View Full Version : "UFOs: Investigating the Unknown" on Nat Geo

02-23-23, 07:40
Wanted to add this the existing UFO thread, but when I try to it gives me "Blocked Page An error occurred during a connection to www.google.com." So, this is part II. This is THE best documentary on the topic of UFO's I have yet seen. While I consider myself well versed on the topic, I learned a few things in this one. Whether a passing interest as to where we are currently, or well versed, you will get something from this one:

UFOs: Investigating the Unknown


02-23-23, 08:11
Thanks for sharing, I will give it a watch later. BTW, did anyone happen to listen to the Shawn Ryan Dr Greer episode…

02-23-23, 08:19
Found this the other day and I’m looking forward to watching it!

02-23-23, 08:28
Thanks for sharing, I will give it a watch later. BTW, did anyone happen to listen to the Shawn Ryan Dr Greer episode…

I did not. I can't decide if Greer is a UFO grifter and best liar of all time, or he knows a lot of chit about the topic.

Found this the other day and I’m looking forward to watching it!

It brings the entire topic together better than any such show I have seen to date. If you're already versed, you will recognize various people, etc already, but will still be impressed how they pulled it all together.

02-23-23, 10:14
Thanks Will, I'll give it a look.
I watched part of the Greer interview on Ryan, I'll have to finish listening later. I dunno about Greer, he's certainly managed to get a ton of credible people to testify in his Disclosure Project, but he gives off bad vibes like one of those midnight TV preachers selling vials of Holy Water.

02-23-23, 10:24
It’s weird it does seem a lot of people from backgrounds you wouldn’t associate with UFO insider info have managed to net some interesting stuff.

02-23-23, 11:44
It’s weird it does seem a lot of people from backgrounds you wouldn’t associate with UFO insider info have managed to net some interesting stuff.

At this point, there are no UFO insiders, only those who realize they're real, and it's way part time the US gubment and related stop with the denial BS and get on with the business of legit open study as to what ever it is zipping around our air space with total impunity since at least WWII, likely well before that. That time seems to have pretty much arrived, having wasted decades on denial, but next is full disclosure.

I vacillate from believing a small number of people know exactly what they are, to thinking no one does, they just decided to stick their head in the sand and ruin the career of anyone who decided to speak out about. I had a buddy tell me of an experience in the Iraqi desert during DS, he and his entire team witnessed. They all agreed to not speak of it due to knowing that's a career ender. I have no reason to believe he was lying or just pulled from his a$$.

02-23-23, 22:14
there are no UFO insiders, only those who realize they're real,

I don't think we've arrived at that absolute yet, at least in the context that these are alien visitors.

Who are the credible experts in this series? Tried to look up who participated in the documentary but can't find a source that gives names.

Everything I've seen so far in other pseudo documentaries is built on people with serious credibility problems.

02-24-23, 06:48
Thanks Will, I'll give it a look.
I watched part of the Greer interview on Ryan, I'll have to finish listening later. I dunno about Greer, he's certainly managed to get a ton of credible people to testify in his Disclosure Project, but he gives off bad vibes like one of those midnight TV preachers selling vials of Holy Water.

I listened since I normally like Ryan’s podcast. Greer started out ok but ended up way out in the woods with stuff that just makes you roll your eyes- I was disappointed that Ryan didn’t press him on his far out claims. Greer sounds like the Sasquatch “experts” who know everything there is to know about alien behaviors, actions, thoughts and origins. With absolutely zero evidence to back up his claims.

02-24-23, 09:00
I don't think we've arrived at that absolute yet, at least in the context that these are alien visitors.

Who are the credible experts in this series? Tried to look up who participated in the documentary but can't find a source that gives names.

Everything I've seen so far in other pseudo documentaries is built on people with serious credibility problems.

That's not needed to admit the reality of their existence regardless of their origin, and it seems we are there.

02-24-23, 15:37
Disappointed it’s not on the Disney plus streaming app.

02-24-23, 16:21
Im re watching Battlestar Galactica. Ailens are real.

02-24-23, 16:23
Disappointed it’s not on the Disney plus streaming app.

Probably cuz it's not a Disney show? Most basic cable has NG.

02-24-23, 16:30
Probably cuz it's not a Disney show? Most basic cable has NG.

Nat Geo is part of Disney + streaming, Disney owns nat geo. If you have Disney plus you will see nat geo listed as an option to watch their shows.

ETA: Got it on DIRECTV streaming app. Watching the first episode.

02-24-23, 16:45
Nat Geo is part of Disney + streaming, Disney owns nat geo. If you have Disney plus you will see nat geo listed as an option to watch their shows.

ETA: Got it on DIRECTV streaming app. Watching the first episode.

Ah, got it. Enjoy the show.

02-24-23, 16:47
That's not needed to admit the reality of their existence regardless of their origin, and it seems we are there.

I don't think the evidence is definitive at this point. But I agree that unless these things are easily explained, and assuming there isn't some other explanation that is being deliberately withheld, some investigation needs to be going on. But governments decide where the money gets spent and an "objective" investigation isn't likely to make anyone rich so probably won't happen.

02-24-23, 16:55
I don't think the evidence is definitive at this point. But I agree that unless these things are easily explained, and assuming there isn't some other explanation that is being deliberately withheld, some investigation needs to be going on. But governments decide where the money gets spent and an "objective" investigation isn't likely to make anyone rich so probably won't happen.

The first person, org, company etc that gets the tech that can do what those UFO/UAP do, will be one rich mo fo. They have been doing serious study a long time, while pretending they don't acknowledge they exist and ruining the career of anyone who said otherwise, and now that aspect seems to be going away. Whether that's all a smoke screen remains to be seen. It almost does not matter as they momentum is too great to change the course and now it's no longer fringe to show real open interest, and the various people in that show, from prior SECDEF to Congressmen, to mainstream scientists, etc shows that.

02-24-23, 18:22
I don't think the evidence is definitive at this point. But I agree that unless these things are easily explained, and assuming there isn't some other explanation that is being deliberately withheld, some investigation needs to be going on. But governments decide where the money gets spent and an "objective" investigation isn't likely to make anyone rich so probably won't happen.

It’s either going to end up something we humans can possibly wrap our heads around, ET’s from another planet, perhaps even on the upper exotic end as time travelers from many thousands of years in the future. Or.... it’s going to be so bizarre and so extreme that maybe our minds simply cannot understand it.

That could run the lists from extra dimensional to the supernatural.

02-24-23, 19:47
The first person, org, company etc that gets the tech that can do what those UFO/UAP do, will be one rich mo fo. They have been doing serious study a long time, while pretending they don't acknowledge they exist and ruining the career of anyone who said otherwise, and now that aspect seems to be going away. Whether that's all a smoke screen remains to be seen. It almost does not matter as they momentum is too great to change the course and now it's no longer fringe to show real open interest, and the various people in that show, from prior SECDEF to Congressmen, to mainstream scientists, etc shows that.

So that is interpretation of data, not evidence. And that always brings me back to "extraordinary clams." So like most religions, I guess I'm holding at agnostic until some truly testable and falsifiable evidence comes along.

02-24-23, 20:03
It’s either going to end up something we humans can possibly wrap our heads around, ET’s from another planet, perhaps even on the upper exotic end as time travelers from many thousands of years in the future. Or.... it’s going to be so bizarre and so extreme that maybe our minds simply cannot understand it.

That could run the lists from extra dimensional to the supernatural.

And THAT I can accept, because it's not a definitive declaration of evidence. There is some nutty stuff out there, and so far NONE OF IT tops the observer effect of stars millions of light years from each other acting in predictable ways according to quantum mechanics simply because we observed them.

The implications of that are unreal. Either the entire universe changes it's nature simply because we observe it OR our ability to accurately perceive the universe is in doubt OR something else we don't even have an explanation for is going on. And if the universe is somehow aware that people on Earth are looking at it and changes it's own nature every time we do it, well that makes alien life forms cruising our planet kind of small potatoes.

I'm honestly unsure what I believe about these unidentified objects. While I believe life exists almost without doubt elsewhere in the universe (even with the "rare earth" modifications to the Drake equation), I believe complex advanced intelligent life forms would be more rare simply based on probability and what we see on Earth. The ability for such life forms to travel around the universe is even further limited by the probability that they could evolve to that level give the life span of a given planet to sustain such life forms and of course the problems we understand with near light speed travel or anything above.

And finally, and this is the big one, I don't think earth or human beings are so special as to warrant "visitors", it is just another form of us believing we are somehow the most important thing in creation that of course we'd be visited by advanced life forms capable of doing so and of course they'd be so fascinated by us they'd zoom our military aircraft and show off their flying skills to trailer parks across the globe.

I also think given the challenges of traveling to this planet and the amount of time our species has been here, if Earth ever did get visited they were probably looking at dinosaurs who inhabited this planet for about 165 million years vs. the almost 1 million years that our oldest ancestors may have been around.

02-24-23, 20:49
And finally, and this is the big one, I don't think earth or human beings are so special as to warrant "visitors", it is just another form of us believing we are somehow the most important thing in creation that of course we'd be visited by advanced life forms capable of doing so and of course they'd be so fascinated by us they'd zoom our military aircraft and show off their flying skills to trailer parks across the globe.

I also think given the challenges of traveling to this planet and the amount of time our species has been here, if Earth ever did get visited they were probably looking at dinosaurs who inhabited this planet for about 165 million years vs. the almost 1 million years that our oldest ancestors may have been around.

Well to you and I humans are mostly wastes of oxygen, but to another civilization especially any scientific mission we’d be worthy of study and scientific cataloging. Imagine the first human astronauts to Mars and they find some exceptionally simple fungus to another fungus I’d be a waste of time but to us it’d be an amazing find worthy of study.

What if simple cellular life and even complex life is fairly common throughout the universe. After all the basic building blocks of life are very common. But higher complex life and especially intelligent life is very rare. In those cases of course they’d be fascinated by us and look to study our origins.

02-24-23, 21:00
Well to you and I humans are mostly wastes of oxygen, but to another civilization especially any scientific mission we’d be worthy of study and scientific cataloging. Imagine the first human astronauts to Mars and they find some exceptionally simple fungus to another fungus I’d be a waste of time but to us it’d be an amazing find worthy of study.

What if simple cellular life and even complex life is fairly common throughout the universe. After all the basic building blocks of life are very common. But higher complex life and especially intelligent life is very rare. In those cases of course they’d be fascinated by us and look to study our origins.

I have to believe any life form capable of traveling here from "there" has seen things dramatically more interesting than homo sapiens. That is kind of my point, I don't think we'd rate.

Even with all the probabilities that keep the number of potential "complex and highly intelligent" life forms statistically low, I still think we'd be on the lower end of the "interesting" curve.

02-24-23, 21:02
I have to believe any life form capable of traveling here from "there" has seen things dramatically more interesting than homo sapiens. That is kind of my point, I don't think we'd rate.

Even with all the probabilities that keep the number of potential "complex and highly intelligent" life forms statistically low, I still think we'd be on the lower end of the "interesting" curve.

Maybe we’re just entertainment, like the Truman Show but with nuclear weapons and alcohol!

02-24-23, 21:10
I have to believe any life form capable of traveling here from "there" has seen things dramatically more interesting than homo sapiens. That is kind of my point, I don't think we'd rate.

Perhaps it's just like going to the Zoo for them?

02-24-23, 21:18
Perhaps it's just like going to the Zoo for them?


02-25-23, 00:24
Maybe we’re just entertainment, like the Truman Show but with nuclear weapons and alcohol!


The Dumb Gun Collector
02-25-23, 00:38
My guess is any Alien that can travel across the galaxy can probably observe us remotely without coming here.

02-25-23, 07:19
So that is interpretation of data, not evidence. And that always brings me back to "extraordinary clams." So like most religions, I guess I'm holding at agnostic until some truly testable and falsifiable evidence comes along.

The performance is not a claim but a verifiable reality many time over now. Religion is based on faith, radar, vids, combined with highly qualified eye balls, is not. That they exist is no longer in question. The only question is what they are.

Now it's time to stop gubment level denial and get on with the open research as to what they are.

02-25-23, 07:32
My guess is any Alien that can travel across the galaxy can probably observe us remotely without coming here.

No, they're just advanced enough to get here. When they arrive, they resort to crashing their shit all over the planet for opsec.

02-25-23, 09:00
No, they're just advanced enough to get here. When they arrive, they resort to crashing their shit all over the planet for opsec.

Shades of the lost NASA Mars Climate Orbiter!

02-25-23, 09:12
No, they're just advanced enough to get here. When they arrive, they resort to crashing their shit all over the planet for opsec.

They also need to turn on their headlights at night to see where they are going.

02-25-23, 19:41
My guess is any Alien that can travel across the galaxy can probably observe us remotely without coming here.

That could be exactly what they are doing.

02-25-23, 20:36
Pretty strange that suddenly the whole UFO thing intensifies as we get closer to WWIII. Its almost like the gov't has been using UFOs to hide testing of new weapons/technology and disguising increased military activity since the cold war. This guy can explain it better than I can:


02-28-23, 14:32
We Have a Real UFO Problem. And It’s Not Balloons.


I joined the U.S. Navy in 2009 and underwent years of rigorous training as a pilot. Specifically, we are trained to be expert observers in identifying aircraft with our sensors and our own eyes. It’s our job to know what’s in our operating area. That’s why, in 2014, after upgrades were made to our radar system, our squadron made a startling discovery: There were unknown objects in our airspace.

Initially, the objects were showing up on our newly upgraded radars and we assumed they were “ghosts in the machine,” or software glitches. But then we began to correlate the radar tracks with multiple surveillance systems, including infrared sensors that detected heat signatures. Then came the hair-raising near misses that required us to take evasive action.

These were no mere balloons. The unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) accelerated at speeds up to Mach 1, the speed of sound. They could hold their position, appearing motionless, despite Category 4 hurricane-force winds of 120 knots. They did not have any visible means of lift, control surfaces or propulsion — in other words nothing that resembled normal aircraft with wings, flaps or engines. And they outlasted our fighter jets, operating continuously throughout the day. I am a formally trained engineer, but the technology they demonstrated defied my understanding.

After that near-miss, we had no choice but to submit a safety report, hoping that something could be done before it was too late. But there was no official acknowledgement of what we experienced and no further mechanism to report the sightings — even as other aircrew flying along the East coast quietly began sharing similar experiences. Our only option was to cancel or move our training, as the UAP continued to maneuver in our vicinity unchecked.

Nearly a decade later we still don’t know what they were.

02-28-23, 16:32
Pretty strange that suddenly the whole UFO thing intensifies as we get closer to WWIII. Its almost like the gov't has been using UFOs to hide testing of new weapons/technology and disguising increased military activity since the cold war. This guy can explain it better than I can:

I can't say I got any explanation from that at all personally. He's a very smart guy, don't think it's a topic he's really focused on either. They have tended to show up more during conflicts, since at least WWII. For example: https://www.history.com/news/wwii-ufos-allied-airmen-orange-lights-foo-fighters

They have a big interest in nukes, and it's theorized our letting nukes off was when they decided to keep a closer eye on us, and have shut nukes down just to (apparently) let us know they could at will, Maybe they will not let us run with scissors and end the planet?

03-01-23, 14:07
I'm surprised and intrigued that Shawn R had Greer on his show. I vacillate from thinking Greer is a UFO grifter and master con man, or he knows more about UFO's than anyone out there willing to speak about it publicly.


Full interview:


03-07-23, 14:37
Key lawmakers double down on solving the enduring mystery of UFOs


In an intriguing (and little-known) 2021 incident, a U.S. spy satellite captured multiple images of a mysterious “Tic Tac”-shaped craft flying over water. Within hours, intelligence analysts compared the object to an extraordinary 2004 incident involving another “Tic Tac”-shaped craft.

So one of our spy birds captured multiple images of a tic tac in 2021. :eek:

03-07-23, 16:51
They have a big interest in nukes, and it's theorized our letting nukes off was when they decided to keep a closer eye on us, and have shut nukes down just to (apparently) let us know they could at will, Maybe they will not let us run with scissors and end the planet?

That was a plausible theory in 1951 and they even made a movie about it. But given we can't really get people to the moon whenever we feel like it, I don't think our nearest galaxy is at risk of nuclear armageddon. More importantly, if they can travel here from there, our nukes would be toys compared to their technology.

So this is once again an example of "we humans think we are so special and important that aliens want to visit us and / or prevent us from destroying ourselves."

There is a reason we have discontinued nuclear testing, first we did as much as was necessary to be able to reasonably calculate yields with any new developments mathematically and no longer have to bust a cap in the pacific. We also realized just how much nuclear pollution we were creating even when we believed we were far enough away from civilization. With the russian 50 MT device we also realized that weapon potential was virtually unlimited when it came to thermonuclear weapons so it wasn't necessary to build a 100 MT weapon, then a 150 MT weapon and then a 250 MT weapon, everyone knew it could be done.

Even during a nuclear arms race, it was one area where everyone involved figured out we needed to start showing some restraint. So we simply stockpiled large quantities of deliverable 10 MT weapons but even that had it's practical limit to where it was pointless to build more.

03-07-23, 16:51
Key lawmakers double down on solving the enduring mystery of UFOs


So one of our spy birds captured multiple images of a tic tac in 2021. :eek:

Pilots reported them during 'Nam also. There seems to be a few consistent shape craft seen over the decades. Cigar, disc, triangle, and tic tac are the reported shapes, and some times just lights that do some really strange things.

03-07-23, 16:57
That was a plausible theory in 1951 and they even made a movie about it. But given we can't really get people to the moon whenever we feel like it, I don't think our nearest galaxy is at risk of nuclear armageddon. More importantly, if they can travel here from there, our nukes would be toys compared to their technology.

So this is once again an example of "we humans think we are so special and important that aliens want to visit us and / or prevent us from destroying ourselves."

There is a reason we have discontinued nuclear testing, first we did as much as was necessary to be able to reasonably calculate yields with any new developments mathematically and no longer have to bust a cap in the pacific. We also realized just how much nuclear pollution we were creating even when we believed we were far enough away from civilization. With the russian 50 MT device we also realized that weapon potential was virtually unlimited when it came to thermonuclear weapons so it wasn't necessary to build a 100 MT weapon, then a 150 MT weapon and then a 250 MT weapon, everyone knew it could be done.

Even during a nuclear arms race, it was one area where everyone involved figured out we needed to start showing some restraint. So we simply stockpiled large quantities of deliverable 10 MT weapons but even that had it's practical limit to where it was pointless to build more.

Humans always consider themselves the center of everything literally and figuratively. We don't know the motives are, being afraid of our nukes as any threat to them seems unlikely.

03-07-23, 19:16
Humans always consider themselves the center of everything literally and figuratively.

I don't disagree. It is why nearly all of our belief systems begin with us being some kind of special creation / being. Obviously a big part of that is our capacity for abstract thought itself which seems to be unique to our species. Ironically the belief that we are being visited, if ever proven true, would virtually eliminate our special status which is why the other crowd of "believers" are completely opposed to such ideas as intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.

03-07-23, 21:28
I'll be honest. I don't pay a lot of attention to UFO stuff. I don't know what evidence is real, what ain't, and what the likely answers are. Could be I just don't wanna know.

Overall I figure there has gotta be other life "out there". It's the "coming here" part I have serious doubts about. I mean I hope there is other life out there. If this ant hill is the pinnacle of it all that would actually kinda suck.

03-07-23, 22:51
I'll be honest. I don't pay a lot of attention to UFO stuff. I don't know what evidence is real, what ain't, and what the likely answers are. Could be I just don't wanna know.

Overall I figure there has gotta be other life "out there". It's the "coming here" part I have serious doubts about. I mean I hope there is other life out there. If this ant hill is the pinnacle of it all that would actually kinda suck.

I would only add, it would be amazingly cool to prove it is real in my lifetime, but I think we are probably gonna create real world Jurassic Park from DNA that is 70 million years old before we prove alien life is visiting us.

But I'll take either one.

03-08-23, 07:19
I don't disagree. It is why nearly all of our belief systems begin with us being some kind of special creation / being. Obviously a big part of that is our capacity for abstract thought itself which seems to be unique to our species. Ironically the belief that we are being visited, if ever proven true, would virtually eliminate our special status which is why the other crowd of "believers" are completely opposed to such ideas as intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.

And likely one reason why so much for so long has been withheld from us, knowing a large portion of the population with freak the F out.

03-08-23, 07:20
I'll be honest. I don't pay a lot of attention to UFO stuff. I don't know what evidence is real, what ain't, and what the likely answers are. Could be I just don't wanna know.

Overall I figure there has gotta be other life "out there". It's the "coming here" part I have serious doubts about. I mean I hope there is other life out there. If this ant hill is the pinnacle of it all that would actually kinda suck.

Then consider watching the show in the OP and see what you find there for convincing evidence.

03-08-23, 10:59
Congressman Says Alien UFO Tech Is Being 'Reverse Engineered' in Secret


It keeps getting weirder!

03-08-23, 11:59
Congressman Says Alien UFO Tech Is Being 'Reverse Engineered' in Secret


It keeps getting weirder!

Typical of people being sheep and lemmings and attention seekers, we have gone from no one wanting any part of it because the gubment had made sure it was a career killer to even talk about it, to everyone wanting to be involved in the hot new topic people are talking about and getting attention. I'm amazed to see the latter happen in my life time, among the noise, we may actually get some answers as what is zipping around in our air space with total impunity.

The reverse engineering thing (claimed) has been going on since at least WWII, so a yawn for anyone who has followed the topic.

03-08-23, 14:42
And likely one reason why so much for so long has been withheld from us, knowing a large portion of the population with freak the F out.

Not sure I buy that common narrative either.

We went from a belief that the universe was steady state and infinite to rapidly expanding and all of the implications that came with it.

We accepted the potential for an exchange of thermonuclear weapons.

We came to accept the numbers of people that were subjected to industrialized murder in Europe during WWII.

Proof of life elsewhere can't be much worse. And while there was much kicking and screaming, during the renaissance it was finally accepted that the sun, not the Earth, was the center of our solar system.

I really don't think the government is sitting on any "knows for certain / has made contact" evidence either. I do think in many instanced they try and downplay events while "they" attempt to investigate and understand them.

03-08-23, 17:53
Not sure I buy that common narrative either.

We went from a belief that the universe was steady state and infinite to rapidly expanding and all of the implications that came with it.

We accepted the potential for an exchange of thermonuclear weapons.

We came to accept the numbers of people that were subjected to industrialized murder in Europe during WWII.

Proof of life elsewhere can't be much worse. And while there was much kicking and screaming, during the renaissance it was finally accepted that the sun, not the Earth, was the center of our solar system.

I really don't think the government is sitting on any "knows for certain / has made contact" evidence either. I do think in many instanced they try and downplay events while "they" attempt to investigate and understand them.

I have no doubts a large % of the people will lose their chit on learning they're not alone in the galaxy for various reasons. How many and for how long I don't know. I vacillate between someone knowing exactly what they are up to actual contact, to none of them know either and they don't want admit they/we are helpless to do anything about them.

03-08-23, 20:59
I have no doubts a large % of the people will lose their chit on learning they're not alone in the galaxy for various reasons. How many and for how long I don't know. I vacillate between someone knowing exactly what they are up to actual contact, to none of them know either and they don't want admit they/we are helpless to do anything about them.

I always find it useful to remember this is the same government that was unable to conceal a blowjob.

Think about the multiple levels of ongoing cooperation that would be required to keep "alien technology at Area 51" quiet. There is just no way somebody wouldn't burn the political capital for personal promotion. They back door each other over less shit every week and frequently at a cost to national security.

Think about the exit from Afghanistan that armed the Taliban in a way that we haven't done since we were trying to help them kill Russians back in the 80s. Apart from somehow trying to blame it on Trump, they didn't even attempt any kind of serious cover up. That is how much they don't care if they F everything up from beginning to end so if they knew "for sure" we had alien artifacts, they'd 100% use it.

Even Trump wouldn't have been able to keep his mouth shut for 4 years. The US government having alien artifacts or other solid evidence is exactly the kind of shit he was hoping to learn upon becoming president and it would have been on Twitter within 24 hours. Trump would have easily convinced himself that releasing the information was in the nations best interest.

And should it ever happen, 45% of the population would be "I knew it", 45% of the population would declare "it's BS, they are lying to us" and 10% would never really even understand what they were being told. The reality of alien artifacts would be "amazing" for a month and then it would be like GPS, they German explorer who found Troy and every kid 12 years old walking around with what used to be a desktop computer 20 years ago on his damn phone.

The hustle to figure out how to make money from the new revelation would be the only dramatic reaction. On the upside it just might be interesting enough to shift gears away from climate change to "alien awareness."

03-09-23, 18:40
Pentagon UFO chief says alien mothership in our solar system possible


There is a possibility that extraterrestrial motherships and smaller probes may be visiting planets in our solar system, the head of the Pentagon’s unidentified aerial phenomena research office noted in a report draft shared Tuesday.


I think it is a little crazy that the Military Times is publishing this. However, I will admit that nothing particularly new or interesting is referenced in the article itself. The more scientific article which is referenced in the news article is far more interesting.

Here is the more "scientific article"


03-09-23, 18:41
Pentagon UFO chief says alien mothership in our solar system possible


There is a possibility that extraterrestrial motherships and smaller probes may be visiting planets in our solar system, the head of the Pentagon’s unidentified aerial phenomena research office noted in a report draft shared Tuesday.


I think it is a little crazy that the Military Times is publishing this. However, I will admit that nothing particularly new or interesting is referenced in the article itself. The more scientific article which is referenced in the news article is far more interesting.

Here is the more "scientific article"


03-19-23, 18:09
So finally getting a chance to watch this.

Interesting so far. I appreciate they've avoided a lot of people with credibility problems that usually participate in these documentaries. I do think Harry Reid has decided this is his "climate change" agenda and hopes to have similar success as Al Gore. I'm a little dubious about the sincerity of Luis Elizondo, or maybe he just comes off a little bit whackadoo.

Haven't watched the entire series yet, but so far I don't think anything has been proven. I do agree with most of the actual scientists, that it bears investigating but we are still at the "collecting data" stage and a long way from declaring any conclusions.

03-26-23, 14:27
I'm surprised and intrigued that Shawn R had Greer on his show. I vacillate from thinking Greer is a UFO grifter and master con man, or he knows more about UFO's than anyone out there willing to speak about it publicly.


Full interview:


This guy doesn’t seem like a crack pot or grifter to me.

He’s accurately describing it as a constitutional issue and ties it directly into everything we are seeing today.

He’s asking for insiders harder than he’s pushing for contributions.

03-26-23, 15:10
I'm surprised and intrigued that Shawn R had Greer on his show. I vacillate from thinking Greer is a UFO grifter and master con man, or he knows more about UFO's than anyone out there willing to speak about it publicly.

Full interview:


I got as far as his claims that extraction of "free" zero-point vacuum energy has been happening for over a hundred years at 34 minutes into the full interview. So this technology requires nothing more than the foundation that existed in the late 1800's for "observing the phenomenon empirically" and that "we understand it very well" yet no one can independently reproduce this phenomenon.

03-26-23, 15:16
This guy doesn’t seem like a crack pot or grifter to me.

He’s accurately describing it as a constitutional issue and ties it directly into everything we are seeing today.

He’s asking for insiders harder than he’s pushing for contributions.

Hence I wrote "...or he knows more about UFO's than anyone out there willing to speak about it publicly. "

You should watch the full interview. It's pretty good. Didn't think guy like Shawn would be into such things.

03-26-23, 15:18
I got as far as his claims that extraction of "free" zero-point vacuum energy has been happening for over a hundred years at 34 minutes into the full interview. So this technology requires nothing more than the foundation that existed in the late 1800's for "observing the phenomenon empirically" and that "we understand it very well" yet no one can independently reproduce this phenomenon.

As I say, really hard to know with Greer. He claims functioning units or similar will be revealed in the big thing he puts out. Total BS? I don't know. The topic itself is legit. Run your house off it like Greer Claims? Mainstream sciencist says it's BS:


03-26-23, 15:32
58:50 he says "as many people know the CIA and some of those organizations have remote viewers who use consciousness to see remote places in the future." Sure bub. Next body thetans I suppose. This guy sounds like the equivalent of a honey trap for any nuts with anti-authoritarian leaning. Maybe he's recruiting patsys.

Ask yourself if what he says is true why is he still alive?

03-26-23, 15:48
Hence I wrote "...or he knows more about UFO's than anyone out there willing to speak about it publicly. "

You should watch the full interview. It's pretty good. Didn't think guy like Shawn would be into such things.

Oh I did watch it all, now I’m watching him on JRE. But it was hard to find that episode.

The tech he describes sounds exactly like the stuff Bob Lazar talks about in some detail.

03-26-23, 15:51
58:50 he says "as many people know the CIA and some of those organizations have remote viewers who use consciousness to see remote places in the future." Sure bub. Next body thetans I suppose. This guy sounds like the equivalent of a honey trap for any nuts with anti-authoritarian leaning. Maybe he's recruiting patsys.

Ask yourself if what he says is true why is he still alive?

Watch the entire episode. He talks about that in great detail.

03-26-23, 16:25
58:50 he says "as many people know the CIA and some of those organizations have remote viewers who use consciousness to see remote places in the future." Sure bub. Next body thetans I suppose. This guy sounds like the equivalent of a honey trap for any nuts with anti-authoritarian leaning. Maybe he's recruiting patsys.

Ask yourself if what he says is true why is he still alive?

We know the CIA studied and worked on remote viewing via the The Stargate Project , claimed it was all shut down as it didn't work out. Maybe it did, and they never shut it down? I don't know.

03-26-23, 16:26
Oh I did watch it all, now I’m watching him on JRE. But it was hard to find that episode.

The tech he describes sounds exactly like the stuff Bob Lazar talks about in some detail.

That's true indeed. Didn't Greer claim the JRE program was intentionally made difficult to find? I recall him saying something about that.

03-26-23, 16:30
We know the CIA studied and worked on remote viewing via the The Stargate Project , claimed it was all shut down as it didn't work out. Maybe it did, and they never shut it down? I don't know.

They only waited 20 years to figure out it "didn't work":cool:

03-26-23, 16:42
They only waited 20 years to figure out it "didn't work":cool:

Or someone is remote viewing Putin taking a dump as we speak. :ph34r:

03-26-23, 16:50
There's a huge story there if you dig. How much of it is true, is anyone's guess. Same with UFOs. About the only safe bet is that any official statements are bullshit. Or, Putin shit, if you prefer.

03-26-23, 16:51
There's a huge story there if you dig. How much of it is true, is anyone's guess. Same with UFOs. About the only safe bet is that any official statements are bullshit. Or, Putin shit, if you prefer.

That seems to be the one constant we can rely on.

03-26-23, 18:09
58:50 he says "as many people know the CIA and some of those organizations have remote viewers who use consciousness to see remote places in the future." Sure bub. Next body thetans I suppose. This guy sounds like the equivalent of a honey trap for any nuts with anti-authoritarian leaning. Maybe he's recruiting patsys.

Ask yourself if what he says is true why is he still alive?

If remote viewing existed in any form at all, the CIA would not have the track record of colossal failures that they do. Might as well employ Wiccans.

03-26-23, 19:53
We know the CIA studied and worked on remote viewing via the The Stargate Project , claimed it was all shut down as it didn't work out. Maybe it did, and they never shut it down? I don't know.

This is the same problem again as the claim that extracting zero-point energy has been demonstrable since the late 1800's; if remote viewing or any form of ESP was a real thing there would be evidence for it outside of the CIA, unless it needs UFO tech to make it work which is awfully similar to Russell's teapot. Further he went with the more extravagant claim of remote viewing into the future like the precogs in Minority Report.

If remote viewing existed in any form at all, the CIA would not have the track record of colossal failures that they do. Might as well employ Wiccans.

That too.

03-26-23, 19:56
Watch the entire episode. He talks about that in great detail.

OK, I'll finish it, but I am very skeptical at the midpoint.

03-26-23, 22:28
They only waited 20 years to figure out it "didn't work":cool:

If you have the funding, you spend the money. Then you get more money next year, so you spend it. They were probably given 20 years to get a "result" and simply spent the money in the meantime.

It's almost the exact equivalent of rich guys who have their wife start a foundation. Sure it's money that is still going away from you, but you can also decide to have foundation meetings and 5 star resorts in wonderful destinations and you can go there to discuss "results." I would imagine 20% of what the CIA does amounts to BS research programs where there is no genuine expectation of a result. If nothing else, they are certainly adept at asking for funding and once you understand how that process works, why wouldn't you see how much funding you can get for whatever.

And once you understand that is the way of things, the government gets far less mysterious.

03-27-23, 20:32
Watch the entire episode. He talks about that in great detail.

I watched it. I am now thoroughly unconvinced. He acts a compelling character but says things that are just nuts. I think he gets into the act so much he forgets himself for a minute and says something absurd before he dials it back.

Around 2:08 when he is talking about intergalactic telepathy through quantum thought, he says:

If people understand that they can bypass any intelligence system and remote view and see where they can contact these civilizations they have to be trained you know but I so I train people with the we have an app it's called CE5 Contact App and the CE5 Contact App you know there's millions of people using it now and it's a whole training program on remote viewing meditation making how to do this but the foundation of it is what you're asking about and that's the technological interface that I I don't have we have classified projects that have some of this but the these other civilizations...

Millions of people.

03-28-23, 18:33
I watched it. I am now thoroughly unconvinced. He acts a compelling character but says things that are just nuts. I think he gets into the act so much he forgets himself for a minute and says something absurd before he dials it back.

Around 2:08 when he is talking about intergalactic telepathy through quantum thought, he says:

Millions of people.

Yeah that stuff is a bit whack. I have a pretty decent BS detector in person. Video not so much.

04-05-23, 09:37
Interesting show with retired CIA operative Andrew Bustamante on Shawn R show. He's personally witnessed some UFO he can't explain, and an accurate philosophical bent on the topic. His personal experiences of interest start at 13:50:


04-13-23, 09:57
We have like three “UFO/UAP” threads going so not sure where to post this.

Does our government have downed UFOs? The Program Manager for the governments largest UFO program finally answers publicly - and the answer is YES! \uD83D\uDEF8

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

This is a banger of a WEAPONIZED episode George Knapp and I did with Dr. Colm Kelleher...… pic.twitter.com/Gv5csw3jAF

Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell (@JeremyCorbell) April 12, 2023

04-13-23, 10:20
We have like three “UFO/UAP” threads going so not sure where to post this.

Does our government have downed UFOs? The Program Manager for the governments largest UFO program finally answers publicly - and the answer is YES! \uD83D\uDEF8

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

This is a banger of a WEAPONIZED episode George Knapp and I did with Dr. Colm Kelleher...… pic.twitter.com/Gv5csw3jAF

Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell (@JeremyCorbell) April 12, 2023

Where does one find that interview/episode with Dr. Kelleher?

04-13-23, 10:27
I found it on Spotify, just search "WEAPONIZED." Thanks Rushca01, I'll add it to my list. Kelleher is always worth a listen.

04-13-23, 11:41
I found it on Spotify, just search "WEAPONIZED." Thanks Rushca01, I'll add it to my list. Kelleher is always worth a listen.

Awesome! Thank you… listening now!

04-17-23, 17:50
10 key questions for this week’s historic UFO hearing


A bipartisan group of lawmakers is doubling down on solving the decades-old UFO mystery. On Wednesday, the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities will hold the second hearing on the phenomenon in over 50 years.
Congressional interest in UFOs (also known as “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” or UAP) surged following the 2017 publication of eyebrow-raising videos recorded by Navy fighter jets. Briefings by naval aviators who witnessed the mysterious objects maneuvering in extraordinary ways subsequently paved the way for groundbreaking UAP-related legislation.

04-17-23, 18:04
Watched this last night. Not one of Greer's better projects. It's mostly 4-5 talking heads saying the same thing over and over - none whom had impressive creds nor terribly convincing - that the gubment and or entities there of, knows a lot more than it's telling us, there's highly compartmentalized blacker then black shadow groups running the show, suggests people like Elizondo are double agents of disinfo for those groups. Some are reverse engineered human tech, some are not. Some good info on the inner workings of DC and related that's up to date and interesting, with more in Congress and related waking up to the reality UFO's are a legit phenomena they're not getting answers on. The cheesy dramatic background music really gets on my nerve after a while and I find it distracting. For those who are big into the topic, worth a view when it's free, but not worth the $ to watch as I did. I will say what I have said before: Greer is either a master con man UFO grifter, or he knows more about UFO's than anyone alive. B-/C+


04-18-23, 04:49
Weds is going to be big with the head of the current public UFO program (not the deeply buried legacy SAPs) testifying before Congress. Even though he’s not read into the real legacy programs, he’s been briefed on the crash retrieval programs and some elements of the govts history of contact with the non human intelligence(s). There will also be a classified briefing so not sure how much we’ll get in the public one.

04-18-23, 08:38
Eric Weinstein gives perhaps the "simplest" explanation as to how an advanced civilization can travel long distances, time, etc:


04-20-23, 15:42
Footage of UFOs over conflict zones seen for first time: 'This is devastating'


The Pentagon released a video of a UFO flying over an active conflict zone in the Middle East in 2022, and its mere existence creates "the probability of unintended crossfire," according to an expert.

The short clip of a metallic-looking orb flying at a fast pace was shown during Wednesday's hearing before the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities.

The object was first seen moving from the top right of the screen to the bottom left. It temporarily disappears out of view and then briefly reappears.

"This is essentially all the data we have of this event," said Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). "It's going to be virtually impossible to fully identify that just based off that video."

04-20-23, 15:42
Footage of UFOs over conflict zones seen for first time: 'This is devastating'


The Pentagon released a video of a UFO flying over an active conflict zone in the Middle East in 2022, and its mere existence creates "the probability of unintended crossfire," according to an expert.

The short clip of a metallic-looking orb flying at a fast pace was shown during Wednesday's hearing before the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities.

The object was first seen moving from the top right of the screen to the bottom left. It temporarily disappears out of view and then briefly reappears.

"This is essentially all the data we have of this event," said Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). "It's going to be virtually impossible to fully identify that just based off that video."

04-21-23, 12:58
Top intelligence briefings begin at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base


Some of the nation’s top intelligence leaders started briefings and tours at an unprecedented Wright-Patterson Air Force Base retreat Thursday evening, a gathering that continues Friday.

05-30-23, 09:09
I put this one in the wrong thread: Most seem to think the big triangles are human made from reverse engineered UFO's. Seen by bunch off mil Twentynine Palm Marine training base:


05-31-23, 04:24
That's not needed to admit the reality of their existence regardless of their origin, and it seems we are there.

I'll check it out, but anything MSM tends to be child's play

06-03-23, 09:29
The Pentagon And NASA Have No Earthly Idea What These Flying Metallic Orbs Really Are


US military has been observing ‘metallic orbs’ making extraordinary ‘maneuvers’


Posting these for reference

06-03-23, 09:51
The Pentagon And NASA Have No Earthly Idea What These Flying Metallic Orbs Really Are


US military has been observing ‘metallic orbs’ making extraordinary ‘maneuvers’


Posting these for reference

I have no problems believing most at NASA or DOD don't know what they are. I'm not convinced no one at NASA or the DOD knows what they are.

06-03-23, 12:16
I have no problems believing most at NASA or DOD don't know what they are. I'm not convinced no one at NASA or the DOD knows what they are.

Search up some of the more obscure interviews with the TTSA spooks like Elizondo and Nolan, and listen carefully. They absolutely know what they are. What puzzles me is, why are they talking about it now?
Against my better judgment, I think they are at least partially telling the truth. One thing that all of them have said, is that there is no evidence they are extraterrestrial. That, I can believe.

06-03-23, 14:00
Search up some of the more obscure interviews with the TTSA spooks like Elizondo and Nolan, and listen carefully. They absolutely know what they are. What puzzles me is, why are they talking about it now?
Against my better judgment, I think they are at least partially telling the truth. One thing that all of them have said, is that there is no evidence they are extraterrestrial. That, I can believe.

Did you not see the OP? Elizondo and others are in that show. Elizondo has never claimed he knows what they are. He claims he's convinced they're not likley our tech has made some vague references about materials from craft being in US hands but then goes into not wanting to lose his clearances etc, he's never claimed he knows what they are, nor has anyone else I tend to follow. I have been following this topic since I was a kid and have always been a believer in the UFO phenomena, but I still don't know what they are.

Only one i pay any attention to who claims he knows what they are is Greer, who says (1) they're are an extraterrestrial intelligence, and (2) Elizondo and all the others are double agents for the deep state. Still trying to figure out of Greer is the best grifter of all time, or he knows more about UFO's than anyone. I also reviewed his recent "documentary" here which was meh.

Either a A+ grifter and scammer, or the most knowledgeable UFO guy there is:


06-03-23, 15:24
If the Government Has UFO Crash Materials, It’s Time to Reveal Them


Since AARO was established, I have referred four witnesses to them who claim to have knowledge of a secret U.S. government program involving the analysis and exploitation of materials recovered from off-world craft. Other sources who, rightly or wrongly do not trust AARO’s leadership, have also contacted me with additional details and information about an alleged secret U.S. government reverse engineering program. Some have supplied information to the intelligence community’s inspector general, others directly to staff of the congressional oversight committees. As this process has progressed, and the credibility of these claims has grown, so too have my concerns. What if I’m helping to pry open a genuine Pandora’s box, releasing information that might prove destructive, destabilizing or for many simply terrifying? I’ve repeatedly had to ask myself: “Is disclosure in the best interest of the public? Am I doing the right thing working to bring what could be America’s most deeply buried secret to light?”

Another one for discussion.

I’m not sure what to make of Elizondo, but I’m kinda suspicious that he was “chosen” to talk.

06-03-23, 16:36
If the Government Has UFO Crash Materials, It’s Time to Reveal Them


Another one for discussion.

I’m not sure what to make of Elizondo, but I’m kinda suspicious that he was “chosen” to talk.

Unless you buy the double agent thing, he ran a program for the DOD and came to realize none of it was going to ever get released. He resigned, had something to do with the release of those navy vids, and works with a group of very dedicated people to get the gubment to disclose what is known, such as the author of that article. Like Elizondo, Mellon certainly comes off as legit and has the creds. Are they front men for the gubment as agents of disinfo as Greer claims? Possible, but I don't think so myself. Your mileage may differ.

06-03-23, 18:35
Like Elizondo, Mellon certainly comes off as legit and has the creds. Are they front men for the gubment as agents of disinfo as Greer claims? Possible, but I don't think so myself. Your mileage may differ.

I don’t think they are tasked with disinformation but the opposite. They’re here to funnel info into the public domain. But who cleared them and who’s feeding them the information?

06-03-23, 18:58
I don’t think they are tasked with disinformation but the opposite. They’re here to funnel info into the public domain. But who cleared them and who’s feeding them the information?

If the info is legit and they continue, not even sure I care.

09-01-23, 10:02
Lue seems to have been very quiet during this big exposure of the whistle blower, Congressional meetings etc. He's always seemed one of the legit people in this area:


09-01-23, 10:08
TOE is one of my favorites. The guy is a mathematical physicist who is not afraid of any subject. The interview with Garry Nolan on there is a must watch if you're really interested in this topic.

09-01-23, 10:31
Let’s just get on with it already. It’s so tiring at this point.

Sure you all saw this too:

09-01-23, 10:43
Let’s just get on with it already. It’s so tiring at this point.

Sure you all saw this too:

I'd like to see full disclosure already, but they will drag that out kicking and screaming all the way as they have all along. As for ARRO, many assume they are going to be no different than Project Blue Book, which existed to deny the reality of UFO's. The truly telling aspect of Project Blue Book, the highly respected physicist (1) they hired to debunk UFO's, came to conclude they're legit, and went on to be an outspoken proponent of UFO's himself. That's what seems to happen to just about anyone who takes a deep dive look at the phenomena.

I will assume ARRO is of no value to the goal of disclosure until if/when they deliver any useful info.

(1) https://www.history.com/news/j-allen-hynek-ufos-project-blue-book

09-03-23, 10:12
Let’s just get on with it already. It’s so tiring at this point.

Sure you all saw this too:

I don't know much about Burchett, but I like his hard charging approach with UFO's. No one trusts the gubment to do anything but make worse and resist disclosure:


09-14-23, 13:16
NASA releases their report on UFOs. Nothing unexpected from them:



Press coverage:


09-14-23, 13:23
NASA didn’t really add anything and surely seems to be suppressing all kinds of data they have access to.

09-14-23, 13:52
NASA didn’t really add anything and surely seems to be suppressing all kinds of data they have access to.

They didn't add anything and I don't expect them to.

09-17-23, 10:03
Hey, it's geese and swamp gas and weather balloons. Nice to see Gaetz is being aggressive about trying to expose all this:


09-19-23, 09:27
A good watch with Congressman Tim Burchett who who is pulling no punches on the topic of UFO's. I don't know that much about him outside what he's doing with UFO's, but I like his no BS approach and calling out the "war pimps," NASA, and others. Less BS more disclosure is what we need.


10-09-23, 14:03
SR is very interested in the topic of UFO's. His latest guest is Congressman Tim Burchett. It's a good watch for those interested in the topic. I don't know much about Congressman Burchett's political positions, but he's gone full disclosure on that topic and will not let it go, so good on him:


10-11-23, 12:38
Part II with Congressman Tim Burchett premiering now:


10-17-23, 17:20
Looks like the SCIF classified briefing with Grusch will happen.


10-19-23, 13:17
Rep. Burchett has tweeted that the dates are now set for the SCIF meetings between congress and the DOD IG and IC IG.

DOD IG - October 26th

IC IG - November 16th

Just a reminder, besides meeting with the ICIG in 2022, Grusch did also meet with the DODIG in July 2021 communicating that classified UAP related info was being withheld from congress.

10-19-23, 15:07
If I understand correctly, if that info is highly classified, they can't tell us about it. Not without getting it declassified, anyway. There damn well shouldn't be anything POTUS and congressional leaders aren't able to see. I think Eisenhower said something about that once.......

10-19-23, 15:40
If I understand correctly, if that info is highly classified, they can't tell us about it...

No, but they can leak it to the media who can tell us about it.

Leaks of classified information to the press have only rarely been punished as crimes, and we are aware of no case in which a publisher of information obtained through unauthorized disclosure by a government employee has been prosecuted for publishing it. There may be First Amendment implications that would make such a prosecution difficult, not to mention political ramifications based on concerns about government censorship.


And Congress has the authority to declassify.

The rules of the Congress, however, expressly recognize Congress’ concurrent constitutional authority to declassify information. Those rules specify a procedure for Congress to publicly disclose classified information when it determines that it is in the public interest to do so, even over the objection of the president, after giving due consideration to that objection.


10-19-23, 17:43
Rep. Burchett has tweeted that the dates are now set for the SCIF meetings between congress and the DOD IG and IC IG.

DOD IG - October 26th

IC IG - November 16th

Just a reminder, besides meeting with the ICIG in 2022, Grusch did also meet with the DODIG in July 2021 communicating that classified UAP related info was being withheld from congress.

I'm hope full but no gonna hold my breath the gubment has not found a way yet again to supply jack chit:


10-19-23, 20:05
I'm hope full but no gonna hold my breath the gubment has not found a way yet again to supply jack chit:


This time we super, duper, double promise to serious swear tell you guys the truth about the alien artifacts and bodies currently in possession of the government. Keep clicking link for updates.

10-19-23, 21:55
This time we super, duper, double promise to serious swear tell you guys the truth about the alien artifacts and bodies currently in possession of the government. Keep clicking link for updates.


10-20-23, 09:37
This time we super, duper, double promise to serious swear tell you guys the truth about the alien artifacts and bodies currently in possession of the government. Keep clicking link for updates.

That's my expectation yes. But no lie lives forever and the dam is breaking as to keeping the info locked away under layers of need to know, compartmentalization, destroying careers of those who talked about their experiences, etc.

10-20-23, 10:48
They need to bring in Geraldo for the big reveal

Sent from my BE2028 using Tapatalk

10-20-23, 17:38
That's my expectation yes. But no lie lives forever and the dam is breaking as to keeping the info locked away under layers of need to know, compartmentalization, destroying careers of those who talked about their experiences, etc.

I don't know if aliens from other planets are cruising our airspace.

I do know that the idea that our government has alien technology / bodies at some super secret installation like in Independence Day is ridiculous. Our government simply lacks the capacity to control that information for very long, disclosure would come from something like wikileaks and somebody would get incredibly wealthy with the disclosure. That is to say nothing of Russian and Chinese spies also discovering the information and sharing it wide.

I know it's an exciting idea, and that is sort of the problem. The exciting idea is always more fun than the truth and the truth is never quite as amazing as the exciting idea.

10-26-23, 16:17
Not sure if this was posted but it is an extension of what Andrew Bustamante was talking about. Some is repeat but the 2:09:00 is additional thoughts he has on the subject of actual Aliens vs some other cause for what we see / experience.


I'm sure I saw a UFO back in the 60's. Saw it with a couple friends, went home, both my father and grandfather had also seen it at same time, same location from different vantage points.

10-27-23, 11:56
Not sure if this was posted but it is an extension of what Andrew Bustamante was talking about. Some is repeat but the 2:09:00 is additional thoughts he has on the subject of actual Aliens vs some other cause for what we see / experience.


I'm sure I saw a UFO back in the 60's. Saw it with a couple friends, went home, both my father and grandfather had also seen it at same time, same location from different vantage points.

In terms of what, that in some cases it's ball lightening or similar? I'm sure that's true in some cases, but when they're tracked by the most sophisticated radar there is by multiple radar, videoed, and visually seen by people who know what they're looking at, then that's something else entirely.

They definitely seem to cluster in specific areas.

10-27-23, 21:41
In terms of what, that in some cases it's ball lightening or similar? I'm sure that's true in some cases, but when they're tracked by the most sophisticated radar there is by multiple radar, videoed, and visually seen by people who know what they're looking at, then that's something else entirely.

They definitely seem to cluster in specific areas.

Yeah, I guess his point or in answering the question? "do you think the government is hiding free energy" that Tesla was focused on the same area where we now see a lot UFO UAP. I don't think he was trying to dismiss everything as geological. It kinda sounded to me, in context to the question asked, it's possible the government has captured and hidden an energy source and developed something from it. That theory could mean these UFO UAP are not necessarily UFO UAP to everyone on Earth.

He did mention quartz and Iron ore / copper ore. There was a UFO over a Chile copper mine that was filmed. I think they said was visible for near an hour. I don't know if quartz is in those mines are not. Or if those mines are hot spots for sightings. Maybe these areas are like fueling stations for cosmic passers by.

10-28-23, 18:58
As we all expected, they didn't divulge chit of any value:


10-28-23, 19:01
Secret SCIF Meeting results, which was as expected:


10-28-23, 19:15
Secret SCIF Meeting results, which was as expected:


They won’t even disclose the BIGOT (list of individuals read into the program) to members of Congress, let alone give them access.

11-03-23, 16:38
Pentagon UFO chief Dr Sean Kirkpatrick will be REPLACED by end of the year as whistleblowers accuse him of lying to the public and ignoring witnesses


11-07-23, 08:29
A worthy watch covering various topics and guests:


11-07-23, 09:43
At the end when they speak of Sound, Light, Frequency... That concept is also spoken of by Jeff "skunk" Baxter. It is also discussed in the book Morning of the Magicians which I read ages ago because Jeff B. recommended it in some article I was reading. This was back when it first revealed he was working with .Mil on technology. I didn't realize Tom DeLonge was a UFO guy too.

The magnetic fields were interesting that the video mentioned. When I was really young, like the guy in the video, maybe 3-6. I woke up one night, not afraid, and I could see this this figure in my doorway. It looked like a magnetic flux field of a basically human standing figure. Head was an oval flux field, larger body flux field, then arms and legs. It was grayish/white in color. The room was dark except for I assume moonlight. IOW, I could see fairly well. I called out to it several times thinking it was my father. It never moved nor answered. In a minute or two the experience was over. Next morning I asked my father why he didn't answer or what he was doing. He had no idea what I was talking about and said it wasn't him nor my mother. I still have a vivid recollection of that nearly 65 years later.


11-10-23, 16:23
‘Aliens,’ or a foreign power? Pentagon UFO chief says someone is in our backyard


This week, the director of the U.S. government’s UFO analysis office stated that there is “evidence” of concerning unidentified flying object activity “in our backyard.” According to physicist Seán Kirkpatrick, who heads the congressionally-mandated All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, this alarming UFO activity can be attributed to one of two extraordinary sources: either a foreign power or “aliens.”

At the same time, Kirkpatrick and senior defense officials have ruled out the possibility that secret U.S. programs or experimental aircraft explain the phenomena.
While suspicious UFO cases will “continue to be investigated” for foreign links, the facts at hand appear to support Kirkpatrick’s more startling explanation for the UFO activity in America’s backyard: “aliens.”

So… are we to believe it’s the Russians, who seem to struggle with defeating a bunch of wheat farmers in Ukraine. Or Chinamart who can’t replicate 1990’s Russian engine tech they stole in early 2000’s???

11-10-23, 17:08
‘Aliens,’ or a foreign power? Pentagon UFO chief says someone is in our backyard


So… are we to believe it’s the Russians, who seem to struggle with defeating a bunch of wheat farmers in Ukraine. Or Chinamart who can’t replicate 1990’s Russian engine tech they stole in early 2000’s???

Unlikely to put it mildly and if they were that far ahead of us tech wise, would have taken us out a long time ago.

11-10-23, 17:19
Unlikely to put it mildly and if they were that far ahead of us tech wise, would have taken us out a long time ago.

I’m with you. I also believe it’s not us, that type of tech breakthrough couldn’t be kept secret even if they wanted too.

I like reminding people this is a government that couldn’t break into a hotel room and keep it a secret. Not to mention if it was us I think you’d see the Russians and Chinamart being way more aggressive in their attempts to counter or reproduce it not to mention just all around freaking out, if we did in fact have tech capabilities like those Cdr. Fravor described.

11-10-23, 17:52
I’m with you. I also believe it’s not us, that type of tech breakthrough couldn’t be kept secret even if they wanted too.

I like reminding people this is a government that couldn’t break into a hotel room and keep it a secret. Not to mention if it was us I think you’d see the Russians and Chinamart being way more aggressive in their attempts to counter or reproduce it not to mention just all around freaking out, if we did in fact have tech capabilities like those Cdr. Fravor described.

But then just about anyone and everyone involved in the UFO world claims we have reverse engineered craft. That seems to be a common theme. Or, that they have craft they can't figure out how to actually use. Where they able to keep that under wraps? I vacillate back and forth on all that.

11-11-23, 10:21
Or, that they have craft they can't figure out how to actually use.

This is a very plausible idea. It’s either something so advanced to us it’s the equivalent of us putting an iPhone in front of a group of ants or it’s so bizarre it might as well be magic.

12-10-23, 08:26
Navy Admiral Tim Gallaudet (ret) PhD on the scientific study of underwater UFOs. Good show via Merged Podcast:


12-13-23, 16:44
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says on senate floor that the United States Government has gathered information on UAPs for decades that it has withheld from the public. He also highlights that credible sources have indicated there are programs running rogue without congressional oversight that are illegal by letter of the law requiring legislative branch purview.


12-13-23, 17:00
A couple of politicians who receive a lot $ from aerospace / the military industrial complex have gutted that 60+ page of piece of UFO legislation. But whistleblowers will just start going directly to Congress and the media and the “catastrophic disclosure” they fear will happen. I think the release of the name of the specific part of the CIA (“the office of global access”) that runs the crash retrieval program a couple weeks ago, was an example of whistleblowers saying “screw you guys, this is coming out no matter how you try to stop it”.

12-14-23, 15:26
Hell has frozen over, Schumer is on the right side and correct:


12-15-23, 16:06
So... Biden is about sign into law legislation that says no more funding for any UFO reverse-engineering programs unless they are disclosed to Congress. Something ranking officials in various parts of our government emphatically say don’t exist.


12-15-23, 16:11
So... Biden is about sign into law legislation that says no more funding for any UFO reverse-engineering programs unless they are disclosed to Congress. Something ranking officials in various parts of our government emphatically say don’t exist.


The floodgates are going to open up on this stuff and it will blow people’s minds and wreck any idea that the CIA should continue to exist after it comes to light.

12-15-23, 16:12
A couple of politicians who receive a lot $ from aerospace / the military industrial complex have gutted that 60+ page of piece of UFO legislation. But whistleblowers will just start going directly to Congress and the media and the “catastrophic disclosure” they fear will happen. I think the release of the name of the specific part of the CIA (“the office of global access”) that runs the crash retrieval program a couple weeks ago, was an example of whistleblowers saying “screw you guys, this is coming out no matter how you try to stop it”.

Don’t remember who it was but someone said that hearing in April of this year backfired and arguably led to the appearance of more people like David Grush to really just give that position, the ultimate smackdown, so the gutting of the UAP Disclosure Act in this NDAA may well also backfire.

If they were afraid of catastrophic disclosure erupting, they just may have lit the fuse.

12-16-23, 13:21
It’s Time for U.F.O. Whistle-blowers to Show Their Cards


Last week on the Senate floor two senators rose to express disappointment with the House of Representatives. This was by itself routine enough, but the senators, Mike Rounds, Republican of South Dakota, and the New York Democrat and majority leader, Chuck Schumer weren’t complaining about Ukraine funding or border policy. They were complaining that the House was impeding transparency on U.F.O.s.

The back story, for those who don’t follow every twist of what we’re now supposed to call the unidentified anomalous phenomenon (U.A.P.) debate, is that the National Defense Authorization Act, on Schumer’s instigation, included provisions to establish a presidential commission with the power to declassify a broad swath of records related to U.A.P.s, modeled on the panel that did similar work with President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

But this disclosure effort was watered down by some House Republicans, making it more of a collection effort by the National Archives, with a weaker mandate to declassify and release.

As ever with this issue, the Senate discussion of these developments veered from the banal to the superweird. One moment, Rounds was talking as if the whole legislative effort was just an attempt to “dispel myths and misinformation about U.A.P.s” — sunlight as a disinfectant for conspiracy theories. The next, he was complaining that the House had stripped out a requirement that the government reclaim “any recovered U.A.P. material or biological remains that may have been provided to private entities in the past and thereby hidden from Congress and the American people.” Which is an odd thing to emphasize if you don’t think there’s a possibility that, say, Lockheed Martin is keeping something strange inside its vaults.Meanwhile in the background you have the continuing media tour — through Joe Rogan to Tucker Carlson and beyond — of David Grusch, the former Air Force intelligence officer whose dramatic-but-undocumented claims helped accelerate the current disclosure effort. And you also have the continuing intimations from other former officials, a mixture of hearsay and speculation offered on the record and wilder claims sourced anonymously.

My personal hope, as someone fascinated and frustrated by this business ever since the military first started acknowledging that its pilots have seen some weird things in the skies, is that we are nearing a point of real clarity — not necessarily about what U.A.P.s are, but about whether some faction in the government really knows much more about the mystery than what’s in the public record.The probabilities of extraterrestrial life or nonhuman intelligence aside, the best reason to doubt such secret-keeping is that it would require too much of a government that has let so many major secrets slip over the last 75 years. The deep state let the Soviets steal atomic secrets and the mainstream press publish the Pentagon Papers; it had its Cold War laundry aired by the Church committee; it saw much of its war-on-terror architecture rapidly exposed. So it’s hard to see how it could have kept a lid on programs that study actual extraterrestrial or interdimensional visitors — especially over generations, and especially if we’re supposed to believe that private contractors are part of the cover-up as well.The counterargument is that there are still things we know that we don’t know in the deep state vault (about, say, the Saudi connections to Sept. 11, 2001), so there might also be things we don’t know that we don’t know. Especially if you imagine a hypothetical U.A.P. program that’s extremely small, walled off from the rest of the national security state, united by a belief that it’s protecting Americans from the cosmic shock of uncontrolled disclosure, and so deeply classified that its functionaries might fear being murdered if they leak.

But that’s what makes the current moment clarifying. We have, in Grusch, a credentialed whistle-blower making public claims on a variety of platforms without being hustled away in a black helicopter. We have an important group of lawmakers expressing strong interest and frustration with obstruction. We have a network of mainstream-adjacent media outlets that are fascinated with the story, and establishment organs (like this one) at least open to the conversation.There is no better time, in other words, for anyone who has documentary proof to figure out how to be a hero of disclosure and democracy. If you have the goods and you want the public to know more, and if you think the Schumer push for transparency has been fatally wounded (as many U.F.O. believers seem to think), then this is the hour to bring your secrets forward.

If no such revelations occur, it will strengthen my default belief that no multigenerational government cover-up was ever plausible.Should shocking revelations come — well, honestly, I would still worry about deceptions and misdirection, since the disclosure of a cover-up would make paranoia much more rational.

But that’s no reason not to share the truth if you think you have possession of it — trusting that the American people have a high tolerance for weirdness, and that in the long run only truth will set us free."

12-16-23, 13:33
See, here’s the thing I don’t get… so many people say, how’d the government manage to keep this thing secret for almost 80 years? Like that’s the key point that makes the phenomenon so implausible.

They didn’t. They did not keep it a secret.

What they did do was so much more effective, gaslighting. They denied everything, made everyone that saw something weird feel crazy and created an environment of ridicule so intense that professionals who reported encounters with UFO’s lost their jobs.

They didn’t keep the secret. I’s gotten blabbed all over the place for 80 years. They just made it so nobody would ever believe it.

12-22-23, 17:28
Good stuff from Lue Elizondo here. I hope he's a leader in the disclosure push finally happening.


02-06-24, 08:48
Weird one. Missile that loses target lock due to counter measures?


03-08-24, 15:14
Another closed door hearing happening today, likley to lead to nothing per usual:


03-10-24, 21:20
Fun fact: A few years ago, I introduced the term “legacy special access programs” to the UFO lexicon when I asked Lue Elizondo on a podcast if he had become aware of any while working in his UFO program at the pentagon. Since then, it’s been adopted by every UFO talking head and even made it into the proposed UFO legislation (not sure if it was used in the adopted language).

03-12-24, 07:36
Newly released Pentagon investigation of UFO claims dating back to the 1940s to present found no evidence of extraterrestrial spacecraft.


"AARO has found no evidence that any U.S. government investigation, academic-sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a UAP represented extraterrestrial technology," Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said in a statement Friday.

All investigative efforts concluded that most sightings were ordinary objects and the result of misidentification, Ryder said.

Many of the sightings turned out to be drones, weather balloons, spy planes, satellites, rockets and planets, according to the report.

More here: https://www.npr.org/2024/03/08/1237100622/pentagon-ufo-report-no-evidence-alien-technology

03-12-24, 12:49
Yeah, they’re basically daring the folks in Congress, who already know they have this stuff, to do something about it. They’re also apparently sure it’s not extraterrestrial in nature since they chose that adjective to deny having knowledge of.

03-17-24, 10:06
Forgotten History channel starting to cover other topics. Another "weather balloon" story:


03-29-24, 10:04
This channel always does a good job of summarizing a topic:

In a bombshell revelation, former CIA doctor reveals that hundreds of American servicemen have been killed or injured by encounters with unidentified flying objects or UFOs! Don't miss today's epic new video that uncovers mysterious military deaths at the hands of mysterious flying objects!


05-22-24, 14:42
Looks like a good one. I'd expect an oceanographer and retired Rear Admiral might have some insights of value:


05-22-24, 16:48
It all makes complete sense now.


05-29-24, 18:29
If anyone would know, it's probably that man:

Retired U.S. Army Colonel Karl Nell says not only do aliens exist, but they also interact with humans. Nell is the former director of the Pentagon's UAP task force.


06-09-24, 09:40
Greer on the SR show again. Greer is either the most informed person in the UFO community, or one hell of a gifted scammer. I vacillate as to which I think he is.

"Dr. Steven Greer explains to Shawn Ryan the wealth of ground-breaking science and discoveries made by black-budget companies. First, he outlines new realizations around zero-point energy and how this supposed newfound technology is as old as time. Greer also covers how this technology has been hidden from the public for decades by the military industrial complex and corporate interests. Why? Because it could change the balance of power globally. This episode uncovers who these corporate entities are and their possible secret discoveries."


06-09-24, 18:34
If you're not legally obliged to say that you really need to get a new line.

I did not. I can't decide if Greer is a UFO grifter and best liar of all time, or he knows a lot of chit about the topic.

I vacillate from thinking Greer is a UFO grifter and master con man, or he knows more about UFO's than anyone out there willing to speak about it publicly.

Still trying to figure out of Greer is the best grifter of all time, or he knows more about UFO's than anyone.

Greer on the SR show again. Greer is either the most informed person in the UFO community, or one hell of a gifted scammer. I vacillate as to which I think he is.

06-10-24, 07:25
If you're not legally obliged to say that you really need to get a new line.

That's my line and thoughts on Greer, which I will continue to use until I finally conclude one way or another about him.

06-11-24, 08:28
Key senators believe the Pentagon’s UFO office is lying


06-11-24, 09:20
Key senators believe the Pentagon’s UFO office is lying


That's a forgone conclusion. Of course they're lying.