View Full Version : Death toll in Turkey, Syria surpasses 15,000

02-09-23, 08:10
And still rising:


02-09-23, 08:47
It boggles my mind how little coverage this gets. I had a coworker showing me this the other day, and I couldn't figure out why I had heard NOTHING about it. Local news is busy with the stupid Super Bowl coverage and the sea of Morons flocking to that event.

02-09-23, 09:36
Such an epic tragedy. Estimates are saying way above 20,000 dead in the end. Erdogan is catching flak for not getting help to people faster. I saw on the news that other countries are already on site helping find survivors. But how do you ever expect to be anywhere close to ready for something like a disaster on this level.

I can't get the photo of the father holding his dead 15 year old daughter's hand out of my mind. She was crushed under a ton of concrete. The rest of his family was under the rubble also. Horrible.

02-09-23, 23:32
It boggles my mind how little coverage this gets. I had a coworker showing me this the other day, and I couldn't figure out why I had heard NOTHING about it. Local news is busy with the stupid Super Bowl coverage and the sea of Morons flocking to that event.

Arent they Russian allies? Could be the reason.

02-10-23, 03:18
Arent they Russian allies? Could be the reason.

Just because you are at odds with the gov't does not mean you ignore the people. Having experienced this when stationed at Clark AB (7.7 magnitude) the damage is unreal. Thankfully we did not have as near as many dead. Countries like this simply do not have the same resources and or experienced rescuers to go in to confined spaces like that or to shore up slabs to continue rescuer efforts.

02-10-23, 06:02
Arent they Russian allies? Could be the reason.

Hell. I don't know. AGAIN last evening... brainless Super Bowl pieces fill the local news, and not a peep about this. They might skim over it later in the newscast, but I've not heard a thing.

02-10-23, 06:13
Syria is has been heavily sanctioned for years due to their relationship with Russia.

02-10-23, 06:30
Just because you are at odds with the gov't does not mean you ignore the people. Having experienced this when stationed at Clark AB (7.7 magnitude) the damage is unreal. Thankfully we did not have as near as many dead. Countries like this simply do not have the same resources and or experienced rescuers to go in to confined spaces like that or to shore up slabs to continue rescuer efforts.

So had an earthquake hit Hiroshima in the spring of 1945 everyone would have been sending aid to get the infrastructure back up and running?

02-10-23, 08:01
It boggles my mind how little coverage this gets. I had a coworker showing me this the other day, and I couldn't figure out why I had heard NOTHING about it. Local news is busy with the stupid Super Bowl coverage and the sea of Morons flocking to that event.

In the morning I listen to some BBC and NPR on the radio. I don't care for their left-leaning analysis when they have interviews or 'talk shows', but for pure headlines and what's going on internationally, they are better than anyone else.

Such an epic tragedy. Estimates are saying way above 20,000 dead in the end. Erdogan is catching flak for not getting help to people faster. I saw on the news that other countries are already on site helping find survivors. But how do you ever expect to be anywhere close to ready for something like a disaster on this level.

Just because you are at odds with the gov't does not mean you ignore the people. Having experienced this when stationed at Clark AB (7.7 magnitude) the damage is unreal. Thankfully we did not have as near as many dead. Countries like this simply do not have the same resources and or experienced rescuers to go in to confined spaces like that or to shore up slabs to continue rescuer efforts.

The US has sent several DMATs and confined space rescue/recovery teams. Again, doesn't make the news.

02-10-23, 08:29
Just because you are at odds with the gov't does not mean you ignore the people. Having experienced this when stationed at Clark AB (7.7 magnitude) the damage is unreal. Thankfully we did not have as near as many dead. Countries like this simply do not have the same resources and or experienced rescuers to go in to confined spaces like that or to shore up slabs to continue rescuer efforts.

I hear ya but reality is a bitch sometimes.

02-10-23, 08:41
Countries like this simply do not have the same resources...

Poorer countries don’t have the resources to implement building codes. Or if they do the inspectors can be bought off easily.

I’ve seen the way they build multi story apartments in that region, so I fully expected the early death toll numbers would go up significantly.

02-10-23, 08:45
Now well past 20k dead. This may be a record setter in our life time.

02-11-23, 13:24
Syria is has been heavily sanctioned for years due to their relationship with Russia.

No. They were sanctioned due to the 'Assad must go' regime change BS we attempted.

Russia was INVITED and asked to help by the legitimate rulers of Syria and promptly stepped in and put a hard stop to that shit. :)

Our having troops there is a violation of international law AND the sovereignty of Syria. Aside of Syria never asking for our 'assistance' there with their civil war they have repeatedly asked us to GTFO and leave them alone.

02-11-23, 20:36
Now well past 20k dead. This may be a record setter in our life time.

Indian Ocean Earthquake and Sunami killed over 200k.

02-11-23, 21:16
Indian Ocean Earthquake and Sunami killed over 200k.

The death toll was probably no worse than for the earthquake of March 28, 2005--that is, fewer than 1,000.

However, the tsunami that followed killed more people than any other tsunami in recorded history, with 227,898 dead or missing in 14 countries across the Indian Ocean. The worst hit country was Indonesia with 167,540 listed as dead ormissing and damages of $4,451.6 million. The remaining fatalities occurred in Sri Lanka (35,322), India (16,269), Thailand (8,212), Somalia (289), Maldives (108), Malaysia (75), Myanmar (61), Tanzania (13), Bangladesh (2), Seychelles (2), South Africa (2), Yemen (2), and Kenya (1). The total estimated material losses in the Indian Ocean region were $10 billion and insured losses were $2 billion.

Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004 (http://itic.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=1136&Itemid=1373)

02-11-23, 21:34
Russia was INVITED and asked to help by the legitimate rulers of Syria…

Our having troops there is a violation of international law AND the sovereignty of Syria.

… asked us to GTFO and leave them alone.

When did wanting to stay out of endless foreign wars become “dictators are legitimate rulers”? I think we should avoid regime change wars as much as possible, and still call dictators illegitimate rulers.

Syria is mostly ungoverned. ISIS is our enemy. If the government of Syria can’t put them down it’s entirely legitimate for us to go wherever they are and fight them.

We also tried the GTFO and leave them alone thing in Afghanistan after we helped them defeat the USSR. That plan didn’t work out so well on 9/11.

02-12-23, 01:19
Not my problem.

02-12-23, 03:45
Just because you are at odds with the gov't does not mean you ignore the people. Having experienced this when stationed at Clark AB (7.7 magnitude) the damage is unreal. Thankfully we did not have as near as many dead. Countries like this simply do not have the same resources and or experienced rescuers to go in to confined spaces like that or to shore up slabs to continue rescuer efforts.

I agree. Thank God the ROK’s (among others) sent troops to help them.

B Cart
02-13-23, 15:36
Now well past 20k dead. This may be a record setter in our life time.

The 2010 Haiti earthquake killed over 200,000 people...

02-13-23, 17:13
Now approx 30k, no doubt will climb, but nothing like the numbers others posted on other natural disasters.

02-13-23, 19:36
No. They were sanctioned due to the 'Assad must go' regime change BS we attempted.

Russia was INVITED and asked to help by the legitimate rulers of Syria and promptly stepped in and put a hard stop to that shit. :)

Our having troops there is a violation of international law AND the sovereignty of Syria. Aside of Syria never asking for our 'assistance' there with their civil war they have repeatedly asked us to GTFO and leave them alone.
So to be clear,

Are you saying that it is unlawful to perform military actions in a sovereign nation without the express invitation of that head of state? Even if you believe your enemies are there, or that your own citizens are threatened? Even if there is a civil war, revolution, or other unrest?

I’m just checking, to see if we might be on the same page.

The Dumb Gun Collector
02-13-23, 19:58
Are you saying that it is unlawful to perform military actions in a sovereign nation without the express invitation of that head of state? Even if you believe your enemies are there, or that your own citizens are threatened? Even if there is a civil war, revolution, or other unrest?



02-14-23, 21:09
So to be clear,

Are you saying that it is unlawful to perform military actions in a sovereign nation without the express invitation of that head of state? Even if you believe your enemies are there, or that your own citizens are threatened? Even if there is a civil war, revolution, or other unrest?

I’m just checking, to see if we might be on the same page.

Not if you declare / invoke United Nations Article 51.

Russia did that...

We have used that one a bunch.

If it is good for the goose - it is good for the gander. :)