View Full Version : Why the U.S. is impossible to invade

01-30-23, 19:22
Pretty good video really. Of course we arent immune to terrorists attacks but it does ruin the Red Dawn scenerio we all love. Anyway thought you guys might enjoy it.


Johnny Rico
01-30-23, 19:38
It all depends on how you define "invade." If you are strictly talking a Red Dawn scenario, that is unlikely and Fortress America is nigh impregnable. However, if you expand the definition to include the mass migration of peoples a la the Gothic invasion of the Roman Empire, then it is not only possible, but already well underway.

01-30-23, 19:50
It all depends on how you define "invade." If you are strictly talking a Red Dawn scenario, that is unlikely and Fortress America is nigh impregnable. However, if you expand the definition to include the mass migration of peoples a la the Gothic invasion of the Roman Empire, then it is not only possible, but already well underway.

True, and the same politicians allowing this to happen would no doubt welcome and encourage China to invade via the west coast.

01-31-23, 05:01
True, and the same politicians allowing this to happen would no doubt welcome and encourage China to invade via the west coast.

Absolutely an invasion of our borders is going on. There are many other ways to control this country via corrupt politicans, monetary controls like buying debt and buying up our farmland:


01-31-23, 07:43
Westerners in general and Americans in particular entertain "invasion" scenarios as if the world worked like it did in 1939.

The reality is that, the Chinese do not need to or have to "invade;" they are already operating inside the United States, in very large numbers, freely. They have agents serving in the United States Congress (Ted Lieu, Judy Chu, et al), the US Armed Forces, the US Intelligence agencies, and various Federal and state agencies. They are masters of subversion, making expert use of bribes (various types) and extortion to reach their desired objectives. Entire US industries have been infiltrated by Chinese agents, and their activities in the realm of IP theft and technology transfer have no peer. The same with US universities, research labs, and related facilities: they are permeated with Chinese agents and Chinese espionage, both of which been extraordinarily successful. We're talking hundreds of thousands of human assets.

Meanwhile, US intelligence assets inside China have been wiped out or turned: https://americanmilitarynews.com/2021/10/leaked-dozens-of-cia-informants-killed-captured-or-compromised-report/

In my part of the world, the Chinese are rightly seen as a menace and a threat; in the United States, Americans have been cowed into allowing them into the country and into the highest and most influential positions, but nary a soul dares sound the alarm, lest they be branded "racist." It would be hilarious if it weren't so deadly serious, but my fellow Americans aren't bright enough to figure it out.

01-31-23, 07:58
Trojan Horse....the mass immigration and open borders.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

01-31-23, 08:12
If you haven’t noticed, we are currently being invaded, by tens of thousands of migrants per day. It may not be some foreign army, in some Red Dawn scenario.. This is a cultural invasion, meant to descend us into chaos.

02-02-23, 20:53
Not impossible if the right officials are complicit. My first argument would be any invader trying to come by sea would be sunk before they got here. But, if the “rightly” placed officials and commanders ordered stand down, or the CNO orders fleets to useless locations, the landing may be successful. If “they” are coming by air, ditto. Army being ordered around, chasing their tails. But, embedding troops with some caravan, now there’s a plan. Not even needing combat divisions, though with a large enough caravan certainly possible. Were I a planner, I’d opt for well trained special ops, with the objective of attacking infrastructure, for example, or causing chaos when the “John has a long mustache” message comes. Then, the “real” forces, supplemented by more cells and cached supplies. Bottom line, though is complicity.

Alex V
02-02-23, 20:57
Pretty sure we are being invaded across the southern border as we speak…

02-02-23, 22:20
True, and the same politicians allowing this to happen would no doubt welcome and encourage China to invade via the west coast.

The usurper already has when he cancelled the program to reduce the Chinese influence in the Universities.

That and the wide open southern border.

He was compromised from day 1 and that is exactly why he was illegally imstalled into that office.

02-02-23, 22:24
Nothing is impossible to invade. It’s currently happening in our porous boarders. Worst part is, known terrorists are coming in. So yeah, I’d say we’re being invaded.

Pretty good video really. Of course we arent immune to terrorists attacks but it does ruin the Red Dawn scenerio we all love. Anyway thought you guys might enjoy it.


02-03-23, 09:52
I rather surprised that no where in that video were EMPs mentioned. Nukes are really too damn dangerous to be used, but EMPs?... would be far more practical to be used.

02-03-23, 10:09
Only idiots, who are completely disconnected from reality, think they are invincible.
The US has already been invaded, and conquered.
This is a prime example of Cognitive Dissonance.
One cannot see the forest, with their nose pressed against the tree.

02-03-23, 14:29
I rather surprised that no where in that video were EMPs mentioned. Nukes are really too damn dangerous to be used, but EMPs?... would be far more practical to be used.So you do know that EMP's are just nukes burst at a higher altitude?

And thus have the issue that any missile capable of a broad scale EMP will be interpreted as a nuclear attack and responded in kind.

The idea of a suitcase EMP that damages more than the immediate nuclear destruction is fiction.

EMP is a real effect, it's just not as devastating or as much of a risk as popular fiction dictates.

02-03-23, 16:22
So you do know that EMP's are just nukes burst at a higher altitude?

And thus have the issue that any missile capable of a broad scale EMP will be interpreted as a nuclear attack and responded in kind.

The idea of a suitcase EMP that damages more than the immediate nuclear destruction is fiction.

EMP is a real effect, it's just not as devastating or as much of a risk as popular fiction dictates.

Yep, and now Chinese “spy” balloons are allowed to travel over our airspace, because as Milly put it…it is not a threat! Hot air balloons are known to be the preferred EMP delivery method…they are quiet, and hard to detect.
Today: normalize Chinese hot air balloons in our airspace.
Tomorrow:normalize foreign troops on our soil.
When is enough, enough?

john armond
02-03-23, 16:55
Yep, and now Chinese “spy” balloons are allowed to travel over our airspace, because as Milly put it…it is not a threat! Hot air balloons are known to be the preferred EMP delivery method…they are quiet, and hard to detect.
Today: normalize Chinese hot air balloons in our airspace.
Tomorrow:normalize foreign troops on our soil.
When is enough, enough?

Are foreign police operating close enough to foreign troops for you?



Trudeau tried to welcome the Chinese troops though:



02-03-23, 20:52
Only idiots, who are completely disconnected from reality, think they are invincible.
The US has already been invaded, and conquered.
This is a prime example of Cognitive Dissonance.
One cannot see the forest, with their nose pressed against the tree.

We have not been invaded and we shouldnt use such language. Our politicians have invited these immigrants into our country saying we have been invaded puts good peoples lives in danger.

02-03-23, 21:12
We have not been invaded and we shouldnt use such language. Our politicians have invited these immigrants into our country saying we have been invaded puts good peoples lives in danger.

Dangerous language? This is an invasion! And calling anything different is naive at best! Why don’t you ask some of the locals, in one of the fine border towns in southern Texas, or Arizona if they think the US is being invaded? They may have a different opinion then you have.

02-04-23, 07:28
We just got invaded by a enemy balloon which traveled across our sovereign nation and could have released something diabolical and deadly.

02-04-23, 13:57
Dangerous language? This is an invasion! And calling anything different is naive at best! Why don’t you ask some of the locals, in one of the fine border towns in southern Texas, or Arizona if they think the US is being invaded? They may have a different opinion then you have.

I don't get the danger mention, but all of this is by invitation of the powers that be.

02-04-23, 15:13
I don't get the danger mention, but all of this is by invitation of the powers that be.

I understand that. But that does not change the fact that the borders are down. The Cartels flood our country with violence, fentanyl other dangerous substances, completely unchecked….as the un vetted migrants pour on in thousands per day! Whether it’s designed by our politicians or not….doesn’t change the fact of what this truly is. It can be sugar coated ten days from Sunday…it changes nothing.

02-04-23, 17:40
I understand that. But that does not change the fact that the borders are down. The Cartels flood our country with violence, fentanyl other dangerous substances, completely unchecked….as the un vetted migrants pour on in thousands per day! Whether it’s designed by our politicians or not….doesn’t change the fact of what this truly is. It can be sugar coated ten days from Sunday…it changes nothing.

Recognizing the facilitation isn't sugar coating it.

02-06-23, 09:52
Well, whilst everyone was distracted by the ccp weather balloon, they snuck a 911 terrorist out the back door of Gitmo... Yea, you can invade, attack, etc as you please without reprecussions...


02-06-23, 12:06
If those locals along the border did something other than complain the problem could fix itself. We watched a bunch of them not wanting a fence a few years back, well eff them let them deal with the invasion.

The worthless government and it's employees only care about paychecks and pensions so the locals are the only ones left to fix the issue.

Miles of alligator filled moats would certainly at least slow the problem down, can't afford alligators then electrify the water, etc, etc, etc. Chain link fence electrified with some razor wire will keep them out. Can't afford that then move and let someone else fix the issue.

You can rent excavators cheap enough, unless they know someone with one.

02-06-23, 12:19
If we locals took it into our own hands, we would be put in jail due the actions it would take to prevent entry...the invasion is all by design by this admin / swamp & mass illegal immigration is actually happening all over the globe.

CBP is processing the vast majority that cross & then bussing / flying them north to a town near you...the getaways / those that don't want to be processed are causing problems in ranch land as they move north, but there is no blowup of illegals growing along the border. At least not in the Rio Grande Valley.

02-06-23, 13:22
I didn't say get a .308 and go hunting, I offered a few small ideas to stop the problem. Electric fences/razor wire are not illegal in the country, building a moat I doubt is illegal, if alligators decided to move in, well that's nature for you.
Where there is a will there is a way.

Don't think for a minute that CBP or any other government employee had your/our best interest in mind, they do what they are told to an extent and care only about pay checks and pensions.

I live 20 minutes from a busy border crossing, so I talk to these people regularly, they live local, eat at the same restaurants we do and most will discuss the issues that are happening.

02-06-23, 13:53
I can only speak for my area & without an understanding of the Rio Grande River from the mouth up to around Roma / Falcon lake, it just isn't feasible for locals to be a solution...lined mostly with farmland & US Fed wildlife corridors.

I've lived on the border for over 5 decades & worked in Mexico for 15 years in the maquilas...it may sound good in your head, but if I drove you around my stomping grounds you would understand.

I wasn't talking about mowing them down either...even if locals went to town & got it done as you suggested, this admin would lock up their own for interfering with this invasion that is by their design. They don't want it to stop. I know several BP's & they are sick of being processors & baby sitters. Only the guys going after the getaways are getting the job description they envisioned.

You would also be dealing with the narcos who are making more $$$$ moving humans than they are dope right now. This is a fed / swamp issue who isn't following their own immigration laws & want open borders...Abbott is trying to play the part & building some walls, but it's a bandaid on a head wound. If you look at the map, I'm only talking about an inch on the yardstick...about 1800 more miles of this to deal with. Only way this stops is change of policy, mass deportations, stay in mexico, no money to countries sending illegals & making it known around the globe we are going to make it very painful if you cross illegally.

02-06-23, 22:12
The locals cannot even defend themselves.


02-08-23, 07:57
The locals cannot even defend themselves.


This is what happens when anyone dares enforce boundaries: national, local, personal, or otherwise. Injure or kill a non-white, go to prison. Gun ownership is rapidly being made irrelevant, and the USA is very obviously an occupied country.