View Full Version : 'Santa Suit Massacre'....what a sick monster...

12-27-08, 04:54

Here yet again, we see an act of absolute EVIL committed by the world's worst type of criminal. This was nothing short of an atrocity in the most tragic form.

Not to undermine the suffering of the family, but I believe that crimes like these can actually serve a purpose for the survivors and for the rest of us as well. They clearly demonstrate the need for law-abiding citizens to engage in armed self-defense. This wasn't a case of a school shooting---an issue that (for God-knows-what reason) is steeped in controversy, despite the number of innocent kids that continue to senselessly die. No. This was a case of a heinous, violent killer forcing his way into someone's home, at at time no less when those residing there would be most vulnerable and least expecting, and having his way with anyone he desired. It demonstrated that sick sub-humans like this guy are willing to stop at nothing, including dressing themselves as Santa Claus (or as any other icon of innocence) in order to commit the ultimate, unthinkable security breach.

Just one armed citizen in the house.....just ONE could have stopped this villain dead in his tracks. Obviously, not even a competent and highly capable police force can prevent 9 execution-style slayings from happening in cases like this.

And to think, there will inevitably be many in the wake of this tragedy who will blame our 2nd Amendment right for this madness. We can't let them exploit horrible instances like this in order to strengthen their absurd agenda.

Left Sig
12-27-08, 11:26
I wonder if they will find a copy of this movie at his house:


Unemployed aerospace engineer, divorced, etc.

Cold Zero
12-27-08, 11:33
Somebody needed to shoot this guy, just to protect everyone's else's gun rights. This one will hurt us.

12-27-08, 11:40
This incident and many others like it have nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment
and CCW. It has nothing to do with firearms. Period.

It's about evil people that will find a way to kill no matter what instrument is
used to carry out their foul deeds.

We have no standards of right and wrong in this country. No personal responsibility and no conscience.

We have no respect for ourselves and others. No respect for life.

We have created a culture of drugs, violence, sex, and anything goes, with each
person deciding for himself what is right or wrong.

We believe we are the top of the pile with no one to answer to, except ourselves.
We've created a society of meanness and hatefulness. Me first and to hell with you.

What kind of world do we live in where a person would rather put a bullet in his
brain than face lifes ups and downs?

12-27-08, 14:41
story here in Phoenix a guy walked/followed kids into a park and beat them to death two children 7 and 10
with a baseball bat ?
story says he did not know the kids ????

there are some sick people in this world for sure

12-28-08, 12:55
This happened in my in-laws' neighborhood, about 10 miles from my own home. Horrible and deranged to say the least.

This is LA County after all- the whole place is a victim disarmament zone. Somebody mentioned that this was not a 2A issue and I agree up to a point. The crime itself had little or nothing to do with it, but the sheer scale of the massacre might have been kept down had just 1 or 2 people been prepared to effectively defend themselves. Make no mistake, though- here in Los Angeles County this scenario almost certainly WILL be used against "us".

Very very sad. I hope there is a special place in Hell for that POS.

12-28-08, 15:46
The libtards will make hay on this, because this guy had NO pre-incident indicators. Their rationale will be, "See, we cannot trust ANYONE!"

Since libtards are inherently untrustworthy, they project such values to everyone else.

12-28-08, 15:47
The Police Lieutenant in charge of the incident is a colleague of mine, so I sent him an email after this happened. It was absolutely horrible, and the newspaper articles do not begin to capture the full impact of the carnage and its human toll.

And yes, LA is libtard-occupied territory, so you can be certain someone will use this incident as a call for more gun control -- especially since there are no known pre-incident indicators that revealed the suspect in this case to be a threat -- other than he was a NASA engineer. ;)

Let's face it, all engineers need to be banned! (Just kidding)

12-29-08, 05:36
Anybody know if there were any .50 caliber rifles used in this crime??:D

lord, i'm so glad to be out of LA after 20 years.....

12-29-08, 09:25
This incident and many others like it have nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment
and CCW. It has nothing to do with firearms. Period....

You're preaching to the choir here. Unfortunately, the antis will somehow find a way to make this an anti-gun slogan. :mad:

Here is an article on what the that POS jesse jackson and the brady bunch are already planning. Tale special note of the "5-point" plan:

CHICAGO -- With Chicago's homicide total for 2008 already past 500,
the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr., is calling for stronger gun laws in
order to help to stem urban violence.

"We cannot just continue to mourn the deaths of our youth—our future,
we must begin to march and fight for better gun laws," Jackson said
at the regular morning forum at Rainbow PUSH headquarters on the
South Side. "Chicago does not manufacture these weapons, we know
where they are coming from and yet not a single gun shop has been
closed," Jackson said.

Directly following the forum, Rev. Jackson held a press conference
with Michele DeLashment whose son, Kermit, became the city's 500th
homicide victim on Monday. This is the highest homicide total in the
city in five years.

"On Monday, someone took my son's life. I am asking—pleading--for
that someone to come forth. Turn yourself in to Rev. Jackson here at
Rainbow PUSH or the police," she said.

DeLashment, 21, was the grandson of Mickey Warren, a longtime friend
and associate of Rev. Jackson. The young man's mother is a long
time PUSH supporter and choir member.

On hand at the forum was Jennifer Bishop, national program director
of victims and survivors for The Brady Center to Prevent Gun
Violence, who presented a five point plan of action to stop the flow
of gun controls.

"We have put forth a plan that is absolutely a sure way to stop easy
access to guns," she said. "We have the power to stop putting
dangerous weapons in the hands of dangerous persons, if we create and
implement concrete gun laws. Illinois has not tried good gun laws,
and the laws currently in place have huge loopholes."

The action plan:
• Require universal background checks on every gun transfer NOTE: Isn't this what NICS is for?

• Regulate the trafficking of illegal guns NOTE: And how do they propose we do this? If it's illegal, it's already regulated.

• Restrict military-style assault weapons in civilian hands NOTE: Silver Eagle Group take note.

• Prohibit all violent criminals from possessing firearms NOTE: Isn't this already the law?

• Apply consumer product safety standards and childproof safety NOTE: Isn't this already in place?
features to all firearms

In addition, Rev. Jackson announced the 12th annual Rainbow PUSH Wall
Street Project Economic Summit that runs Jan. 13 – Jan.15. This
year's conference is themed "Fallout From the Bailout: A New Day In

Featured guests for the annual Wall Street Project Economic Summit
include: New York Governor David Patterson; Joseph Saunders, chairman
of VISA Corporation; and Terry Lundgren, president and CEO of Macy's
Federated Department Stores.

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