View Full Version : China's Global Mega-Projects are Falling Apart

02-16-23, 01:55
"...China’s lending practices have been criticized by foreign leaders, economists and others, who say the program has contributed to debt crises in places like Sri Lanka and Zambia, and that many countries have limited ways to repay the loans. Some projects have also been called mismatches for a country’s infrastructure needs or damaging to the environment.
Now, low-quality construction on some of the projects risks crippling key infrastructure and saddling nations with even more costs for years to come as they try to remedy problems.

'We are suffering today because of the bad quality of equipment and parts' in Chinese-built projects, said René Ortiz, Ecuador’s former energy minister and ex-secretary general of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries."


02-16-23, 02:50
Too much made in China has not been a good thing for the world.

02-16-23, 15:04
They wanted a product but also wanted to save money and knew the risk not setting strict QA standards focusing more on saving money...they got burned for it.

02-16-23, 22:25
Fornicate China !

02-17-23, 07:44
Here I thought this was going to be about the mega cities they built 20 years ago were just falling down like domino's finally.

Guess they're still in the crumbling phase or uninhabitable.

02-17-23, 11:01
I’m extremely happy China is failing and they have finally gained the reputation they deserve of producing absolute garbage, and doing their best to screw everyone they do business with.

F them. I can’t wait for domestic manufacturing to kick back up. Honestly after covid it’s already happening.

Lastly I’d love the USA to tell China to get bent as far as our debts go, and then nationalize everything they own in the USA. Especially the farm land they’ve bought up. Put it all up for public auction. Dreams I know, but at least they are failing.

02-17-23, 11:59
I’m extremely happy China is failing and they have finally gained the reputation they deserve of producing absolute garbage, and doing their best to screw everyone they do business with.

F them. I can’t wait for domestic manufacturing to kick back up. Honestly after covid it’s already happening.

Lastly I’d love the USA to tell China to get bent as far as our debts go, and then nationalize everything they own in the USA. Especially the farm land they’ve bought up. Put it all up for public auction. Dreams I know, but at least they are failing.

Completely agree ! However, almost every damn consumer item is made by the chicoms. Move manufacturing to Vietnam, Thailand, South America, USA, Japan,India, Korea; ANYWHERE but phucking red china. There will be shortages, and price increases, but well worth the inconvenience until a steady state is reached. And, I'm sure the quality of almost all products will improve !

02-17-23, 12:16
Completely agree ! However, almost every damn consumer item is made by the chicoms. Move manufacturing to Vietnam, Thailand, South America, USA, Japan,India, Korea; ANYWHERE but phucking red china. There will be shortages, and price increases, but well worth the inconvenience until a steady state is reached. And, I'm sure the quality of almost all products will improve !

Idiot consumers just want to consume shit that's cheap. So where manufacturing is going to move will be India and Africa...You know, places where it's cheaper to build shit than China.

But get ready, though, 'cause "Made in India" makes "Made in China" look like "Made in Germany".

Yay capitalism!

02-17-23, 20:12
I’m extremely happy China is failing and they have finally gained the reputation they deserve of producing absolute garbage, and doing their best to screw everyone they do business with.

F them. I can’t wait for domestic manufacturing to kick back up. Honestly after covid it’s already happening.

Lastly I’d love the USA to tell China to get bent as far as our debts go, and then nationalize everything they own in the USA. Especially the farm land they’ve bought up. Put it all up for public auction. Dreams I know, but at least they are failing.

Yep! China can FOAD, all of them. They are a xenophobic culture and look down their noses at us in the West, and that's not even factoring in the commie aspect of it which only makes my despising them worse. Sure, there may be a few who don't feel that way but the overwhelming majority can suck it. Other than our own illegitimate government, China is the greatest enemy of the United States.

02-18-23, 02:04
More profit is what lead American manufacturing to China.