View Full Version : Any one following the Scott Adams controversy?

03-01-23, 11:08
Pretty intresting...


Is this true?
What do you believe?

03-01-23, 11:42
He should have followed his own advice.

03-01-23, 11:57
Idiot draws a not very funny and increasingly irrelevant cartoon
Idiot opens mouth to get attention
Idiot gets cancelled

It's a tale as old as time...

03-01-23, 12:22
I see this the same way I see any Republican deciding to comment on women's reproductive systems. "What were you thinking?"

There's no upside in commenting on the subject at all. Ever.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-01-23, 12:58
Maybe he wanted to retire early. What a dumbass

03-01-23, 13:18
Maybe he wanted to retire early. What a dumbass

This guy has been doing "Dilbert" for 30 years, in it's heyday he was a hero.
I'm sure he stacked enough back to buy and sell me a dozen times. Maybe instead of stupid, he's just had his fill of their BS and called 'em on it.

03-01-23, 13:23
I didn’t realize that he was still drawing cartoons? I know he has been on social media. Enough reruns to last a literal lifetime.

Almost like he was having a bad day. The idea that race relations are bad and that many black people think poorly of white people is bad. He could have gone at it a bunch of different ways, but for some reason he went straight goofy.

03-01-23, 13:40
When Adams came out as a Trump supporter years ago he triggered a lot of snowflakes. I was fine with him until his recent ignorant vax support comments. Now I find myself agreeing with some of what he’s saying here but he went about it wrong. So I’m not sure if this is a broken clock right twice a day type thing, does he believe in what he’s saying, is he a troll, or all three?

BTW, the poll he based his comments off has some big issues.

“Rasmussen polled 1,000 people, only 130 of whom were black. If you do the math, 47 percent of 130 adds up to a whopping 61 black Americans. If you think 130 black folks somehow represent the attitudes of the more than 40 million African Americans in the country, I have some prime beachfront property in Montana to sell you on the cheap.”


03-01-23, 13:54
“Rasmussen polled 1,000 people, only 130 of whom were black. If you do the math, 47 percent of 130 adds up to a whopping 61 black Americans. If you think 130 black folks somehow represent the attitudes of the more than 40 million African Americans in the country, I have some prime beachfront property in Montana to sell you on the cheap.”


I dunno, as a Teacher I pretty much found the hate and distrust part of the job as a White Male Teacher..

03-01-23, 14:00
Lotus Eaters have done a couple videos about it on their podcast.
Yes their english but they are very down to earth people who dont like this woke nonsense.
They do have some oddball folks on from time to time, they also talk about a lot of historical stuff in their premium stuff.


As for this whole Scott thing, well hes not wrong.
unless don lemon wants to make a 2013 hot take again

03-01-23, 14:03
Adams is a good example of a guy who should have "stayed in his lane." Being very successful at one thing, and reasonably smart, does not guarantee success at anything else. He's been pretty mediocre, at best, as a social media figure. His cartoon was very good for a long time, and became predictable and mediocre maybe 10 years ago, long before Covid or even Trump's presidency.

The poll he cited and his comments came across badly, much like Jordan Peterson comes across to me - cringeworthy.

In terms of black-white race relations in the USA, I have found huge differences based on the person's age and where they grew up.

03-01-23, 14:39
In terms of black-white race relations in the USA, I have found huge differences based on the person's age and where they grew up.
I'm 61 and spent most of my life in or working directly with the Military. I had no idea how racisit the rest of the world was.
I was shocked to be immeadiatly hated for my skin color. I was shocked even more shocked that my Son couldn't be tested for gifted and talented because he's half black.
I didn't make this mess, I am however very well aware of how to prevent being entangled in it.

Some folks at this point would point out some FBI Statistics, but hey, do you need to see all that again?
Stay with your own.

03-01-23, 16:33
I see this the same way I see any Republican deciding to comment on women's reproductive systems. "What were you thinking?"

There's no upside in commenting on the subject at all. Ever.

People have opinions and its good to have them out in the open for debate.

The upside is changing peoples minds, or firming up their beliefs.

That said, in this specific case, it appears he's basing his opinions on a flawed poll

03-01-23, 16:36
People have opinions and its good to have them out in the open for debate.

The upside is changing peoples minds, or firming up their beliefs.

There's also a pretty good bit of advice that says "Don't skyline yourself in enemy territory."

03-01-23, 16:37
There's also a pretty good bit of advice that says "Don't skyline yourself in enemy territory."

Does he care or was he supprised he got canceled?
Maybe this was the hill he wanted to die on.

03-01-23, 17:36
From the man himself.
