever change, except for the worse.

01-21-23, 07:42
Things are too far gone now, just way too far gone. Society is atomized and terrorized, with most folks being one missed paycheck away from the street. Nothing will ever change, except for the worse.

I don't have an all gloom and doom attitude about the rest of my life. However I don't see the corruption in government getting fixed. Who is capable of taking on such a corrupt giant? For God sakes you wouldn't be compliant if you did...

The U.S. government is going to become more and more like Mexico's and the drug cartels. The only difference now is the U.S. just isn't as open about it as Mexico.

01-21-23, 16:02
I don't have an all gloom and doom attitude about the rest of my life. However I don't see the corruption in government getting fixed. Who is capable of taking on such a corrupt giant? For God sakes you wouldn't be compliant if you did...

The U.S. government is going to become more and more like Mexico's and the drug cartels. The only difference now is the U.S. just isn't as open about it as Mexico.

I think these guys have gotten ahead of themselves this time.
There will be a price to pay and soon.

Coal Dragger
01-21-23, 16:44

Nope. Nobody is getting in trouble for this, except Trump. The fact he was too dumb to realize it is sad.

01-21-23, 17:11
I think these guys have gotten ahead of themselves this time.
There will be a price to pay and soon.

Time will tell but I think the corruption will continue. Look around the world, individuals get taken down but the corruption goes on. It's organic to politics.

01-21-23, 18:57

01-22-23, 04:14
And the DOJ went behind Biden's Attorneys and found more documents, some dating back to when he was a Senator.

This Guy is on top of it.

01-22-23, 07:51
And the DOJ went behind Biden's Attorneys and found more documents, some dating back to when he was a Senator.

This Guy is on top of it.

I'm wearing my shocked face. I've said XiDen was compromised since before the STOLEN election.

Perhaps now we understand why it was so difficult to elect the speaker.............

01-22-23, 10:43
I'm seeing reports that the FBI has initiated systematic searches. Other news agencies are just saying DOJ.

The other big sea change is instead of mentioning individual documents they are now saying they found "six items which contained classified material".

Conjecture is this means boxes or notebooks and was very careful wording to try to avoid mention of double digit numbers of classified documents.

Several senators have commented that Biden had to go way out of his way as a senator to get classified documents out because standard procedure only allows them to be handled / viewed in the scif in the Senate building.

Even some Democratic senators are now saying a complete investigation is needed and that it demonstrates a callous disregard rather than an accidental individual instance.

01-22-23, 10:54
All politicians are disposable.

01-22-23, 11:31
Look, man. I like the '67 Corvette. Leave the car out of it.

On a serious note, I'm not convinced this is conspiracy to push uncle Joe out. He's always been incompetent and goofy, now he's mentally declined on top of that. The simplest and most likely explanation for this mess. Certainly wouldn't put it past the machine, either, though. I just think it's more likely that soft-headed Joe tripped over his own feet. Figuratively speaking, of course.


01-23-23, 09:26
I would like to know if any of these documents could be linked to anything having to do with Bidens extortion games.
I.E. if some of these related to Ukrainian Power/Fuel Companies, or how some might relate to China buying our infrastructure.
This Guy has been in Washingtom since the 70's, I mean he was serving when Nixon was President. You don't wake up one morning and have the tools to commit these crimes, it starts incrementally.
These folks have been dirty a long time. The old Man is losing it and can't hide it as well anymore.

01-23-23, 09:32
They know that for him to win in '24 would take rigging so blatant it'd Spook the Normies, so it's time for a Pawn Sacrifice to clear the decks for someone where they can be more subtle. My bet is Harris is similarly a pawn to be thrown under the bus, probably via a Primary Challenge or forcing an LBJ Moment upon her. (Problem, you can't shame a shameless person like the Vice Prostitute so it's gonna take either a lot of leverage or a false-flag to elbow her aside.)

01-23-23, 14:17
LoL, this is clown world son! Truckers not wearing that big red nose for nothing.


01-23-23, 14:34
I'm seeing reports that the FBI has initiated systematic searches. Other news agencies are just saying DOJ.

The other big sea change is instead of mentioning individual documents they are now saying they found "six items which contained classified material".

Conjecture is this means boxes or notebooks and was very careful wording to try to avoid mention of double digit numbers of classified documents.

Several senators have commented that Biden had to go way out of his way as a senator to get classified documents out because standard procedure only allows them to be handled / viewed in the scif in the Senate building.

Even some Democratic senators are now saying a complete investigation is needed and that it demonstrates a callous disregard rather than an accidental individual instance.

I just heard that there is someone is cooperating with Federal Law Enforcement that was deep in Team Biden.
All of this "He's Cooperating" BS is just that BS, they don't want a Federal Warrant to be written out as it would spell out all of the documents that the wittness has knowledge of or has seen.
The Biden's cooperation is in order to diffuse more very harmful information comming to light immeadiatly.
That's going to be difficult to make that work as even more News Agencies and now Biden's fellow Democrats are calling for him to be honest with us.
He's done, honestly at some point soon he will stroke out trying to hide all of this.

01-23-23, 14:46
Sore-ass (Soros) has to deal with his Kamalalala ding-dong problem before Xiden gets his in a Dallas motorcade...