View Full Version : Michigan GOP commits suicide

02-20-23, 16:08
The Michigan Republican Party just had its annual meeting and chose a new chairman. They chose poorly. Really, really, really poorly. One of the most prominent 2020 election fraud claimants, who also ran for Secretary of State and failed in '22, has won. She has no political experience prior to 2020 and doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of unifying the state party or gaining cash contributions that the GOP now desperately needs. Oh, and the runner-up was another '22 failed candidate and '20 election fraud claimant, who has about as much baggage.

Left-leaning semi-mainstream version:


Right-leaning editorial version:


I strongly suspect there was election fraud in Michigan both in 2018 and 2020, but it has not been proven in court and, of course, most or all of the court cases claiming it have been dismissed. New GOP chairman and runner-up are both dead-enders from the whole 2020 debacle. They also failed to place seriously in the '22 election, when any half-decent candidate should have won. We had a much more reasonable Republican candidate for governor in '22. While she didn't win, she came extremely close. Not -14% like the new GOP chairman.

I can't see any future for the Republican party in Michigan with these people heading it up. I'll be watching for some kind of fracture or split-off party in the near future.

I love this state, but with its recent capture by Democrats and now, post Nov '22, one-party rule, I'm seriously looking at changing my residency.

02-20-23, 17:13
Michigan is a pretty state. I've spent my whole life here and most of family is still here and watch what the GOP has done is making me want to move. This is the swamp Trump talked about and it is getting no better. His endorsement, IMO, doomed our runner up. She was an idiot, almost as bad as big Gretch.

I wish there was a way to recover but every 2-4 years we'll see some big proposal. 22 was abortion, 18 was weed. That's how the dems keep winning, just make props that motivates the left to come out in force. The GOP either cannot or will not do that. Everything is teed up for them to trounce on the left, yet they fail to act. The GOP is the exact same as the NRA: scare you into giving us money.

I truly do not know what the solution is. I am running out of patience with my fellow Michiganders and their propensity to shoot themselves in the foot.

The Dumb Gun Collector
02-20-23, 17:21
The Democrats have been pretty bold in spending their own money to push stupid Republican candidates through the primary (typically the candidates willing to tell people what they want to hear, without concern for how it plays to the general electorate). Pennsylvania and I believe NH were good examples in the last cycle. Until we can wrest the party back from these hucksters we are going to keep getting our asses kicked.

02-20-23, 17:25
The GOP is the exact same as the NRA: scare you into giving us money.

100%. Applies to Michigan and nationally. The Michigan GOP got super soft, like blobs from Wall-E soft, for various reasons including successful gerrymandering. The proposal that was supposed to make redistricting "fair" has been inverted and is now successful pro-Dem gerrymandering. Just one of 99 problems we have here.

I truly do not know what the solution is. I am running out of patience with my fellow Michiganders and their propensity to shoot themselves in the foot.

A huge proportion of Michiganders, left and center, are just plain idiots. Also, a large number of the supposed "conservatives" are also idiots, just of a different variety. You'd have to be an idiot to vote for Karamo. All I can figure is that the wiser people from Michigan have either moved away or died of old age, and we're stuck with the inferior replacements.

The Great Lakes and water supply are unmatched, the beauty is terrific (outside SE Michigan), but politics and social degeneration is driving this state into the ground. We probably have some awful gun laws coming up soon with the red majority and the MSU mass shooting (perpetrated by a life-long leftist who was also black and a convicted criminal, but none of that matters to Dems).

Things are looking ugly. My plan of maybe someday retiring elsewhere, decades from now, got moved up in the last year to consider it in 5 years, and now I'm thinking the next 1-2 years might be time.

02-20-23, 18:13
it's hard once you go full stupid. There really isn't a GOP party here in CO anymore. Not sure the exact reasons- a huge influx of CA and others didn't help. Tancredo seems to have been the face of the party when it got creamed. CO has a lot of 'libertarians', which is just a polite way of saying 'A-holes that don't get along with others', and the Progressives shoved them out of the Dem party and stuck them in the GOP.

But yes, once you tilt over the crazy, it is hard to get real candidates to run, and it becomes a self-priming pump that just fills the swamp.

Hopefully the harsh winters will keep the homeless down, and maybe the UP can just skate by with out people noticing. Not like WI or MN are easy escapes...

02-20-23, 18:43
Hopefully the harsh winters will keep the homeless down, and maybe the UP can just skate by with out people noticing. Not like WI or MN are easy escapes...

Have you seen Marquette? Typical college town. The rest of the UP is reminiscent of down state. Pro union, anti police. It's weird.

There is something like a 20 million dollar tax payer funded investment into a ski jump. I am sure all the residents of Ironwood will see all of that money *full sarcatsaball*

02-20-23, 20:08
CO has a lot of 'libertarians', which is just a polite way of saying 'A-holes that don't get along with others', and the Progressives shoved them out of the Dem party and stuck them in the GOP.

Yeah, I don't recall too many old school libertarians advocating compromise and things like bipartisan antigun legislation.

02-20-23, 20:17
Maybe it's time to double down and back people who claim election fraud, because we all know there was some shady shit going on. If you want a mealy mouth compromiser who's going to uNiTE tHe pARtY go vote for Mitt Romney. We need fighters, we need people who will fight dirty, lie, cheat and steal if we want to have any chance of ever gaining ground against the radical left. We are never going to vote our way out of this. They want to play the mail in ballots game, we should bring truckloads instead of griping that it's unfair.

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02-20-23, 22:25
I think we are WAY past the point of VOTING our way out of this !

02-20-23, 23:39
Yeah, I don't recall too many old school libertarians advocating compromise and things like bipartisan antigun legislation.

That’s kind of my point, is that there aren’t really that many old-school libertarians. You mainly have antisocial potheads who don’t like laws that call themselves libertarians.

Maybe it's time to double down and back people who claim election fraud, because we all know there was some shady shit going on. If you want a mealy mouth compromiser who's going to uNiTE tHe pARtY go vote for Mitt Romney. We need fighters, we need people who will fight dirty, lie, cheat and steal if we want to have any chance of ever gaining ground against the radical left. We are never going to vote our way out of this. They want to play the mail in ballots game, we should bring truckloads instead of griping that it's unfair.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

The problem with the “stolen“ election narrative is that that is a high burden to clear to prove. And the Democrats don’t do anything that is blatantly, illegal, and easy to prove. Look at all the stuff with the CIA and FBI and department of justice against Trump. All of it nasty as crap but not on its face illegal the same thing with the election you have the courts going against the laws, you’re the press against the GOP, and you had, the tech company is coordinating with the progressives in the government. All of that is hard to nail down in a specific federal or state statute is that it was outright stolen, it’s that the system is rigged, but that is too complex and nuanced of a message.

It seems to me that Colorado was lost to the GOP over immigration. The GOP couldn’t effectively communicate the difference between being anti-illegal immigration and anti-Hispanic maybe it was just too soon. That distinction seems to be more understood and messaged better now that it was 15 years ago.

02-21-23, 00:20
Don’t none of you bastards come south either. Y’all did that 150ish years ago.

Seriously I feel for you. I don’t know that I could leave my state because you the home. Maybe it’s time to vote libertarian?

02-21-23, 01:19
Imagine mature, grown, adult men looking to be "led" by a woman. :haha:

02-21-23, 03:08
That’s kind of my point, is that there aren’t really that many old-school libertarians. You mainly have antisocial potheads who don’t like laws that call themselves libertarians.

GOP supporters have by and large always hated libertarian ideas due to not compromising and wanting a reduction in laws and no exemptions for special castes. Sure do talk like libertarians when wanting support though.

02-21-23, 03:42
The problem with the “stolen“ election narrative is that that is a high burden to clear to prove. And the Democrats don’t do anything that is blatantly, illegal, and easy to prove. Look at all the stuff with the CIA and FBI and department of justice against Trump. All of it nasty as crap but not on its face illegal the same thing with the election you have the courts going against the laws, you’re the press against the GOP, and you had, the tech company is coordinating with the progressives in the government. All of that is hard to nail down in a specific federal or state statute is that it was outright stolen, it’s that the system is rigged, but that is too complex and nuanced of a message.

Yes....that's exactly why they do it that way. If you don't want to get caught, you don't do things blatantly and leave evidence. This was a heist, not a smash and grab and it's clear it's the way business has been done for years. The solution is to cheat more than they do, not try to find more palatable mealy mouth candidates. The GOP doesn't have the guts to do what it takes to win. Maybe it's time to realize the GOP doesn't want to win. They want to fundraise, and it really doesn't matter to them if they're on the 49% or 51% side of the musical chairs game this round. It's the masses who need to wake up and quit voting for the most palatable offering and start thinking about how else to play the game.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

02-21-23, 07:03
The Michigan Republican Party just had its annual meeting and chose a new chairman. They chose poorly. Really, really, really poorly. One of the most prominent 2020 election fraud claimants, who also ran for Secretary of State and failed in '22, has won. She has no political experience prior to 2020 and doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of unifying the state party or gaining cash contributions that the GOP now desperately needs. Oh, and the runner-up was another '22 failed candidate and '20 election fraud claimant, who has about as much baggage.

Left-leaning semi-mainstream version:


Right-leaning editorial version:


I strongly suspect there was election fraud in Michigan both in 2018 and 2020, but it has not been proven in court and, of course, most or all of the court cases claiming it have been dismissed. New GOP chairman and runner-up are both dead-enders from the whole 2020 debacle. They also failed to place seriously in the '22 election, when any half-decent candidate should have won. We had a much more reasonable Republican candidate for governor in '22. While she didn't win, she came extremely close. Not -14% like the new GOP chairman.

I can't see any future for the Republican party in Michigan with these people heading it up. I'll be watching for some kind of fracture or split-off party in the near future.

I love this state, but with its recent capture by Democrats and now, post Nov '22, one-party rule, I'm seriously looking at changing my residency.

I bet if I go back and search for posts around 2016 I could confirm you're a "principled" never Trumper. Or is it because she is black, or a woman?

Certainly would be hard for her to do worse than your state has already done. You can spare me the "mainstream" takes. They're all unprinicpled liars with an agenda to push. Exactly what changes did you get out of your Red majority? What did they do to stop the hag and her lockdowns? Oh wait, they did nothing.

02-21-23, 09:10
I bet if I go back and search for posts around 2016 I could confirm you're a "principled" never Trumper. Or is it because she is black, or a woman?

Your personal attack is BS. But go search my posts and see what you find. I voted for Trump in both '16 and '20. Not because I loved him, thought he was great, or believed in him. But because the D alternative was so outrageously bad it wasn't much of a choice.

02-21-23, 11:17
The dip shit that was the libertarian candidate for Vice President last election said something to the effect of ILLEGAL aliens SHOULD BE ALLOWED to by guns in thus country.

That might not be word for word but it's close.

This is why I won't even consider voting for an L candidate and since they have NEVER received enough votes for the government to give them money, its why others laugh them off as not even worth considering.

As to Michigan, the primary choice last election was horrible and is why we lost to whitless. I know several people that didn't even vote because she was not worth voting for.

02-21-23, 11:29
Your personal attack is BS. But go search my posts and see what you find. I voted for Trump in both '16 and '20. Not because I loved him, thought he was great, or believed in him. But because the D alternative was so outrageously bad it wasn't much of a choice.

It isn't a personal attack and the situation is exactly as I suspected.

Your words: "They chose poorly. Really, really, really poorly." not mine.

02-21-23, 11:57
The dip shit that was the libertarian candidate for Vice President last election said something to the effect of ILLEGAL aliens SHOULD BE ALLOWED to by guns in thus country.

That might not be word for word but it's close.

This is why I won't even consider voting for an L candidate and since they have NEVER received enough votes for the government to give them money, its why others laugh them off as not even worth considering.
As to Michigan, the primary choice last election was horrible and is why we lost to whitless. I know several people that didn't even vote because she was not worth voting for.

Just a reminder, there's a difference between a "l", and a "L". The distinction may seem subtle, but it's important.

02-21-23, 14:27
Michigan is a pretty state. I've spent my whole life here and most of family is still here and watch what the GOP has done is making me want to move. This is the swamp Trump talked about and it is getting no better. His endorsement, IMO, doomed our runner up. She was an idiot, almost as bad as big Gretch.

I wish there was a way to recover but every 2-4 years we'll see some big proposal. 22 was abortion, 18 was weed. That's how the dems keep winning, just make props that motivates the left to come out in force. The GOP either cannot or will not do that. Everything is teed up for them to trounce on the left, yet they fail to act. The GOP is the exact same as the NRA: scare you into giving us money.

I truly do not know what the solution is. I am running out of patience with my fellow Michiganders and their propensity to shoot themselves in the foot.

You have to understand how the parties work to see the pattern: The Democrats are a radical subversive movement, the Republicans are simply a grift on an unprecedented scale using fear of the D's as a foil. "Give us more money and we'll get 'em next time," then that money is funneled to the Chamber of Cronyism, the Consultant Class and other camp-followers that make up the REAL constituents of the party. I say this as someone who's been part of the Political Machines on BOTH sides of the aisle.

02-21-23, 16:20
The dip shit that was the libertarian candidate for Vice President last election said something to the effect of ILLEGAL aliens SHOULD BE ALLOWED to by guns in thus country.

That might not be word for word but it's close.

This is why I won't even consider voting for an L candidate and since they have NEVER received enough votes for the government to give them money, its why others laugh them off as not even worth considering.

As to Michigan, the primary choice last election was horrible and is why we lost to whitless. I know several people that didn't even vote because she was not worth voting for.

As glocktogo pointed out there is a difference between "l" and "L". Or at least recently, I don't think that was always the case.

You did nail the not much support("l" or "L") part which is why any attempt to deflect blame away from "r"(and "r" working closely with "d") for anything over to "l" or "L" is so amusing.

02-21-23, 16:47
WTF does "there is a difference between I and L" mean?

02-21-23, 17:15
WTF does "there is a difference between I and L" mean?

lower case "L" = someone who believes in freedom as a highest priority, rather than values being imposed by government

upper case "L" = someone who adheres to the US Libertarian Party, which has gone totally nuts in several different ways and expresses views that many people think are simply impossible to make work in a functional society.

02-21-23, 17:38
You are right. The establishment GOP has been killing it for so many years we should just listen to them… No need to shake things up or try a different approach when the establishment has such a record of success.

02-21-23, 20:28
You are right. The establishment GOP has been killing it for so many years we should just listen to them… No need to shake things up or try a different approach when the establishment has such a record of success.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. Wouldn't it be just GREAT if MITTENS ran again? Oh Boy! The left are radicalized and will lie cheat and steal to gain power. We better be willing to go just as low or you may as well reserve your seat in the gulag in advance.

02-22-23, 10:05
It’s going to be insufferable to have to listen to those people when we end up in the camps.

02-22-23, 10:27
It’s going to be insufferable to have to listen to those people when we end up in the camps.

Far better a nice, clean, real estate deal.

02-22-23, 10:54
lower case "L" = someone who believes in freedom as a highest priority, rather than values being imposed by government

upper case "L" = someone who adheres to the US Libertarian Party, which has gone totally nuts in several different ways and expresses views that many people think are simply impossible to make work in a functional society.Thank you!

02-22-23, 11:08
lower case "L" = someone who believes in freedom as a highest priority, rather than values being imposed by government

From the beginning of civilization, tribes had values. Religion often codified a society’s values before governments got big enough to do it.

Wanting to be left alone in a community of like minded individuals is great idealistically.

It’s also abandoning the battlefield when your opponents are willing to use any power they get to force their values on you.