View Full Version : Jimmy Carter receiving hospice care, Carter Center says

02-18-23, 17:19
Former President Jimmy Carter is receiving hospice care at his home, the Carter Center announced Saturday. He made the decision after a series of short hospital stays, the center said in a statement.

The charity created by the 98-year-old former president said that Carter "decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention."


Usually the beginning of the end...

02-18-23, 17:43
He lived long enough that he can now go to his grave comfortable in the knowledge he wasn't the shittiest president ever.

02-18-23, 17:55
He lived long enough that he can now go to his grave comfortable in the knowledge he wasn't the shittiest president ever.

Great man but not a great president, my prayers for the Carter family during this difficult time.

02-18-23, 18:23
He lived long enough that he can now go to his grave comfortable in the knowledge he wasn't the shittiest president ever.

Hussein number ONE. Biden number TWO. And Carter a comfortable THREE.

02-18-23, 18:24
When I got to Germany, I was stationed in Schwienfrt FRG. We were so close to the border that overflights from the Commies happened quiet often when I first got there. Our Defense budget had gutted our readiness. We might have had 7 out of 14 tanks ready to fight, some were literally up on blocks.
I don't think he was a bad or immoral Man, I believe he thought he was doing the best he could and the best for America.
He, (not unlike the guy we have in there now) was simply delusional and that made him dangerous.

Regan came in, we got a raise and suddenly we were being treated better and all our vehicles suddenly got parts and new gear.
Oh, also, all of those overflights suddenly stopped also.

02-18-23, 18:41
Great man .

Seems unlikely that is true considering he was in the white house without being part of a tour group.

02-18-23, 18:56
When I got to Germany, I was stationed in Schwienfrt FRG. We were so close to the border that overflights from the Commies happened quiet often when I first got there. Our Defense budget had gutted our readiness. We might have had 7 out of 14 tanks ready to fight, some were literally up on blocks.
I don't think he was a bad or immoral Man, I believe he thought he was doing the best he could and the best for America.
He, (not unlike the guy we have in there now) was simply delusional and that made him dangerous.

Regan came in, we got a raise and suddenly we were being treated better and all our vehicles suddenly got parts and new gear.
Oh, also, all of those overflights suddenly stopped also.

My father was active duty USMC then and would go out for multi week field exercises with no practice ammunition. And then spend extra days in the field because their transportation was broke down and/or short of fuel. My father had nothing kind to say about the peanut farmer. But, kind thoughts and prayers to that man and his family for what they are going through now.

02-18-23, 19:07
As complicated as it was it took some balls to authorize Operation Eagle Claw. I give him credit for trying.

02-18-23, 20:02
POS, but death comes to us all...

I never bought the "good man" argument after all the damage to the country.

02-18-23, 20:06
Served under both Carter and later Reagan.
Wasn't particular political at the time but it was hard not to notice improvements in gear, across the board, when President Reagan took office. I was at that time assigned to D. Company (Casket Platoon) 3rd. US Infantry Regiment "The Old Guard."
Regardless of how I/we may feel about Mr. Carter he's going to get a Grand funeral when his time comes (if he wants the full honor state funeral treatment).
I'd imagine the Honor Guard units down there (MDW) are already preparing.
It's going to be a big deal.

02-18-23, 20:52
At least he walked the walk after his presidency, unlike other Democrats. You don't see Clinton or Obama getting their hands dirty building houses. I adamantly disagree with his policies and politics as President, but I can't fault the guy in his retirement.

02-18-23, 21:25
Great man but not a great president, my prayers for the Carter family during this difficult time.

Good man, true to himself, Navy officer, terrible president.


02-18-23, 23:18
He called obama a "black boy". I miss the times when democrats werent afraid to show their true colors.
Carter had a good run no doubt about that.

02-19-23, 07:22
Good man, true to himself, Navy officer, terrible president.


I agree, he was a terrible president, because he was inept. I don't believe he had any ill intent, just thought he was doing the "right thing" which turned out badly because it wasn't thought through. The current 1600resident isn't inept; the parts of his administration's actions are too coordinated and work efficiently to "their" ends to use any word other than "subversive."

02-19-23, 07:51
He is a piece of $%!t.

His naive view of the world messed up a lot of things that we are still paying the price for.

He can't die fast enough.

02-19-23, 08:18
His naive view of the world messed up a lot of things that we are still paying the price for.

The interesting thing to me was that he had a complete misunderstanding about how to prevent a nuclear war.
At that point in history we needed to strengthen our land and sea forces to overwhelm them with conventional forces.
When you have no conventional forces nuclear is your only option and clearly Carter wouldn't have used it.

02-19-23, 09:22
All I recall from the Carter years other than the Iran crisis, were gas lines and 13-14% mortgage interest rates. He's 94 going to hospice, my initial thought, less tax payer dollars wasted on SS protection. To canonize anyone, regardless of their actions during their lifetime, just because they are dying is absurd. An example, xi ping Winnie the Pooh, is dying, oh no thoughts and prayers, or geez, soros just diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, one month to live, boohoo...No, phuck no. Thirty thousand dead in earthquake...what? Give me my double latte now. No one cares unless its personal.

02-19-23, 09:43
All I recall from the Carter years other than the Iran crisis, were gas lines and 13-14% mortgage interest rates. He's 94 going to hospice, my initial thought, less tax payer dollars wasted on SS protection. To canonize anyone, regardless of their actions during their lifetime, just because they are dying is absurd. An example, xi ping Winnie the Pooh, is dying, oh no thoughts and prayers, or geez, soros just diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, one month to live, boohoo...No, phuck no. Thirty thousand dead in earthquake...what? Give me my double latte now. No one cares unless its personal.

Harsh, but true.

02-19-23, 10:06
The disaster at Desert One (Eagle Claw) dealt a body blow to his re-election chances. Reagan was seen as a no-nonsense guy who would deal firmly with Iran.

02-19-23, 10:08
I think he's one of those well-meaning Aunt Nellie types who lives in a dream world where the lions should lie with the lambs and sing Kumbaya, instead of the kill or be killed cesspit we really inhabit. Not saying we shouldn't aspire to Kumbaya, but there will always be folks who need beaten severely about the head and shoulders to join the campfire. Our leaders need to live in the real world.

02-19-23, 17:53
Prayers for President Carter and his family during this difficult time.

02-19-23, 18:53
I personally think Carter is a morally good man, but as POTUS he sucked and was an international pussy (like Biden is seen now). I wish him no ill, but he was a shit-show as an occupant of the White House. Nonetheless, hope he finds peace.