View Full Version : Mike Pompeo on John Stossle

02-07-23, 08:36
No doubt planning to make a run for the WH. He's wrong about drugs and that lost me totally, but drug warriors of his ilk (who probably knock back a few martinis every night...) are brain washed to accept the (failed) war on drugs. I do appreciate his willingness to be honest and not be another flip flop type like most. To is credit, only one I have heard willing to call the Chinese on dropping a viral WMD on the world and no one is calling them out on it, much less holding them accountable. The Chinese need to be held accountable. He does seem like a very well informed person all around, even if I can't say I agree on all positions. He'd be a much better POTUS than what we have now, but that's a very low bar to set to be sure.


02-07-23, 19:34
He has struck me as being kind of "swampy", GOPe-ish.

02-07-23, 19:54
Former Tanker, can't be all bad.

02-07-23, 23:27
As head of the CIA he certainl failed at protecting the security of our Nation. Surely he could have investigated the FBI and DNC for their obvious coup of a sitting US president.

02-10-23, 17:23
Another deep state hack.