View Full Version : Michigan State University active shooter

02-13-23, 20:31
My kid's a freshman there, told him to get behind concrete/block walls and stay away from windows.


Conflicting casualty reports, Twitter and scanner are full of conflicting info right now.

02-13-23, 20:40
Police report 3 dead 5 wounded.

“Another shooting has been reported at IM East. Officials are responding to the situation and say multiple are reported injured.”


02-13-23, 22:58
Shooter just killed himself according to scanner

02-14-23, 05:17
Black perp nothing to see here, move along, move along.

john armond
02-14-23, 05:31
Black perp nothing to see here, move along, move along.

43 YOA

02-14-23, 05:32
One less democrat.

02-14-23, 09:57
Great now the scumocrat legislator's and governor will have all their gun ban plans ready and use this as an excuse.

Shooter is probably an FBI coached mental case.

02-14-23, 10:18
Great now the scumocrat legislator's and governor will have all their gun ban plans ready and use this as an excuse.

Shooter is probably an FBI coached mental case.

That is “exactly” why it happened. You don’t think Whitler and he communists were going to sit back and let your State be free do you? She has big plans for herself and needs to be a player with the other communists.

Do you really still think all of these are just random occurrences?

02-14-23, 10:26
Shooter isn't the right color for them to get away with a lot of this malarkey.

02-14-23, 11:10
Shooter isn't the right color for them to get away with a lot of this malarkey.

Let’s watch and see, I’ve been wrong before.

02-14-23, 14:56
I have a niece there, scared to death I'm sure and her parents were able to get her home today.
More fuel for her anti-gun family
Oh well, I gave up trying to have a relationship with my in-laws years ago
Guy was 43 years old and appears to have had plans to go back to NJ and shoot up his middle and high schools. Nothing like waiting 25 years to get revenge on your bully.

02-14-23, 15:04
I have a niece there, scared to death I'm sure and her parents were able to get her home today.
More fuel for her anti-gun family
Oh well, I gave up trying to have a relationship with my in-laws years ago
Guy was 43 years old and appears to have had plans to go back to NJ and shoot up his middle and high schools. Nothing like waiting 25 years to get revenge on your bully.

Biden has already started up the anti-gun rhetoric. Ban guns because they are killing people... but fentanyl has killed how many people???... but no mention, no rhetoric and no plans about that issue.... these a@@bandits don't care about people, just their agenda.

02-14-23, 21:35
That is “exactly” why it happened. You don’t think Whitler and he communists were going to sit back and let your State be free do you? She has big plans for herself and needs to be a player with the other communists.

Do you really still think all of these are just random occurrences?

I never thought they were random, if you pay attention it appears most are preplanned.

I didn't vote for the cunt, but the other useless split tail that the idiot voters picked to run against her was no better.

Whitless was useless in her previous legislative position, so I knew she would be useless ad governor. I refer to her as Granholm 2.0. That was the last useless female Canadian governor we had, if you don't recognize the name.

The guy I voted for in the primary came in last place.

02-14-23, 22:03
Not too big on their wish here because the ideology that could have resulted in him being imprisoned is the same ideology that created the victim pool.


02-14-23, 23:09
Not held accountable the first time, it's not the gun, it's the DA.

02-15-23, 01:36
Not held accountable the first time, it's not the gun, it's the DA.

This is becoming an all too familiar theme.

02-15-23, 01:41
Not too big on their wish here because the ideology that could have resulted in him being imprisoned is the same ideology that created the victim pool.


I haven't looked up the particulars of his initial arrest, but I find it hard to get behind charging anyone with a loaded firearm in a vehicle. Which is what he was charged with.

02-15-23, 05:50
I haven't looked up the particulars of his initial arrest, but I find it hard to get behind charging anyone with a loaded firearm in a vehicle. Which is what he was charged with.

According to the article:

"The shooter, Anthony McRae, was arrested in 2019 and charged with “carrying a concealed pistol without a concealed carry permit.” This is a felony that carries a potential five-year prison sentence and would have prevented McRae from being permitted to own a firearm once his sentence was up. Instead, he pleaded down to possession of a loaded firearm in a vehicle, which is a misdemeanor. Prosecutors dismissed the felony charge, and he served just 18 months probation instead. Also, and most importantly, he remained eligible to purchase and own guns."

02-15-23, 06:21
Ok, so without more details it looks like the old case was carrying in a vehicle without a permit. Not something I think should be illegal in the first place. I don't think that is a smoking gun that he was a "bad guy" that "got away with it" due to light prosecution.

His latest crime is terrible. No doubt about it. If there were signs this was coming and it was ignored that's bad. But hyper criminalizing minor violations is not something I can get behind.

Now maybe there is more to the story in the old case. But if he just got caught with a gun in a car, and there ain't any more, then ... that's a nothing burger.

02-15-23, 07:49
According to the article:

"The shooter, Anthony McRae, was arrested in 2019 and charged with “carrying a concealed pistol without a concealed carry permit.” This is a felony that carries a potential five-year prison sentence and would have prevented McRae from being permitted to own a firearm once his sentence was up. Instead, he pleaded down to possession of a loaded firearm in a vehicle, which is a misdemeanor. Prosecutors dismissed the felony charge, and he served just 18 months probation instead. Also, and most importantly, he remained eligible to purchase and own guns."


02-15-23, 09:56
Biden has already started up the anti-gun rhetoric. Ban guns because they are killing people... but fentanyl has killed how many people???... but no mention, no rhetoric and no plans about that issue.... these a@@bandits don't care about people, just their agenda.

And, my purchase or trade with another member of a local firearms site does not result in 10% for the "Big Guy." Allowing a huge influx of unknown people and their cargo is another matter.

02-15-23, 18:54
According to the article:

"The shooter, Anthony McRae, was arrested in 2019 and charged with “carrying a concealed pistol without a concealed carry permit.” This is a felony that carries a potential five-year prison sentence and would have prevented McRae from being permitted to own a firearm once his sentence was up. Instead, he pleaded down to possession of a loaded firearm in a vehicle, which is a misdemeanor. Prosecutors dismissed the felony charge, and he served just 18 months probation instead. Also, and most importantly, he remained eligible to purchase and own guns."

Police were also called to his house at least once last year as neighbors reported that they believed he was target practicing out his back door.
I'll try to look up the reference as it included other police calls IIRC
Here's the link https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2023/02/14/msu-shooter-had-felony-gun-charge-dismissed-by-progressive-da-was-known-to-police-n703554

02-15-23, 19:10
Police were also called to his house at least once last year as neighbors reported that they believed he was target practicing out his back door.
I'll try to look up the reference as it included other police calls IIRC
Here's the link https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2023/02/14/msu-shooter-had-felony-gun-charge-dismissed-by-progressive-da-was-known-to-police-n703554

That looks to be about it.


Not sure what the calls over target practice amount to if anything. The thing they keep going back to is limiting access to firearms which is exactly what made his killing spree work well.

02-15-23, 20:11
Ok, so without more details it looks like the old case was carrying in a vehicle without a permit. Not something I think should be illegal in the first place. I don't think that is a smoking gun that he was a "bad guy" that "got away with it" due to light prosecution.

His latest crime is terrible. No doubt about it. If there were signs this was coming and it was ignored that's bad. But hyper criminalizing minor violations is not something I can get behind.

Now maybe there is more to the story in the old case. But if he just got caught with a gun in a car, and there ain't any more, then ... that's a nothing burger.It has been illegal here to have a gun that is accessible in a vehicle without a permit since before my half century on this planet.

Do I agree with it, nope but the law is the law.

If that felony is overlooked or swept under the carpet, so should any other felony.

Change the law (which has been attempted many times in this state, I've testified before the state house twice to get that law removed and it went nowhere.) if you don't like it, if you break the law you should be punished.

If it is that bad, he didn't have to live here, he could have went back to NJ where I'm betting its illegal to have a gun in a vehicle without a permit.

Why have laws if they are not followed?

02-15-23, 20:56
The problem is repeat offenders are shown leniency not offered to first time offenders. Why do we allow the courts to favor the law breakers? It's about revenue. A repeat ghetto thug gets a public defender and pleads down. A Joe Citizen hires a reputable attorney and takes it to trial.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

02-15-23, 22:41
Anyone knowWhat weapons did this asshat use? They are stirring up the assault weapon bs but I haven’t heard if he used a rifle or not.

02-15-23, 23:22
Anyone knowWhat weapons did this asshat use? They are stirring up the assault weapon bs but I haven’t heard if he used a rifle or not.
I've seen nothing that indicates he used a rifle
Video still shows a pistol

02-16-23, 05:38
It has been illegal here to have a gun that is accessible in a vehicle without a permit since before my half century on this planet.

Do I agree with it, nope but the law is the law.

If that felony is overlooked or swept under the carpet, so should any other felony.

Change the law (which has been attempted many times in this state, I've testified before the state house twice to get that law removed and it went nowhere.) if you don't like it, if you break the law you should be punished.

If it is that bad, he didn't have to live here, he could have went back to NJ where I'm betting its illegal to have a gun in a vehicle without a permit.

Why have laws if they are not followed?

It starts out when certain segments of society are exempted from the law.

02-16-23, 05:46
Anyone knowWhat weapons did this asshat use? They are stirring up the assault weapon bs but I haven’t heard if he used a rifle or not.

From the pic I saw, possibly ruger american?? And some kinda hi point.

02-16-23, 11:49
It starts out when certain segments of society are exempted from the law.Which is a shame that is even allowed to happen.

02-16-23, 11:59
Which is a shame that is even allowed to happen.

That goes back a ways, probably to day one. Special classes either exempted in the statute itself or effectively exempted by courtesy and/or connections.