View Full Version : Lori Lightfoot loses her Chicago Mayor Primary.

03-01-23, 07:11
Beetlejuice was humiliated and lost he Chicago Primary.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot lost her bid for re-election Tuesday, ending her historic run as the city’s first Black woman and first openly gay person to serve in the position.
Lightfoot, a Democrat, failed to get enough votes in the nine-person race to move on to an April 4 runoff election, according to projections by The Associated Press.
Paul Vallas, a former CEO of Chicago schools, will face Brandon Johnson, a Cook County commissioner endorsed by the Chicago Teachers Union.

03-01-23, 07:16
Too funny! This is what I got when I searched Beetlejuice. She’s bad as can.

03-01-23, 07:23
Its like watching the Water melt the Wicked Witch of the West !

03-01-23, 07:29
Biden will snap her right up. She has all the right qualifications and is a total failure. She'll fit right in.

03-01-23, 08:13
She lost due to racism right? That Sid the Sloth looking piece of corrupt shit!

03-01-23, 08:53
The last republican mayor in Chicago was 1931. Chicago has had a democrat in the mayor’s office every year since 1933. Lightfoot is simply the latest failure to hold that job. The next guy in line will deliver their own brand of liberal crap and the city will suffer for it.

And if morning breath had a face, it would look like Lori Lightfoot…..

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03-01-23, 09:10
This is what she recently said, so yes, I would say she feels racism played a part in her downfall.


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is facing fierce criticism for comments she made while campaigning Saturday, suggesting that Black residents should vote for her or not vote at all.

Seeking to build support on the city's South and West Sides, Lightfoot spoke at a rally inside Greenwood Oasis church in the city's Grand Crossing neighborhood, addressing Black voters.

"Any vote coming out of the South Side for somebody not named Lightfoot is a vote for Chuy Garcia or Paul Vallas," the mayor told the crowd, in part, mentioning her only Latino and white opponents in the race. "If you want them controlling your faith and your destiny, then stay home. Then don't vote..."

03-01-23, 09:58
Don’t worry, the two remaining ComDems in the runoff will be just as corrupt and inept as all their predecessors.

03-01-23, 10:59
This is what she recently said, so yes, I would say she feels racism played a part in her downfall.


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is facing fierce criticism for comments she made while campaigning Saturday, suggesting that Black residents should vote for her or not vote at all.

Seeking to build support on the city's South and West Sides, Lightfoot spoke at a rally inside Greenwood Oasis church in the city's Grand Crossing neighborhood, addressing Black voters.

"Any vote coming out of the South Side for somebody not named Lightfoot is a vote for Chuy Garcia or Paul Vallas," the mayor told the crowd, in part, mentioning her only Latino and white opponents in the race. "If you want them controlling your faith and your destiny, then stay home. Then don't vote..."

Voter suppression, anyone??? :confused:

03-01-23, 11:00
Eciujelteeb, Eciujelteeb, Eciujelteeb.

I did that….

03-01-23, 12:18
Couldn't happen to a nicer slug. Now she can join "The View" or some other libtard shit show and tell us how racist we all are.

03-01-23, 13:25
Couldn't happen to a nicer slug. Now she can join "The View" or some other libtard shit show and tell us how racist we all are.

THey even have standards. That lady is too ugly for radio…

03-01-23, 16:34
Hundreds just like her still in office, dems and republicans

03-01-23, 17:56
Aparently her Chief of Police and one DA have already hit the door running to get away from this mess.

03-01-23, 17:59
Meh, it's f'ing Chi-town. It ain't like the next guy is gonna even be a staunch moderate. Hell, it'll probably get worse.

She is already blaming racism, misogyny, homophobia, et al for her loss BTW. Not like SHE had anything to do with it. Hell, she even managed to piss off most of her lefty base.

03-01-23, 18:25
It’s Chicago so it’s still going to be a mess, but she did nothing to win people over besides some small handouts that really just hurt more than they helped. Standing by during the riots and then adding to her security team on her street when they were pushing out of downtown only made her look worse. Going out and getting hair done during COVID saying it was hygiene but telling others to stay home, made her look bad. Blaming police when 13 year olds run from them after shooting at people and getting shot themselves made her look bad. She did this to herself and she deserves to be blackballed from every job in the state. Unfortunately, she’ll likely get a job for the governor downstate and spread her awfulness to the whole state.

Personally, I didn’t feel any of the candidates were qualified but at least she got the boot.

The police superintendent sucked too, not as bad as the interim before him but he tried to restore the downtown at the expense of the neighborhoods, and that was a bigger problem. There’s a lot more people that live in the neighborhoods than in the downtown.

The SA was likely on his way out due to being soft on some crime but hard on others, and knew something would happen when new law enforcement started digging into things.

Yeah, that city is corrupt as hell, but don’t stand out and you’ll do fine. These folks didn’t do that.

03-01-23, 18:46
Let’s just call it like it is. She’s a liberal black lesbian and she thought that made her invincible. Upon losing to an almost completely black field of candidates (one hispanic and one white guy), she can only assume it’s because everyone in Chicago is a homophobic racist. It couldn’t possibly be because she’s a deeply flawed POS who couldn’t run a shitter in a strip club! :rolleyes:

03-01-23, 19:02
He was kept in his job by Lori, as soon as she was done so was he, no other candidate would deal with him.

john armond
03-01-23, 19:36
I really wish the secondcitycop blog was still up and running right now. It was run by current and ex Chicago cops and was a good read with a bunch of humor. They were ruthless with Beetlejuice.

03-01-23, 20:02
Aparently her Chief of Police and one DA have already hit the door running to get away from this mess.

Eddie Johnson slept it off behind the wheel a few years back.

03-01-23, 21:10
Eddie Johnson slept it off behind the wheel a few years back.

Wasn’t that after partying with/banging one of his subordinates?

03-01-23, 21:24
Cool, so which leftist democrat with the same idiotic policies will take over?

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03-01-23, 22:31
Wasn’t that after partying with/banging one of his subordinates?

I didn't read that one way back when, but yeah. Part of his security detail.


At least the kidney he is riding hard and putting up wet was donated by his son.