View Full Version : Mass shooting in Half Moon Bay,Ca - yes another one

01-23-23, 19:47
7 dead

“The suspect has been identified as 67-year-old Zhao Chunli.

The victims are Chinese farmworkers, Half Moon Bay Councilmember Debbie Ruddock said.“


01-23-23, 22:10
Weird that these perps are old dudes... Not often you hear of 65+ year old guys blasting away.

01-23-23, 22:50
One article said he was a "disgruntled worker". Maybe a snap and kill your coworkers kind of deal?

01-24-23, 00:09
Perhaps the victims were badmouthing Xi, Qin, or the CCP, and were "sanctioned."

China has a very long reach.

01-24-23, 05:23
But aren't guns like illegal in Kalifornia? How did this happen? Maybe they need to outlaw killing.........

01-24-23, 06:27

Arrest video of killer.

My question is how does the media gets there so fast for the arrest? The beat the police there and set up for the shot?

01-24-23, 07:17

Arrest video of killer.

My question is how does the media gets there so fast for the arrest? The beat the police there and set up for the shot?

That is weird AF. No SWAT team, no cordon whatsoever. They have a full cameraman with lights and microphones setup just yards away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

01-24-23, 09:12
Like... OMG... That's like the 3rd mass shooting Cali has had in the last 3 days!.. Why is all these senseless violences happening when they have so many extra strong COMMON SENSE gun cuntrol laws! I just don't understand why all those anti-gun words aren't working! :jester:
[/end sarcasm]

Common Sense should tell them that there's nothing sensible about gun control laws...

01-24-23, 09:27
Like... OMG... That's like the 3rd mass shooting Cali has had in the last 3 days!.. Why is all these senseless violences happening when they have so many extra strong COMMON SENSE gun cuntrol laws! I just don't understand why all those anti-gun words aren't working! :jester:
[/end sarcasm]

Common Sense should tell them that there's nothing sensible about gun control laws...

If they just had a little bit more the violence would cease, the crime would cease and everyone would hold hands and sing kumbaya...

01-24-23, 09:46
My question is how does the media gets there so fast for the arrest? The beat the police there and set up for the shot?

We are in an interesting stage of the propaganda campaign to promote large scale mental health issues. There seems to be a really hard push for gun violence as the solution to problems for the mentally weak.. and they get some infamy. Although the infamy is starting to show diminishing returns because every loser is shooting someone these days.

01-24-23, 10:55
What we really need to combat this violence is more violence. Once everyone is dead, the world will be a peaceful utopia...

01-24-23, 11:27
Is a sign of our mental decline as a society that with basically every gun law that you could want in force in California, when this happens, the only response they have is that we must need more gun laws. Here’s a clue. It’s not the gun laws.

01-24-23, 12:32
Weird that these perps are old dudes... Not often you hear of 65+ year old guys blasting away.

Elderly Asian Men, very far off the line up they've been hoping for I would guess.
I would guess honoring your elders goes out the window sometime in the third Generation here.

We are in an interesting stage of the propaganda campaign to promote large scale mental health issues. There seems to be a really hard push for gun violence as the solution to problems for the mentally weak.. and they get some infamy. Although the infamy is starting to show diminishing returns because every loser is shooting someone these days.

I have gone on record here a couple of times saying a lot of people lost their marbles due to Covid.
Not everyone can isolate. That they hit the end of their rope and look for someone else to blame doesn't surprise me. The rage inside must really be something.

01-24-23, 12:46
Manchurian candidates everywhere, must be some sort of scandal going on on somewhere.

01-24-23, 13:09
Apparently he was found parked at a police station near the scene. Probably why it looks like detectives are the ones who arrested him.

01-24-23, 15:26
I have gone on record here a couple of times saying a lot of people lost their marbles due to Covid.
Not everyone can isolate. That they hit the end of their rope and look for someone else to blame doesn't surprise me. The rage inside must really be something.

The media push on mental health damage from the corona scam was quite the sales pitch. I suppose if someone was weak enough to buy into the Corona scam, they're weak enough actually isolate and snap from it too.

They media was really pushing the mental health issue on kids too. Almost like if your kid isn't on the brink, you're not normal!

01-24-23, 20:51
Apparently he was found parked at a police station near the scene. Probably why it looks like detectives are the ones who arrested him.

Now that explains the media that were already set up with lights, tripod, etc. They were camping out at the PD waiting to interview the popo and whoop they got their story.