View Full Version : FAA declares 'National Defense Airspace' over Lake Michigan

02-12-23, 12:41

"The Federal Aviation Administration has declared a "national defense airspace" over part of Lake Michigan, the organization announced Sunday."

"The FAA has not clarified why it has banned civilian air traffic from the area. The FAA last established a national defense airspace over Montana this weekend in reaction to an unidentified flying object."

02-12-23, 12:48
Assuming these are all true, which I seriously doubt, this is the shit that happens when you have a weak, compromised usurper in office.

john armond
02-12-23, 12:50
This is happening more frequently…for the greater good…I am sure.

02-12-23, 12:50
This happened, and restriction has been lifted.

02-12-23, 13:02

"The Federal Aviation Administration has abruptly canceled a "national defense airspace" over part of Lake Michigan, the organization announced Sunday.

The FAA says it closed down the area to allow the U.S. military to examine a "potential contact" that was soon determined to not be a threat. The FAA last established a national defense airspace over Montana this weekend in reaction to an unidentified flying object."

02-12-23, 15:38

The U.S. military on Sunday shot down another unidentified flying object over Lake Huron in Michigan.

Rep. Jack Bergman confirmed that the U.S. military has "decommissioned another "object" over Lake Huron.

Rep. Jack Bergman
I’ve been in contact with DOD regarding operations across the Great Lakes region today.

The US military has decommissioned another “object” over Lake Huron.

I appreciate the decisive action by our fighter pilots.

The American people deserve far more answers than we have.

john armond
02-12-23, 15:47
Now china is now saying their airspace is being invaded also..:laugh::laugh:



02-12-23, 16:08
Now china is now saying their airspace is being invaded also..:laugh::laugh:



I imagine the phone calls between Joey and Xi sounds very similar to the ones between President Merkin Muffley and Premier Dimitri Kissov.

02-12-23, 17:21
From NYT just now:

The incursions seemed to become so common that Biden administration officials have found themselves issuing private assurances that there is no evidence that they involve extraterrestrial activity. But officials also acknowledge privately that the longer they are unable to provide a public explanation for the provenance of the objects, the more speculation grows.


02-12-23, 19:19
From NYT just now:

The incursions seemed to become so common that Biden administration officials have found themselves issuing private assurances that there is no evidence that they involve extraterrestrial activity. But officials also acknowledge privately that the longer they are unable to provide a public explanation for the provenance of the objects, the more speculation grows.


I highly doubt that if there were indeed extraterrestrial craft that existed and they were here that we would be able to down them with anything we have at our disposal.

02-12-23, 19:47
I highly doubt that if there were indeed extraterrestrial craft that existed and they were here that we would be able to down them with anything we have at our disposal.

Who knows? Human beings, the dominate species on Earth, are routinely killed by living organisms that don't even have brains.

02-12-23, 20:04
Its a sign to leave Ukraine. The aliens are warning us. Sarcasm

02-12-23, 20:16
So the Pentagon has no idea what they’re shooting at? That’s comforting.

02-12-23, 21:02
Something tells me that a Roadrunner and Coyote were somehow involved.

02-13-23, 09:53
I highly doubt that if there were indeed extraterrestrial craft that existed and they were here that we would be able to down them with anything we have at our disposal.

Suppose the aliens have no knowledge of or experience with killing and war and do not expect or comprehend it to be a danger.

02-13-23, 10:26
Suppose the aliens have no knowledge of or experience with killing and war and do not expect or comprehend it to be a danger.

We send unmanned probes to places that are too dangerous or impossible to visit in person. I have to think intelligent aliens would be hip to that concept. They might not even care if we wreck their junk, like we throw a stuffed animal to a dog and watch it tear it to sheds laughing.

02-13-23, 12:08
Suppose the aliens have no knowledge of or experience with killing and war and do not expect or comprehend it to be a danger.

Highly doubtful if they have been observing us for any amount of time or have access to any of our history which is readily available by pretty much anyone. Thinking "Yes, there are superior intelligent et beings among us from the outer reaches of the galaxy that are way ahead of us technologically" but also thinking "they might not know better" are complete opposites.

02-13-23, 14:42
My take on this. From what I have gleaned DOD was aware of the balloon when it was over the Aleutians and were tracking it. They may or may not been aware of ownership or where it came from. After it was sighted by a civilian and reported to the media they had to acknowledge it. After it went across the country the shoot it down cries got so loud they had to. If it hadn't been sighted I doubt it would have been shot down. They were using the old out of sight out of mind ploy.
As for the others I could say the same, they were being proactive (I hate that word) less one be spotted again.
I have the Flightradar24 tracking app on my phone and often track aircraft I see passing over. One day I see a balloon icon at 50,000 feet and then another. The ID Loon was unfamiliar but a bit of searching revealed they were launched by Google.


The second link should make you shiver, shades of Sky Net.


02-14-23, 08:43
What I find confusing but I didn’t Google it, why are Lion balloons still flying if Project Loon is now defunct. Who has them, who is operating/launching them, and what are they doing in the air now?

02-14-23, 19:21
There was one ballon. Chairman Biden was caught allowing it to fly over America. The rest is bullshit.

But hey atleast Orange bump stock ban man is gone

02-15-23, 05:14
wrong post... opps!~