View Full Version : President Biden pushes assault weapons ban following Half Moon Bay mass shooting

01-24-23, 09:43
Right on Cue


01-24-23, 09:59
Dem gun grabber motto..."Never let a tragedy go to waste".

Alex V
01-24-23, 10:04
He does it every few weeks.

01-24-23, 10:35
Doesn't he realize this happened in a place that already has an "assault weapons" ban? This is only proof that banning guns doesn't work.

And it's not that these people are disconnected from reality, they know very well what the the end goal is. But just for laughs, here's a quote from the linked article...

"On Monday, he said Sen. Dianne Feinstein and others reintroduced a federal Assault Weapons Ban and legislation that would raise the minimum purchase age for assault weapons to 21."

How exactly would raising the purchase age to 21 have stopped these 90 year old guys from doing what they did??? :blink:

01-24-23, 10:53
Shit, it's Tuesday already?

01-24-23, 12:04
Still haven't caught up to a slow week in Chicago.

01-24-23, 12:17
Wish they would.

Those of us in Blue states would welcome it going straight to SCOTUS for a smack down. This ‘foreplay’ on court cases opens us to problems.

01-24-23, 12:44
I promise to be as compliant with any bans as he is with classified material protocols.

01-24-23, 13:04
Now a Glock and other 9mm pistols are assault pistols. Next will be sniper rifles, revolvers, muzzle loaders, etc. , etc. If it would be up to the gun grabbers, *all * firearms would be banned. Communism / Socialism always bans, freedom of speech, firearms, and Christianity. We are seeing them attempting to do that today, right before our eyes. IMHO, you cannot trust our current extreme Democrat controlled government at all. Wake the F up America !!!

01-24-23, 13:22
Now a Glock and other 9mm pistols are assault pistols. Next will be sniper rifles, revolvers, muzzle loaders, etc. , etc. If it would be up to the gun grabbers, *all * firearms would be banned. Communism / Socialism always bans, freedom of speech, firearms, and Christianity. We are seeing them attempting to do that today, right before our eyes. IMHO, you cannot trust our current extreme Democrat controlled government at all. Wake the F up America !!!

The current push is so loud with so much propaganda behind it that it should be waking people up. Not to mention the not so well hidden agenda that's so obviously coming in just behind it... Just look at all the other countries of the world where they banned guns. They just want to make it easier for the gov't to go after every last person to force the depopulation shot on them. Don't get me wrong, the Covid shot isn't the only method they've been implementing. Everyone has been effected (except the elites)... Even the Amish.

01-24-23, 13:45
I promise to be as compliant with any bans as he is with classified material protocols.

^^^This is great.

01-24-23, 14:06
I'm surprised they haven't just gone for the gusto with a complete ban/confiscation via E.O. yet. They must know 99.8% of the sheep would meekly hand their shit over; "this is not the hill, blah blah blah.... at least they let us keep airguns"��

01-24-23, 18:55
I promise to be as compliant with any bans as he is with classified material protocols.

Stealing that one. ^^^:haha:

01-24-23, 19:21
Doesn't he realize this happened in a place that already has an "assault weapons" ban? This is only proof that banning guns doesn't work.

And it's not that these people are disconnected from reality, they know very well what the the end goal is. But just for laughs, here's a quote from the linked article...

"On Monday, he said Sen. Dianne Feinstein and others reintroduced a federal Assault Weapons Ban and legislation that would raise the minimum purchase age for assault weapons to 21."

How exactly would raising the purchase age to 21 have stopped these 90 year old guys from doing what they did??? :blink:

Facts don't matter. The important thing is they need to ban assault weapons AGAIN and men can have periods.

01-24-23, 19:28
I'm going to try to unionize the Mass Shooters. I think there's enough of them to form a solid guild at this point.

They deserve negotiating power, and will be able fight these ridiculous bans!

01-24-23, 19:42
I just realized this forum doesn't support the "strikeout" option blah blah

Makes for great correction on quotes.

01-24-23, 20:01
So the pretend Jew Fineswine wants to steal my property again.

My new standard answer to marxist is FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF off.

Johnny Rico
01-24-23, 20:05
I'm surprised they haven't just gone for the gusto with a complete ban/confiscation via E.O. yet. They must know 99.8% of the sheep would meekly hand their shit over; "this is not the hill, blah blah blah.... at least they let us keep airguns"��

You think so? NY's SAFE Act had an embarassingly low estimated 4% compliance rate. That's in NY of all places. If they can't get people to comply in NY, people aren't going to comply anywhere.

Irish Democracy is alive and well.

01-24-23, 20:15
So pistol braces yesterday and don't forget the BS about 922r. Today assault rifles, tomorrow semi auto pistols.

01-25-23, 04:02
So pistol braces yesterday and don't forget the BS about 922r. Today assault rifles, tomorrow semi auto pistols.

And don’t forget gas stoves are on the let’s ban list

01-25-23, 04:35
Even though it isn't in the news in the USA, the people of Iran are still in the streets seeking to over through the tyrants over them. The government has jailed like 20,000 people including the daughter of a former President. They have executed people in public, to try and induce fear in the people. But it has fueled the people.

We need a spark to light the desire for pushing back against our government.The desire for freedom and liberty, free from high taxation must be found in the hearts of the American people for the sake of your children and grandchildren. I could say for the sake of the world, for no country in the history of the world has done more to make it a better place. No the USA is not perfect, but a world without the USA, will be a much worse place.

Keep your guns, gas stove and more of your money seems like a great platform for a political party. Too bad it doesn't exist.