View Full Version : Anyone watching "Last of Us" on HBO?

01-25-23, 17:50
The back story on this is that it started as a video game, but it's a Great Story.

I'm impressed so far.

01-25-23, 17:52
Great game, show's good so far.

01-25-23, 18:36
Watched first episode. Interesting angle on fungus. First episode is opposite of most zombie movies in that the infected aren’t the problem, its the govt. Will be interesting to see how it progresses…

01-25-23, 18:59
You know the largest living bio masses are fungi right?
Like miles and miles.

01-25-23, 18:59
Agreed. The fact that there is still an America, albeit a tyranny, is an interesting angle.

01-25-23, 21:04
So far so good. If you fast forward past the credits there's some interesting behind the scenes commentary

01-25-23, 22:09
Agreed. The fact that there is still an America, albeit a tyranny, is an interesting angle.

Sounds like a documentary about the last few years. :cool:

01-25-23, 22:36
Watched one episode. Its ok

Better series that is similar is Station 11

01-26-23, 22:29
Can't stand the actress who plays Ellen, but show is ok so far.

01-27-23, 11:51
Can't stand the actress who plays Ellen, but show is ok so far.

Ellie played a feisty badass in Game of Thrones.

01-27-23, 14:18
Watched one episode. Its ok

Better series that is similar is Station 11I'm 1/2 way through the first episode. Please tell me this isn't a "Covid was nearly the end of mankind" nonsense.

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01-27-23, 14:25
I'm 1/2 way through the first episode. Please tell me this isn't a "Covid was nearly the end of mankind" nonsense.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

It's not.

01-27-23, 14:48
Ellie played a feisty badass in Game of Thrones.

That's where I learned to hate her.

01-27-23, 15:17
I'm a huge fan of the game series, have played through countless times since it's launch on the PS3. This is the first video game adaptation to film that I don't find instantly offensive to the source material. It seems well done given the game creators are directly involved in adapting the content, I appreciate the addition of backstory to the spread so far. Many of the games original actors have returned for the series as original characters like Merle Dandridge as Marlene(also plays Alyx Vance of Half-Life 2), Troy Baker who originally played Joel and Ashley Johnson who played Ellie each play a different character in the show.

For those interested you can watch the game cut into a movie on youtube, this creator also has Part 2 on his channel


01-27-23, 23:07
I'm a little annoyed that they aren't wearing gas masks.

01-27-23, 23:39
I'm a little annoyed that they aren't wearing gas masks.

Fungi aren't bacteria or viruses, if you aren't wearing a hazmat suit, you are still very vulnerable. Spores typically infect skin.

Of course there are lots of science problems on the show. Strands of fungi would never be completely dead / dry. And of course fungi couldn't grow in out of control proportions like they depicted, otherwise truffle farms would be everywhere.

And if you did walk into a building encrusted with zoonosis cordyceps, nothing would save you. The carriers would also be the least threat, the cordyceps itself would be the most dangerous.

There is some plausible science to this idea, but it is like Jurassic Park. While the idea has some foundation, there are so many factors that would actually prevent it from happening that it's not really a possibility.

01-30-23, 19:09
Dammit...episode 3 just had to go there. Shouldn't be surprised.

01-30-23, 19:23
The episode was “too gay” but still good, Bills character was gay in the game, talked about his “partner” Frank and then Ellie even steals gay porn from him and jokes about the pages being stuck together.

I preferred this chapter in the game over the show, finding notes from Frank who was sick of Bill and decided to hang himself rather than deal bickering with him anymore. I was looking forward to a live action scene of them looking for the truck battery in the school and the first run in with a ‘Bloater’ but it didn’t happen. Next episode or two should have some pretty brutal scenes in Pittsburg.

01-30-23, 20:44
The episode was “too gay” but still good, Bills character was gay in the game, talked about his “partner” Frank and then Ellie even steals gay porn from him and jokes about the pages being stuck together.

I preferred this chapter in the game over the show, finding notes from Frank who was sick of Bill and decided to hang himself rather than deal bickering with him anymore. I was looking forward to a live action scene of them looking for the truck battery in the school and the first run in with a ‘Bloater’ but it didn’t happen. Next episode or two should have some pretty brutal scenes in Pittsburg.

I'm curious to see how they do Henry and Sam.

01-30-23, 20:57
So its a gay show? Its not like we need to know the sexual orientation of the character

01-30-23, 22:39
So its a gay show? Its not like we need to know the sexual orientation of the character

It's also rather odd that two men can't have a relationship as friends, it's always got to be gay.

A Guy I served with one time said, there are no "Gay" Men,
It's guys that have figured out the system. No friend is going to bitch at you for buying a Bass Boat. Your Wife, Yes of course she will.
No friend is going to complain about you drinking at two in the afternoon. Your Wife, Yes of course she will.
So the guys who've figured it out, don't get married, they buy Boats and drink whenever they want and enjoy their lives.
Why didn't I figure this out before I got married?

I have no idea why they had to have a gay character instead of a couple of guys who figured it out.

01-31-23, 01:48
It's also rather odd that two men can't have a relationship as friends, it's always got to be gay.

A Guy I served with one time said, there are no "Gay" Men,
It's guys that have figured out the system. No friend is going to bitch at you for buying a Bass Boat. Your Wife, Yes of course she will.
No friend is going to complain about you drinking at two in the afternoon. Your Wife, Yes of course she will.
So the guys who've figured it out, don't get married, they buy Boats and drink whenever they want and enjoy their lives.
Why didn't I figure this out before I got married?

I have no idea why they had to have a gay character instead of a couple of guys who figured it out.

There are gay men. I know for sure. Cause there is no way I could blow one of my friends for a bass boat. If a guy is blowing some guy, he is definitely gay. Nobody is that "curious."

Also prison doesn't make you gay, prison makes you angry and want to kill people because again no guy blows another guy by choice unless he is actually, factually gay.

01-31-23, 05:10
The episode was “too gay” but still good, Bills character was gay in the game, talked about his “partner” Frank and then Ellie even steals gay porn from him and jokes about the pages being stuck together.

I preferred this chapter in the game over the show, finding notes from Frank who was sick of Bill and decided to hang himself rather than deal bickering with him anymore. I was looking forward to a live action scene of them looking for the truck battery in the school and the first run in with a ‘Bloater’ but it didn’t happen. Next episode or two should have some pretty brutal scenes in Pittsburg.

And I was digging Survivor Bill, seemed like he had it together.

Alex V
01-31-23, 07:04
HBO just had to do it... they just could not resist... hu.

Episode 1 and 2 were 9/10. Episode 3: 0/10... giant SKIP!

If they wanted to do a back story, fine, 10 minutes would be enough. They spend 50 minutes telling us about Bill only to have him play ZERO part in the rest of the story save for giving Joel and Ellie a truck and some supplies.

01-31-23, 08:19
These losers cannot even create a mini series without throwing LGBTQ homo agenda in our face! I get it, gays are gay! I don’t give a rats ass about that! I don’t want it crammed in my face at every turn.
What’s next week gonna bring? I think we gotta throw some CRT in there, because we all know it’s Whitey’s fault.

01-31-23, 08:33
There are gay men. I know for sure. Cause there is no way I could blow one of my friends for a bass boat. If a guy is blowing some guy, he is definitely gay. Nobody is that "curious."

Also prison doesn't make you gay, prison makes you angry and want to kill people because again no guy blows another guy by choice unless he is actually, factually gay.

There are always exceptions though.


01-31-23, 08:50
I also don’t get why they took a whole episode to backstory Bill, just to kill him off? In the game, Bill was alive when Joel brought Ellie to Bill’s.

01-31-23, 09:18
I also don’t get why they took a whole episode to backstory Bill, just to kill him off? In the game, Bill was alive when Joel brought Ellie to Bill’s.

I find the character development of this show to be weak at best. They did nothing to establish the relationship between Tess and Joel, making hard to believe that he is so torn up over her loss when they seemingly were business associates and no more.

I thought Ep 3 would, save for the needless and frankly gross sex scene, would have been a great way to develop and establish Bill, and then they killed him off after 40 min of screen time.

This show kinda sucks. Feels like the late seasons of GOT.

01-31-23, 09:31
I find the character development of this show to be weak at best. They did nothing to establish the relationship between Tess and Bill, making hard to believe that he is so torn up over her loss when they seemingly were business associates and no more.

I thought Ep 3 would, save for the needless and frankly gross sex scene, would have been a great way to develop and establish Bill, and then they killed him off after 40 min of screen time.

This show kinda sucks. Feels like the late seasons of GOT.

I’m with you there.

01-31-23, 11:08
I also don’t get why they took a whole episode to backstory Bill, just to kill him off? In the game, Bill was alive when Joel brought Ellie to Bill’s.

Yeah I was really looking forward to Bills interactions with Ellie and how much she annoyed him. Not to mention them trying to get past his traps to get into the town, in the show just beep-boop a couple numbers in a gate, oh they're dead and leave.

They did nothing to establish the relationship between Tess and Joel, making hard to believe that he is so torn up over her loss when they seemingly were business associates and no more.

They didn't in the game either.

01-31-23, 11:19
I find the character development of this show to be weak at best. They did nothing to establish the relationship between Tess and Joel, making hard to believe that he is so torn up over her loss when they seemingly were business associates and no more.

I thought Ep 3 would, save for the needless and frankly gross sex scene, would have been a great way to develop and establish Bill, and then they killed him off after 40 min of screen time.

This show kinda sucks. Feels like the late seasons of GOT.

Needless sex scenes are an HBO staple and their writers and show runners are pretty garbage these days. It's like they just toss in a needless sex scene here and there to try to mask the fact that their plots are thin and their character development is shallow.

Like, even when they have quality source material, they still manage to arse it up. And when they go out on their own (I'm looking at you, GOT seasons 6-8) it's nearly always a dumpster fire.

01-31-23, 12:11
It's also rather odd that two men can't have a relationship as friends, it's always got to be gay.

A Guy I served with one time said, there are no "Gay" Men,
It's guys that have figured out the system. No friend is going to bitch at you for buying a Bass Boat. Your Wife, Yes of course she will.
No friend is going to complain about you drinking at two in the afternoon. Your Wife, Yes of course she will.
So the guys who've figured it out, don't get married, they buy Boats and drink whenever they want and enjoy their lives.
Why didn't I figure this out before I got married?

I have no idea why they had to have a gay character instead of a couple of guys who figured it out.

That's fairly close to the lyrics.


01-31-23, 17:25

01-31-23, 21:27
How many steaks and bourbons did it take for Ron Swanson to wash that taste of another man out his mouth? Don't ruin the manliest man for me you damn HBO.

01-31-23, 22:17
This show kinda sucks. Feels like the late seasons of GOT.

It still s**ts all over the Halo series for quality, effort, and watchability.

Alex V
02-01-23, 10:06
It still s**ts all over the Halo series for quality, effort, and watchability.

I kinda liked the Halo series...

The Dumb Gun Collector
02-03-23, 23:02
Completely superfluous woke bait episode. I don’t have any problem with gays, it just didn’t offer anything interesting. Just a couple of old gay dudes living fabulously in the apocalypse. Ok.

02-04-23, 01:40
Completely superfluous woke bait episode. I don’t have any problem with gays, it just didn’t offer anything interesting. Just a couple of old gay dudes living fabulously in the apocalypse. Ok.

And seriously, if they are gonna put me through Brokeback Apocalypse, don't just kill him off. He could have been a regular, there isn't as much hate as "they" assume, but the fact that they made him disposable tells me he was a token to troll us. He could have been a whole series of flashbacks how he maintained modern suburbia.

02-04-23, 12:57
The after episode followup, the director said the character in the game had a "partner" and that allowed them to go a different direction with the show.

02-04-23, 13:42
The after episode followup, the director said the character in the game had a "partner" and that allowed them to go a different direction with the show.

02-04-23, 13:57
After reading this thread, I'm even more glad I don't have HBO anymore.

02-04-23, 19:44
So much potential, and yet they're repeating the Walking Dead mistake of profiling woke topics

I don't mind that the guy was gay. Not my thing, whatever.

But they spent so much time on his character that could have been interesting but instead was just another woke lecture.

02-07-23, 12:49
It's still a good show. Don't get all put off by the different people can love lesson.

What should piss you off is that the one guy was supposed to be a prepper. Yet every gun was a California approved low capacity gun.

We all know a dude like that had to have some better weapons than that even if he had the wants to get mud on his helmet playing in his buddies back 40.

Then they leave all that stuff behind for the next group of "Raiders " The writers definitely could be a lot more realistic. I mean six shooters and bolt actions. Then not slapping his little bitch for taking it upon their self to trade one of his guns for some strawberry seeds.

Seriously some strawberry seeds. Just taking it upon your self and with no repercussions? You know their would have been a big ass gay spat over that shit. Throwing kitchen knives, dishes scratching clawing pulling hair. All that shit that goes on between two psychologically compromised overly emotional people.

02-07-23, 13:47
It's still a good show. Don't get all put off by the different people can love lesson.

What should piss you off is that the one guy was supposed to be a prepper. Yet every gun was a California approved low capacity gun.

We all know a dude like that had to have some better weapons than that even if he had the wants to get mud on his helmet playing in his buddies back 40.

Then they leave all that stuff behind for the next group of "Raiders " The writers definitely could be a lot more realistic. I mean six shooters and bolt actions. Then not slapping his little bitch for taking it upon their self to trade one of his guns for some strawberry seeds.

Seriously some strawberry seeds. Just taking it upon your self and with no repercussions? You know their would have been a big ass gay spat over that shit. Throwing kitchen knives, dishes scratching clawing pulling hair. All that shit that goes on between two psychologically compromised overly emotional people.

Writers aren't preppers or gun guys so none of the movies or games are realistic, I wish they were but I have to look at it as entertainment or I would turn them off after the first 5 minutes.

02-07-23, 14:06
It's still a good show. Don't get all put off by the different people can love lesson.

What should piss you off is that the one guy was supposed to be a prepper. Yet every gun was a California approved low capacity gun.

We all know a dude like that had to have some better weapons than that even if he had the wants to get mud on his helmet playing in his buddies back 40.

Then they leave all that stuff behind for the next group of "Raiders " The writers definitely could be a lot more realistic. I mean six shooters and bolt actions. Then not slapping his little bitch for taking it upon their self to trade one of his guns for some strawberry seeds.

Seriously some strawberry seeds. Just taking it upon your self and with no repercussions? You know their would have been a big ass gay spat over that shit. Throwing kitchen knives, dishes scratching clawing pulling hair. All that shit that goes on between two psychologically compromised overly emotional people.

I had a serious WTF moment during the scene where the raiders hit fruit loops compound. I mean you’re smart enough to place all these booby traps and have cameras, but when the SHTF, you run out into the middle of the street all lit up by fire, and engage unknown numbers with a bolt gun.

Alex V
02-07-23, 14:49
Episode 4 was better and back to the game. Just stay away from the side quest BS and I'll be happy.

What should piss you off is that the one guy was supposed to be a prepper. Yet every gun was a California approved low capacity gun.

We all know a dude like that had to have some better weapons than that even if he had the wants to get mud on his helmet playing in his buddies back 40.

He was in Massachusetts tho, no? So he would have been under an AWB LOL

02-07-23, 17:52
After reading this thread, I'm even more glad I don't have HBO anymore.

Well if people in this thread didn't immediately unsubscribe from HBO after that homo episode to send a message to hollywoke then you ain't fighting the culture war right.

The Dumb Gun Collector
02-07-23, 18:48
Episode 4 was good.

02-07-23, 19:18
I noticed at the end of episode 4 when the young black kid is aiming his revolver, you can see that the cylinders are empty.

02-07-23, 19:31
They don't want any more actors "Baldwin-ing" other actors, directors or crew.

02-08-23, 08:05
Better series that is similar is Station 11

Started watching station 11 and though at times it gets a little bit artsy overall I find it better.

I'm 1/2 way through the first episode. Please tell me this isn't a "Covid was nearly the end of mankind" nonsense.

Station 11 is based on a highly virulent in deadly Asian flu. But it's not the main point or an ongoing topic.

It's mainly about 20 years after, with the occasional backstory.

And I was digging Survivor Bill, seemed like he had it together.

So much lost potential just to make a woke point.

02-08-23, 16:16
So much lost potential just to make a woke point.

Honestly, if they kept him alive I'd still be watching the show. I just lost interest.

02-09-23, 07:05
I had a serious WTF moment during the scene where the raiders hit fruit loops compound. I mean you’re smart enough to place all these booby traps and have cameras, but when the SHTF, you run out into the middle of the street all lit up by fire, and engage unknown numbers with a bolt gun.

Exactly. The director and the whole casting scene must have been high. Like nobody said wait who the **** would do this.

02-19-23, 10:02
Well, someone fixed it.


02-20-23, 22:36
The title of our future is WarLord !