View Full Version : Is Mike Pence a viable POTUS Candidate in 2024?

01-25-23, 09:12
I'm looking at the current scandle along with his actions as VP and guessing a big NO !

Coal Dragger
01-25-23, 09:15
No. He’s has zero personality.

01-25-23, 09:29
No. He’s has zero personality.

I would question his credability and loyalty also.

Alex V
01-25-23, 09:38
If he is, he shouldn't be.

01-25-23, 10:00

01-25-23, 10:01
Short version: NO.

01-25-23, 10:26
Just in the last decade we've seen: 1.) the first biracial president, who had lingering associations with leftist radicals, 2.) The election of a non-politician businessman/entertainer, 3.) the election (sort of) of a potato.

I don't plan to vote for Pence in a primary, but I'd certainly vote for him over almost anything the D's are likely to offer. I'd be careful what I rule out. YMMV.

01-25-23, 10:33
If Pence was on a list with names like Trump, DeSantis, Cruz and Pompeo… Pence would at the bottom.

01-25-23, 10:35
Milquetoast Mike didn't have a chance before his classified document scandal. Now he has absolutely no chance whatsoever. Those things matter to GOP voters. One watch of Pence's pensive answer to the question last fall and it's blatantly obvious that he was lying, even if he was really lying to himself. To quote: "Uhhh, I, I did not."


01-25-23, 10:50
Milquetoast Mike didn't have a chance before his classified document scandal. Now he has absolutely no chance whatsoever. Those things matter to GOP voters. One watch of Pence's pensive answer to the question last fall and it's blatantly obvious that he was lying, even if he was really lying to himself. To quote: "Uhhh, I, I did not."


So then Sir, what was Mike's motivation to tell on himself?

01-25-23, 11:28
He's an empty chair. Waste of space and signal/noise.

01-25-23, 11:33
So then Sir, what was Mike's motivation to tell on himself?

Better to get out in front of your scandal and do damage control. Unlike NARA and DoJ hiding Biden's scandal for 3 months, Pence knows they have no affinity for Republicans and would leak his scandal almost immediately. Regardless, he lied on record and got caught.

01-25-23, 11:48
Better to get out in front of your scandal and do damage control. Unlike NARA and DoJ hiding Biden's scandal for 3 months, Pence knows they have no affinity for Republicans and would leak his scandal almost immediately. Regardless, he lied on record and got caught.

Pence did? What about? So much lying about, can't keep track of it anymore.

01-25-23, 12:56
Pence did? What about? So much lying about, can't keep track of it anymore.

I posted the video in post #9. He was directly asked if he took classified documents. He said he didn't take any, now it turns out he did. Even when he said he didn't take any, it was utterly unconvincing.

I'd go so far as to say this was a witch hunt from the very beginning. They were actively looking for damage they could do to Trump, so as to keep him from running in 2024. Unfortunately for them, Trump didn't do anything that wasn't also done pretty much every POTUS and VP in modern times. They just didn't find that because they weren't looking. They ONLY looked at Trump. That's weaponization of the federal agencies for political purposes. We all knew they were doing it, they just finally got caught doing it. :(

I guarantee that if they put Obama, GWB and Dick Cheney under the same microscope, they'd find the exact same thing. Hell I bet being a former spook himself, GHWB probably took a library's worth of classified documents!

01-25-23, 13:31
Better than any democrat currently in office

01-25-23, 13:53
Phuck Pence.

01-25-23, 14:03
Better than any democrat currently in office

Sure, just worse than so many other GOP candidates.

01-25-23, 14:26
Sure, just worse than so many other GOP candidates.

I can think of many GOP candidates that are worse than pence and some that are just as bad, feel free to list a few.

01-25-23, 14:32
Pence is a dead fish and can't win...that is all that matters.

01-25-23, 14:34
He's vanilla, he's boring, he's not engaging enough. The doc thing, that doesn't bother me so much. But I don't think he's electable.

01-25-23, 14:38
I can think of many GOP candidates that are worse than pence and some that are just as bad but i cannot think of many others better than pence. Im not a fan of pence so feel free to list a few better than pence.

Desanits, Younkin, Noem, Haley, Paul, Cruz, Pompeo, Scott, I could go on but there are plenty of better candidates than "Mother's" husband.

01-25-23, 15:50
After 2016 presidents are selected, not elected.

01-25-23, 16:42
After 2016 presidents are selected, not elected.After 2016? With the possible exception Trump and possibly someone else, presidents have been selected since day one.

01-25-23, 17:18
I guess what troubles me the most is the cavalier attitude towards the treatment of classified documents. One of our static posts when I served at Bragg (in ‘75) was outside the door of the Top Secret Library. Don’t they have TSL’s anymore?

01-25-23, 17:30
I guess what troubles me the most is the cavalier attitude towards the treatment of classified documents. One of our static posts when I served at Bragg (in ‘75) was outside the door of the Top Secret Library. Don’t they have TSL’s anymore?

1975? It's a completely different world now. Anything goes and there's no accountability.

01-25-23, 17:36
I guess what troubles me the most is the cavalier attitude towards the treatment of classified documents. One of our static posts when I served at Bragg (in ‘75) was outside the door of the Top Secret Library. Don’t they have TSL’s anymore?

My first duty station was Schwienfurt FRG. I broke my leg and foot and got six months light duty in the 2 shop as a Private. I typed and I filed.
I was told a time or two to "Go take a walk" when the Colonel, LTC and our Majors met for meetings. I have a cast from thigh to ankle and I need to take a walk?
I saw an E-8 ride roughshod on lieutenants in that shop, with sit down, read, no notes, no photocopies and shut up about it.
We respected a system that would help us survive and defeat our enemies.
These people have no respect.

01-25-23, 17:53
1975? It's a completely different world now. Anything goes and there's no accountability.

I guess so. We had all kinds of accountability in the MPC when I served.

01-25-23, 18:01
A nice guy I guess but not presidential material for these crazy times. He probably missed the boat by 15-20 years, IMHO.

01-25-23, 18:26
Surely we can do better.

01-25-23, 20:04
Let's get real. Show of hands. Who had to Google his ass when Trump picked him?

01-26-23, 08:18
After 1963 presidents are selected, not elected.


01-26-23, 10:14
An unloyal dullard like pence would be a great candidate .... for whoever the dems select to replace xiden.

01-26-23, 12:25
Mike Pence is a deepstate puppet!

01-26-23, 18:57
So religious that he can't be alone in a room with another woman with out his wife present.

He's mayo on white bread and even the republican's in Indiana were happy to get rid of him. 100% to help Trump w/ the religious vote.

I'd trust the amish kid who got wrecked on 3 cans of Bud light and had the horse take his buggy home while he was unconscious more than Pence.

01-26-23, 22:59
He's mayo on white bread and even the republican's in Indiana were happy to get rid of him. 100% to help Trump w/ the religious vote.

There is no cause to denigrate a condiment of culinary excellence. Pence is generic miracle whip or margarine at best.

01-27-23, 00:11
So religious that he can't be alone in a room with another woman with out his wife present...

Maybe he didn’t want to be compromised by the liars that inhabit the swamp...

01-27-23, 01:32
So religious that he can't be alone in a room with another woman with out his wife present.

He's mayo on white bread and even the republican's in Indiana were happy to get rid of him. 100% to help Trump w/ the religious vote.

I'd trust the amish kid who got wrecked on 3 cans of Bud light and had the horse take his buggy home while he was unconscious more than Pence.

Maybe he didn’t want to be compromised by the liars that inhabit the swamp...

You're always one sexual harassment charge from being out on the street, with no job, no reputation worth having and possible unwinable legal charges placed against you.
Yeah, I don't go alone in to a room with a Woman that's not my Wife either.

01-27-23, 04:05
Pence did? What about? So much lying about, can't keep track of it anymore.

I just asume everything they say is a lie anyway so im not completely disappointed.

01-27-23, 15:30
There is no cause to denigrate a condiment of culinary excellence. Pence is generic miracle whip or margarine at best.

All apologies where due, I too appreciate good mayo. Store Brand Vice President, or we have VP at home?

Maybe he didn’t want to be compromised by the liars that inhabit the swamp...

You're always one sexual harassment charge from being out on the street, with no job, no reputation worth having and possible unwinable legal charges placed against you.
Yeah, I don't go alone in to a room with a Woman that's not my Wife either.

JFC, if you both put this much effort into decent foundations at work, career & in personal life you'd not have to worry about this to begin with. And both of those are going to pay off way better than treating any woman alone in a room like a viper & the resulting social ostracization that will come from the women who experience it.

01-27-23, 17:16
As a life long Hoosier and having several interactions with him as a First Responder and as a business owner during her Governance of this State the short answer to the question is - HELL TO THE NO

01-27-23, 18:15
Mitch Daniels should have run in 2012.

01-27-23, 22:01
... JFC, if you both put this much effort into decent foundations at work, career & in personal life you'd not have to worry about this to begin with. And both of those are going to pay off way better than treating any woman alone in a room like a viper & the resulting social ostracization that will come from the women who experience it.

If this is directed at me, you are out of line. I’ve taught classes on workplace harassment in LE. After I retired, I joined another LE agency and passed the required polygraph exam. Never assaulted another person, never lied in Court, and never stole anything. Even though I’m retired now, I still do my best to go by the rules. I don’t even cheat on my taxes.

01-27-23, 22:43
JFC, if you both put this much effort into decent foundations at work, career & in personal life you'd not have to worry about this to begin with. And both of those are going to pay off way better than treating any woman alone in a room like a viper & the resulting social ostracization that will come from the women who experience it.

I've a very close friend who was falsely accused of sexual harassment in College.
Pretty much ruined the guy's life.
The punishment for the accuser was nothing, she simply walked away.
Don't think it cannot happen to you because you're a nice guy and don't put out any "Bad Vibes" at work. Happens unfortunatly every day.

01-28-23, 03:00
I've a very close friend who was falsely accused of sexual harassment in College.
Pretty much ruined the guy's life.
The punishment for the accuser was nothing, she simply walked away.
Don't think it cannot happen to you because you're a nice guy and don't put out any "Bad Vibes" at work. Happens unfortunately every day.

I have no doubt this occurs every day. If it can happen to Justices Thomas and Kavanaugh it can happen to any of us. (BTW, I believe both men were innocent and neither one of them should have gone through that kangaroo court masquerading as the U.S. Senate.)

01-28-23, 07:44
Yes, yes he should have. Mitch was one of the best governors this state has ever had.

01-28-23, 08:22
I think I have the exact line saved somewhere, but I loved his answer when asked about it: “I don’t want to pretend to like those people.”