View Full Version : A 60 from the Tennessee National Guard went down in Northern Alabama.

02-15-23, 20:15
No survivors. (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/no-survivors-in-black-hawk-helicopter-crash-near-alabama-highway-officials-say/ar-AA17xvGJ?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=f19a44fb7d884bd59d39c6140df1d34d)


02-15-23, 20:49
Ugh, this sucks. I wish OH58D was still around. This crew sounds like they were in and out of the clouds based off weather in the area. There’s not a lot of IFR rated pilots in the civilian world, well, rated and proficient anyways. I would hope this crew was much more capable but most helo pilots don’t go looking for clouds to fly in. Widespread overcast in the area with ceilings as low as 700 ft and as high as a few thousand as a system moved through.

Here’s the air traffic control radio and time points of the comms with the accident aircraft.

09:16 acft asks for vectors to the ILS 18L at KHSV
12:52 ATC issues turn to 360 for the ILS; acft acknowledges
13:51 ATC corrects to heading 350 for winds; ; acft acknowledges
14:30 ATC descends them to 4000; ; acft acknowledges
28:20 ATC issues turn to 270; acft acknowledges
29:20 ATC asks to verify level at 3000'. Audible altitude alarm in background
29:30 ATC reports radar contact lost, 12nm N of KHSV
29:45 ATC calls; no response
29:53 ATC calls and directs ident, left turn 215 to join localizer
30:25 ATC calls; no response

02-15-23, 21:53
Damn. R.I.P. Guardsmen.

02-15-23, 23:39
2 soldiers were killed in the crash.


02-15-23, 23:40
What happened to OH58D?


02-15-23, 23:46
Damn. Just damn.

02-16-23, 00:10
Mechanical Error has to be a very scary thing.

02-16-23, 12:43
Door camera video of crash. Right side of screen above lil dead tree.


02-16-23, 12:46
Didn't look like much autorotation going on there. ****, RIP to those on board. Thanks for your service

02-16-23, 14:21
Video has the engine screaming so likely transmission or blade issue. Sad to say but only good news is only two on board, god bless.