View Full Version : Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic-Report

02-26-23, 08:57

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the Covid pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress.

The shift by the Energy Department, which previously was undecided on how the virus emerged, is noted in an update to a 2021 document by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’s office.

The new report highlights how different parts of the intelligence community have arrived at disparate judgments about the pandemic’s origin. The Energy Department now joins the Federal Bureau of Investigation in saying the virus likely spread via a mishap at a Chinese laboratory. Four other agencies, along with a national intelligence panel, still judge that it was likely the result of a natural transmission, and two are undecided.

Welcome to the self evident truth we all came too in January of 2020....

02-26-23, 15:10
If you think the absolute worst thing about this scenario, then get told you’re a conspiracy nut, then you know the truth.

02-27-23, 07:35
If you hang around long enough Conspiracy Theories become facts.
I remember telling my Son that this had escaped a lab in China and that most likely the Chinese have sent infected people all over the World from WuHan.

02-27-23, 07:45
No, if you speak the truth long enough the .gov and their co-conspirators in the MSM will say you're a conspiracy theorist when they have something to hide.

02-27-23, 07:46
Former CIA director Mike Pompeo said denial of facts, truth and or involvement is SOP in the gov intel community.

And he's considering running for POTUS...:secret:

02-27-23, 07:48
I honestly don't see how anyone would not at least suspect a lab leak as the most likely cause. The sad thing is, we would share the blame with China.

My feeling is that the release was accidental, but who knows? Either way, if it was released from a lab, China certainly obscured that.

Even with an accidental release, would knowing the source and virus details have changed the outcome?


02-27-23, 07:51
I honestly don't see how anyone would not at least suspect a lab leak as the most likely cause. The sad thing is, we share the blame with China.

My feeling is that the release was accidental, but who knows? Either way, if it was released from a lab, China certainly obscured that.

Even with an accidental release, would knowing the source and virus details have changed the outcome?



Someone call the racist police and find me a safe place quick. :suicide2:

02-27-23, 07:51
MISHAP??? That's fukking laughable.

02-27-23, 07:56
I'm firmly of the belief that we'll never know "officially know" the truth for one simple reason: WMD Strategy.

If deliberate release: Nuke = Germ = Gas, a biowar attack demands a nuclear response--hell, in my grandpa's day at SAC Wuhan would have been a radioactive crater within days.
If accidental outbreak: spreading their COVID Typhoid Marys worldwide was certainly deliberate, see previous scenario.

NOBODY wants to turn the keys and TPTB consider denying justice to the millions of dead and their grieving loved ones, to say nothing of those whose livelihoods were destroyed, an absurdly trivial price to pay for their Status Quo. Bonus if they can weaponize it into another "Patriot"*spit* Act Powergrab, piss be eternally upon that bit of neofascism, all responsible for it and all who support it.

02-27-23, 08:01
I'm firmly of the belief that we'll never know "officially know" the truth for one simple reason: WMD Strategy.

If deliberate release: Nuke = Germ = Gas, a biowar attack demands a nuclear response--hell, in my grandpa's day at SAC Wuhan would have been a radioactive crater within days.
If accidental outbreak: spreading their COVID Typhoid Marys worldwide was certainly deliberate, see previous scenario.

NOBODY wants to turn the keys and TPTB consider denying justice to the millions of dead and their grieving loved ones, to say nothing of those whose livelihoods were destroyed, an absurdly trivial price to pay for their Status Quo. Bonus if they can weaponize it into another "Patriot"*spit* Act Powergrab, piss be eternally upon that bit of neofascism, all responsible for it and all who support it.

Not if our .gov were in on it. They needed something to lock everyone down and steal the election because Orange Man bad.

Ask yourself these questions.

How do you defeat Trump and ruin a booming economy?
Why was the mere thought of it being a lab leak denied as racist so loudly everywhere?
Why send a team of WHO "experts" (Led by someone deeply involved in the GoF research going on there to concoct a complete fraud of a report denying the lab was involved when all evidence said otherwise?
Why wouldn't China cooperate? Wasn't Trump killing them with Tarrifs and such?
Who stood to gain from this?

Remember, there are no coincidences and it was all far too convienient for my theory to be wrong.

02-27-23, 08:08
Not if our .gov were in on it. They needed something to lock everyone down and steal the election because Orange Man bad.

Goes right back to my point about "bonus for TPTB"--COVID was nothing more than a combination Patriot Act and Dealey Plaza '63 without the mess and real "work" of them having to do their own kinetic work, not to mention avoiding political fallout like another blatant Warren Commission coverup contributing to Church Committee 2.0.

The Deep State/WEF/Agenda 21-or-2030-or-whatever-number-today is nothing more than a real-world combination of SPECTRE and HYDRA. And they've got all the James Bonds and Steve Rogerses...

02-27-23, 08:12
Goes right back to my point about "bonus for TPTB"--COVID was nothing more than a combination Patriot Act and Dealey Plaza '63 without the mess and real "work" of them having to do their own kinetic work, not to mention avoiding political fallout like another blatant Warren Commission coverup contributing to Church Committee 2.0.

The Deep State/WEF/Agenda 21-or-2030-or-whatever-number-today is nothing more than a real-world combination of SPECTRE and HYDRA. And they've got all the James Bonds and Steve Rogerses...

Yep, you got it and that is the TRUE investigation that needs to happen. But nothing will be done.

Alex V
02-27-23, 08:39
Conspiracy theorists are undefeated.

We all knew this was the case. The problem is I don’t think it was unintentional. I think it was deliberate. It was an experiment my the CCP so check the world’s response to something with a very low mortality rate. The next one won’t be as benign.

02-27-23, 09:03
Not if our .gov were in on it. They needed something to lock everyone down and steal the election because Orange Man bad.

Ask yourself these questions.

How do you defeat Trump and ruin a booming economy?
Why was the mere thought of it being a lab leak denied as racist so loudly everywhere?
Why send a team of WHO "experts" (Led by someone deeply involved in the GoF research going on there to concoct a complete fraud of a report denying the lab was involved when all evidence said otherwise?
Why wouldn't China cooperate? Wasn't Trump killing them with Tarrifs and such?
Who stood to gain from this?

Remember, there are no coincidences and it was all far too convienient for my theory to be wrong.

And why was there a global pandemic response summit just before the lab leak?

02-27-23, 09:10
Interesting the US Energy Department of all orgs to come to that conclusion. Where's the CIA or NIH? Anyway, few believed it didn't come from that lab. The real Qs are was it intentional and or was it modified to be more virulent to humans?

I doubt we will ever know the answers to those Qs and that's intentional.

02-27-23, 09:43
Interesting the US Energy Department of all orgs to come to that conclusion. Where's the CIA or NIH? Anyway, few believed it didn't come from that lab. The real Qs are was it intentional and or was it modified to be more virulent to humans?

I doubt we will ever know the answers to those Qs and that's intentional.

We also can’t rule out just pure Chinamart incompetence. Some of those who spoke about that lab in the beginning said it’s safety protocols we’re scary and the researchers were sloppy

02-27-23, 10:14
We also can’t rule out just pure Chinamart incompetence. Some of those who spoke about that lab in the beginning said it’s safety protocols we’re scary and the researchers were sloppy

I think it was incompetence but also don't think we will ever know the answer even if someone else out there does.

The Dumb Gun Collector
02-27-23, 10:46
I mean, if you were the scientist who leaked it by accident would you ever admit it? In China that would probably be instant death sentence. Wouldn’t be that much better here.

02-27-23, 11:11
I mean, if you were the scientist who leaked it by accident would you ever admit it? In China that would probably be instant death sentence. Wouldn’t be that much better here.

The other thing is, China gains A LOT with that "did they or didn't they" ambiguity, because now that it's happened ONCE they know and we know they can, and are the types to, do it again with intent. Look into the writings and lectures of Xi's former chief military advisor Chi Haotian, who openly while in office called for invasion of North America, genocide against the US/CA/MX (US in particular first but other two also) populations and colonization. No shit, I found it creepily reminiscent of Hitler's "Lebensraum"... the CCP may call itself Communist and spout the buzzwords, but the Hungry Red Dragon is really the second coming of Nazi Germany with Han Chinese being the new Aryans. About the only good news is their "only sons are desirable" tradition an the One Child Policy's lingering aftereffects are gonna limit their breeding stock... which is part of the aggressive push, when you have a metric shitload of young men of breeding age being told there aren't enough "acceptable" women for most of them to strt families and grow old with they get pissed off real fast, and Beijing would rather weaponize that anger against the Foreign Devils an expend them all in war than have to deal with their chickens coming home to roost and all those angry young men marching for Regime Change.

02-27-23, 11:25
Most likely explanation that they have a low confidence in...

That is the height of govt double/nothing speak,...

02-27-23, 11:49
I mean, if you were the scientist who leaked it by accident would you ever admit it? In China that would probably be instant death sentence. Wouldn’t be that much better here.

Should, but hasn't.

Look up Dr. Albert Kligman who got a lifetime achievement award in 2003 and if I remember correctly was recognized after his 2010 death for his contributions to dermatology.

Now a large percentage of blowback to what he did seems to be more about the race of his victims rather than just call it entirely wrong.

02-27-23, 13:49
"Leak" my ass, those ****ers intentionally released it would be my bet.

02-27-23, 14:45
"Leak" my ass, those ****ers intentionally released it would be my bet.

My guess is that after the Chinese figured out what had happened and the Magic Genie was out of the bottle, the Chinese knew that if they bore the brunt of this alone, there would be no more China.
Therefore they sent Covid-19 infected throughout the world for a couple of reasons.
A) The only hope for a vaccine was a World Wide spread. Nobody in China was going to fix this.
B) Economically it would have broken China had they bore the brunt of this alone. They had to have a good reason for everyones economy to throttle back in order not to get overwhelmed.

02-27-23, 15:01
My guess is that after the Chinese figured out what had happened and the Magic Genie was out of the bottle, the Chinese knew that if they bore the brunt of this alone, there would be no more China.
Therefore they sent Covid-19 infected throughout the world for a couple of reasons.
A) The only hope for a vaccine was a World Wide spread. Nobody in China was going to fix this.
B) Economically it would have broken China had they bore the brunt of this alone. They had to have a good reason for everyones economy to throttle back in order not to get overwhelmed.

Ditto. I believe the CCP chose to "share the pain" rather than suffer alone. Evidenced by the initial cover-up, denial, and doing everything in their power to make sure this thing went international. I lean towards an accidental release but intentional spread.

Just my "racist, Asian hate" .02 ;)

02-27-23, 20:02
40% increase in excess mortality attributed to the jab.


02-27-23, 20:51
I recall in one of the earliest “conspiracy” videos detailing the evidence of the leak, the WuHan airport was a flurry of activity on Sept. 2019.

This video detailed replacement of air filtration equipment in the fall of 2019 as well.

Of course the Gaggle communists censored all such material as it wasn’t in line with their select program of fear and propaganda.

02-27-23, 20:54
My guess is that after the Chinese figured out what had happened and the Magic Genie was out of the bottle, the Chinese knew that if they bore the brunt of this alone, there would be no more China.
Therefore they sent Covid-19 infected throughout the world for a couple of reasons.
A) The only hope for a vaccine was a World Wide spread. Nobody in China was going to fix this.
B) Economically it would have broken China had they bore the brunt of this alone. They had to have a good reason for everyones economy to throttle back in order not to get overwhelmed.

Yup.....and who will strike back at them now? No one

02-27-23, 23:19
Of COURSE it was intentional. Part of a multi-faceted plan.

What the chicoms have done to us is straight outta "The Thirteen Chapters".

02-28-23, 12:18
There was no grand plan in play. It was an accident or a rushed and cobbled together plan.

China could hope that panic and “lockdowns” would damage the World economy, but in 2019 would you have built an entire plan around the west and especially the US going tyrannical?

The virus was almost immediately identified as lab created by markers that are commonly used in labs but not found in nature. They were in too much of a hurry or were not yet concerned about hiding that yet.

The outbreak started next to the lab where they experimented on bay viruses and not near where the bats live. That’s a dumb plan or an accident.

02-28-23, 12:53
The threat of Covid being a 'wet run" to test dispersal of a bioweapon, then do damage assessments and countermeasure evaluations, has been completely ignored by our government. One marker everyone seems to be completely ignoring, is how wildly divergent the effects seem to be in general population. could that imply specific targeting of certain DNA traits or genetic markers? Was Covid a bio-engineered weapon? Could it even possibly be a bioengineered virus via "gain of function"?

Merely suggesting it was a lab leak resulted in cries of racism and xenophobia. Dissenting opinions were crushed. Even asking certain questions became verboten. Those are all indicators of an overblown response domestically by a heavy-handed authoritarian regime, with an almost nonexistent response towards China. Coupled with our abjectly dismal "response" to the Chinese spy balloon(s), we've set ourselves up as an easy target for a bioweapons attack by China. We've taken no defensive actions to limit our vulnerability to attack by China. Not from international travel via commercial carrier systems, not from airborne incursions into our domestic airspace and not from walk across incursions by human mules via the southern border.

WHEN China decides to attack Taiwan, my prediction is that it will occur simultaneously with sudden respiratory illness in our populations and military. Illnesses which will be much worse than Covid-19. If/when it happens, we will not be capable of fending off China in Taiwan, even if we wanted to. Our government is gaslighting us daily and will double down when we find ourselves under attack from China. Anyone who doesn't see the risk we've subjected ourselves to is blind. :(

02-28-23, 15:04
Covid, strongly doubt it was accidental, venture to guess it was deliberate, maybe perhaps with some collusion on the part of the .gov (fauci & co.) The old cliche is that nothing good comes from africa, well the corollary is that 'only bad comes from china'. Also, I'd wager that the majority of congress benefits from china $$ contributions as much as the biden and obama administtrations did or likely continue to do. The true lesson from covid is that the american people are followers, just like the germans in ww 2. Very easily manipulated and controlled. All of the 'land of the brave and free' jingoistic bravado is pure horse chit, americans will turn on each other at the drop of a hat and obey any egregious rules the .gov decrees. In addition, the .gov is no different than that of any other shithole country, the media/press is a pathetic joke, a propaganda arm of whoever controls it, deep state, .gov, wall street insiders, saudis, whatever. Pick your scum of choice.

02-28-23, 21:29
So the gummint lied about everything?! I'm shocked, I tells ya'. SHOCKED!!

03-01-23, 12:02
Also, I'd wager that the majority of congress benefits from china $$ contributions as much as the biden and obama administtrations did or likely continue to do.

You might find Peter Schweizer's "Red-Handed" worth a read.

03-02-23, 09:14
Interesting the US Energy Department of all orgs to come to that conclusion. Where's the CIA or NIH? Anyway, few believed it didn't come from that lab. The real Qs are was it intentional and or was it modified to be more virulent to humans?

I doubt we will ever know the answers to those Qs and that's intentional.

The DoE has a very good and under appreciated intel unit. While they have a big focus on all things nuclear, that ain't their only job.

They assess it as probable with low confidence, which amounts to 'we think it was a lab leak with a 51% probability.'

03-02-23, 11:07
The DoE has a very good and under appreciated intel unit. While they have a big focus on all things nuclear, that ain't their only job.

They assess it as probable with low confidence, which amounts to 'we think it was a lab leak with a 51% probability.'

Which no doubt has allowed them to do their job without media, politics, etc, etc being involved, which may now change. There's all sorts of units within orgs we never hear about while the shiny ball for the plebs is the CIA. On the 51%, I think that's rational assessment. While there's a number of data points that merge on the likelihood it came from the lab, there's no hard evidence it did (that we in the public are privy to at least), whether we like that reality or not. That they were honest enough to say that the assessment had low confidence, adds to their credibility.

03-02-23, 11:31
Which no doubt has allowed them to do their job without media, politics, etc, etc being involved, which may now change. There's all sorts of units within orgs we never hear about while the shiny ball for the plebs is the CIA. On the 51%, I think that's rational assessment. While there's a number of data points that merge on the likelihood it came from the lab, there's no hard evidence it did (that we in the public are privy to at least), whether we like that reality or not. That they were honest enough to say that the assessment had low confidence, adds to their credibility.

I'm not that bright when it comes to science, or imunology, but even I knew availble masks very likely wouldn't help and might only make matter worse. I knew if I got it and survived I would most likely be immune, I also sat back and watched our Country go to hell as this was mismanaged.
Perhaps "Mismanaged" isnt the correct word, because the way it was managed, freedom lost and tyranny won, which was what this was all about since the get go.
They walked away with a Presidential Election by feeding on your fear and their ability to fix a horse race. They broke the bank with giveaways until it caused a recession.
The Left made major strides forward in their agenda in schools.
No, this escaped the Lab, the Chinese covered it up and to protect their economy they exported it as quickly as possible so everyone felt the pain.
Our POTUS is in the pocket of the Chinese and is selling us out.

03-02-23, 15:26
So the gummint lied about everything?! I'm shocked, I tells ya'. SHOCKED!!

I am sorely disappointed; this whole time I thought it started with some peasant eating a bowl of bat soup just down the street from the Wuhan biolab. Wow, don’t I feel silly.

03-02-23, 16:22
First few minutes of this vid tell the story of how far back this BS goes...crazy stuff.


03-02-23, 16:41
First few minutes of this vid tell the story of how far back this BS goes...crazy stuff.



03-02-23, 17:48
It is OBVIOUSLY easier to fool a people , than convince a people they have been fooled !
This country is destroyed !

03-02-23, 21:19

03-03-23, 07:02

You can't invent a virus. You can engineer a virus, modify a virus, screw with a virus. This particular coronavirus is prevalent in bats in China. It is just about 100% the base virus came from bats. Now, what happened between a virus being in a bat and it infecting China, then the world, is the question.

03-04-23, 18:38
MISHAP??? That's fukking laughable.

I'm sure you're right. That virus is so effective, so deadly, so dangerous, they clearly had their final weaponized version. No way something that strong and dangerous was an accident

03-04-23, 21:20
I may not know a damned thing about virus's but I know people and knowing people, it's most likely that human error occured.
That shit leaked out and spread like wildfire at first. The only hope the Chinese Government had in containing it was not to.
They packed up bunch of folks and began spreading it everywhere, but as specially to the U.S. We were the only hope for a cure.
Had China not done that their .gov would have failed, anarchy would rule the day.

03-04-23, 21:55
You can't invent a virus. You can engineer a virus, modify a virus, screw with a virus. This particular coronavirus is prevalent in bats in China. It is just about 100% the base virus came from bats. Now, what happened between a virus being in a bat and it infecting China, then the world, is the question.

Lol. Some people are true believers.


03-05-23, 18:52

It's almost a lock it originated in bats. But per below:

You can't invent a virus. You can engineer a virus, modify a virus, screw with a virus. This particular coronavirus is prevalent in bats in China. It is just about 100% the base virus came from bats. Now, what happened between a virus being in a bat and it infecting China, then the world, is the question.

It's interesting to note no intermediary species for it to infect humans has been identified. Very unlikely apparently it would go bat -> humans, unless someone was messing with it. Additional support for it being gain of function manipulated? Not sure.

03-05-23, 22:03
It's almost a lock it originated in bats. But per below:

It's interesting to note no intermediary species for it to infect humans has been identified. Very unlikely apparently it would go bat -> humans, unless someone was messing with it. Additional support for it being gain of function manipulated? Not sure.

I am not a virologist (and many Including Will have way more medical knowledge than I) but it was explained to me this way:

A new virus develops in and adapts to a host species. Any other species there is a 1 in "whuthefuqever" chance that it even survives. There is a 1 in "ohmythatsabignumber" chance that it propagates and becomes virulent. So the number of transmission events is the key. The more the infected species has transmission events in common with another species the more likely it is to make the incredibly unlikely jump to the new species. So while any one contact has the possibility to jump, it makes winning the Powerball seem like a walk in the park. So bats transmit to something they have regular contact with, which has regular contact with humans, so it's a numbers game. Right?

I ain't lecturing here. I'm asking if am understanding that "explain it like I'm a 5yo" explanation correctly.

03-06-23, 10:57
It's almost a lock it originated in bats.....It's interesting to note no intermediary species for it to infect humans has been identified. Very unlikely apparently it would go bat -> humans, unless someone was messing with it. Additional support for it being gain of function manipulated? Not sure.

I have a 2007 article ("SARS-CoV AS AN AGENT OF EMERGING/REEMERGING INFECTION") in Clinical Microbiology Review that is suggestive of easily transmittable of SARS-CoV from horseshoe bats to humans. Attached. Not sure it needs an intermediary if a person eats or is around an infected bat. What I do not know is, if that happens, how transmissible is that disease? We know some similar viruses are hard to transmit, and this one spread like wildfire. I could imagine where a lab engineered a hard-to-spread virus into an easy-to-spread virus.

03-06-23, 23:51
I am not a virologist (and many Including Will have way more medical knowledge than I) but it was explained to me this way:

A new virus develops in and adapts to a host species. Any other species there is a 1 in "whuthefuqever" chance that it even survives. There is a 1 in "ohmythatsabignumber" chance that it propagates and becomes virulent. So the number of transmission events is the key. The more the infected species has transmission events in common with another species the more likely it is to make the incredibly unlikely jump to the new species. So while any one contact has the possibility to jump, it makes winning the Powerball seem like a walk in the park. So bats transmit to something they have regular contact with, which has regular contact with humans, so it's a numbers game. Right?

I ain't lecturing here. I'm asking if am understanding that "explain it like I'm a 5yo" explanation correctly.

Not exactly, its more like they took the original SARS virus that originally came from bats which was so-so at spreading to humans and passed it through several different lines of cell cultures till they got a strain that was really good at human to human transmission, thats the dumbed down version of gain of function research. What they were doing wasn't rocket science and could be done at pretty much any decently sized university. What the exact process or order of different cell cultures is the million dollar question which we will probably never know since they torched all the evidence.

But all this talk of it being a bioweapon, its a pretty s***ty bioweapon so highly unlikely, maybe eventually if they could make it lethal enough which also leans more towards it escaping accidentally.

03-07-23, 06:49
But all this talk of it being a bioweapon, its a pretty s***ty bioweapon so highly unlikely, maybe eventually if they could make it lethal enough which also leans more towards it escaping accidentally.

It's because it escaped accidently during it's developement.
It's going to hitch hike out the lab on someones sleeve, or someone got infected inside the lab. That person goes down to the meat market next door and does a little shopping and comes into contact with two dozen people. Once they were infected they came in to contact with two dozen people etc. etc.
Now the virus is constantly changing and developing as it goes along mutating to live. Now eventually this mutation will weaken it, but right now this thing is virrulant.
A week later China realises they have a real problem.

03-07-23, 07:50
Not exactly, its more like they took the original SARS virus that originally came from bats which was so-so at spreading to humans and passed it through several different lines of cell cultures till they got a strain that was really good at human to human transmission, thats the dumbed down version of gain of function research. What they were doing wasn't rocket science and could be done at pretty much any decently sized university. What the exact process or order of different cell cultures is the million dollar question which we will probably never know since they torched all the evidence.

But all this talk of it being a bioweapon, its a pretty s***ty bioweapon so highly unlikely, maybe eventually if they could make it lethal enough which also leans more towards it escaping accidentally.

I was speaking to the natural path, of which there appears to be no evidence. Appreciate the primer on the more likely path though. Had been thinking they infected animals for GoF experiments, hadn't thought of just using cell cultures.

03-07-23, 07:59
It's because it escaped accidently during it's developement.
It's going to hitch hike out the lab on someones sleeve, or someone got infected inside the lab. That person goes down to the meat market next door and does a little shopping and comes into contact with two dozen people. Once they were infected they came in to contact with two dozen people etc. etc.
Now the virus is constantly changing and developing as it goes along mutating to live. Now eventually this mutation will weaken it, but right now this thing is virrulant.
A week later China realises they have a real problem.

Someone getting infected is a possibility; but it cannot hitchhike. It needs a host with a respiratory tract. You are correct in viral mutation along the way. It is definitely virulent, although it's strength (as gauged by M&M) is 'meh'.

I was speaking to the natural path, of which there appears to be no evidence. Appreciate the primer on the more likely path though. Had been thinking they infected animals for GoF experiments, hadn't thought of just using cell cultures.

SARS-CoV has a natural path, and it evolves through zoonosis. If it had come simply from an infected bat at a wet market, it may have been just as bad, but most likely over a longer period of time. It would have been a different story if it had been in Shang Hi or Beijing.

03-11-23, 12:42
Biden 'dragging his feet' on COVID origins intel because it will 'open Pandora's box,'


After the House and Senate passed a bill requiring the Biden administration to declassify intelligence on the COVID origins, President Biden dodged questions from reporters about his decision Friday. On "Fox & Friends Weekend" Saturday, Florida Rep. Kat Cammack argued the president's reluctance to make a decision on the intel reports is because it will "open Pandora's box" and expose other "collusion" surrounding the administration.

I know this passed the house on a bipartisan unanimous vote, if it passed the senate similarly it’ll become law with or without pudding pops signature...

03-11-23, 13:04
Biden 'dragging his feet' on COVID origins intel because it will 'open Pandora's box,'


I know this passed the house on a bipartisan unanimous vote, if it passed the senate similarly it’ll become law with or without pudding pops signature...

Not exactly. Biden can sign it and it becomes law. He can not sign it and it becomes law after 10 days (unless Congress adjourns). If Poopypantz vetoes the bill it would need to go back and be repassed by 2/3 majority in each house. Blah, blah courtesy of schoolhouse rock.

But, Biden will most likely allow it to become law without signature and then just ignore it. There are a lot of things that are "law" that the government just never actually acts on to comply. Happens all the time. Border security is law several times over? How's that working out?

03-12-23, 17:32
Well this guy just threw Fauci waaaaay under the Bus.

I would guess that they are no longer friends.

03-12-23, 17:43
There also speculation it originated at the Ft Detrick lab. Hence the Wuhan cover story.

03-12-23, 17:51
There also speculation it originated at the Ft Detrick lab. Hence the Wuhan cover story.

You do love you a good America hating commie loving conspiracy don’t you?

How Fort Detrick became a centre for Chinese conspiracies


Chinese sources have been amplifying a baseless claim that Covid-19 was made in the US.
Using everything from rap music to fake Facebook posts...

Chinese rap songs, really....

03-12-23, 18:24
You do love you a good America hating commie loving conspiracy don’t you?

How Fort Detrick became a centre for Chinese conspiracies


Chinese rap songs, really....

The gov doesn't have a good track record for telling the truth.

Do you really think the gov would admit to a lab leak? or create a cover?

Recognition that the US is in decline is not hating America.

03-12-23, 18:33
The gov doesn't have a good track record for telling the truth.

Do you really think the gov would admit to a lab leak? or create a cover?

Recognition that the US is in decline is not hating America.

Declinism, it’s a bit of a mental disorder...

03-12-23, 18:38
Biden 'dragging his feet' on COVID origins intel because it will 'open Pandora's box,'


I know this passed the house on a bipartisan unanimous vote, if it passed the senate similarly it’ll become law with or without pudding pops signature...

If the title to your post is the title the article, this is why I trust nothing I read and less than nothing of what people post.

A headline that shows "Biden 'dragging his feet' on COVID origins intel because it will 'open Pandora's box,'" implies that Biden actually shared/said that...then I see the quote that "Kat Cammack argued the president's reluctance to make a decision on the intel reports is because it will "open Pandora's box""

03-12-23, 18:46
this is why I trust nothing I read and less than nothing of what people post."

So you basically go thru life informationless?

If not then where do you source your information if by your own admission you don’t trust anything or anyone?

03-12-23, 19:10
Well this guy just threw Fauci waaaaay under the Bus.
I would guess that they are no longer friends.

The rats are fleeing the sinking ship, of course they going to throw Fauci under the bus. He wanted the fame for slowing the spread but now he gets all the blame, pretty fitting. At least some MSM outlets are picking up on the Fauci-NIH funding-Wuhan lab connection. How Fauci isnt locked up yet is beyond me or maybe they're afraid he might squeal on the other financial backers of this gain of function research which might lead back all the way to gov't sources.

03-13-23, 16:17
Well this guy just threw Fauci waaaaay under the Bus.

I would guess that they are no longer friends.


Meanwhile Fauci continues to whine about threats every time someone disagrees with him:


“Every time somebody gets up and spouts some nonsense that’s misinformation, disinformation and outright lies, somebody somewhere decides they want to do harm to me and/or my family,” Fauci said on CNN.

I think my response can be summed up nicely by Tom Cotton: “I'm sorry that's happening to you. Best of luck.” :rolleyes:

03-13-23, 17:00
It's nothing but pangolins, pangolins all the way down.


03-16-23, 20:20

Meanwhile Fauci continues to whine about threats every time someone disagrees with him:


I think my response can be summed up nicely by Tom Cotton: “I'm sorry that's happening to you. Best of luck.” :rolleyes:

I'll go stronger: "Shoulda thought of that possible consequence BEFORE you decided to indulge your masturbatory fantasies of going Full Fascist F---stain. GFY, POS, piss on you and all who support you."

03-17-23, 01:13
I'll go stronger: "Shoulda thought of that possible consequence BEFORE you decided to indulge your masturbatory fantasies of going Full Fascist F---stain. GFY, POS, piss on you and all who support you."

I’ll go even further. Nothing explains everything that went on during that election year unless it was orchestrated.

Do you really think these people are stupid enough to get literally everything wrong to this day?

It was calculated manipulation and orchestration of a larger psy op to steal the election.

There is literally NOTHING else that explains everything that has transpired over the last six years.

03-21-23, 12:53
I know it's been reported that the Wuhan lab received some US funds but didn't realize it was to the extent that the Wuhan lab's signage is in English. Looks like an American lab that simply operates in China to avoid US law and regulation. Imagine what Americans would say about an experimental lab in the US with a Chinese sign?


03-21-23, 17:19
I know it's been reported that the Wuhan lab received some US funds but didn't realize it was to the extent that the Wuhan lab's signage is in English. Looks like an American lab that simply operates in China to avoid US law and regulation. Imagine what Americans would say about an experimental lab in the US with a Chinese sign?


Well "science" is the new age religion, so I'm sure there are plenty of idiots who'd think it was just fine because "SCIENCE!" :rolleyes:

03-21-23, 18:31
Well "science" is the new age religion, so I'm sure there are plenty of idiots who'd think it was just fine because "SCIENCE!" :rolleyes:

Remember Fauci IS science, follow the science...

...off a cliff.

03-22-23, 18:14
2 US Air Force Cadets have recently died from the covid jab per L Todd Wood

03-22-23, 18:22
Racoon Dogs.
Yes, it was Raccon Dogs that gave us this virus....

03-22-23, 19:24
...off a cliff.

.......Like a damned Lemming.

The "poors" who don't get good medical care were even smart enough to figure it out. Harvard grads all lined up like dutiful Lemmings to the slaughter and the "poors" saw through their bullshit.

This guy absolutely rubbed it in their faces while they were traveling around DC doing their duty to the "poors."


Remember this quote: "When you start talking about paying people to get vaccinated, when you start talking about incentivizing things to get people vaccinated, there is something else going on with that."

03-22-23, 19:47
A Southwest pilot became incapacitated mid flight today and a non Southwest pilot that was a passenger had to take over.

This is occurring with increasing regularity but its not in the MSM.

03-23-23, 08:36
A Southwest pilot became incapacitated mid flight today and a non Southwest pilot that was a passenger had to take over.

This is occurring with increasing regularity but its not in the MSM.

Why didn't the second officer take over?

03-23-23, 08:45
Why didn't the second officer take over?

Two-man flight deck, pilot and first officer. FO probably either wasn't ready for PIC yet or was nominally in charge but deferred in seniority to "second butt in seats." You do not just solo a 737...

03-23-23, 10:29
.......Like a damned Lemming.

The "poors" who don't get good medical care were even smart enough to figure it out. Harvard grads all lined up like dutiful Lemmings to the slaughter and the "poors" saw through their bullshit.

This guy absolutely rubbed it in their faces while they were traveling around DC doing their duty to the "poors."


Remember this quote: "When you start talking about paying people to get vaccinated, when you start talking about incentivizing things to get people vaccinated, there is something else going on with that."

Meh, looks like a bunch of MAGAt Republican anti-vax science deniers the media was going on about during that time frame. :rolleyes:

BTW, are we absolutely sure Fauci didn't have anything to do with the Tuskegee Experiment? :confused:

03-23-23, 14:15
Two-man flight deck, pilot and first officer. FO probably either wasn't ready for PIC yet or was nominally in charge but deferred in seniority to "second butt in seats." You do not just solo a 737...
You can absolutely solo pilot a 737. The Southwest deal was a non-rev courtesy passenger that they knew was a pilot. His only function in the cockpit was radio communication and the Southwest co-pilot did the rest. Had that guy not been on board, the Southwest co-pilot could have handled it fine.

03-26-23, 16:42

The rate of myocarditis spiked in the military in 2021, newly disclosed data show.

Diagnoses of myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation, jumped 130.5 percent in 2021 when compared to the average from the years 2016 to 2020, according to data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED).
The data was downloaded by a whistleblower and presented to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.).
Myocarditis is a serious condition that can lead to death.
All four of the COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the United States can cause myocarditis, according to U.S. officials. They added a warning for Johnson & Johnson’s shot this month.
COVID-19 can also cause myocarditis, though some experts say the data on that front is weaker.
The whistleblower downloaded the data from DMED in 2023, about a year after the Pentagon said it fixed a data corruption issue with the military health system.
The data also showed spikes in diagnoses of pulmonary embolism (41.2 percent), ovarian dysfunction (38.2 percent), and “complications and ill-defined descriptions of heart disease” (37.7 percent).
Johnson called the spike in diagnoses “concerning.”
The Pentagon and the Defense Health Agency, which manages the DMED, did not respond to requests for comment.
Difference in Percentages

The newly disclosed data also showed higher increases than the Pentagon previously reported.
The military, for instance, had claimed that the rate of pulmonary embolism had increased just 25.4 percent in 2021.
Both rates were much lower than 468 percent.
That was among the shocking spikes in disease diagnoses identified by whistleblowers in 2022.
After the spikes were made public, military officials claimed the increases were not correct because some diagnoses in the years 2016 to 2020 had not been counted.
The undercounts stemmed from “corrupt” data, the military told Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) in a 2022 letter. The problem was fixed in early 2022, officials said. They gave Johnson a list of percentage increases of 15 diagnoses on Feb. 15, 2022.
The newly disclosed data, though, showed higher increases than were reported on that list.
Diseases of the nervous system increased 9.5 percent in 2021, compared to the 5.7 percent the Pentagon had said, according to the whistleblower data. Hypertension increased 12.6 percent, not 1.9 percent. Testicular cancer increased 16.3 percent, not 3 percent.
Other rates were lower than the Pentagon reported. Female infertility, for example, was reported by officials as increasing in 2021 by 13.2 percent. But the new data shows an increase of 4.3 percent.
“The most recent DoD whistleblower provided my office with DMED data that showed different percent changes compared to what DoD provided last year,” Johnson, the top Republican on the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations, wrote in a March 21 letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
“It remains unclear how DoD calculated the percent changes for these specific registered diagnoses after the DMED data issue was allegedly fixed. Further, the recent whistleblower data highlighted above raises additional questions as to why the whistleblowers percent changes differ from DoD’s percent changes if the data source for both calculations was DMED,” he added.
Johnson asked Austin to provide answers by April 4.

03-27-23, 18:58
If you hang around long enough Conspiracy Theories become facts.
I remember telling my Son that this had escaped a lab in China and that most likely the Chinese have sent infected people all over the World from WuHan.

I thought and said the exact same thing 3 years ago and I still believe it. Love him or hate him, Trump was engaged in a full on trade war with China when all of this happened and winning, and it was China’s way of creating a scenario to remove him from power or at the very least, change the subject. I can’t really stand Trump personally, but that’s what I think happened. Intentional lab leak followed by putting some infected guys on planes to the US and Europe. Boom. Global pandemic. Trade war game over.

03-28-23, 05:18
I thought and said the exact same thing 3 years ago and I still believe it. Love him or hate him, Trump was engaged in a full on trade war with China when all of this happened and winning, and it was China’s way of creating a scenario to remove him from power or at the very least, change the subject. I can’t really stand Trump personally, but that’s what I think happened. Intentional lab leak followed by putting some infected guys on planes to the US and Europe. Boom. Global pandemic. Trade war game over.

If you take all of that is fact, why doesn't someone with some real political power come out and say it?
A simple time-line + numbers of infected + Locations of infected people, then track that by day on a Map. I'm not sure it would be easy to get ahold of, but you could cross corrolate with tickets out of Wu Han.
I'm pretty sure you're correct.

03-28-23, 09:02
If you take all of that is fact, why doesn't someone with some real political power come out and say it?
I'm pretty sure you're correct.

Because the deep state was in on it. Don't forget, we had a "General" calling China to tell them he'd stop Trump, stew on that for a minute. (He's still a General) In fact, we're STILL seeing their hystrionics over Tump in the State controlled Fake News Legacy media. Just last week the walls were closing in again and he was going to be cuffed. As I predicted, poof, nothing. It is all being orchestrated.

XiDen is figuratively and literally burning down the house and the theme of Orange Man bad is stonger than ever.

03-28-23, 09:06
If you take all of that is fact, why doesn't someone with some real political power come out and say it?
Because it opens cans of worms that NOBODY wants opened on either side, like by US doctrine a bioweapon attack is treated the same as a nuclear first strike. I've repeatedly noted this in this and other COVID threads. I believe a deliberate decision was made to sprea this thing, and that the pols are not Turning Keys because some are bought, some believe "better Red than dead" and some are playing a longer term chessgame looking for a way to bring justice short of nuclear retaliation and pulling the pin on World War III. (Which I believe to be coming anyway, it's "when not if" and if you follow Strauss-Howe generational theory due alarmingly soon as this cycle's every-four-generations "reset the board.")

03-28-23, 09:11
Because it opens cans of worms that NOBODY wants opened on either side, like by US doctrine a bioweapon attack is treated the same as a nuclear first strike. I've repeatedly noted this in this and other COVID threads. I believe a deliberate decision was made to sprea this thing, and that the pols are not Turning Keys because some are bought, some believe "better Red than dead" and some are playing a longer term chessgame looking for a way to bring justice short of nuclear retaliation and pulling the pin on World War III. (Which I believe to be coming anyway, it's "when not if" and if you follow Strauss-Howe generational theory due alarmingly soon as this cycle's every-four-generations "reset the board.")

BINGO. China would shut Mitch's shipping business down in a heartbeat. They funded it, they can take it down.

Anyone who doesn't beleive this needs to watch this.


03-28-23, 11:47
If you hang around long enough Conspiracy Theories become facts.
I remember telling my Son that this had escaped a lab in China and that most likely the Chinese have sent infected people all over the World from WuHan.

There were videos of Asian individuals coughing into tissues and then wiping them on park benches, door handles, etc. That doesn't prove a connection to the CCP as it could have be lone actors, a false-flag, or even staged for viral video views, but as far as I know these were never investigated.

03-28-23, 11:50
I thought and said the exact same thing 3 years ago and I still believe it. Love him or hate him, Trump was engaged in a full on trade war with China when all of this happened and winning, and it was China’s way of creating a scenario to remove him from power or at the very least, change the subject.

What of the protests in Hong Kong? The lockdown was convenient if nothing else.

03-29-23, 08:22
I thought and said the exact same thing 3 years ago and I still believe it. Love him or hate him, Trump was engaged in a full on trade war with China when all of this happened and winning, and it was China’s way of creating a scenario to remove him from power or at the very least, change the subject. I can’t really stand Trump personally, but that’s what I think happened. Intentional lab leak followed by putting some infected guys on planes to the US and Europe. Boom. Global pandemic. Trade war game over.

Exactly. Sun Tzu would be proud of them. They have accomplished the acme of skill.

04-06-23, 08:11
Excellent discussion With Shawn R and (ret) CIA operative Andrew Bustamante. My take: If there was hard proof it was intentional by China, that's an act of war. As such proof will never exist, making the leap to intent is a bad idea. What we do know is the CCP knew about covid and tried to hide it while people continued to fly internationally and did not cooperate with WHO, etc. Is that an act of war? Regardless, CCP can't be trusted, funding their lab a TERRIBLE idea, a viral WMD dropped on the planet, millions dead, and not one person held accountable far as I'm aware.


04-14-23, 16:48
I haven’t watched all of it yet. But what I have seen, should scare the living shit out of people or just Royally piss you off.

At least the first part is morticians finding strange clots in dead folks they’ve never seen before.

If this link doesn't work for you search on rumble for "Died Suddenly." Hard for me to fathom a world where morticians decide to make this kind of shit up.


04-14-23, 17:29
A large percentage of people just want the blue pill.