View Full Version : Woman killed by gator in my town

02-22-23, 17:52
In the town I have a house and spend the weakened and work at the museum. Rare a gator attacks people and she was 85, so who knows what happened:


02-22-23, 17:57
I saw that a couple days ago, what a way to check out.

02-22-23, 18:01
I saw that a couple days ago, what a way to check out.

It's a gated over 55 community so I don't know it, but not far from my place. I'm wondering if she didn't walk right up on it, or trip over or something. Gators I have seen could not get away from me fast enough. They don't normally want anything to do with people. They will eat your little fluffy dogs, and perhaps something with her dog took place as she was walking her dog at the time.

02-22-23, 20:06
I'll be sure to stay away from any ponds or lakes when I'm there next week.

That's not far from where we will be.

02-22-23, 20:39
It's a gated over 55 community so I don't know it, but not far from my place. I'm wondering if she didn't walk right up on it, or trip over or something. Gators I have seen could not get away from me fast enough. They don't normally want anything to do with people. They will eat your little fluffy dogs, and perhaps something with her dog took place as she was walking her dog at the time.

Forget the source, but the first article I read claimed she was trying to save the dog. Any idea if that was ruled out after looking further or just totally made up?

02-22-23, 21:00
It's a gated over 55 community so I don't know it, but not far from my place. I'm wondering if she didn't walk right up on it, or trip over or something. Gators I have seen could not get away from me fast enough. They don't normally want anything to do with people. They will eat your little fluffy dogs, and perhaps something with her dog took place as she was walking her dog at the time.

Bull Crap.

My mom send me a video of her tossing cookies over her fence and into the lake to one. That ****er was not in any way scared of her or trying to run away. If floated its ass right there until the cookies stopped coming and it felt like leaving.

02-22-23, 21:33
Lady walks dog, dog scares gator, gator scares dog.
Leash tangles around her legs and she goes down.
Bad way to go for sure.

02-23-23, 06:54
Forget the source, but the first article I read claimed she was trying to save the dog. Any idea if that was ruled out after looking further or just totally made up?

Not sure if they know that's what happened or suspect that's what happened, but either way it makes sense.

02-23-23, 07:02
Bull Crap.

My mom send me a video of her tossing cookies over her fence and into the lake to one. That ****er was not in any way scared of her or trying to run away. If floated its ass right there until the cookies stopped coming and it felt like leaving.

Do you think that might be because she’s feeding it??? Lol
I deal with this every year at our airport, clueless people feeding them and then getting scared and wanting me to do something when the gators start approaching them

Don’t feed the dinosaur killing machines

02-23-23, 07:25
Do you think that might be because she’s feeding it??? Lol
I deal with this every year at our airport, clueless people feeding them and then getting scared and wanting me to do something when the gators start approaching them

Don’t feed the dinosaur killing machines

Lots of morons in FL, some whom feed the gators.

02-23-23, 08:02
Lots of morons in FL, some whom feed the gators.

Lol I know

I’m in lake placid, friend lives on Josephine creek always gators around they stay away even when her kids are swimming….not only do they not feed them they catch the small ones tape their mouths shut and give them to their 8,9 and 11 year old boys to tease and torment, they never want to be around a human again after that lol

02-23-23, 08:06
She just became a legend in her family, she will be remembered and talked about for generations!

02-23-23, 08:33
Lol I know

I’m in lake placid, friend lives on Josephine creek always gators around they stay away even when her kids are swimming….not only do they not feed them they catch the small ones tape their mouths shut and give them to their 8,9 and 11 year old boys to tease and torment, they never want to be around a human again after that lol

I think like many animals, gators are smarter than previously realized/appreciated.

02-23-23, 09:10
Don't they have a brain the size of a walnut? That ain't many neurons to rub together.

02-23-23, 09:21
Don't they have a brain the size of a walnut? That ain't many neurons to rub together.

I’ve got a friend—it isn’t me—and he is always preaching about how it’s not the size that matters but what you do with it. He is adamant about that. But it isn’t me. Promise.

02-23-23, 09:22
I won't bother to quote the majority here that nothing about hunting alligators. I have lived with gators all of my life. Probably within 100 feet of one as we speak. If you gave me ten minutes to catch one I would take in old women using a small dog as bait walking at the edge of any water body. The majority of injuries could be avoided people from up north didn't think they know everything!!

02-23-23, 10:02
Bull Crap.

My mom send me a video of her tossing cookies over her fence and into the lake to one. That ****er was not in any way scared of her or trying to run away. If floated its ass right there until the cookies stopped coming and it felt like leaving.

Your might want to tell your Mom she is breaking the law and creating a future Gator problem. Not a smart thing to do at all. Not to mention the video evidence.

02-23-23, 10:34
This happened in my mother's retirement community... definitely gotta keep those seniors on their toes and feeling alive.

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02-23-23, 11:20
I won't bother to quote the majority here that nothing about hunting alligators. I have lived with gators all of my life. Probably within 100 feet of one as we speak. If you gave me ten minutes to catch one I would take in old women using a small dog as bait walking at the edge of any water body. The majority of injuries could be avoided people from up north didn't think they know everything!!

And minus the small dog? The almost total lack of attacks on adult humans in FL would suggest they don't actively seek out and attack adult humans. As I said various places, they will eat small dogs, and occasionally children, but only cases of adults being bitten has been almost universally defensive in nature. We had a hunter bitten a few years ago not far from me who stepped right into a female guarding her nest.

I don't have one 100 ft, but easily within a few miles and all the gators I came on while walking/biking in park trails etc could not get away from me fast enough. Those on golf courses and such and housing developments are unfortunately often fed by idiots and then seek out humans for food, rarely as food.

No doubt, right place and time and largest enough gator, they may decide your food. We had an escape convict go into the swamp at night once, did end up as gator food. Win win for FL.

02-23-23, 12:40
I finally saw the attack video. There was a total lack of awareness by the woman and the dog. They were walking within three feet of the water. The water was glass smooth and the gator made plenty of wake coming at them. The gator went for the dog on the leash and at the last second, the dog moved to the other side of the woman, making her legs the closest thing for the gator to grab. Tragic and yet entirely preventable. :(

02-23-23, 12:48
Don't they have a brain the size of a walnut? That ain't many neurons to rub together.

I remember reading about a Hunter in Africa deciding he wanted a Croc. He and his guide scouted for several days until they found a fifteen footer. He fired blew the top of the Croc's head off IE there was brain matter visible.
They get this thing in the boat and start heading back to camp and the Corc with half it's brain missing comes back to life. It starts fighting and eventually half submerges the boat.
They run up on the shore and shoot it again and left it there.

02-23-23, 13:57
I finally saw the attack video. There was a total lack of awareness by the woman and the dog. They were walking within three feet of the water. The water was glass smooth and the gator made plenty of wake coming at them. The gator went for the dog on the leash and at the last second, the dog moved to the other side of the woman, making her legs the closest thing for the gator to grab. Tragic and yet entirely preventable. :(

Vid shows gator clearly going for the dog as expected, missed and went for meal option 2, but vid I saw stops before she's bit.

So lady saw gator and made sure the thing to focus on was getting vid, or just happened to have cam on? Or was it a security cam? The camera pans, so I assume hand held. Like how about screaming your head to warn her? Run toward her waving hands or throwing something at the gator? Same person who got in vid, then calls 911? I swear to god people's first instincts now are get it on vid for their 10 seconds of fame. Report I saw said "caught on a wildlife camera" what ever that is.

When things go side ways, last thing on my mind is getting vid.

02-23-23, 15:37
I grew up in Fort Pierce in the late '70s where this happened and even back then alligators were plentiful enough that I had eaten alligator before I graduated high school.

Though less common, they absolutely will attack adult sized prey in the right circumstance. And kids are definitely on the menu.

The American Crocs in the keys and Dade County are much more likely to eat dogs and attack humans. So they are definitely becoming an issue, especially when idiots feed them.

02-27-23, 06:59
Ok Will, lock up your gators, I'm on my way.

02-27-23, 10:20
I swear to god people's first instincts now are get it on vid for their 10 seconds of fame.

This is the disgusting truth... De-evolution of mongoloid retards. When sketchy stuff happens near me, my last thought is making a video.

02-27-23, 10:29
Yea, I saw the video. Horrible. Went after dog then she pulled dog away and then she became the target. Nasty.

Couple years ago that toddler got snatched at Disneyworld in Orlando. I was there two weeks ago and now they have signs everywhere, “beware alligators and big snakes”.


02-27-23, 10:37
Vid shows gator clearly going for the dog as expected, missed and went for meal option 2, but vid I saw stops before she's bit.

So lady saw gator and made sure the thing to focus on was getting vid, or just happened to have cam on? Or was it a security cam? The camera pans, so I assume hand held. Like how about screaming your head to warn her? Run toward her waving hands or throwing something at the gator? Same person who got in vid, then calls 911? I swear to god people's first instincts now are get it on vid for their 10 seconds of fame. Report I saw said "caught on a wildlife camera" what ever that is.

When things go side ways, last thing on my mind is getting vid.

I didn’t even think about that lady that watched her go down. Grabbed a stick long after the possible benefit.


02-27-23, 17:20
Grew up in South Florida. Most gators are not afraid of people. If your back yard has a canal, you learn quickly to not chain your dog in the back yard.

Gators patiently observe, and if they think you are lunch, well you might be lunch.

And you don't have to be old and frail.


02-27-23, 17:50
Been here 9 hours, seen many canals, creeks, ponds, lakes and not one gator.

02-27-23, 18:22
Been here 9 hours, seen many canals, creeks, ponds, lakes and not one gator.

But did you bring the chihuahua? Gonna need bait!

02-27-23, 18:45
But did you bring the chihuahua? Gonna need bait!

Nope and I'm not an 85 y.o frail lady either. Lol

02-28-23, 00:58
Nope and I'm not an 85 y.o frail lady either. Lol

Yeah, I saw that old Disney Peter Pan. Gators love fancy timepieces. You're screwed. ;)

02-28-23, 05:15
Rule one in Florida-if theres water, there's a gator in it. Rule 2-if you are in the intercostal-there's a shark somewhere. I was in 2-3 feet of a grassy flat in the kayak-8' bull shark bumps the boat-nope not getting out to fish here!

You see it all of the time, idiots with little fluffy next to the water.

02-28-23, 07:54
For the last 5 years we've been watching a 12 footer in the lake across the road, everyone calls him grandpa. He lays on the bank on the other side of the lake. 2 years ago my wife came back to our rv all out of breath. She'd just left to walk our big lab. She says "That huge gator is on OUR side of the lake in the grass, his nose is almost in the road!!! I won't be walking down that side of the road anymore!"

Haven't seen him this year, maybe relocated during the hurricane, I don't know. He may still be here, water's up over their old slides and where they used to sun themselves. Have seen an 8 footer. They'll lay around the lake, then head up towards the marina. Since there's a screen across the culvert at the road by the marina they'll walk across the road there pretty regular to get into the Caloosahatchee.

Newcomers let their kids play along that lake bank with their toy fishing poles, scares me to death. Try to warn them, some don't pay attention. Then there's the idiots who want to throw food at them. That's an immediate removal from the resort if you get caught doing it.

A few years ago I was playing golf and wife was riding with me. Hit my approach shot over water, blind shot. Get up there and it's between the pond and the green 2 ft from a big gator. Wife asks what the rules are about that. I said My rule is I get a free drop all the way on the other side of the green and gator gets to keep my titleist.

02-28-23, 08:12
Rule one in Florida-if theres water, there's a gator in it. Rule 2-if you are in the intercostal-there's a shark somewhere. I was in 2-3 feet of a grassy flat in the kayak-8' bull shark bumps the boat-nope not getting out to fish here!

You see it all of the time, idiots with little fluffy next to the water.

That's true pretty much from southern NC, down to Florida, back up the gulf coast. and down to Mexico.

02-28-23, 09:48
Rule one in Florida-if theres water, there's a gator in it. Rule 2-if you are in the intercostal-there's a shark somewhere. I was in 2-3 feet of a grassy flat in the kayak-8' bull shark bumps the boat-nope not getting out to fish here!

You see it all of the time, idiots with little fluffy next to the water.

We need to convince more people that there's a gator, shark, or giant snake waiting for them so they don't move to FL or leave FL.

02-28-23, 14:22
The only gator I encountered was at the "On the Edge Bar and Grill". And I ate it. LOL.

The scenery was great, but food was so-so and service was awful. I should say that the appetizers were decent (gator tail, mahi fingers and calamari). The flounder entree was chewy and tasteless.

02-28-23, 15:56
A gator is going to notice if a dog is on a leash and that it’s an easier target. If you notice, they notice!
I’ve also heard eye witness accounts from FL residents that gators can make dogs that are off a leash into easier targets with their own trick. Gators can make a click noise out of the top of their head. Most dogs are curious critters, it’s their nature. Dog investigates the “clicking” at the waters edge and WHAM!, gator grab.

Unfortunately this old lady’s dog was the easiest of targets by size and being on the leash. The dog was not the protective type. Not even a little attempt to protect. A big protective dog might have given its owner more of a chance. But the videographer wasn’t any help either. Damn shame.

02-28-23, 16:37
Where do you see the video of the actual attack ? The ones I've seen stopped as the gator lunged at the dog.

03-01-23, 20:53
I knew they were in Texas, I figured wading through the swamps of the Piney Woods would be sketchy, but Oklahoma?
9ft Gator.


03-03-23, 07:41
But the videographer wasn’t any help either. Damn shame.

For whatever reason, this idiot woman's incident crossed my mind on my drive in to work. ZERO situational awareness. Frankly I'm glad the dog was the one to survive.

03-03-23, 11:24
For whatever reason, this idiot woman's incident crossed my mind on my drive in to work. ZERO situational awareness. Frankly I'm glad the dog was the one to survive.

I hope when you're 85 and feeble, make an error in judgment, something bad happens, that everyone doesn't pile on you for being an idiot and celebrate a dog living instead of you.

How much situational awareness do you expect an 85 year old woman to have? Everyone isn't a commando shooting in the desert. WTF.

03-03-23, 11:31
I hope when you're 85 and feeble, make an error in judgment, something bad happens, that everyone doesn't pile on you for being an idiot and celebrate a dog living instead of you.

How much situational awareness do you expect an 85 year old woman to have? Everyone isn't a commando shooting in the desert. WTF.

Agreed. We can examine the root causes of the incident without attacking an innocent elderly person. :(

03-03-23, 22:50
For whatever reason, this idiot woman's incident crossed my mind on my drive in to work. ZERO situational awareness. Frankly I'm glad the dog was the one to survive.

Why she didn't have a slung HK G3 I will never understand.

Seriously man, she's in her 80s. The fact that she could still care for a dog is sorta impressive.