View Full Version : This Administration…..

01-29-23, 11:05
When will people admit, that what everyone calls “incompetence” is actually willful intent? Biden, is just a fall guy, who is calling exactly 0.00% of the shots. There is something much more at work here, then just simple incompetence. Everything this administration does, is meant to cripple our economy, subvert, and divide our nation! Now we are dumping our weapon’s stockpiles, selling our strategic oil reserves, sending Ukraine billions, and billions, letting hordes of migrants invade, censoring free speech, etc, etc.
The Federal Gooberment, is waging a multi tiered war against the American people, and most Americans don’t even realize it!
They have gone after our children with their crt, sexualization, and gender identity bullshit!
They’ve gone after parents at school board meetings, for trying to have a voice!
They’re trying to defund police!
They’re going after small business, with the IRS!
They have crippled our military!
Released bio weapons!
Etc, etc.
Holy shit the cognitive dissonance is strong in this country!
Now, these lunatics are pushing for nuclear war!
These people need to be stopped! But they won’t be stopped because hardly anyone even admits the truth!

01-29-23, 11:18
When will people admit, that what everyone calls “incompetence” is actually willful intent? Biden, is just a fall guy, who is calling exactly 0.00% of the shots. There is something much more at work here, then just simple incompetence. Everything this administration does, is meant to cripple our economy, subvert, and divide our nation! Now we are dumping our weapon’s stockpiles, selling our strategic oil reserves, sending Ukraine billions, and billions, letting hordes of migrants invade, censoring free speech, etc, etc.
The Federal Gooberment, is waging a multi tiered war against the American people, and most Americans don’t even realize it!
They have gone after our children with their crt, sexualization, and gender identity bullshit!
They’ve gone after parents at school board meetings, for trying to have a voice!
They’re trying to defund police!
They’re going after small business, with the IRS!
They have crippled our military!
Released bio weapons!
Etc, etc.
Holy shit the cognitive dissonance is strong in this country!
Now, these lunatics are pushing for nuclear war!
These people need to be stopped! But they won’t be stopped because hardly anyone even admits the truth!

They'd rather just go along for security and comfort.

Or, its still better than everywhere else...

01-29-23, 11:26
Biden is a old drunk, folks think he is senile but in reality hes always shitfaced. The .gov, dems and republicans are effectivley trying to take down our constitution and start over.

01-29-23, 11:30
They'd rather just go along for security and comfort.
There is no “security” no “comfort” when your own government wants you dead.
Or, its still better than everywhere else...

For how long? Whether it’s the thousands of migrants a day….or the inevitable nuclear exchange that’s coming….it will be no better!

01-29-23, 11:38
For how long? Whether it’s the thousands of migrants a day….or the inevitable nuclear exchange that’s coming….it will be no better!

Until there's no more comfort and security.

01-29-23, 11:38
Biden is a old drunk, folks think he is senile but in reality hes always shitfaced. The .gov, dems and republicans are effectivley trying to take down our constitution and start over.

It matters not what Biden is. Biden ain’t running nothing but his shorts! He is the vessel that is being used, to show that our government cannot be trusted! To reign in the new one world Gooberment…that will claim to intend to fix all the problems that they themselves intentionally created!
You may be surprised to know who is actually in charge of pounding in the final nail…..let’s just say this is truly Obama’s 3rd term…..
All you have to do, is pay attention. As Barack once said “we don’t let uncle Joe make decisions”.

01-29-23, 11:43
When will people admit, that what everyone calls “incompetence” is actually willful intent? Biden, is just a fall guy, who is calling exactly 0.00% of the shots. There is something much more at work here, then just simple incompetence. Everything this administration does, is meant to cripple our economy, subvert, and divide our nation! Now we are dumping our weapon’s stockpiles, selling our strategic oil reserves, sending Ukraine billions, and billions, letting hordes of migrants invade, censoring free speech, etc, etc.
The Federal Gooberment, is waging a multi tiered war against the American people, and most Americans don’t even realize it!
They have gone after our children with their crt, sexualization, and gender identity bullshit!
They’ve gone after parents at school board meetings, for trying to have a voice!
They’re trying to defund police!
They’re going after small business, with the IRS!
They have crippled our military!
Released bio weapons!
Etc, etc.
Holy shit the cognitive dissonance is strong in this country!
Now, these lunatics are pushing for nuclear war!
These people need to be stopped! But they won’t be stopped because hardly anyone even admits the truth!

...and it is ran by the Easter Bunny.

01-29-23, 11:43
Yeah, so...All "conservatives" do is bitch on the internet and threaten to "vote harder".

The revolution is over. We lost. Do your best to enjoy the decline. Maybe you can get signed up for some subsidies along the way.

01-29-23, 11:50
Here is a clear concise 15 minute take.


01-29-23, 12:03
Biden is a old drunk, folks think he is senile but in reality hes always shitfaced. The .gov, dems and republicans are effectivley trying to take down our constitution and start over.

There's a remedy for that very eventuality.

01-29-23, 12:11
My hot take, there is no "The Man" running the show. The dems have succeeded in brainwashing generations of Americans in their idealist terms and our present political landscape is filled with dreamers who are trying to outdo their predecessors in progressivism. Joe is a product of 40 years of give us more taxes so we can do better.

People like Tucker and Maher and AOC and MTG are laughing all the way to the bank watching us become further and further divided.

01-29-23, 12:24
It matters not what Biden is. Biden ain’t running nothing but his shorts! He is the vessel that is being used, to show that our government cannot be trusted! To reign in the new one world Gooberment…that will claim to intend to fix all the problems that they themselves intentionally created!
You may be surprised to know who is actually in charge of pounding in the final nail…..let’s just say this is truly Obama’s 3rd term…..
All you have to do, is pay attention. As Barack once said “we don’t let uncle Joe make decisions”.

Point is Biden doesnt call the shots because he is a drunk. I doubt Obama is personally involved but his people might be.

01-29-23, 12:25
My hot take, there is no "The Man" running the show. The dems have succeeded in brainwashing generations of Americans in their idealist terms and our present political landscape is filled with dreamers who are trying to outdo their predecessors in progressivism. Joe is a product of 40 years of give us more taxes so we can do better.

People like Tucker and Maher and AOC and MTG are laughing all the way to the bank watching us become further and further divided.

To be fair to Tucker he is the only person on your list telling the truth.

01-29-23, 12:40
Point is Biden doesnt call the shots because he is a drunk. I doubt Obama is personally involved but his people might be.

I’m pretty sure this is in fact Obama 3.0
Of course I have no proof. But, this is what Obama envisioned…or at least paved the way for.
Facts are, it don’t matter what globalist puppet is in control…all the establishment clowns answer to the same globalist that own the banks, control the UN, and the WHO.

01-29-23, 12:55
Remember 2009, when Fox News broke “extremists training camps in the US”?
Who was President in 2009?
Now…we have Antifa, and the BLM…burning down small businesses, rioting, attacking people in cities!
It’s humorous, that during the George Floyd “peaceful protest “ pallets of bricks were set up in the business districts of Minneapolis, and other liberal shitholes across the nation!
My theory is…these “extremist camps” trained the higher ups of Antifa, and the BLM…with intent of creating the modern day Brown Shirts!
I know most people will dismiss these claims, but one thing I’ve always excelled at, is connecting the dots…

Straight Shooter
01-29-23, 13:41
When will people admit, that what everyone calls “incompetence” is actually willful intent? Biden, is just a fall guy, who is calling exactly 0.00% of the shots. There is something much more at work here, then just simple incompetence. Everything this administration does, is meant to cripple our economy, subvert, and divide our nation! Now we are dumping our weapon’s stockpiles, selling our strategic oil reserves, sending Ukraine billions, and billions, letting hordes of migrants invade, censoring free speech, etc, etc.
The Federal Gooberment, is waging a multi tiered war against the American people, and most Americans don’t even realize it!
They have gone after our children with their crt, sexualization, and gender identity bullshit!
They’ve gone after parents at school board meetings, for trying to have a voice!
They’re trying to defund police!
They’re going after small business, with the IRS!
They have crippled our military!
Released bio weapons!
Etc, etc.
Holy shit the cognitive dissonance is strong in this country!
Now, these lunatics are pushing for nuclear war!
These people need to be stopped! But they won’t be stopped because hardly anyone even admits the truth!

I think on here, you are preaching to the choir. We ARE, purposely, being destroyed from within like cancer. And Im at the point I believe its terminal, beyond repair. As Ive suggested in another thread..what IM doing, Ive stopped even worrying about the Federal aspect of things-our government is GONE, period.
I will do all I can to keep TN & the South as RED as possible, and of course my local area too.
Aside from that: Circle your wagons. GET, whilst there is something left to get. Get YOURS, get your FAMILY'S, friends..prepare NOW and to hell with the country at large. While things are available, though high, at least they are there. Talk to the adults in your family/friend circle about possible things in
YOUR area that could happen. Make ready for those things. Turn to Christ.
We are WELL into the fall & the red light is blinking.

01-29-23, 13:59
My hot take, there is no "The Man" running the show. The dems have succeeded in brainwashing generations of Americans in their idealist terms and our present political landscape is filled with dreamers who are trying to outdo their predecessors in progressivism. Joe is a product of 40 years of give us more taxes so we can do better.

People like Tucker and Maher and AOC and MTG are laughing all the way to the bank watching us become further and further divided.

I always have to SMH when I see that comment. Like we've all been holding hands sing kumbaya or something, or there is some nefarious character behind the curtain making us all hate each other. As if we really all agree on things. :rolleyes: Face it, there is a divide in this country, and ya better pick a side. And yes, it means roughly half this country has their heads firmly planted up their asses.

I will stand proudly on the "conservative" (small "c") side of things; I despise what the Left represents and what they stand for. They are the antithesis of what I believe in. I wish them the worst and hopefully they will be destroyed in the process. Yeah, I feel that strongly about it.

I cannot fathom "coming together" with them. It will inevitably involve how the Left defines "compromise": they get something out of it reflecting their agenda, and we only give up something. Then next time a little more chipping away at the stone occurs......it is a one-way street and I have ZERO desire to make nice with them.

01-29-23, 14:22
I think on here, you are preaching to the choir. We ARE, purposely, being destroyed from within like cancer. And Im at the point I believe its terminal, beyond repair. As Ive suggested in another thread..what IM doing, Ive stopped even worrying about the Federal aspect of things-our government is GONE, period.
I will do all I can to keep TN & the South as RED as possible, and of course my local area too.
Aside from that: Circle your wagons. GET, whilst there is something left to get. Get YOURS, get your FAMILY'S, friends..prepare NOW and to hell with the country at large. While things are available, though high, at least they are there. Talk to the adults in your family/friend circle about possible things in
YOUR area that could happen. Make ready for those things. Turn to Christ.
We are WELL into the fall & the red light is blinking.

Well, I’m sure in my area, just like many other rural areas….what will truly happen is eventually chaos due to hunger. Only a small percentage of people can actually live off the land. We all count on transportation, and grocery stores to survive.
Some idiots I’ve talked to think that they can hunt to survive….I try to explain that hunting for survival is not plausible when the rest of the county is doing the same thing! How long would hunting for every meal be substantial? Nobody can ever answer that question.
The best way to prepare, is to have a reliable water source, water filtration, have an abundance of heirloom seeds, and livestock. Buy a wood stove for heating, and cooking, invest your money in hard goods now, before it’s worth nothing….etc.
People need to learn life skills, because I don’t see any of this getting any better soon.

01-29-23, 15:08
It’s fun to dunk on Biden. We need to stop, and I’ve been saying it for some time.

There is some number of normies that are persuadable. Focusing on the guy who obviously is not actually running things, rather than the progressive policies being implemented on purpose and with intended results, is a tactical mistake.

01-29-23, 15:21
Not limited to the present.

Folly isn't going to result in victory most days, planning will.

Party B losing to/being harmed by Party A without any real consequences the majority of the time isn't an indicator Party A is stupid.

01-29-23, 15:36
We are on the way to becoming a second world country....lots of blame to go around...

01-29-23, 15:44
We are on the way to becoming a second world country....lots of blame to go around...
What comes after second world?
Flooding the borders with millions of migrants, coupled with the current woke politics….will turn the US into a 2nd world nation…but the impending doom of the US dollar will push us below 2nd world status. This is almost inevitable at this point. The fun has just begun.

01-29-23, 16:02
I always have to SMH when I see that comment. Like we've all been holding hands sing kumbaya or something, or there is some nefarious character behind the curtain making us all hate each other. As if we really all agree on things. :rolleyes: Face it, there is a divide in this country, and ya better pick a side. And yes, it means roughly half this country has their heads firmly planted up their asses.

I will stand proudly on the "conservative" (small "c") side of things; I despise what the Left represents and what they stand for. They are the antithesis of what I believe in. I wish them the worst and hopefully they will be destroyed in the process. Yeah, I feel that strongly about it.

I cannot fathom "coming together" with them. It will inevitably involve how the Left defines "compromise": they get something out of it reflecting their agenda, and we only give up something. Then next time a little more chipping away at the stone occurs......it is a one-way street and I have ZERO desire to make nice with them.


01-29-23, 16:21
Here is a clear concise 15 minute take.


Good video! Thanks for posting.

01-29-23, 17:48

I totally get that. I happen to know and work with good people who happen to be swept up in all the left promises. I detest their politics but they are just ignorant, mostly by choice but they are good people.

I agree zero compromise on rights. Compromise got us the NFA, gun free zones, may issue, etc etc. It's just a catch phrase to make a controlling A Hole to gas light those of us who enjoy our freedoms into thinking we're selfish for doing so.

01-29-23, 18:15
As the president in Clear and Present Danger said: "The course of action I would suggest, is a course of action I can't suggest"

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01-29-23, 18:46
As the president in Clear and Present Danger said: "The course of action I would suggest, is a course of action I can't suggest"

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk


01-29-23, 19:45
A big picture perspective;

The world is a chaotic place. Always has been. Somewhere in the world there is always a war being fought, a famine, a genocide, oppression, a struggle. Thats life. Eventually it will happen here too. There is no war to end all wars and people aren't going to wake up and change our trajectory.

So don't be overly concerned with things of national importance because you're not going to have a significant impact in the grand scheme of things. Sure its amusing to to watch how things unfold but its best not to get too caught up in the game.

Instead do what you can, be a good person, set a good example, improve your own life and help those you can.

Some good advice for us all from The Apostle Paul;

11 that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you, 12 that you may walk properly toward those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing.
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

01-30-23, 08:17
When will people admit, that what everyone calls “incompetence” is actually willful intent? Biden, is just a fall guy, who is calling exactly 0.00% of the shots. There is something much more at work here, then just simple incompetence. Everything this administration does, is meant to cripple our economy, subvert, and divide our nation! Now we are dumping our weapon’s stockpiles, selling our strategic oil reserves, sending Ukraine billions, and billions, letting hordes of migrants invade, censoring free speech, etc, etc.
The Federal Gooberment, is waging a multi tiered war against the American people, and most Americans don’t even realize it!
They have gone after our children with their crt, sexualization, and gender identity bullshit!
They’ve gone after parents at school board meetings, for trying to have a voice!
They’re trying to defund police!
They’re going after small business, with the IRS!
They have crippled our military!
Released bio weapons!
Etc, etc.
Holy shit the cognitive dissonance is strong in this country!
Now, these lunatics are pushing for nuclear war!
These people need to be stopped! But they won’t be stopped because hardly anyone even admits the truth!

All of what you mention is the implementation of the WEF/IMF's insane Global Reset agenda. Tin hat time... the chaos and disorder you're seening in the world is pretty much planned out. You have to break it... all of it, societies, economies, etc.. to rebuild better. World Corporate Governance. Read it about it:


It has been discussed here a bit. Just a couple weeks ago, Biten started talk again about the North American Union. A borderless economic area encompassing the former United States, Canada and Mexico.


The majority of what is being discussed at the Davos meeting is about this Agenda and implementing it. There are tons of US politicians, "Leaders" and big money types there discussing your future. One comment by Klaus Schwab concerned plans to hit back on right wing extremism in the world. Because you don't know what is good for you.... so those of you that are against this, get ready for the hold my beer and watch this moment coming in the next year or years...


It looks to me like that despite the folks like me and you suffering through the war in Ukraine, that that whole s&!t storm is just a way for the world elites to rob and launder the treasure from other countries through the world and funnel it to themselves. THey keep giving supplies to Uke's just enough to keep the war going. There's no money in peace. War is a racket. It makes the rich richer and the poor poorer and dead.

01-30-23, 08:51
All of what you mention is the implementation of the WEF/IMF's insane Global Reset agenda. Tin hat time... the chaos and disorder you're seening in the world is pretty much planned out. You have to break it... all of it, societies, economies, etc.. to rebuild better. World Corporate Governance. Read it about it:


It has been discussed here a bit. Just a couple weeks ago, Biten started talk again about the North American Union. A borderless economic area encompassing the former United States, Canada and Mexico.


The majority of what is being discussed at the Davos meeting is about this Agenda and implementing it. There are tons of US politicians, "Leaders" and big money types there discussing your future. One comment by Klaus Schwab concerned plans to hit back on right wing extremism in the world. Because you don't know what is good for you.... so those of you that are against this, get ready for the hold my beer and watch this moment coming in the next year or years...


It looks to me like that despite the folks like me and you suffering through the war in Ukraine, that that whole s&!t storm is just a way for the world elites to rob and launder the treasure from other countries through the world and funnel it to themselves. THey keep giving supplies to Uke's just enough to keep the war going. There's no money in peace. War is a racket. It makes the rich richer and the poor poorer and dead.

And our gubberment is complicit in our destruction.

01-30-23, 09:23
Does Ryder have a rental office in Davos?

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

01-30-23, 10:24
And our gubberment is complicit in our destruction.

Absolutely actively complicit. I can't tell you how many people I have heard of recently that have died from drug ODs due to phentenol being laced into it. They know the problem, yet the powers that be refuse to address it. It is coming from the chinese ccp through the mexican drug cartels across the border. IMHO, this gov't wants a society addicted to drugs and free gubbamint handouts/money.

01-30-23, 17:46
Absolutely actively complicit. I can't tell you how many people I have heard of recently that have died from drug ODs due to phentenol being laced into it. They know the problem, yet the powers that be refuse to address it. It is coming from the chinese ccp through the mexican drug cartels across the border. IMHO, this gov't wants a society addicted to drugs and free gubbamint handouts/money.

Kinda makes it clear why the Obama administration ran Fast&Furious, doesn’t it?